After we remodeled our house, we moved to Hawaii.
Correct Answer
B. Adverb Clause
In the sentence, "After we remodeled our house, we moved to Hawaii," the clause "After we remodeled our house" is an adverb clause. Adverb clauses provide information about when, where, why, how, and to what extent something happens, relating to the main clause of the sentence. In this case, the adverb clause "After we remodeled our house" explains the timing of the action described in the main clause, "we moved to Hawaii." It specifies that the move occurred after the completion of the remodeling, thus functioning to modify the verb "moved" by giving a context of time.
Mary heard a frightening noise that would scare the bravest of people.
Correct Answer
A. Adjective Clause
In the sentence, "Mary heard a frightening noise that would scare the bravest of people," the clause "that would scare the bravest of people" is an adjective clause. Adjective clauses function to modify a noun or pronoun in the main clause, providing additional information about that noun. Here, the adjective clause describes "a frightening noise," specifying the kind of impact or effect it could have, even on the bravest individuals. This clause helps to clarify and enhance the understanding of what type of noise Mary heard, directly modifying the noun "noise."
The route which I take to school every day is very scenic.
Correct Answer
A. Adjective Clause
In the sentence, "The route which I take to school every day is very scenic," the clause "which I take to school every day" is an adjective clause. This clause modifies the noun "route," providing more information about which specific route is being referred to. It describes the route in terms of its regular use for a daily journey to school, effectively distinguishing it from potentially other routes. This makes the clause integral in identifying the subject of the sentence and enriching the description of the "route" as scenic.
Although the ozone levels are high, they are still not dangerous.
Correct Answer
B. Adverb Clause
The clause "Although the ozone levels are high" is an adverb clause because it modifies the verb "are" in the main clause. It provides information about the condition under which the ozone levels are not dangerous. Adverb clauses typically begin with subordinating conjunctions like "although," "because," "since," etc.
I will get a reward since I passed my test today.
Correct Answer
B. Adverb Clause
In the sentence, "I will get a reward since I passed my test today," the clause "since I passed my test today" is an adverb clause. This type of clause provides a reason or cause for the main action in the sentence. Here, the adverb clause explains why the speaker will receive a reward, linking the achievement of passing the test to the consequence of receiving a reward. It modifies the main clause "I will get a reward" by indicating the circumstance under which the reward will be given.
The mayor is the person to whom you should write the letter.
Correct Answer
A. Adjective Clause
In the sentence, "The mayor is the person to whom you should write the letter," the clause "to whom you should write the letter" is an adjective clause. This clause modifies the noun "person," specifying who the person is in relation to the action of writing the letter. It describes the role or relevance of the mayor in this context, indicating that the mayor is the appropriate recipient of the letter. Adjective clauses like this one are crucial for adding detailed information about nouns or pronouns in the sentence.
When I get a 100 on this test, Mrs. Weaver will jump for joy!
Correct Answer
B. Adverb Clause
In the sentence, "When I get a 100 on this test, Mrs. Weaver will jump for joy!" the clause "When I get a 100 on this test" is an adverb clause. Adverb clauses provide additional information about the circumstances under which the main action occurs, in this case, explaining when Mrs. Weaver will express her joy. The adverb clause sets a condition for the main clause, indicating that Mrs. Weaver's jubilant reaction is contingent upon the speaker achieving a perfect score on the test. This type of clause often establishes the timing or condition for the events described in the main clause.
Did you like it since we made this educational quiz from the heart?
Correct Answer
B. Adverb clause
In the question, "Did you like it since we made this educational quiz from the heart?" the clause "since we made this educational quiz from the heart" functions as an adverb clause. This clause provides a reason or basis for the main action, explaining why the question about liking the quiz is being asked. It implies a causal relationship, suggesting that the effort and sincerity put into making the quiz might be a reason for appreciation. Adverb clauses like this one modify the main verb by providing additional context or reasoning for the action.
Even after a plane crash, we landed safely.
Correct Answer
B. Adverb clause
In the sentence, "Even after a plane crash, we landed safely," the clause "Even after a plane crash" is an adverb clause. This clause provides information about the circumstances under which the main action (landing safely) occurred. It expresses a condition that contrasts with the outcome, highlighting that despite the severe incident of a plane crash, the landing was still accomplished safely. Adverb clauses like this one are used to give context to the timing, condition, or manner of the actions described in the main clause, adding depth to the understanding of how events unfolded.
The book, which has a black cover, belongs to Stephen.
Correct Answer
A. Adjective clause
In the sentence, "The book, which has a black cover, belongs to Stephen," the clause "which has a black cover" is an adjective clause. This clause modifies the noun "book" by providing additional descriptive information about it—specifically, its appearance. It helps to identify which book is being referred to among potentially many others by describing its cover. Adjective clauses like this one are crucial for adding detail to nouns in the sentence, making it clear which specific object is being discussed.