Who are less likely to seek advice?
Correct Answer
A. Men
Men are less likely to seek advice compared to women. This could be due to various factors such as societal norms, cultural expectations, and gender stereotypes. Men may feel pressured to appear self-reliant and independent, leading them to avoid seeking advice or help from others. Additionally, some men may perceive seeking advice as a sign of weakness or vulnerability. These factors contribute to the tendency for men to be less likely to seek advice compared to women.
Who fares better financially today?
Correct Answer
B. Women
Women fare better financially today. This is because there has been a significant increase in women's participation in the workforce, higher education attainment, and closing of the gender pay gap in many countries. Additionally, there has been a rise in women-owned businesses and entrepreneurship, leading to greater financial independence and success for women. These factors contribute to women's improved financial status compared to the past.
Who buys more new cars at a young age?
Correct Answer
B. Women
Women buy more new cars at a young age. This could be due to various reasons such as women being more financially independent, having higher education levels, and being more career-oriented. Additionally, women might have different preferences when it comes to choosing a car, prioritizing factors such as safety, reliability, and fuel efficiency. Overall, these factors contribute to women being more likely to purchase new cars at a young age compared to men.
Who can read a smaller print?
Correct Answer
A. Men
Men can read smaller print because, on average, they tend to have better visual acuity than women. Visual acuity refers to the ability to see fine details and small print clearly. Studies have shown that men generally have a slightly higher visual acuity than women, which allows them to read smaller text more easily. This difference in visual acuity is believed to be influenced by various factors, including genetics and hormonal differences between men and women.
Who can hear better?
Correct Answer
B. Women
Women can hear better than men. This is because women generally have a higher frequency range of hearing than men. Additionally, women tend to have better hearing in the higher frequencies, which allows them to detect softer sounds and have a more acute sense of hearing overall. This difference in hearing ability between men and women is believed to be influenced by biological factors, such as hormonal differences and the structure of the inner ear.
Who are most likely to sleep on their stomach or back?
Correct Answer
A. Men Stomach; Women Back
Men are most likely to sleep on their stomach, while women are most likely to sleep on their back. This is because men tend to prefer sleeping in a position that allows them to spread out and feel more comfortable, which is often on their stomach. On the other hand, women often choose to sleep on their back as it is considered to be a healthier position for spinal alignment and reduces the risk of wrinkles and sagging breasts.
Among American _____, those with the highest income are most likely to be overweight. Among American _____, those with the lowest income are most likely to be overweight.
Correct Answer
B. Men; Women
Among American men, those with the highest income are most likely to be overweight. This could be attributed to factors such as sedentary lifestyles, high-stress jobs, and limited time for exercise and healthy meal preparation. On the other hand, among American women, those with the lowest income are most likely to be overweight. This could be due to limited access to nutritious food options, higher rates of food insecurity, and less opportunity for physical activity.
Who represent the majority of the online market?
Correct Answer
B. Women
The majority of the online market is represented by women. This implies that there are more women who engage in online shopping, online activities, and online transactions compared to men. Women's presence and influence in the online market are significant, making them a crucial target demographic for businesses and marketers.
Who influences the household consumer electronic buying decisions more?
Correct Answer
B. Women
Women are suggested to be the ones who influence household consumer electronic buying decisions more. This could be due to various factors such as women being more involved in household management and decision-making, having a greater influence on family purchasing choices, or having a higher interest and knowledge in consumer electronics. Additionally, women might also be more likely to be the primary users of these devices, which could further contribute to their influence in the buying decisions.
Who has less difficulty quiting smoking?
Correct Answer
A. Men
Men have less difficulty quitting smoking compared to women. This could be due to various factors such as physiological differences, social influences, or personal motivations. It is possible that men may have a higher success rate in quitting smoking because they may experience fewer withdrawal symptoms or have stronger willpower. Additionally, societal expectations and pressures may play a role, as women may face more challenges in quitting smoking due to stress, emotional triggers, or social norms. However, it is important to note that individual experiences may vary, and quitting smoking is a challenging process for anyone regardless of gender.