Bentley Ch. 35 Test Nationalism And Political Identity

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Bentley Ch. 35 Test Nationalism And Political Identity - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Of the following regions, which one was least affected by the Great Depression and why?

    • A.

      The Middle East because it had oil deposits

    • B.

      Latin America because it had oil deposits

    • C.

      Southern Africa because its economy was so remote

    • D.

      The mainland of East Asia because it was largely agrarian

    Correct Answer
    D. The mainland of East Asia because it was largely agrarian
    The mainland of East Asia was least affected by the Great Depression because its economy was largely agrarian. Unlike the other regions mentioned, East Asia did not heavily rely on industrialization or international trade. Instead, its economy was primarily based on agriculture, which provided a level of self-sufficiency and stability during the economic downturn. Additionally, the region had a strong emphasis on subsistence farming, which meant that the local population was less dependent on external markets for their livelihoods.

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  • 2. 

    What is the most important reason that the U.S. moved from a policy of deep involvement to one of being the good neighbor in the 1930s?

    • A.

      It could no longer sustain economic ties during the Great Depression

    • B.

      It was concerned about the unchallenged rise of Marxism

    • C.

      It wanted to improve its image in the region

    • D.

      It realized that it could no longer sustain costly military incursions.

    Correct Answer
    D. It realized that it could no longer sustain costly military incursions.
    The most important reason that the U.S. moved from a policy of deep involvement to one of being the good neighbor in the 1930s is that it realized that it could no longer sustain costly military incursions. During the Great Depression, the U.S. faced economic challenges and could not afford to continue its aggressive foreign policies. The focus shifted towards domestic issues and the U.S. sought to improve its image in the region by adopting a more cooperative and non-interventionist approach. This change in policy was driven by economic constraints and a desire to prioritize domestic concerns.

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  • 3. 

    Of the following global periods, which one most closely resembles the era after the Great War?

    • A.

      The period after Mongolian expansion

    • B.

      The period at the height of Japanese feudalism

    • C.

      The period after the height of the Roman Empire

    • D.

      The period following the Seven Years War

    Correct Answer
    D. The period following the Seven Years War
    The era after the Great War can be most closely compared to the period following the Seven Years War. Both periods were characterized by a significant shift in global power dynamics and the aftermath of large-scale conflicts. The Great War and the Seven Years War were both major wars that had far-reaching consequences and led to significant changes in the international order. The period following the Seven Years War saw the decline of European colonial powers and the emergence of new global powers, similar to the post-World War I era.

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  • 4. 

    Where did reformers learn of radical alternatives to the dependent economies that kept most people impoverished?

    • A.

      Soviet advisers

    • B.

      Guerilla fighters

    • C.

      Mexican revolution

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Universities
    Reformers learned of radical alternatives to the dependent economies that kept most people impoverished through universities. Universities are institutions of higher education that provide a platform for research, knowledge dissemination, and critical thinking. They offer various academic disciplines, including economics, where reformers can explore alternative theories and ideas to address the issue of poverty. By studying in universities, reformers can gain access to a wide range of resources, engage in intellectual discussions, and learn from experts in the field, enabling them to discover radical alternatives to dependent economies.

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  • 5. 

    Which European economic practice most affected the ability of Africans to run their own economies?

    • A.

      Forced labor

    • B.

      Restrictions on crop choice

    • C.

      Divisions among labor force

    • D.

      Heavy taxation

    Correct Answer
    D. Heavy taxation
    Heavy taxation is the European economic practice that most affected the ability of Africans to run their own economies. This is because heavy taxation imposed by European powers on African communities drained their economic resources, making it difficult for them to invest in their own economic development. The high taxes levied on Africans hindered their ability to accumulate wealth, invest in infrastructure, and develop industries. Consequently, this created a dependency on European powers and undermined the Africans' ability to control and manage their own economies.

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  • 6. 

    What three challenges faced the Guomindang in the 1930s?

    • A.

      Warlords, Japanese occupation, and European control

    • B.

      The Great Depression, leadership rivalries, and the communists

    • C.

      Peasant rebellions, warlords, and the communists

    • D.

      Japanese occupation, the communists, and warlords

    Correct Answer
    D. Japanese occupation, the communists, and warlords
    During the 1930s, the Guomindang faced three major challenges. The first challenge was the Japanese occupation, as Japan had invaded and occupied parts of China during this time period. The second challenge was the communists, who were gaining support and influence in China and posed a threat to the Guomindang's power. The third challenge was warlords, who were powerful regional military leaders that often acted independently and posed a challenge to the central authority of the Guomindang. These challenges made it difficult for the Guomindang to maintain control and stability in China during the 1930s.

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  • 7. 

    Who had the most influence over the Japanese government by the mid-1930s?

    • A.

      Militant conservatives

    • B.

      Liberal legislators

    • C.

      Restive shoguns

    • D.

      The imperial household

    Correct Answer
    A. Militant conservatives
    In the mid-1930s, militant conservatives had the most influence over the Japanese government. This group consisted of nationalist and militaristic individuals who advocated for a strong and aggressive approach in foreign policy. They believed in expanding Japan's empire through military means and exerting control over the government to achieve their goals. Their influence grew during this time as they gained support from the military and held key positions in the government, shaping policies and decisions in line with their ideology.

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  • 8. 

    What part of the Great War most changed African thinking toward European colonial powers?

    • A.

      Violence in the trenches

    • B.

      Forced conscription

    • C.

      Poor treatment in the military

    • D.

      Exposure to racist attitudes

    Correct Answer
    B. Forced conscription
    During the Great War, forced conscription had a significant impact on African thinking towards European colonial powers. The practice of forcibly recruiting Africans into the military against their will caused resentment and disillusionment among the African population. This experience highlighted the oppressive nature of European colonial powers and their disregard for the rights and well-being of African people. Forced conscription shattered any illusions of fairness or equality, leading to a shift in African thinking and a desire for independence and liberation from European colonial rule.

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  • 9. 

    Why did Indian Muslims believe that the Indian National Congress could NOT meet their needs?

    • A.

      The animosity between Hindus and Muslims had been serious and consistently violent over the last two centuries.

    • B.

      The Muslims generally held a more impoverished position than Hindus so they felt they would never have an equal role.

    • C.

      Muslims believed British concerns that a combined Hindu-Muslim state was not viable.

    • D.

      The Indian National Congress had never allowed Muslims to be in leadership positions despite pleas by prominent businessmen.

    Correct Answer
    B. The Muslims generally held a more impoverished position than Hindus so they felt they would never have an equal role.
    Muslims in India believed that the Indian National Congress could not meet their needs because they generally held a more impoverished position than Hindus. This economic disparity led them to believe that they would never have an equal role in the Congress, as their socio-economic status would always put them at a disadvantage.

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  • 10. 

    What influences prompted Gandhi to devise his system of nonviolent protest?   

    • A.

      His caste position, his education in England, and a deep-seated pragmatism

    • B.

      British education and experience in segregated South Africa

    • C.

      Experience with British bureaucrats and deep-seated pragmatism

    • D.

      British education, South African experience, and mysticism

    Correct Answer
    D. British education, South African experience, and mysticism
    Gandhi's system of nonviolent protest was influenced by his British education, which exposed him to Western ideas and philosophies. His experience in segregated South Africa further shaped his beliefs and methods of resistance. Additionally, Gandhi's mysticism played a role in his approach to nonviolence, as he believed in the power of spirituality and moral principles in bringing about social change.

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  • 11. 

    When comparing China with Latin America in the 1920s and 1930s, to what extent was Marxism a viable policy? 

    • A.

      In Latin America, there were merely dicussions in university settings while in China, Marxists vied for control of government.

    • B.

      Both Latin America and Chinese reformers were able to build political parties around Marxist principles.

    • C.

      The Chinese government persecuted Marxists while Latin American Marxists were ignored by their governments.

    • D.

      Neither the Chinese nor Latin American public believed that Marxism offered any improvements for them.

    Correct Answer
    B. Both Latin America and Chinese reformers were able to build political parties around Marxist principles.
    In both Latin America and China during the 1920s and 1930s, reformers were able to establish political parties based on Marxist principles. This suggests that Marxism was seen as a viable policy option in both regions.

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  • 12. 

    One significant outcome of the Long March was

    • A.

      The defeat of the Communist Party in China

    • B.

      The emergence of Mao Zedong as the undisputed leader of the Chinese communists

    • C.

      An alliance between the CCP and the nationalists against the Japanese

    • D.

      The elimination of the warlords in western China

    Correct Answer
    B. The emergence of Mao Zedong as the undisputed leader of the Chinese communists
    The Long March was a military retreat undertaken by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 1934-1935. Despite facing numerous challenges and hardships, the Long March allowed Mao Zedong to establish himself as the dominant figure within the CCP. His leadership during the march, along with his strategic skills and ability to inspire and motivate his comrades, gained him widespread support and recognition. As a result, Mao emerged as the undisputed leader of the Chinese communists, solidifying his position within the party and paving the way for his future role in shaping China's history.

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  • 13. 

    All of the following are true about Sun Yatsen, EXCEPT that he

    • A.

      Was a leading opponent of the Qing dynasty

    • B.

      Proclaimed a Chinese republic in 1912

    • C.

      Led the Chinese in resisting Japanese military aggression

    • D.

      Established the Guomindang

    Correct Answer
    C. Led the Chinese in resisting Japanese military aggression
    Sun Yatsen was indeed a leading opponent of the Qing dynasty, as he played a crucial role in the overthrow of the imperial regime. He also proclaimed a Chinese republic in 1912, marking the end of the Qing dynasty and the beginning of a new era in China. Additionally, Sun Yatsen established the Guomindang, a political party that aimed to modernize China and unite the country under a nationalist agenda. However, he did not lead the Chinese in resisting Japanese military aggression. This role was primarily taken on by other Chinese leaders and military figures during the Second Sino-Japanese War.

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  • 14. 

    Which of the following blended artistic vision and radical political ideas in large murals that were created specifically for working people?

    • A.

      Carmen Miranda

    • B.

      Lazaro Cardenas

    • C.

      Diego Rivera

    • D.

      Anastacio Somoza Garcia

    Correct Answer
    C. Diego Rivera
    Diego Rivera is the correct answer because he was a Mexican artist who blended artistic vision and radical political ideas in his large murals. His murals were created specifically for working people and often depicted scenes of social and political struggles. Rivera's art was known for its bold and vibrant style, and he used his work to communicate his beliefs in socialism and the rights of the working class.

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  • 15. 

    Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding AFrica during the decades after the Great War?

    • A.

      Colonial taxation policies were designed to drive Africans into the labor market

    • B.

      Using African labor and tax monies, Europeans built economic infrastructure

    • C.

      Europeans promoted rapid, intensive industrialization among their colonial possessions

    • D.

      In areas with extensive white settlement, settler agriculture was most prominent

    Correct Answer
    C. Europeans promoted rapid, intensive industrialization among their colonial possessions
    The statement "Europeans promoted rapid, intensive industrialization among their colonial possessions" is not true regarding Africa during the decades after the Great War. Instead, Europeans focused on using African labor and tax monies to build economic infrastructure, and colonial taxation policies were designed to drive Africans into the labor market. In areas with extensive white settlement, settler agriculture was most prominent. However, Europeans did not prioritize promoting rapid, intensive industrialization in their colonial possessions in Africa.

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  • 16. 

    The May Fourth Movement

    • A.

      Was a significant turning point in the evolution of M. Garvey's political efforts

    • B.

      Was a sign of growing Japanese nationalism

    • C.

      Became the pretext for Japan to invade Manchuria

    • D.

      Galvanized the Chinese against foreign influence

    Correct Answer
    D. Galvanized the Chinese against foreign influence
    The May Fourth Movement was a significant event in Chinese history that took place in 1919. It was a student-led protest against the Treaty of Versailles, which had given Japan control over former German territories in China. The movement was a response to the perceived betrayal by Western powers and ignited a sense of nationalism and anti-imperialism among the Chinese people. It galvanized the Chinese population, particularly the intellectuals, to reject foreign influence and fight for their rights and independence. The movement marked a turning point in Chinese history and laid the foundation for future political and social movements in the country.

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  • 17. 

    Why did the ethnic diversity of migrant workers in the U.S. change after the 1920s?

    • A.

      Europeans were prevented from immigration by the war

    • B.

      During the 1920s, the U.S. passed several laws restricting migration

    • C.

      The political power of agribusiness prevented the U.S. government from restricting Mexican migration

    • D.

      All of these statements are correct

    Correct Answer
    D. All of these statements are correct
  • 18. 

    Satyagraha was

    • A.

      Gandhi's philosophy of passive resistance

    • B.

      The Islamic leader who called for the creation of Pakistan

    • C.

      Mao Zedong's adapted philosophy of Chinese communism

    • D.

      The original name of the Pan-African movement

    Correct Answer
    A. Gandhi's pHilosopHy of passive resistance
    Satyagraha refers to Gandhi's philosophy of passive resistance, which he developed as a nonviolent method to protest against injustice and colonial rule. It emphasized the power of truth and love, advocating for peaceful resistance and civil disobedience. This philosophy played a significant role in India's struggle for independence and inspired many other movements around the world.

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