Carsyon I Te Egyan

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Carsyon I Te Egyan - Quiz

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Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Which of the following terms refers to chest pain that normally gets relieved by rest and/or medication?

    • A.


    • B.

      Cerebral stroke

    • C.

      Angina Pectoris

    • D.

      Coronary Artery Spasm

    Correct Answer
    C. Angina Pectoris
    Angina Pectoris refers to chest pain that is typically relieved by rest and/or medication. It is caused by a temporary lack of oxygen-rich blood flow to the heart muscle, usually due to narrowed or blocked coronary arteries. When the heart muscle does not receive enough blood, it can cause chest pain or discomfort. Resting or taking medication can help alleviate the pain by reducing the workload on the heart and increasing blood flow to the heart muscle.

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  • 2. 

    Which of the following can cause general stable angina pectoris? (select all that applies)

    • A.


    • B.

      Old age/Heavy weight

    • C.

      Emotional/Physical stress

    • D.

      All the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All the above
    General stable angina pectoris is caused by a reduced blood flow to the heart muscle, usually due to atherosclerosis. Tobacco/smoking can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and increase the risk of angina. Old age and heavy weight are also risk factors for atherosclerosis and can lead to stable angina. Emotional and physical stress can cause the heart to work harder and increase the demand for oxygen, which can trigger angina symptoms. Therefore, all of the given options can cause general stable angina pectoris.

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  • 3. 

    Which of the following is a description of angina?

    • A.

      Chest pain associated with shortness of breath

    • B.

      A symptom of “tightness”, “discomfort”, “squeezing,” “heaviness,” on chest

    • C.

      Chest pain that worsens with emotional upset

    • D.

      All the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All the above
    Angina is a condition characterized by chest pain that is often accompanied by shortness of breath. The pain is typically described as a feeling of tightness, discomfort, squeezing, or heaviness in the chest. Emotional upset can also worsen the chest pain experienced by individuals with angina. Therefore, all of the given options accurately describe the symptoms and characteristics of angina.

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  • 4. 

    What is the difference between angina and heart attack?

    • A.

      Unlike heart attack, Angina does not cause permanent damage to heart

    • B.

      Angina pain goes fast (average angina attack lasts three to five minutes)

    • C.

      During Angina attack, arteries in the heart are not completely blocked, unlike during the heart attack

    • D.

      All the above options are right

    Correct Answer
    D. All the above options are right
    The given answer is correct because all the options mentioned are true. Angina and heart attack are both related to the heart, but they have some key differences. Angina does not cause permanent damage to the heart, unlike a heart attack. The pain from angina usually subsides quickly, lasting only a few minutes on average. During an angina attack, the arteries in the heart are not completely blocked, whereas in a heart attack, there is a complete blockage of one or more coronary arteries. Therefore, all the options mentioned in the question are correct explanations of the difference between angina and a heart attack.

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  • 5. 

    During which of the following situations does the heart need extra oxygen? (Mark all that applies)

    • A.

      Excess physical and/or emotional stress

    • B.

      Smoking and/or Heavey meals

    • C.

      Exposure to cold weather

    • D.

      All the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All the above
    The heart needs extra oxygen during excess physical and/or emotional stress because the body requires more energy during these times. Smoking and/or heavy meals can also increase the heart's need for oxygen as they can cause blood vessels to constrict and reduce blood flow. Exposure to cold weather can also put stress on the heart as it tries to maintain body temperature. Therefore, all of the above situations can lead to the heart needing extra oxygen.

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  • 6. 

    Which of the below options describe Variant angina? (Mark all that applies)

    • A.

      Variant Angina usually occurs at night or early morning.

    • B.

      Variant Angina occurs because of coronary artery spasm and lasts for longer time compared to other forms of Angina.

    • C.

      Variant Angina may subside with some physical activity.

    • D.

      All the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All the above
    Variant angina, also known as Prinzmetal's angina, is a type of angina that typically occurs at night or early in the morning. It is caused by coronary artery spasms, which can lead to a temporary reduction in blood flow to the heart. Unlike other forms of angina, variant angina lasts for a longer duration. However, it may subside with physical activity. Therefore, all of the given options correctly describe variant angina.

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  • 7. 

    When the patient with known angina pectoris complains that he is experiencing chest pain more frequently even at rest, the period of pain is longer, and it takes less stress for the pain to occur, then the patient is describing..?

    • A.

      Refractory angina.

    • B.

      Unstable angina.

    • C.

      Variant angina

    • D.

      Stable Angina

    Correct Answer
    B. Unstable angina.
    The patient's description of experiencing chest pain more frequently even at rest, with longer periods of pain and lower threshold for pain occurrence, is indicative of unstable angina. Unstable angina refers to a condition where there is an increased risk of a heart attack due to reduced blood flow to the heart. The symptoms are typically more severe and unpredictable compared to stable angina, which is characterized by chest pain during physical exertion or stress. Variant angina, also known as Prinzmetal's angina, is caused by coronary artery spasm and typically occurs at rest. Refractory angina refers to persistent angina despite optimal medical treatment.

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  • 8. 

    Out of below given four statements, Identify the False statement.

    • A.

      Tolerance to the anti-anginal effect occurs as a result of chronic administration.

    • B.

      Capacity of vascular smooth muscle to convert nitrates to NO is called as Nitrate Tolerance

    • C.

      NITRATE FREE INTERVAL” of 8-10 hrs prevents development of nitrate tolerance

    • D.

      SH groups in vessel wall become oxidized by constant exposure to nitrates, this improves the production of NO

    Correct Answer
    D. SH groups in vessel wall become oxidized by constant exposure to nitrates, this improves the production of NO
    The false statement is "SH groups in vessel wall become oxidized by constant exposure to nitrates, this improves the production of NO." Oxidation of SH groups in the vessel wall by constant exposure to nitrates actually impairs the production of NO, leading to nitrate tolerance.

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  • 9. 

    What class of medications can be used in angina?

    • A.


    • B.

      Calcium channel blockers

    • C.

      Beta blockers

    • D.

      All the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All the above
    All of the above options, nitrates, calcium channel blockers, and beta blockers, can be used in the treatment of angina. Nitrates help to relax and widen blood vessels, improving blood flow to the heart. Calcium channel blockers also relax blood vessels and reduce the workload on the heart. Beta blockers help to decrease heart rate and blood pressure, reducing the demand on the heart. Therefore, all three classes of medications are commonly used to manage angina symptoms and improve overall heart health.

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  • 10. 

    What are the anti-aginal actions of organic nitrates?

    • A.

      Increase O2 consumption; redistribution of coronary flow to infarct areas; relief of coronary spasm,Improve perfusion

    • B.

      Decrease O2 consumption; redistribution of coronary flow to ischemic areas; relief of coronary spasm,Improve perfusion

    • C.

      Decrease O2 consumption; redistribution of coronary flow to infarct areas; relief of coronary spasm,Decreases perfusion

    • D.

      Increase O2 consumption; redistribution of coronary flow to ischemic areas; relief of coronary spasm, improve perfusion

    Correct Answer
    B. Decrease O2 consumption; redistribution of coronary flow to ischemic areas; relief of coronary spasm,Improve perfusion
    The correct answer is "Decrease O2 consumption; redistribution of coronary flow to ischemic areas; relief of coronary spasm, improve perfusion." Organic nitrates have anti-anginal actions that include decreasing oxygen consumption in the heart muscle, redistributing coronary blood flow to areas of the heart that are experiencing ischemia, and relieving spasms in the coronary arteries. These actions ultimately result in improved perfusion to the heart muscle, reducing angina symptoms.

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  • 11. 

    What are the common side effects of nitrates

    • A.

      Paedal edema

    • B.

      Head ache and hypotension

    • C.

      Thristy , blurred vision

    • D.

      Hypertension, Tachycardia

    Correct Answer
    B. Head ache and hypotension
    The common side effects of nitrates include headache and hypotension. Nitrates are commonly used to treat angina by relaxing and widening blood vessels, which can lead to a decrease in blood pressure. This decrease in blood pressure can cause symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness, and headaches. Therefore, it is important for patients taking nitrates to be aware of these potential side effects and to report them to their healthcare provider if they occur.

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  • 12. 

    Below are advatnges of Capsule formulation except one. Find out that odd one.

    • A.

      Reduced gastrointestinal irritation

    • B.

      Odorless, tasteless, easy to swallow

    • C.

      Protection for sensitive ingredients

    • D.

      Custom size, shape, and appearance

    Correct Answer
    D. Custom size, shape, and appearance
    The advantages listed for capsule formulation include reduced gastrointestinal irritation, odorless and tasteless properties, and protection for sensitive ingredients. However, the odd one out is "custom size, shape, and appearance" because it does not directly relate to the benefits of capsule formulation.

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  • 13. 

    How Angiplat works. Identify the true statement. (select all that apply)

    • A.

      Angiplat relaxes (dilates) coronary arteries improving collateral blood flow to ischemic regions

    • B.

      Angiplat reduces afterload by reducing systemic vascular resistance

    • C.

      Angiplat promotes peripheral pooling of blood and decreases venous return to the heart, thereby reduces the preload

    • D.

      All the above.

    Correct Answer
    D. All the above.
    Angiplat works by relaxing (dilating) coronary arteries, which improves collateral blood flow to ischemic regions. It also reduces afterload by reducing systemic vascular resistance. Additionally, Angiplat promotes peripheral pooling of blood and decreases venous return to the heart, thereby reducing the preload. Therefore, all of the statements mentioned are true regarding how Angiplat works.

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  • 14. 

    Mark the Advantages of Multi Particulate System (select all that applies)

    • A.

       Maintains the therapeutic and prophylactic effect for longer period of time

    • B.

      Improves bio-availability of drug and Reduces the toxicity by slowing drug absorption

    • C.

      Improves patient compliance and convenience. Maintains an even blood level of drug concentration for longer duration in the body

    • D.

      All the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All the above
    The advantages of a multi particulate system include maintaining the therapeutic and prophylactic effect for a longer period of time, improving the bio-availability of the drug, reducing toxicity by slowing drug absorption, improving patient compliance and convenience, and maintaining an even blood level of drug concentration for a longer duration in the body.

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  • 15. 

    A. Angipla is a “Spansules (Long Acting)” formulation

    • A.

      A is right, B is wrong

    • B.

      A is wrong, B is right

    • C.

      Both A & B are right

    • D.

      Both A & B are wrong

    Correct Answer
    C. Both A & B are right
    Both A and B are right because Angipla is a "Spansules (Long Acting)" formulation. This means that the medication is designed to release the active ingredient slowly over an extended period of time, providing a longer duration of action compared to immediate-release formulations. Therefore, both statements A and B are correct.

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  • 16. 

    A. Nitroglycerin Capsule formulations and Tablet formulations are presented in different strenghts.

    • A.

      A is right, B is wrong

    • B.

      A is wrong, B is right

    • C.

      Both A & B are right

    • D.

      Both A & B are wrong

    Correct Answer
    C. Both A & B are right
    Both A and B are correct because the statement mentions that Nitroglycerin Capsule formulations and Tablet formulations are presented in different strengths. This implies that both capsule and tablet formulations exist and they are available in different strengths.

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  • 17. 

    A. All legal Nitroglycerin Capsule formulations will be available in 2.5mg and 6.5mg

    • A.

      A is right, B is wrong

    • B.

      A is wrong, B is right

    • C.

      Both A & B are right

    • D.

      Both A & B are wrong

    Correct Answer
    C. Both A & B are right
    Both A and B are right because the statement mentions that all legal Nitroglycerin Capsule formulations will be available in 2.5mg and 6.5mg. This means that any legal formulation of Nitroglycerin Capsules will only be available in these two specific dosages. Therefore, both statements A and B are correct.

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  • 18. 

    3 statements are true. Remaining one is false. Identify the true statement.

    • A.

      Tolerance to the antianginal effect of nitrates occurs as a result of short term administration

    • B.

      NITRATE FREE INTERVAL” of 8-10 hrs can cause the development of nitrate tolerance

    • C.

      SH groups in vessel wall become oxidized by constant exposure to nitrates, this improves the production of NO

    • D.

      Angiplat with eccentric dosage schedule ensures 24 hours Angina prophylaxis and least possibility of Nitrate Tolerance

    Correct Answer
    D. Angiplat with eccentric dosage schedule ensures 24 hours Angina propHylaxis and least possibility of Nitrate Tolerance
    Angiplat with eccentric dosage schedule ensures 24 hours Angina prophylaxis and least possibility of Nitrate Tolerance because it is stated that this dosage schedule ensures a continuous effect for 24 hours, preventing the development of tolerance. The other statements discuss different mechanisms of nitrate tolerance, such as short-term administration, the "nitrate-free interval," and the oxidation of SH groups in the vessel wall. However, the statement about Angiplat specifically addresses its effectiveness in preventing nitrate tolerance.

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  • 19. 

    Mark the USPs of Angiplat (select all that apply)

    • A.

      Angiplat with eccentric dosage schedule ensures 24 hours Angina prophylaxis with least possibility of Nitrate Tolerance

    • B.

      Angiplat reduces intensity and frequency of Anginal attacks

    • C.

      Angiplat improves ST-segment depression during the treadmill exercise test

    • D.

      All the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All the above
    The correct answer is "All the above". Angiplat has several unique selling points (USPs) that set it apart from other medications. Firstly, it has an eccentric dosage schedule that ensures 24 hours of Angina prophylaxis, meaning it can effectively prevent angina attacks for a full day. Additionally, Angiplat reduces both the intensity and frequency of anginal attacks, providing relief to patients. Lastly, it improves ST-segment depression during the treadmill exercise test, indicating its effectiveness in managing angina. Overall, Angiplat offers a comprehensive approach to angina treatment, making all the mentioned statements true.

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  • 20. 

    Identify Angiplat competitor brands is in Capsule and Tablet formulations respectfully ?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    The competitor brands for Angiplat in capsule and tablet formulations are ANGISPAN and MYONIT.

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  • 21. 

    Ranks of Angiplat as per Mat Mar'16 and SMSRC Prescriptions trend (Nov-Feb'16')-(Data is Presented in August Cycle meetings)

    • A.

      7 and 5

    • B.

      5 and 7

    • C.

      6 and 4

    • D.

      4 and6

    Correct Answer
    A. 7 and 5
    The ranks of Angiplat according to the Mat Mar'16 data and SMSRC Prescriptions trend (Nov-Feb'16) are 7 and 5 respectively.

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  • 22. 

    Mark all the target customers for Angiplat as per Company strategy.

    • A.

      General Practioners and Neuros

    • B.

      Consultant Physians and Nephros

    • C.

      Cardiologists & Consultant physians

    • D.

      Neuros and Cardios

    Correct Answer
    C. Cardiologists & Consultant pHysians
    The target customers for Angiplat, according to the company strategy, are Cardiologists and Consultant Physicians. This suggests that the company is focusing on healthcare professionals specializing in cardiology and general internal medicine. By targeting these specific groups, Angiplat aims to promote and sell their products to medical professionals who are likely to prescribe or recommend their products to patients with cardiovascular conditions.

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  • 23. 

    What is Tag line and Avg Target per month of Angiplat

    • A.

      The Future Star and 70 Lakhs

    • B.

      The Rising Star and 80 Lakhs

    • C.

      The Future Star and 80 Lakhs

    • D.

      The Rising Star and 70 Lakhs

    Correct Answer
    C. The Future Star and 80 Lakhs
    The tag line for Angiplat is "The Future Star" and their average target per month is 80 Lakhs.

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  • 24. 

    Please mark the points we mentioned in the Angiplat MPT Card & LBL.

    • A.

      Timed Release Technology & Anti-Anginal for 12 Hrs

    • B.

      Types of Angina and Multi Particulate Technology

    • C.

      Prevention of Death by using Angiplat

    • D.

      Nitrate Tolerance prevention

    Correct Answer
    A. Timed Release Technology & Anti-Anginal for 12 Hrs
    The points mentioned in the Angiplat MPT Card & LBL are related to the features and benefits of Angiplat. The correct answer, "Timed Release Technology & Anti-Anginal for 12 Hrs," aligns with the information provided. It suggests that Angiplat utilizes timed release technology to provide anti-anginal effects for a duration of 12 hours. This information highlights the effectiveness and duration of action of Angiplat, making it a suitable treatment option for angina patients.

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  • 25. 

    Indication and Dosage of Angiplat Timed Release Capsule

    • A.

      Prophylactice treatment of Angina & Once in a Day

    • B.

      Secodary prevention of stroke & Twice in a day

    • C.

      Prophylactice treatment of Angina & twice in a Day

    • D.

      Secodary prevention of stroke & once in a day

    Correct Answer
    C. PropHylactice treatment of Angina & twice in a Day
    The correct answer is "Prophylactic treatment of Angina & twice in a Day". This is because the indication for Angiplat Timed Release Capsule is the prophylactic treatment of Angina, which means it is used to prevent or reduce the occurrence of angina attacks. The dosage is twice a day, indicating that the medication should be taken two times within a 24-hour period.

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  • 26. 

    Which one do you like?

    • A.

      Option 1

    • B.

      Option 2

    • C.

      Option 3

    • D.

      Option 4

    Correct Answer
    A. Option 1

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 19, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Jun 22, 2017
    Quiz Created by

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