What would you put on the Christmas tree to decorate it?
Correct Answer
C. Les guirlandes
Les guirlandes sont traditionnellement utilisées pour décorer les sapins de Noël. Elles sont constituées de fils ou de bandes de matériau, souvent en forme de boucle, qui sont suspendus sur le sapin pour ajouter de la couleur et de la texture à la décoration. Les guirlandes peuvent être faites de divers matériaux tels que du papier, du tissu, du plastique ou même des lumières. Elles sont un élément essentiel de la décoration de Noël et ajoutent une touche festive à l'arbre.
This normally represents the birth of Jesus with Mary and Joseph and the barn animals. (la crêche/fa crêche)
Correct Answer
la crêche
La crêche is a term used to describe a nativity scene or a depiction of the birth of Jesus. It typically includes figures of Mary and Joseph, as well as barn animals. This answer is correct because it accurately identifies la crêche as the representation of the birth of Jesus with Mary, Joseph, and the barn animals.
Fill in the gaps: En France, le grand repas de Noël a lieu le 24 décembreau soir - appelé le ........................... de Noël.
Correct Answer
In France, the big Christmas meal takes place on the evening of December 24th, which is called the "Réveillon" de Noël.
Name three things which French children would hope to find in their boots under the Christmas tree on Christmas day:
Correct Answer
les mandarines
le chocolat
les papillotes
French children would hope to find mandarins, chocolate, and papillotes in their boots under the Christmas tree on Christmas day. Mandarins are a popular fruit during the holiday season in France, and they symbolize good luck and prosperity. Chocolate is a beloved treat that is often given as a gift during Christmas, and it brings joy and sweetness to the celebrations. Papillotes are small wrapped candies or chocolates that are traditionally placed in shoes or stockings, and they add an element of surprise and excitement for children when they discover them on Christmas morning.
If you have been good what could Father Christmas bring you:
Correct Answer(s)
D. Des jouets
E. Des cadeaux
Father Christmas could bring you toys and gifts if you have been good.
What do the French call the Santa Claus?
Correct Answer
C. Both A and B
Both A and B are correct answers because in French, Santa Claus is called both Père Noël and Papa Noël. Père Noël is the more commonly used term, but Papa Noël is also used in some regions of France.
What can you often see when celebrating New Year's eve? (les feux d'artifice/ fes feux d'artifice)
Correct Answer
les feux d'artifice
During New Year's Eve celebrations, it is common to see fireworks displays. These colorful explosions in the sky are a traditional way to mark the beginning of the new year and are often enjoyed by people of all ages. The answer "les feux d'artifice" refers to the fireworks in French.
On what date do French people start celebrating Epiphany?
Correct Answer
le 6 janvier
French people start celebrating Epiphany on January 6th. This date is significant because it marks the end of the Christmas season and the arrival of the Three Wise Men to visit baby Jesus. Epiphany, also known as "La Fête des Rois" or "The Feast of the Kings," is celebrated with a special cake called "galette des rois." Inside the cake, a small figurine or bean is hidden, and the person who finds it becomes the "king" or "queen" for the day. This tradition is widely observed in France and is a joyful celebration for families and friends.
What is inside la galette des rois?
Correct Answer(s)
B. La pâte d'amandes
E. La fève
La galette des rois is a traditional French pastry that is typically made with layers of puff pastry and filled with almond cream, also known as la pâte d'amandes. It is a sweet and creamy filling that adds a rich and nutty flavor to the galette. Additionally, la fève, a small figurine or charm, is hidden inside the galette and whoever finds it in their slice is crowned king or queen for the day.
Fill in the gaps: Le 1er janvier on s'embrasse sous le ....... pour souhaiter bonne chance. (gui/ cui)
Correct Answer(s)
On the 1st of January, it is a tradition to kiss under the "gui" in order to wish good luck.