Which of the following processes starts the stages of mitosis?
Correct Answer
B. Condensation of chromatin fiber
The stages of mitosis begin with the condensation of chromatin fiber. This process involves the chromatin, which is loosely arranged in the nucleus during interphase, becoming tightly packed and visible under a microscope as distinct chromosomes. This condensation is crucial as it prepares the chromosomes for accurate distribution to daughter cells. By becoming more compact, chromosomes are less likely to become entangled or damaged during mitosis, ensuring that genetic material is distributed evenly between the new cells.
Which of the following phases would you find the cell creating ribosomes for protein synthesis?
Correct Answer
D. G2
During the G2 phase of the cell cycle, the cell prepares for mitosis by creating additional proteins and organelles, including ribosomes. Ribosomes are essential for protein synthesis, and increasing their number during the G2 phase ensures that the cell has the necessary machinery to support the growth and division processes that follow in mitosis. This phase is characterized by intense preparation and checking for errors to ensure that the cell is ready to enter mitosis, making it a critical period for assembling the components needed for successful cell division.
Which of the following stages would this picture best represent?
Correct Answer
A. Prophase
The picture best represents the prophase stage of mitosis. During prophase, the chromosomes begin to condense, becoming visible under a microscope as distinct structures. Additionally, the nucleolus fades and the nuclear envelope begins to break down. Prophase is also characterized by the formation of the mitotic spindle, which starts to emerge from the centrosomes. These changes prepare the cell for the alignment and separation of chromosomes, which are critical for the next stages of mitosis. This stage sets the stage for the precise distribution of genetic material to daughter cells.
Which of the following stages of mitosis would this picture best represent?
Correct Answer
C. Anaphase
The picture best represents the anaphase stage of mitosis. During anaphase, the paired chromosomes, previously aligned at the cell's equator, are pulled apart by the spindle fibers. Each chromatid (now an individual chromosome) moves to opposite poles of the cell. This separation ensures that each new daughter cell will receive an identical set of chromosomes. Anaphase is characterized by this visible movement of chromosomes towards the poles, a crucial step for the correct distribution of genetic material in cell division.
Which of the following stages of mitosis would this picture best represent?
Correct Answer
A. Prometaphase
This picture best represents the stage of prometaphase in mitosis. In prometaphase, the nuclear envelope breaks down, allowing the chromosomes to become more condensed and visible. The picture appears to show condensed chromosomes and a lack of a nuclear envelope, which are characteristic of prometaphase. Additionally, the chromosomes are not aligned at the center of the cell, ruling out metaphase. The lack of separation or movement of chromosomes also rules out anaphase. There is no evidence of cytokinesis or cell division, ruling out telophase.
Which of the following stages of mitosis best describes the picture below?
Correct Answer
D. Telophase
The picture best represents the telophase stage of mitosis. During telophase, the chromatids reach the opposite poles of the cell and new nuclear membranes begin to form around each set of chromosomes. The chromosomes also start to decondense, returning to a less compact, more thread-like state. This stage marks the re-establishment of normal cell structures as the cell prepares to completely divide during cytokinesis. Telophase is characterized by these visible changes, signaling the nearing end of cell division and the initiation of splitting into two new cells.
Which of the following stages of mitosis would best describe the picture below?
Correct Answer
B. Metaphase
The picture best represents the metaphase stage of mitosis. During metaphase, chromosomes align at the metaphase plate, which is an imaginary line equidistant from the two spindle poles. This alignment ensures that each new cell will receive an equal and identical set of chromosomes during the subsequent separation phase, anaphase. Metaphase is crucial for the accuracy of chromosome segregation and is characterized by the organized arrangement of chromosomes along the center of the cell, making it a distinct and recognizable phase in the process of mitosis.
Which of the following would best describe what this picture is showing?
Correct Answer
A. Interphase
The picture best represents the interphase stage of the cell cycle. Interphase is the period during which the cell prepares for division by performing its routine functions and duplicating its DNA. It is characterized by the absence of visible chromosomes; instead, the genetic material is in the form of loosely arranged chromatin. This phase is crucial for the cell as it is the time for growth and the replication of DNA, ensuring that all necessary components are ready for the subsequent stages of mitosis. Interphase is typically the longest phase and includes several checkpoints for the cell's readiness to enter mitosis.
Which of the following stages would you find DNA being replicated?
Correct Answer
B. S
DNA replication occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle, which stands between the G1 (Gap 1) and G2 (Gap 2) phases. The "S" in S phase stands for "synthesis," reflecting the primary activity of synthesizing a complete duplicate of the cell’s DNA. This process is crucial for ensuring that each new cell, formed after cell division, receives an exact copy of the DNA. The S phase is specifically dedicated to this purpose, ensuring the genetic material is accurately replicated and any errors are corrected before the cell proceeds to the next stages of its cycle.
Attachment of the spindle fibers to the centromeres of duplicated chromosomes occurs in which stage of mitosis?
Correct Answer
A. Prometaphase
During prometaphase, the nuclear envelope breaks down, allowing the spindle fibers to interact with the chromosomes. The spindle fibers attach to the centromeres of duplicated chromosomes, preparing them for proper alignment and separation. This stage is characterized by the movement and reorganization of the chromosomes, as they are captured by the spindle fibers and begin to migrate towards the center of the cell. Therefore, the attachment of the spindle fibers to the centromeres of duplicated chromosomes occurs in prometaphase.
The central alignment of chromosomes by the spindle microtubules occurs in which of the following stages of mitosis?
Correct Answer
B. Metaphase
During metaphase of mitosis, the spindle microtubules align the chromosomes at the center of the cell. This alignment is necessary for the equal separation of chromosomes during the subsequent stage of mitosis, known as anaphase. In metaphase, the chromosomes are attached to the spindle fibers at their centromeres, and the microtubules exert tension on the chromosomes, ensuring their proper alignment at the metaphase plate. Once all the chromosomes are aligned, the cell can proceed to anaphase, where the sister chromatids are separated and pulled towards opposite poles of the cell.
The development of the nuclear envelope occurs in which of the following stages of mitosis?
Correct Answer
D. Telophase
The development of the nuclear envelope occurs during telophase, the final stage of mitosis. In telophase, the chromatids that were pulled to opposite poles during anaphase begin to de-condense back into less compact chromatin. Simultaneously, new nuclear envelopes start to form around each set of separated chromatids, effectively reconstituting them into individual nuclei. This process marks the re-establishment of nuclear structures, signifying the near completion of cellular division and setting the stage for cytokinesis, where the cell divides into two distinct new cells.
Metaphase and Telophase basically have opposite processes occurring.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is TRUE. Metaphase and Telophase are essentially opposite processes within the stages of mitosis. During metaphase, chromosomes align at the cell's equatorial plate, preparing for equal distribution. In contrast, telophase involves the de-condensation and enclosure of these chromosomes within newly forming nuclear membranes at opposite poles of the cell. Metaphase is about preparing chromosomes for separation, while telophase is about finalizing the division into two new nuclei. Each process undoes what the other sets up, marking their roles as opposite but complementary phases in the cycle of cell division.
The contraction of microtubules to separate sister chromatids occurs in which of the following stages of mitosis?
Correct Answer
C. Anaphase
The contraction of microtubules to separate sister chromatids occurs during anaphase, one of the key stages of mitosis. During this phase, the microtubules of the spindle apparatus, which have attached to the centromeres of each chromosome pair, begin to shorten. This contraction pulls the sister chromatids apart, drawing them toward opposite poles of the cell. This movement is crucial for ensuring that each daughter cell will receive an identical set of chromosomes, fundamental to the process of cell division and the maintenance of genetic continuity. Anaphase is characterized by the rapid and coordinated separation of sister chromatids, facilitated by the dynamic activities of the spindle fibers.
DNA replication occurs during the metaphase stage of mitosis.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is FALSE. DNA replication does not occur during metaphase or any stage of mitosis; rather, it takes place during the S phase of interphase, prior to the start of mitosis. Metaphase is characterized by the alignment of chromosomes along the metaphase plate of the cell, preparing them for separation. DNA replication must be completed before mitosis begins to ensure that each daughter cell receives a complete set of chromosomes. This process is crucial for maintaining genetic integrity across cell divisions.