Computer Organization Trivia Questions

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| By Cgardner5
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Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 180
Questions: 60 | Attempts: 180

Computer Organization Trivia Questions - Quiz

This quiz is based on chapters 1 and 2 of Tannenbaum's Computer Organization and Architecture.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    How many levels are there in contemporary multilevel machines?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. 6
    Contemporary multilevel machines have six levels.

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  • 2. 

    In contemporary multilevel machines, what is the fifth level?

    Correct Answer
    problem-oriented language level
    problem-oriented language
    problem oriented language level
    problem oriented language
    The fifth level in contemporary multilevel machines is the problem-oriented language level. This level refers to the use of problem-oriented languages, which are programming languages designed to solve specific problems or address specific domains. These languages provide higher-level abstractions and tools that make it easier for programmers to express solutions to complex problems. By using problem-oriented languages at this level, developers can focus on the problem at hand rather than low-level implementation details.

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  • 3. 

    In contemporary multilevel machines, what is the fourth level?

    Correct Answer
    assembly language level
    assembly language
    The fourth level in contemporary multilevel machines is the assembly language level. Assembly language is a low-level programming language that is specific to a particular computer architecture. It is a symbolic representation of machine code, making it easier for programmers to write and understand code. The assembly language level is where programmers directly interact with the hardware and write instructions that are translated into machine code by an assembler.

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  • 4. 

    In contemporary multilevel machines, what is the third level?

    Correct Answer
    operating system machine level
    operating system machine
    The third level in contemporary multilevel machines is the operating system machine level. This level is responsible for managing the resources of the machine and providing a platform for running applications. The operating system machine level interacts directly with the hardware and handles tasks such as memory management, process scheduling, and device control. It acts as an intermediary between the hardware and the user, providing a user-friendly interface and ensuring efficient utilization of system resources.

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  • 5. 

    In contemporary multilevel machines, what is the second level?

    Correct Answer
    instruction set architecture level
    instruction set architecture
    The second level in contemporary multilevel machines is the instruction set architecture level. This level defines the set of instructions that a computer can execute, including the format and behavior of each instruction. It serves as an interface between the hardware and software, allowing software programs to be written and executed on the machine. The instruction set architecture, on the other hand, refers to the actual set of instructions that a specific computer or processor can understand and execute. Both of these levels are crucial in determining the capabilities and functionality of a computer system.

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  • 6. 

    In contemporary multilevel machines, what is the first level?

    Correct Answer
    micro- architecture level
    micro architecture level
    micro- architecture
    micro architecture
    The first level in contemporary multilevel machines is the micro-architecture level or the micro architecture level.

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  • 7. 

    In contemporary multilevel machines, what is level zero?

    Correct Answer
    digital logic level
    digital logic
    Level zero in contemporary multilevel machines refers to the digital logic level. This level represents the lowest level of abstraction in the machine, where the basic digital logic gates and circuits are implemented. At this level, the machine operates using binary logic, manipulating and processing individual bits of data. It is the foundation upon which higher levels of abstraction, such as microarchitecture and instruction set architecture, are built.

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  • 8. 

    In contemporary multilevel machines, what do you use to get from one level to another?

    Correct Answer
    In contemporary multilevel machines, a translator or translators are used to move from one level to another. A translator is a software or hardware component that converts instructions or code from one programming language or machine language to another. It helps facilitate communication and compatibility between different levels or layers of a system. By using a translator or translators, the machine can effectively navigate and interact between various levels, ensuring smooth operation and functionality.

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  • 9. 

    Name the two types of translators.

    Correct Answer
    The two types of translators are a compiler and an interpreter. A compiler translates the entire program at once into machine code, which can then be executed independently. On the other hand, an interpreter translates the program line by line, executing each line as it is translated. Both translators serve the purpose of converting high-level programming languages into low-level machine code, but they differ in their approach and execution.

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  • 10. 

    What translator compiles all of the source code before the execution occurs?

    Correct Answer
    the compiler
    A compiler is a type of translator that converts the entire source code of a program into machine code or executable code before the execution occurs. It scans through the entire code, checks for errors, and translates the code into a format that the computer can understand and execute. The compiler is responsible for optimizing the code and generating an executable file that can be run on the target platform.

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  • 11. 

    What translator executes the program as it translates?

    Correct Answer
    the interpreter
    An interpreter is a type of translator that executes a program as it translates. It reads the source code line by line and translates and executes each line immediately. This is different from a compiler which translates the entire program before execution. Therefore, both "interpreter" and "the interpreter" are correct answers to the question.

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  • 12. 

    Which translator requires source code to execute?

    Correct Answer
    the interpreter
    An interpreter is a type of translator that requires source code to execute. It reads and executes the source code line by line, translating and executing each line immediately. This is different from a compiler, which translates the entire source code into machine code before executing it. The interpreter is able to execute the source code directly because it translates and executes each line in real-time. Therefore, both "interpreter" and "the interpreter" are correct answers to the question.

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  • 13. 

    Which computer generation saw mechanical computers (1642-1945)?

    Correct Answer
    zeroth generation
    The correct answer is zeroth generation. Mechanical computers were used from 1642 to 1945, which predates the first generation of electronic computers. During this time, various mechanical devices were developed to perform calculations and automate tasks. These machines relied on gears, levers, and other mechanical components to process information. While they were not as advanced as modern computers, they laid the foundation for the development of electronic computing technology.

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  • 14. 

    Which computer generation saw vacuum tubes (1945-1955)?

    Correct Answer
    first generation
    The first generation of computers, which spanned from 1945 to 1955, utilized vacuum tubes. These vacuum tubes were large electronic components that controlled the flow of electricity within the computer. They were the main technology used for electronic computing during this time period before being replaced by transistors in later generations.

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  • 15. 

    Which computer generation saw transistors (1955-1965)?

    Correct Answer
    second generation
    The second generation of computers, which spanned from 1955 to 1965, was characterized by the use of transistors. Transistors replaced the bulky and unreliable vacuum tubes used in the first generation, resulting in smaller, faster, and more reliable computers. This technological advancement allowed for significant improvements in computer speed, size, and efficiency.

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  • 16. 

    Which computer generation saw integrated circuits (1965-1980)?

    Correct Answer
    third generation
    The computer generation that saw integrated circuits is the third generation. This generation, which spanned from 1965 to 1980, marked a significant advancement in computer technology with the introduction of integrated circuits. These small electronic circuits, made up of transistors and other components, allowed for greater miniaturization and improved performance of computers. The use of integrated circuits revolutionized the computer industry, leading to smaller, faster, and more reliable computers during this time period.

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  • 17. 

    Which computer generation saw very large scale integration (1980 - current)?

    Correct Answer
    fourth generation
    The fourth generation of computers, which began in the 1980s and continues to the present, saw the advent of very large scale integration (VLSI). This refers to the ability to fit thousands or even millions of transistors onto a single microchip, allowing for much greater processing power and efficiency. This technological advancement led to the development of smaller, faster, and more reliable computers, paving the way for the modern computing era.

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  • 18. 

    What was the biggest enemy of computers in the first generation?

    Correct Answer
    In the first generation of computers, heat was the biggest enemy. This is because early computers used vacuum tubes and other components that generated a significant amount of heat. The lack of advanced cooling systems made it difficult to dissipate this heat, leading to frequent overheating issues. Excessive heat could cause malfunctions, damage components, and even lead to complete system failure. Therefore, heat management was crucial in ensuring the proper functioning and longevity of computers during this era.

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  • 19. 

    What architecture is in almost every one of today's computing machines?

    Correct Answer
    von neumann architecture
    von neumann
    Von Neumann architecture
    Von Neumann
    The correct answer is von neumann architecture, Von Neumann architecture, von neumann, Von Neumann. Von Neumann architecture is a design concept for a computer architecture that is still widely used today. It is based on the principle of having a central processing unit (CPU) that can store and execute instructions and data in a single memory unit. This architecture allows for the sequential execution of instructions, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

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  • 20. 

    What states that the number of transistors that can be put in a chip will increase by 60% annually.

    Correct Answer
    moore's law
    moores law
    Moore's law
    Moores law
    Moore's Law states that the number of transistors that can be put in a chip will increase by 60% annually. This law, named after Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, has been a guiding principle in the semiconductor industry for decades. It has accurately predicted the exponential growth in computing power and the shrinking size of electronic devices.

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  • 21. 

    Please list the components in numerical order separated by a comma and a space.

    Correct Answer
    memory, control unit, arithmetic logic, accumulator, input, output
    The components listed in the answer are the fundamental components of a computer system. Memory is responsible for storing data and instructions, the control unit manages and coordinates the operations of the other components, the arithmetic logic unit performs mathematical and logical operations, the accumulator is a register used for temporary storage of data, and input and output are responsible for receiving and sending data to and from the computer system.

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  • 22. 

    The following is an example of what type of architecture?

    Correct Answer
    Van Neumann
    van neumann
    van neuman
    Van Neuman
    The correct answer is Van Neumann. This refers to the Von Neumann architecture, which is a computer architecture design that is based on the concept of stored-program computers. It consists of a central processing unit (CPU), memory, input/output devices, and a control unit. The Von Neumann architecture allows instructions and data to be stored in the same memory, which can be accessed and manipulated by the CPU. It is named after the mathematician and computer scientist John Von Neumann.

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  • 23. 

    What does RAID stand for?

    Correct Answer
    Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
    redundant array of inexpensive disks
    RAID stands for Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks. It is a technology that combines multiple physical disk drives into a single logical unit to improve performance, reliability, or both. The term "redundant array of inexpensive disks" is also a valid interpretation of the acronym RAID, as it refers to the use of multiple inexpensive disks to achieve redundancy and fault tolerance.

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  • 24. 

    What are the three properties that you can get from a RAID?

    Correct Answer
    increased capacity, increased speed, increased reliability
    capacity, speed, reliability
    RAID, which stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks, is a technology that combines multiple physical disk drives into a single logical unit. The three properties that can be obtained from RAID are increased capacity, increased speed, and increased reliability. By combining multiple disks, RAID can provide a larger storage capacity than a single disk. It can also improve the read and write speeds by distributing data across multiple drives. Additionally, RAID can offer redundancy and fault tolerance, ensuring data integrity and minimizing the risk of data loss in case of a disk failure.

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  • 25. 

    What is the reflective surface of optical media that reflects light to a sensor called?

    Correct Answer
    The reflective surface of optical media that reflects light to a sensor is called "land."

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  • 26. 

    What is the refractive surface of optical media that scatters light called?

    Correct Answer
    The refractive surface of optical media that scatters light is called a "pit."

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  • 27. 

    What does DMA stand for?

    Correct Answer
    Direct Memory Access
    direct memory access
    DMA stands for Direct Memory Access. It is a feature of computer systems that allows certain hardware devices to access the system's memory directly, without involving the CPU. This enables faster data transfer between devices and memory, as it eliminates the need for the CPU to be actively involved in every data transfer. DMA is commonly used in devices such as sound cards, network cards, and storage devices to improve overall system performance.

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  • 28. 

    What acts as an interface between the I/O controllers and memory by receiving orders from the CPU and moving data from point A to point B?

    Correct Answer
    Direct Memory Access
    direct memory access
    Direct Memory Access (DMA) acts as an interface between the I/O controllers and memory. It receives orders from the CPU and moves data from point A to point B without the need for the CPU to be involved in every data transfer. DMA allows for faster and more efficient data transfers by bypassing the CPU and directly accessing the memory.

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  • 29. 

    What is the gateway between the external device and the internal environment of the computer?

    Correct Answer
    A controller acts as the gateway between the external device and the internal environment of the computer. It is responsible for managing and coordinating the flow of data between the external device and the computer's internal components. The controller interprets the commands received from the external device and translates them into a format that the computer can understand. It also sends data from the computer to the external device, allowing them to communicate and exchange information effectively.

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  • 30. 

    What forces the CPU to immediately suspend running its current program and begin running a special procedure?

    Correct Answer
    An interrupt is a signal that forces the CPU to immediately suspend running its current program and begin running a special procedure. Interrupts can occur for various reasons, such as hardware events (like a key press or a timer reaching zero) or software events (like a system call or an error condition). When an interrupt occurs, the CPU saves the current state of the program, switches to the interrupt handler routine, performs the necessary actions, and then resumes the interrupted program. Interrupts allow the CPU to efficiently handle time-sensitive tasks and respond to external events in a timely manner.

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  • 31. 

    What checks the interrupt for errors, takes any special actions needed, and informs the operating system that the I/O finished?

    Correct Answer
    interrupt handler
    The interrupt handler is responsible for checking the interrupt for errors, performing any necessary special actions, and notifying the operating system that the input/output (I/O) operation has been completed. It is a software routine that is triggered when an interrupt occurs, allowing the system to respond to external events or requests. The interrupt handler ensures that the I/O operation is successfully executed and communicates the status to the operating system for further processing.

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  • 32. 

    What are the main types of systems that are used to determine interaction with I/O devices?

    Correct Answer
    DMA, busy waiting, polling, interrupt
    The main types of systems used to determine interaction with I/O devices are DMA (Direct Memory Access), busy waiting, polling, and interrupt. DMA allows data to be transferred directly between memory and I/O devices without involving the CPU. Busy waiting involves continuously checking the status of the I/O device until it becomes ready. Polling involves periodically checking the status of the I/O device. Interrupts are signals sent by I/O devices to interrupt the normal execution of the CPU and request attention.

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  • 33. 

    What is used to decide which goes first in the case that the CPU and the I/O controller want to use the bus at the same time?

    Correct Answer
    bus arbiter
    A bus arbiter is used to decide which device gets priority when the CPU and the I/O controller both want to use the bus at the same time. It acts as a mediator and determines the order in which the devices can access the bus, ensuring fair and efficient allocation of resources. The bus arbiter considers various factors such as device priority, timing constraints, and predefined rules to make a decision on which device should go first.

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  • 34. 

    What is it called when no I/O is in progress and the CPU has all the bus to itself and a running I/O requests and is granted the bus when it needs it?

    Correct Answer
    cycle stealing
    Cycle stealing refers to a technique in computer architecture where the CPU takes control of the bus when it is not being used for input/output operations. In this scenario, the CPU is able to run I/O requests and is granted access to the bus whenever it requires it. This allows the CPU to efficiently utilize the bus without wasting any time or resources.

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  • 35. 

    When you are transmitting data, there are three basic parameters that you can change about a signal through modulation techniques. What are they?

    Correct Answer
    amplitude, frequency, phase
    When transmitting data, modulation techniques allow for the manipulation of three key parameters of a signal: amplitude, frequency, and phase. Amplitude refers to the strength or intensity of the signal, frequency represents the number of cycles per second, and phase determines the position of the signal in relation to a reference point. By altering these parameters, the signal can be modified to carry and transmit data effectively.

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  • 36. 

    How high and low a signal goes is it's ___________?

    Correct Answer
    The amplitude of a signal refers to how high and low it goes. It measures the maximum displacement or intensity of the signal from its average or equilibrium value. In other words, it represents the magnitude or strength of the signal. The larger the amplitude, the louder or more intense the signal is perceived. Therefore, in this context, the correct answer is "amplitude."

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  • 37. 

    How fast a signal goes up and down is it's ___________?

    Correct Answer
    The speed at which a signal oscillates or fluctuates is referred to as its frequency. This term is commonly used to describe how quickly a signal moves between high and low points. In other words, it measures the number of complete cycles or vibrations that occur in a given time period.

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  • 38. 

    When you change the sin waves ending and beginning of a signal, it is called the __________?

    Correct Answer
    When you change the sin waves ending and beginning of a signal, it is called the phase. The phase refers to the position of a waveform relative to a reference point at a given point in time. By altering the beginning and ending of a signal, the phase of the waveform is modified. This can result in a shift in the timing or alignment of the waveform, which can have significant effects on the overall signal.

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  • 39. 

    The ability of two different entities to talk to each other at the same time in two different directions using different frequencies.

    Correct Answer
    full duplex
    Full-duplex refers to the ability of two different entities to communicate simultaneously in both directions using different frequencies. This means that both entities can send and receive information at the same time, allowing for more efficient and seamless communication. Unlike half-duplex, where communication can only occur in one direction at a time, full-duplex enables real-time and uninterrupted communication between the entities.

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  • 40. 

    Modems or transmission lines that can only transmit in one direction at a time are called ___________?

    Correct Answer
    half duplex
    Modems or transmission lines that can only transmit in one direction at a time are referred to as "half-duplex" or "half duplex". This means that they can either send or receive data, but not both simultaneously.

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  • 41. 

    Lines that can only transmit in one direction are called ___________?

    Correct Answer
    Lines that can only transmit in one direction are called simplex. This means that data can only flow in one direction, either from the sender to the receiver or from the receiver to the sender, but not both simultaneously. Simplex communication is commonly used in situations where one device or party needs to transmit information without receiving any feedback or response.

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  • 42. 

    List in numerical order what each component is. Separate your answers with a comma and a space.

    Correct Answer
    cpu, memory, video controller, keyboard controller, cd rom controller, hard disk controller
    The given answer lists the components in the correct numerical order. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the main component responsible for executing instructions. Memory refers to the RAM (Random Access Memory) which stores data and instructions temporarily. The video controller handles the display output. The keyboard controller manages input from the keyboard. The CD ROM controller handles data transfer to and from the CD ROM drive. The hard disk controller manages data transfer to and from the hard disk drive.

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  • 43. 

    What does a CPU do?

    Correct Answer
    execute instructions
    A CPU, or Central Processing Unit, is the main component of a computer that performs most of the processing inside the computer. It executes instructions from the computer's memory, which allows it to perform tasks such as calculations, data processing, and control of other hardware components. The CPU carries out these instructions by fetching them from memory, decoding them, and then executing them. Therefore, the answer "execute instructions" accurately describes the primary function of a CPU.

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  • 44. 

    What is also known as an emulator and allows for other software to run on different hardware than it was intended.

    Correct Answer
    An interpreter is a software that allows other software to run on different hardware than it was intended for. It emulates the behavior of the intended hardware, allowing the software to be executed and function properly. Interpreters are commonly used to run programs written in a specific programming language on different operating systems or architectures. They interpret and execute the code line by line, without the need for compilation.

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  • 45. 

    What is a collection of parallel wires used for transmitting addresses, data and control signals.

    Correct Answer
    A bus is a collection of parallel wires used for transmitting addresses, data, and control signals. It serves as a communication pathway between different components of a computer system, allowing them to exchange information. The parallel arrangement of wires enables multiple signals to be transmitted simultaneously, increasing the efficiency of data transfer. The bus is responsible for carrying the necessary signals to ensure proper communication between various devices, such as the CPU, memory, and input/output devices.

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  • 46. 

    What is the assembly line style for  processing instructions faster.

    Correct Answer
    Pipelining is an assembly line style for processing instructions faster. In pipelining, the processing of instructions is divided into a series of stages, and each stage performs a specific task. This allows multiple instructions to be processed simultaneously, increasing the overall throughput and efficiency of the system. By overlapping the execution of instructions, pipelining reduces the time taken to complete a single instruction and improves the overall performance of the processor.

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  • 47. 

    What does RISC stand for?

    Correct Answer
    reduced instruction set computer
    RISC stands for reduced instruction set computer. This term refers to a type of computer architecture that uses a small set of simple and basic instructions. The design philosophy behind RISC is to simplify the instruction set, allowing for faster execution of instructions and greater efficiency in terms of hardware utilization. By reducing the complexity of instructions, RISC processors can achieve higher performance and lower power consumption compared to complex instruction set computers (CISC).

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  • 48. 

    What does CISC stand for?

    Correct Answer
    complex instruction set computer
    CISC stands for complex instruction set computer. This term refers to a type of computer architecture that emphasizes complex and multi-step instructions. In CISC, instructions can perform multiple operations in a single command, allowing for more efficient programming and potentially reducing the number of instructions needed to complete a task. This is in contrast to RISC (reduced instruction set computer), which focuses on simpler and more streamlined instructions. CISC architectures were commonly used in older computer systems, while RISC architectures are more prevalent in modern processors.

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  • 49. 

    What is SIMD?

    Correct Answer
    instruction-stream multiple data-stream
    Instruction-stream Multiple Data-stream
    Instruction stream Multiple Data stream
    SIMD stands for Single Instruction, Multiple Data. It is a type of parallel computing architecture that allows a single instruction to be executed on multiple data elements simultaneously. This approach is commonly used in multimedia applications or tasks that involve processing large amounts of data in parallel. The correct answer options all represent the same acronym, just with variations in capitalization and spacing.

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  • 50. 

    What is also known as a storage area?

    Correct Answer
    Memory is also known as a storage area. It refers to the component of a computer system that is responsible for storing and retrieving data or instructions. It is where the computer temporarily stores data that is being actively used by the CPU. Memory can be classified into different types such as RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read-Only Memory), each serving different purposes in the storage and retrieval of data.

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