Which anterior tooth can have two roots?_______________________________________________
Ch.16, pg 269, 2nd ed.,pg.225, 3rd ed. states " The depressions may be extremely pronounced, to the point of creating a facial and lingual component in the apical third and giving the tooth a double-rooted appearance."
"The major difference is that a mandibular canine can have two separate pulp chambers".
Which way are the roots located on the anterior tooth that can have two roots?
Correct Answer
A. Facial and lingual
Ch 16, page 269 states, "If the tooth has two canals, one is placed labially(facially) and the other lingually."
The fossa are located on the _______________________________surface of cuspids?
Correct Answer
Ch 16, page 265- Figure 16-24 shows Lingual views of permanent canines and their features (Lingual fossae highlighted).
Two fossa are separated by a _______________________________________?
Correct Answer
lingual ridge
Ch.16, page 268 states- A vertical, centrally placed lingual ridge is also present from the cingulum to the cusp tip, separating two lingual fossae, the shallow but visable mesiolingual fossa and distolingual fossa".
See Figure 16-28 Page 268 -Lingual view of a permanent maxillary right canine and features for a view of a lingual ridge.
Which cusp ridge of the cuspids is longer, mesial or distal?
Correct Answer
Ch. 16 pg.264 states," The mesial cusp slope is usually shorter then the distal cusp slope for both the maxillary and mandibular canines when they first erupt. The length of these cusp slopes (ridges) and position of the cusp tip can change woth attrition".
Which line angles on the mandibular cuspids are sharper when first erupted the mesioincisal or distoincisal?
Correct Answer
Ch 16, pg 270 states," The mesial cusp slope of a mandibular canine is shorter than the distal cusp slope when first erupted from the labial view, which helps to distinguuish the right mandibular canine from the left. With attrition, the central cusp tip moves tot he mesial, shortening the already short mesial cusp slope and further lenghtening the distal cusp slope". Also see Fig 16-25 Pg 266
Which cuspid has the longest root, maxillary or mandibular?
Correct Answer
Ch.16, page 269 states." The single root of a mandibular canine may be as long as that of a maxillary canine but is usually somewhat shorter, although it still has the longest mandibuar root".
Describe the canine eminence. Is it found on both arches?
Correct Answer
bony ridge on both maxillary and mandibular arches
Ch.16, page 264 states," This long and large root is extremely manifested by the vertically oriented and labially placed bony ridge called the canine eminence of the alvelor bone, especially in the maxillary arch".
Choose the correct answer- From an incisal view, the cingulum of a mandibular cuspid swings to the lingual, distal or mesial?
Correct Answer
B. Distal
Ch.16, page 271 states-"A mandibular canine from this view is similar to a maxillary canine, but it is slightly more symmetrical compared with the maxillary tooth. Also, the crown is wider labiolingually than mesiodistally and is offset toward the mesial. The less developed cingulum is offset toward the distal".
Choose the correct answer- Which of these statements are true?
Correct Answer
B. The maxillary cuspid is the last anterior tooth to erupt
Ch.16, page 266 states," The permanent maxillary canines erupt between 11 and 12 years of age (root completion occurs between the ages of 13 and 15). Thus these teeth usually erupt after the mandibular canines, after the maxillary incisors, and possibly after the maxillary premolars".