Mecusiliğin kurucusu aşağıdaki şıklardan hangisinde doğru olarak yer alır?
Correct Answer
C. C. Zerdüşt
Zerdüşt, Mecusiliğin kurucusudur. Mecusilik, Zerdüşt'ün öğretilerine dayanan bir din olarak bilinir. Ahura Mazda, Avesta ve Mecusi ise Zerdüşt'ün öğretilerine ve Mecusilik'e ait kavramlardır, ancak Mecusiliğin kurucusu Zerdüşt'tür. Darya ise Mecusilikle ilgili bir bağlantıya sahip değildir.
Zerdüştlük hangi dönemde monoteizmden düalist yapıya doğru bir yöneliş belirmiştir?
Correct Answer
B. B. Sasaniler
The correct answer is b. Sasaniler. Zoroastrianism, also known as Zerdüştlük, is believed to have developed from a monistic belief system to a dualistic one during the Sasanian Empire (224-651 CE) in Persia. This period marked a shift towards a duality of good and evil, represented by the god Ahura Mazda and the devil Angra Mainyu, respectively. The Sasanians played a significant role in the development and spread of Zoroastrianism, making them the correct answer to the question.
Zerdüştiler için saflığın ve hakikatin daha doğrusu Ahura Mazda’nın sembolü olan öge aşağıdakilerden hangisidir.
Correct Answer
C. C. Ateş
The correct answer is c. Ateş. In Zoroastrianism, fire is considered a symbol of purity and truth, representing the divine entity Ahura Mazda. Fire is worshiped as a sacred element and plays a significant role in Zoroastrian rituals and ceremonies. It is believed to have the power to cleanse and purify, and is seen as a means of connecting with the divine. Therefore, fire is the most appropriate symbol for purity and truth in Zoroastrianism.
Zerdüştlerdeki iyi ve bütün dünyadaki varlıkları yaratan bir tanrının adı nedir?
Correct Answer
B. B. Ahura Mazda
The correct answer is b. Ahura Mazda. In Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda is the supreme god who created all the beings in the world. He is considered the creator of everything that exists and is worshipped as the highest deity in Zoroastrian religion.
Zerdüştlükte kötülüğün kaynağı hangi terimde ifadesini bulur?
Correct Answer
E. E. Angra Mainhu
In Zoroastrianism, the source of evil is expressed in the term "Angra Mainhu". This term refers to the destructive spirit or the embodiment of evil in Zoroastrian mythology. It is believed to be in constant conflict with the good spirit, "Ahura Mazda". Therefore, the correct answer is e. Angra Mainhu.
Sabii rahiplerine ne ad verilir?
Correct Answer
A. A. mandi
Sabii rahiplerine "mandi" adı verilir.
Sabilerin en önemli ibadeti nedir?
Correct Answer
C. C. Vaftiz
Sabilikte yüce varlık hangi terimle ifade edilir?
Correct Answer
B. B. Malka d Nhura
Sabiilikte tanrı tasavvur nasıldır?
Correct Answer
C. C. Düalist
The correct answer is c. Düalist. This suggests that the concept of God in Sabiilik is dualistic, meaning that it posits the existence of two opposing forces or entities in the divine realm.
Sabiliğin kutsal metinleri hangi dildedir?
Correct Answer
D. D. Mandence
The correct answer is d. Mandence. This is because the question is asking about the sacred texts of Sabiliğ, and Mandence is the only language listed that is associated with Sabiliğ. The other options, Arapça, İbranice, and Süryanice, are not specifically connected to Sabiliğ.
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi Modern Yahudi mezheplerinden değildir?
Correct Answer
E. E. Anglikan
The question asks which one is not a modern Jewish denomination. The options given are Orthodox, Conservative, Zionism, Reconstructionist, and Anglican. Among these options, Anglican is not a Jewish denomination. Anglicanism is a Christian denomination that originated in England, and it is not part of the Jewish religious tradition.
Aşağıdaki şıklardan hangisi Yahudilerin yazılı kutsal metinlerinin adıdır?
Correct Answer
A. A. Tanah
The correct answer is a. Tanah. Tanah is the Hebrew name for the Jewish holy scriptures, also known as the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament. It is composed of three main sections: the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), the Nevi'im (the Prophets), and the Ketuvim (the Writings). The Tanah is considered sacred and authoritative by Jews and contains the foundational texts of Judaism.
Aşağıdaki şıklardan hangisi Yahudilerin sözlü kutsal metinlerinin adıdır?
Correct Answer
B. B. Talmud
The Talmud is the name of the written record of the Jewish oral law and commentaries on the Hebrew Bible. It is a central text in Judaism and contains discussions and debates on Jewish law, ethics, philosophy, customs, and history. The Tanah, Tevrat, and Torah are all alternative names for the Hebrew Bible, which includes the five books of Moses. Moses, on the other hand, is a significant figure in Judaism but not the name of any Jewish sacred texts.
Yahudi terimi hangi olay sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır?
Correct Answer
C. C. Babil Sürgünü
The term "Yahudi" (Jewish) emerged as a result of the Babylonian Exile (Babil Sürgünü). During this period, which occurred in the 6th century BCE, the Babylonian Empire conquered the Kingdom of Judah and forced many Jews into exile in Babylon. This event marked a significant turning point in Jewish history and identity, as it led to the development of a distinct Jewish community in Babylon, which later played a crucial role in the preservation and transmission of Jewish traditions and texts.
İsrail Krallığının en kudretli çağı aşağıdaki şıkların hangisinde doğru olarak verilmiştir?
Correct Answer
A. A. Davut ve Süleyman
The correct answer is a. Davut ve Süleyman. The question asks for the most powerful period of the Kingdom of Israel. Davut (David) and Süleyman (Solomon) are known as two of the most powerful and successful kings in the history of Israel. Davut established a strong and centralized kingdom, while Süleyman expanded its territory and built the First Temple in Jerusalem, making Israel a regional power. Therefore, the correct answer is a. Davut ve Süleyman.
Yahudilerin günlük ibadetlerinin sayısı aşağıdaki şıklardan hangisinde doğru olarak verilmiştir?
Correct Answer
C. 3
The correct answer is 3 because it is stated in the question that the number of daily rituals of Jews is being asked, and out of the given options, 3 is the only number that matches the question.
Yahudi geleneğine göre gündelik ibadetlerin geleneği hangi döneme kadar uzanır?
Correct Answer
B. B. Patriark
According to Jewish tradition, the tradition of daily worship extends until the time of the Patriarchs. This means that the practice of daily worship has been followed since the time of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who are considered the Patriarchs of the Jewish people. The answer choice "b. Patriark" accurately reflects this tradition.
Yahudi geleneğine göre sabah ibadeti hangi peygambere göre ihdas edilmiştir?
Correct Answer
E. E. İbrahim
According to Jewish tradition, the morning prayer was established by the prophet Ibrahim.
Yahudi geleneğine göre öğle ibadeti hangi peygambere göre ihdas edilmiştir?
Correct Answer
D. D. İshak
According to Jewish tradition, the midday prayer was established by the prophet Isaac.
Yahudi geleneğine göre akşam ibadeti hangi peygambere göre ihdas edilmiştir?
Correct Answer
C. C. Yakup
According to Jewish tradition, the evening prayer was established by the prophet Yakup.
Yahudi İbadetlerinde metin olarak hangi Yahudi metni kullanılır?
Correct Answer
A. A. Torah
The correct answer is a. Torah. The Torah is the central text of Judaism and is used in Jewish worship. It consists of the five books of Moses, which contain the laws, commandments, and teachings of God as revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai. It is considered the most sacred text in Judaism and is read and studied during synagogue services and other religious ceremonies. The Talmud, on the other hand, is a collection of Jewish laws and traditions, while Kippa and Tallit are ritual objects worn during prayer. Ahudi is not a recognized Jewish text.
Hıristiyanlığın yayılmasındaki en önemli figür aşağıdaki şıklardan hangisinde doğru olarak yer alır?
Correct Answer
A. A. Misyonerlik
Misyonerlik, Hıristiyanlığın yayılmasında önemli bir rol oynamıştır. Misyonerlik, Hristiyan inancını başka toplumlara ve kültürlere yaymak için görevlendirilen kişilerin faaliyetlerini ifade eder. Misyonerler, farklı bölgelere seyahat ederek Hristiyan inancını tanıtmış, vaazlar vermiş ve kiliseler kurmuşlardır. Bu nedenle, Hıristiyanlığın yayılmasında en önemli figür olarak misyonerlik doğru bir cevaptır.
Avrupa’da Hıristiyanlığın 7. yüzyılda yayılması dinsel kaynak olarak nasıl açıklanabilir?
Correct Answer
A. A. İslamın Ortadoğu ve Kuzey Afrika’da yayılması
The spread of Christianity in Europe in the 7th century can be explained by the expansion of Islam in the Middle East and North Africa. As Islam spread, it brought new ideas and religious practices to these regions, which influenced and sometimes challenged existing religious beliefs. This led to a greater interest in Christianity and the conversion of some individuals to the faith. Additionally, the political and social changes brought about by Islamic conquests created opportunities for Christian missionaries to spread their message.
Kitabı Mukaddesin Yahudi metinleri barındıran ilk kısmına ne ad verilir?
Correct Answer
E. E. Eski ahit
The correct answer is "e. Eski ahit" because it refers to the first part of the Bible that contains the Jewish scriptures. It is also known as the Old Testament in Christianity. The other options are not correct because the New Testament (a) is the second part of the Bible, the Talmud (b) is a collection of Jewish laws and traditions, the Torah (c) refers specifically to the first five books of the Bible, and Tekvin (d) is the Turkish translation of the book of Genesis.
Hıristiyanlık terimi ilk olarak hangi tarihte kullanılmıştır?
Correct Answer
C. C. MS 50
The term "Hıristiyanlık" (Christianity) was first used in MS 50.
Hıristiyanlık hakkında ilk bilgilerin bulunduğu kaynak aşağıdaki şıklardan hangisinde doğru olarak verilmiştir?
Correct Answer
C. C. Pavlus
The correct answer is c. Pavlus. The question is asking for the source that contains the first information about Christianity. Paul, also known as Paul the Apostle or Saint Paul, is considered one of the most important figures in the early development of Christianity. He wrote many of the letters (epistles) that are included in the New Testament of the Bible, which provide valuable information about the teachings and beliefs of early Christians. Therefore, it is correct to say that the first information about Christianity can be found in the writings of Paul.
Baba, oğul ve kutsal Ruh’tan oluşan teslisin fonksiyonu nasıl ifade edilebilir?
Correct Answer
A. A. Kelamdır, kurtarıcı bir ilahidir
The correct answer is a. Kelamdır, kurtarıcı bir ilahidir. This means that the function of the Trinity, consisting of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is to be the Word and the saving divinity.
Hıristiyanlık hangi vurguyla diğer dinlerden farklı olduğunu iddia eder?
Correct Answer
D. D. Sevgi ve merhamet
Christianity claims to be different from other religions in terms of its emphasis on love and mercy. While other religions may focus on concepts such as punishment (azap), sin (günah), paradise (cennet), or worship (ibadet), Christianity highlights the importance of love and mercy as central tenets of its teachings. This emphasis is seen in the teachings of Jesus, who preached forgiveness, compassion, and loving one's neighbor. Christianity believes that love and mercy are not only qualities that individuals should possess, but also attributes of God Himself.
Hıristiyanlıkta ibadetler nerelerde icra edilir?
Correct Answer
E. E. kilise
In Christianity, worship is typically conducted in churches, also known as "kilise" in Turkish. Churches are considered sacred spaces where Christians gather to pray, sing hymns, listen to sermons, and participate in sacraments such as baptism and communion. These buildings are specifically designed for religious ceremonies and rituals, and they serve as a place of worship and community for Christians. Therefore, the correct answer is e. kilise.
Hıristiyan inanç esaslarını ya da amentüsünü ifade etmede yaygın olarak hangi kelime kullanılır?
Correct Answer
C. C. kredo (creed)
The correct answer is c. kredo (creed). A creed is a statement of the basic beliefs or principles of a religious faith. In Christianity, the Nicene Creed and the Apostles' Creed are two of the most well-known creeds. These creeds express the fundamental doctrines and beliefs of Christianity, such as the nature of God, the divinity of Jesus Christ, and the role of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the word "kredo" is commonly used to refer to the expression of Christian beliefs and principles.
Hıristiyanlığın ilk kredosu aşağıdaki şıklardan hangisinde doğrudur?
Correct Answer
B. B. Havariler kredosu
The correct answer is b. Havariler kredosu. The Havariler kredosu, also known as the Apostles' Creed, is one of the earliest statements of Christian belief. It dates back to the 2nd century and is attributed to the Apostles themselves. It outlines the basic tenets of Christianity, including belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the Holy Spirit, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and eternal life. The other options listed are not the first creeds of Christianity.
Hz Muhammed (a.s) babasının adı aşağıdaki şıklardan hangisinde doğru olarak verilmiştir?
Correct Answer
A. A. Abdullah
The correct answer is "a. Abdullah." In this question, we are asked to identify the correct name of the father of Hz Muhammed (a.s). Among the given options, "a. Abdullah" is the correct answer as it is the name of Hz Muhammed's father.
Peygamber Hz. Muhammed (a.s.) nerde doğdu?
Correct Answer
C. C. Mekke
Peygamber Hz. Muhammed (a.s.) Mekke'de doğdu.
Vahiy öncesi Hz. Muhammed’in Mekke toplumundaki lakabı nedir?
Correct Answer
A. A.Muhammedül Emin
The correct answer is a. Muhammedül Emin. This is the nickname given to Hz. Muhammed before receiving the revelation. It means "Muhammad the Trustworthy" and reflects his reputation for honesty and integrity in the Meccan society.
İlk vahiy nerde ve ne zaman gelmiştir?
Correct Answer
C. C. Hira 610
The first revelation was received by the Prophet Muhammad in the cave of Hira in the year 610. This event marked the beginning of his prophethood and the start of the revelation of the Quran.
Mekke kaç yılında fethedilmiştir?
Correct Answer
E. E. 629 (630)
Mekka'nın fethi, İslam peygamberi Muhammed'in liderliğindeki Müslüman ordusu tarafından gerçekleştirilmiştir. Mekke'nin fethi, İslam'ın yayılmasında önemli bir dönüm noktası olarak kabul edilir ve İslam'ın başkenti olarak Mekke'nin önemini arttırmıştır. Mekke'nin fethi, 629 (630) yılında gerçekleşmiştir.
Dünyanın her yerindeki Mûsevîlerin kutladıkları, en önemli yılbaşı bayramı hangisidir?
Correct Answer
B. B) Roşaşana.
Roşaşana is the correct answer because it is the most important New Year festival celebrated by Jews all over the world. It marks the beginning of the Jewish year and is a time for reflection, repentance, and renewal. During Roşaşana, Jews gather for special prayers, blow the shofar (a ram's horn), and share festive meals with family and friends. It is a significant holiday in the Jewish calendar and holds cultural and religious importance for the Jewish community.
Yahûdîlerin Mısır’dan çıktıktan sonra kırk yıl çölde dolaşmaları anısına yapılan bayramın adı nedir?
Correct Answer
A. A) Sukkot (Çardaklar).
After the Israelites left Egypt, they wandered in the desert for forty years. To commemorate this period, a holiday called Sukkot, which means "booths" or "temporary shelters," is celebrated. During Sukkot, people build and dwell in temporary outdoor structures called sukkahs, which symbolize the temporary dwellings used by the Israelites during their journey. Therefore, the correct answer is a) Sukkot (Çardaklar).
Tevrat’ta yılda üç defa hac ibâdeti emredilmektedir. Hangisi, Yahûdîlikteki hac zamanlarındandır?
Correct Answer
D. D) Hepsi
In the Torah, it is commanded to perform the pilgrimage of Hajj three times a year. The options given are Sukkot, Şavuot, and Fısıh, which are all Jewish holidays. Therefore, the correct answer is "d) Hepsi" (all of them), as all three holidays are part of the pilgrimage times in Judaism.
Hz. Îsâ dönemindeki Ferisilikle başlayan, günümüzde klasik Yahûdîlik anlayışını aynen devam ettiren Yahûdîlik mezhebi aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
Correct Answer
A. A) Ortodoks.
The correct answer is a) Ortodoks. The question asks for the Jewish denomination that started with Pharisaism in the past and continues to follow the classical understanding of Judaism today. The Orthodox denomination fits this description as it traces its roots back to Pharisaism and maintains traditional Jewish practices and beliefs.
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi Hristiyan sakramentlerinden (gizemlerinden) biri değildir?
Correct Answer
B. B) Tefilin-Tallit.
The correct answer is b) Tefilin-Tallit. Tefilin and Tallit are not Christian sacraments, but rather Jewish religious practices. Tefilin refers to the small black leather boxes containing scripture that Jewish men wear on their arm and forehead during prayer, while Tallit is a prayer shawl worn by Jewish men during morning prayers. The other options listed are all Christian sacraments, such as confession, Eucharist, anointing of the sick, ordination, baptism, and confirmation.
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi Hristanlığın öncü reformcularından biri değildir?
Correct Answer
A. A) MosesMaimondes (Musa İbn Meymun)
The correct answer is a) Moses Maimonides (Musa İbn Meymun). Moses Maimonides was not a precursor to the Reformation movement in Christianity. He was a Jewish philosopher, scholar, and physician who lived in the 12th century. Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, and John Calvin were all key figures in the Protestant Reformation during the 16th century. They played significant roles in challenging the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church and advocating for reform within Christianity.
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi batıda yaygın olan Protestanlık çerçevesindeki mezheplerdendir?
Correct Answer
D. D) Hepsi.
The correct answer is "d) Hepsi." This means that all of the options mentioned (Evanjelizm, Anglikan, Baptistler, Adventistler, Presbiteryenler, Pentekostalistler) are denominations within Protestantism, which is widespread in the West.
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi Budizmin temel inançları arasında sayılamaz?
Correct Answer
A. A) Aşrama-Dıharma.
The correct answer is a) Aşrama-Dıharma. This option cannot be considered as one of the fundamental beliefs of Buddhism because Aşrama-Dıharma is a concept that belongs to Hinduism, not Buddhism. In Hinduism, Aşrama-Dıharma refers to the four stages of life, while Buddhism focuses on the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi batıda ortaya çıkan yeni dînî akımlardan biri değildir?
Correct Answer
D. D) Taoizm ve Konfüçyanizm.
The correct answer is d) Taoism and Confucianism. Taoism and Confucianism are not new religious movements that emerged in the West. They are ancient Chinese philosophical and religious traditions that have been practiced for centuries in East Asia. On the other hand, options a), b), and c) (Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons and Mormonism, Humanism and Postmodernism) are all examples of new religious movements that have emerged in the West in recent centuries.
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi Hz. Îsâ dönemi Yahûdîliğinin üç önemli mezhebinden biri değildir?
Correct Answer
C. C) Karailik.
Karailik, Hz. İsa dönemi Yahudiliğinin önemli mezheplerinden biri değildir.
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi Yahûdîlik kutsal metinlerinden Tanah’ın bölümleri arasında sayılamaz?
Correct Answer
D. D) Talet.
The correct answer is d) Talet. Talet is not a division of the Tanah. The Tanah is divided into three parts: Tora, Nevim, and Ketuvim. Talet is not mentioned as one of the divisions of the Tanah.
Hangisi, Hristiyanların kutladıkları önemli dînî festivallerden biri değildir?
Correct Answer
D. D) Matsa /Mayasız Ekmek
The correct answer is d) Matsa /Mayasız Ekmek. The question asks for a religious festival that is not celebrated by Christians. Matsa, also known as matzah, is a type of unleavened bread traditionally eaten by Jews during the Passover holiday. Therefore, it is not a significant religious festival for Christians.
Zerdüşte adfedilen ifadeler hangi kutsal kitapta geçmektedir?
Correct Answer
A. A) Gathalarde
Mecusiliğin kutsal metini hangisidir?
Correct Answer
A. Avesta
Avesta is the correct answer because it is the sacred text of Zoroastrianism, an ancient Iranian religion. It is believed to have been written by the prophet Zoroaster and contains hymns, prayers, and rituals. The Avesta is considered the holy scripture of Zoroastrians and is a significant source of information about their beliefs and practices.