The Age Of Jackson Test

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| By Russell801
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The Age Of Jackson Test - Quiz

Do you know about Early America? You can take this Jackson test to check how well you remember the Age of Jackson. This quiz has got a few questions about Early America/Jackson that you need to answer correctly for a perfect score on this quiz. If you know everything, this will be a perfect practice quiz for you. But, if you miss out on something, we are here to help you with the correct answers. All the best! Don't forget to share the quiz with others.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    All of the following were accomplishments of the Washington administration EXCEPT:

    • A.

      Crushed the Whiskey Rebellion

    • B.

      Purchased Louisiana from the French

    • C.

      Constructed the Cabinet

    • D.

      It was the first administration to exist under the Constitution.

    Correct Answer
    B. Purchased Louisiana from the French
    The Washington administration accomplished many things, but one of the things it did not do was purchase Louisiana from the French. This acquisition of the Louisiana territory actually occurred during the Jefferson administration with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. Washington's administration, however, did crush the Whiskey Rebellion, construct the Cabinet, and was the first administration to exist under the Constitution.

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  • 2. 

    Which of the following best describes the Alien and Sedition Act?

    • A.

      It became illegal to criticize high government officials.

    • B.

      Immigration became entirely illegal.

    • C.

      John Marshall used the act to increase the power of the Supreme Court.

    • D.

      All immigrants were immediately considered aliens.

    Correct Answer
    A. It became illegal to criticize high government officials.
    The Alien and Sedition Act refers to a series of laws passed in the late 18th century in the United States. One of the provisions of this act made it illegal to criticize high government officials. This was a controversial aspect of the act as it was seen as a violation of the First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and press. The act was primarily aimed at suppressing political opposition and dissent, particularly from immigrant communities who were seen as a threat to national security. The act was eventually repealed, but it remains a significant example of government overreach and restriction of civil liberties.

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  • 3. 

    Which of the following events caused an increase in tension between the United States and France during the Adams administration?

    • A.

      Adams-Onis Treaty

    • B.

      Louisiana Purchase

    • C.

      Napoleonic Wars

    • D.

      XYZ Affair

    Correct Answer
    D. XYZ Affair
    The XYZ Affair caused an increase in tension between the United States and France during the Adams administration. This incident involved French officials demanding bribes from American diplomats in order to negotiate a peace treaty. The American public was outraged by this attempt at bribery and it led to a wave of anti-French sentiment in the United States. The XYZ Affair ultimately resulted in the undeclared naval war between the two countries known as the Quasi-War, further escalating tensions between them.

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  • 4. 

    Which of the following best shows the desire of the United States to expand into new territories during the Jefferson administration?

    • A.

      Louisiana Purchase

    • B.

      XYZ Affair

    • C.

      Spanish-American War

    • D.

      Revolution of 1800

    Correct Answer
    A. Louisiana Purchase
    During the Jefferson administration, the United States showed its desire to expand into new territories through the Louisiana Purchase. This was a significant event in which the U.S. acquired a vast territory from France, doubling the size of the country. The purchase demonstrated the U.S. government's willingness to pursue territorial expansion and secure valuable land for future settlement and economic growth.

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  • 5. 

    What were the terms of the Treaty of Ghent?

    • A.

      The United States now controlled all land in North America that belonged to the British.

    • B.

      All land in North America that belonged to the United States was now controlled by the British

    • C.

      The treaty returned things to the way they were before the war.

    • D.

      France was able to gain back some of the Louisiana Territory.

    Correct Answer
    C. The treaty returned things to the way they were before the war.
    The correct answer is "The treaty returned things to the way they were before the war." This means that the terms of the Treaty of Ghent aimed to restore the pre-war status quo between the United States and Britain. It did not result in any territorial changes or transfers of land.

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  • 6. 

    If Great Britain wanted to form a colony in South America, why would the United States have objected in the early 19th century?

    • A.

      Mercantilism was no longer a viable economic policy.

    • B.

      The Monroe Doctrine said that the Western Hemisphere was closed to colonization.

    • C.

      The United States would not object to Great Britain forming a colony in South America.

    • D.

      The United States was still upset about the Revolutionary War.

    Correct Answer
    B. The Monroe Doctrine said that the Western HemispHere was closed to colonization.
    The United States would have objected to Great Britain forming a colony in South America in the early 19th century because of the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine, which was a foreign policy statement issued in 1823, declared that the Western Hemisphere was closed to colonization by any European powers. This policy was aimed at preventing further European colonization in the Americas and protecting the independence of newly formed Latin American countries. Therefore, if Great Britain had attempted to form a colony in South America, it would have been seen as a violation of the Monroe Doctrine and the United States would have objected.

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  • 7. 

    Which of the following groups thought that the world would soon end, abstained from sexual intercourse, and got their name from a ritual dance?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Shakers
    The Shakers believed in the imminent end of the world, practiced celibacy, and were known for their ritual dance called "shaking." This group believed in communal living, gender equality, and celibacy as a means of achieving spiritual purity. They were also known for their beautiful craftsmanship, particularly in furniture-making. The Shakers believed in simplicity, hard work, and devotion to God, and their lifestyle and beliefs set them apart from mainstream society.

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  • 8. 

    What was the essence of transcendentalist belief?

    • A.

      People are able to pass beyond normal human comprehension through meditation.

    • B.

      There is one universal truth.

    • C.

      Universal truths do not exist.

    • D.

      Every person can discover truth on their own.

    Correct Answer
    D. Every person can discover truth on their own.
    The essence of transcendentalist belief is that every person has the ability to discover truth on their own. Transcendentalists rejected the idea of relying on external authorities or institutions for knowledge and believed in the power of individual intuition and experience. They emphasized the importance of self-reliance and encouraged people to trust their own instincts and insights to uncover universal truths. This belief in the innate wisdom and potential of each individual was a central tenet of transcendentalism.

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  • 9. 

    "All men and women are created equal."  This quote most likely comes from a person who supports which reform movement?

    • A.

      Education Reform

    • B.

      Women's Rights

    • C.

      Religious Reform

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Women's Rights
    The quote "All men and women are created equal" suggests a belief in gender equality, which aligns with the goals of the Women's Rights movement. This movement advocates for equal rights and opportunities for women, challenging societal norms and advocating for gender equality in various aspects of life. The quote implies a recognition of the inherent worth and equality of both men and women, which is a central tenet of the Women's Rights movement.

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  • 10. 

    Why would Angelina Grimke argue that women have rights?

    • A.

      They are human beings.

    • B.

      They can own land.

    • C.

      She would argue that men and women are inherently unequal.

    • D.

      Grimke was a lawyer and would argue about anything.

    Correct Answer
    A. They are human beings.
    Angelina Grimke would argue that women have rights because they are human beings. This suggests that she believed in the fundamental principle of equality, asserting that all individuals, regardless of their gender, should be entitled to certain rights and freedoms simply by virtue of their humanity. This aligns with the broader movement for women's rights and gender equality, which sought to challenge the prevailing notion of women's inferiority and advocate for their equal treatment and opportunities in society.

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  • 11. 

    "I believe that in four weeks' time from when a declaration of war is heard on our frontier, the whole of Upper Canada and a part of Lower Canada will be in our possession."  - John C. CalhounWhat event is Calhoun describing?

    • A.

      American Revolution

    • B.

      War of 1812

    • C.

      Canadian Bacon

    • D.

      French and Indian War

    Correct Answer
    B. War of 1812
    The correct answer is War of 1812. In the given quote, John C. Calhoun is referring to a future event where he believes that after four weeks from when a declaration of war is heard on their frontier, the whole of Upper Canada and a part of Lower Canada will be under their possession. This statement aligns with the context of the War of 1812, which was a conflict between the United States and Great Britain, including British colonies in Canada, from 1812 to 1815.

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  • 12. 

    "I believe that in four weeks' time from when a declaration of war is heard on our frontier, the whole of Upper Canada and a part of Lower Canada will be in our possession."  - John C. CalhounWhich of the following is how John C. Calhoun was described by his contemporaries?

    • A.

      War Hawk

    • B.


    • C.

      War Monger

    • D.

      Ally for peace

    Correct Answer
    A. War Hawk
    John C. Calhoun was described as a "War Hawk" by his contemporaries. This term refers to individuals who were in favor of engaging in war and using military force to achieve their political goals. Calhoun's statement suggests that he believed that the United States would be successful in capturing Upper Canada and a part of Lower Canada in the event of a war, indicating his aggressive and hawkish stance towards military action.

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  • 13. 

    How did Marbury v. Madison impact the Supreme Court?

    • A.

      Congress became more powerful.

    • B.

      Judges were no longer allowed to vote.

    • C.

      The Supreme Court became more powerful.

    • D.

      The President was removed from office.

    Correct Answer
    C. The Supreme Court became more powerful.
    Marbury v. Madison was a landmark Supreme Court case that established the principle of judicial review, giving the Court the power to declare laws unconstitutional. This decision significantly enhanced the authority of the Supreme Court by granting it the ability to interpret and invalidate laws passed by Congress. As a result, the Court gained the power to shape and influence national policy, making it a more powerful branch of government.

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  • 14. 

    Why did Thomas Jefferson believe that creating a national bank was unconstitutional?

    • A.

      The Constitution prohibited a national bank.

    • B.

      Only states are permitted to have banks.

    • C.

      Jefferson thought that a national bank would hurt the nation.

    • D.

      The Constitution did not specifically say that a national bank could be created.

    Correct Answer
    D. The Constitution did not specifically say that a national bank could be created.
    Thomas Jefferson believed that creating a national bank was unconstitutional because the Constitution did not specifically grant the power to create a national bank. Jefferson, as a strict constructionist, believed that the federal government should only exercise powers explicitly stated in the Constitution. Since the Constitution did not explicitly mention the creation of a national bank, Jefferson argued that it was beyond the scope of the federal government's authority.

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  • 15. 

    All of these countries laid a claim on the Oregon Country EXCEPT:

    • A.

      United States

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Great Britain

    Correct Answer
    B. France
    France is the correct answer because it did not lay a claim on the Oregon Country. The United States, Great Britain, and Spain all had competing claims to the territory. France, however, did not have any significant claim or involvement in the Oregon Country during this time period.

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  • 16. 

    Which of the following best describes why settlers traveled west to the Oregon Country?

    • A.

      Economic troubles at home and fertile land out west

    • B.

      The promise of an easy trip on the Oregon Trail

    • C.

      They heard about the Donner Party and wanted to travel the same route.

    • D.

      There were great silver and gold mines where people were striking it rich.

    Correct Answer
    A. Economic troubles at home and fertile land out west
    Settlers traveled west to the Oregon Country due to economic troubles at home and the promise of fertile land out west. This suggests that they were seeking better economic opportunities and the possibility of establishing prosperous farms in the fertile lands of the Oregon Country. The mention of economic troubles at home implies that they were facing difficulties and were looking for a fresh start in a new territory with better prospects.

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  • 17. 

    Why did many Irish immigrants move to the United States in the 1840s?

    • A.

      America is the land of opportunity.

    • B.

      There was a potato famine in Ireland.

    • C.

      Ireland was suffering from an economic recession.

    • D.

      The Irish immigration was extremely helpful to the economy of the United States.

    Correct Answer
    B. There was a potato famine in Ireland.
    Many Irish immigrants moved to the United States in the 1840s because there was a potato famine in Ireland. This famine, also known as the Great Famine, was caused by a disease that destroyed the potato crop, which was a staple food for the Irish population. As a result, millions of Irish people faced extreme poverty, starvation, and death. In search of better opportunities and to escape the devastating effects of the famine, many Irish immigrants chose to migrate to the United States.

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  • 18. 

    How might nativism affect a multicultural community like New York City?

    • A.

      Native Americans may not receive their natural rights.

    • B.

      Segregation and division within the community could increase.

    • C.

      Crime could rise within the community.

    • D.

      Some immigrants could lose jobs to the nativists.

    Correct Answer
    B. Segregation and division within the community could increase.
    Nativism, which is the belief in protecting the interests of native-born citizens over immigrants, can lead to increased segregation and division within a multicultural community like New York City. When nativist sentiments are strong, it can create an "us vs. them" mentality, causing tension and conflict between different ethnic and cultural groups. This can result in the formation of segregated communities, where people of different backgrounds do not interact or integrate with each other. Such division can hinder social cohesion, cultural exchange, and overall harmony within the community.

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  • 19. 

    What was the result of the Battle of New Orleans?

    • A.

      The War of 1812 between the Americans and British was rekindled.

    • B.

      The United States won a resounding victory, but it was after the war was technically over.

    • C.

      Colonel Jackson led the British down the mighty Mississippi River to take on the Americans in New Orleans.

    • D.

      The port of New Orleans was closed to trade.

    Correct Answer
    B. The United States won a resounding victory, but it was after the war was technically over.
    The Battle of New Orleans resulted in a resounding victory for the United States, although it took place after the War of 1812 had officially ended. Colonel Jackson led the British troops to New Orleans, but they were defeated by the Americans. As a result of the battle, the port of New Orleans was closed to trade.

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  • 20. 

    Which of the following best describes the idea that God wanted the United States to expand all the way to the Pacific Ocean?

    • A.

      Manifest Destiny

    • B.

      Mandate of Heaven

    • C.

      Creative Perseverance

    • D.

      Royal Authority

    Correct Answer
    A. Manifest Destiny
    Manifest Destiny is the best description for the idea that God wanted the United States to expand all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Manifest Destiny was a term used in the 19th century to justify the territorial expansion of the United States. It was believed that it was the divine mission and right of the American people to spread their culture, values, and institutions across the continent. This idea was rooted in the belief that God had destined the United States to expand and bring progress and civilization to the western territories.

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  • 21. 

    "I weep for my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office."What event is Andrew Jackson describing?

    • A.

      The Revolution of 1800

    • B.

      The Corrupt Bargain of 1824

    • C.

      The election of 1828

    • D.

      The Indian Removal Act

    Correct Answer
    B. The Corrupt Bargain of 1824
    Andrew Jackson is describing the event known as the Corrupt Bargain of 1824. In this event, Jackson, who had won the popular vote, was denied the presidency when the House of Representatives chose John Quincy Adams instead. Jackson believed that corruption was involved in this decision, as he felt that promises of office were used to sway the vote in Adams' favor. Jackson's statement reflects his disappointment and concern for the state of his country when he witnessed such corruption in its early stages.

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  • 22. 

    Which election is the best example of the Spoils System at work in America?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. 1824
    The Spoils System refers to the practice of rewarding political supporters with government jobs and contracts. In the 1824 election, which is the best example of the Spoils System at work in America, Andrew Jackson lost the election despite winning the popular vote. John Quincy Adams, who won the election, appointed his supporters to key government positions, disregarding the qualifications of the individuals. This led to widespread criticism and accusations of corruption, highlighting the influence of the Spoils System in this election.

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  • 23. 

    How did the Indian Removal Act affect Native Americans?

    • A.

      Native Americans received wonderful spaces of land east of the Mississippi where they could live.

    • B.

      Native Americans were forced out of their homelands.

    • C.

      Settlers were forced to stay east of the Appalachian Mountains due to the Proclamation Act.

    • D.

      Native Americans had many of their old restrictions removed

    Correct Answer
    B. Native Americans were forced out of their homelands.
    The Indian Removal Act of 1830 resulted in the forced displacement of numerous Native American tribes from their ancestral lands in the southeastern United States. This act authorized the federal government to negotiate treaties with tribes, exchanging their lands for territories located west of the Mississippi River. The forced removal, known as the Trail of Tears, resulted in the loss of thousands of lives and the disruption of Native American communities, culture, and way of life. This answer accurately reflects the negative impact of the Indian Removal Act on Native Americans.

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  • 24. 

    Which idea was the Know-Nothing Party most closely associated with?

    • A.

      Organized Labor

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      The Era of Reform

    Correct Answer
    B. Nativism
    The Know-Nothing Party was most closely associated with nativism. Nativism is the belief in protecting the interests and rights of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants. The Know-Nothing Party, also known as the American Party, was a political party in the mid-19th century that strongly opposed immigration, particularly from Catholic countries. They sought to limit the political power and influence of immigrants, advocating for stricter immigration laws and policies. Therefore, the correct answer is nativism.

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  • 25. 

    Did immigration in the early to mid 19th century have a more positive or negative effect on the United States?  Your answer should include a strong thesis statement and details to support your thesis.

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