Early Republic Trivia Questions Quiz

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| By Jansen.brent
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Early Republic Trivia Questions Quiz - Quiz

Have you ever wondered how America started? The early republic is a good reminder of what our founding fathers had intended it to be. This quiz will tell you who founded the world’s first anti-slavery society, the outcome for Caucasian women due to the Revolution, what the Articles of Confederation were, what Shay’s Rebellion was, etc. If you are exploring for information on the early republic, this is the quiz for you.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    The world's first antislavery society was founded by

    • A.

      Thomas Jefferson.

    • B.

      Quakers in Philadelphia.

    • C.

      Puritans in New England.

    • D.

      Catholics in Maryland.

    • E.

      The Congregational church.

    Correct Answer
    B. Quakers in pHiladelpHia.
    The correct answer is Quakers in Philadelphia. The Quakers, also known as the Society of Friends, were one of the first religious groups in America to actively oppose slavery. In 1688, a group of Quakers in Philadelphia drafted the Germantown Quaker Petition Against Slavery, which is considered to be the first antislavery document in America. The Quakers continued to play a significant role in the abolitionist movement throughout the 18th and 19th centuries.

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  • 2. 

    The most important outcome of the Revolution for white women was that they

    • A.

      Permanently gained the right to vote.

    • B.

      Were allowed to serve in the national legislature.

    • C.

      Were elevated as special keepers of the nation's conscience.

    • D.

      Finally gained fully equal status with white males.

    • E.

      Were given the right to vote in some states.

    Correct Answer
    C. Were elevated as special keepers of the nation's conscience.
  • 3. 

    One reason that the United States avoided the frightful excesses of the French Revolution is that

    • A.

      America declared martial law until the Constitution was enacted in 1789.

    • B.

      The American Revolution suddenly overturned the entire political framework.

    • C.

      Cheap land was easily available.

    • D.

      Political democracy preceded economic democracy.

    • E.

      A strong sense of class consciousness already existed.

    Correct Answer
    C. Cheap land was easily available.
    The reason that the United States avoided the frightful excesses of the French Revolution is that cheap land was easily available. This allowed for a greater opportunity for economic mobility and upward social mobility. The availability of cheap land provided a means for individuals to establish themselves and pursue economic prosperity, reducing the likelihood of widespread social unrest and class conflict.

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  • 4. 

    The Articles of Confederation left Congress unable to

    • A.

      Organize development of the western lands.

    • B.

      Deal with foreign affairs.

    • C.

      Apportion state representation equally.

    • D.

      Enforce a tax-collection program.

    • E.

      Establish a postal service.

    Correct Answer
    D. Enforce a tax-collection program.
    The Articles of Confederation, the first constitution of the United States, failed to provide Congress with the power to enforce a tax-collection program. This meant that the central government did not have the authority to collect taxes from the states, leading to financial difficulties and an inability to fund government operations. As a result, Congress faced significant challenges in maintaining the stability and functioning of the country's finances.

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  • 5. 

    The Northwest Ordinance of 1787

    • A.

      Provided for the survey and sale of public lands in the Old Northwest.

    • B.

      Established a procedure for governing the Old Northwest territory.

    • C.

      Banned slavery from all territories of the United States.

    • D.

      Cleared the way for ratification of the Articles of Confederation.

    • E.

      Gave control over land to the territories in which they were located.

    Correct Answer
    B. Established a procedure for governing the Old Northwest territory.
    The correct answer is "established a procedure for governing the Old Northwest territory." The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was a significant piece of legislation that provided a framework for governing the territory northwest of the Ohio River. It established a process for creating new states, outlined the rights and freedoms of settlers, and prohibited slavery in the region. This ordinance was an important step in expanding American territory and establishing a system of government in newly acquired lands.

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  • 6. 

    Shays's Rebellion was provoked by

    • A.

      Fear that the Articles of Confederation had created too strong a national government for the United States.

    • B.

      Efforts by wealthy merchants to replace the Articles of Confederation with a new constitution.

    • C.

      A quarrel over the boundary between Massachusetts and Vermont.

    • D.

      Foreclosures on the mortgages of backcountry farmers.

    • E.

      The government's failure to pay bonuses to Revolutionary War veterans.

    Correct Answer
    D. Foreclosures on the mortgages of backcountry farmers.
    The correct answer is foreclosures on the mortgages of backcountry farmers. Shays's Rebellion was a revolt that occurred in Massachusetts in 1786-1787, led by farmers who were facing financial difficulties and foreclosure of their properties. These farmers, who were mostly from the backcountry areas, were heavily burdened by debt and were unable to pay their mortgages. They believed that the government was not doing enough to help them and protect their rights, leading to their rebellion against the authorities.

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  • 7. 

    Which of the following Revolutionary leaders was NOT present at the Constitutional Convention?

    • A.

      Thomas Jefferson

    • B.

      Benjamin Franklin

    • C.

      James Madison

    • D.

      George Washington

    • E.

      Alexander Hamilton

    Correct Answer
    A. Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson was not present at the Constitutional Convention because he was serving as the United States Minister to France during that time. While he was an influential figure in American history and played a significant role in the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, he did not participate in the Constitutional Convention.

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  • 8. 

    The delegate whose contributions to the Philadelphia Convention were so notable that he has been called the “Father of the Constitution” was

    • A.

      George Washington.

    • B.

      Benjamin Franklin.

    • C.

      James Madison.

    • D.

      Thomas Jefferson.

    Correct Answer
    C. James Madison.
    James Madison is considered the "Father of the Constitution" because of his significant contributions to the Philadelphia Convention. He played a pivotal role in drafting the Constitution and was instrumental in shaping its key provisions. Madison's ideas and proposals, such as the Virginia Plan, formed the basis for many of the Constitution's principles, including the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances. His extensive notes on the Convention proceedings, known as the "Madisonian Model," provide valuable insights into the framers' intentions and have been widely studied by scholars. Overall, Madison's influential role in the Constitutional Convention solidifies his reputation as the "Father of the Constitution."

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  • 9. 

    The Great Compromise at the Constitutional Convention worked out an acceptable scheme for

    • A.

      Regulating interstate commerce.

    • B.

      Levying taxes for raising a militia.

    • C.

      Apportioning congressional representation.

    • D.

      Electing the president.

    • E.

      Choosing Senators.

    Correct Answer
    C. Apportioning congressional representation.
    The Great Compromise at the Constitutional Convention resolved the issue of how states would be represented in Congress. It established a bicameral legislature, with the House of Representatives being based on population and the Senate having equal representation for each state. This compromise satisfied both the larger and smaller states, as it ensured that each state had a fair say in the legislative process. Therefore, the correct answer is apportioning congressional representation.

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  • 10. 

    Under the Constitution, the president of the United States was to be elected by a majority vote of the

    • A.

      General public.

    • B.


    • C.

      Electoral College.

    • D.

      House of Representatives.

    • E.

      State legislatures.

    Correct Answer
    C. Electoral College.
    The correct answer is Electoral College. According to the Constitution, the president of the United States is elected by the Electoral College. This means that instead of being directly elected by the general public, the president is chosen by a group of electors who represent each state. Each state is allocated a certain number of electors based on its population, and these electors then cast their votes for the president. The candidate who receives a majority of the electoral votes becomes the president.

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  • 11. 

    Among other views, The Federalist, written during the ratification debate, argued that it was

    • A.

      Impossible to safeguard the rights of states from the power of a strong central government.

    • B.

      Possible to extend a republican form of government over a large territory.

    • C.

      Inevitable that slavery would be abolished in the new republic.

    • D.

      Illegal to replace the Articles of Confederation with a new constitution.

    • E.

      Best to establish a direct democracy.

    Correct Answer
    B. Possible to extend a republican form of government over a large territory.
    The Federalist, a collection of essays written during the ratification debate, argued that it was possible to extend a republican form of government over a large territory. The authors, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, believed that a strong central government was necessary to protect the rights and interests of the states while maintaining a balance of power. They argued that a large republic would prevent the concentration of power and promote the diversity of interests, which would ultimately lead to a more stable and effective government.

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  • 12. 

    The__________ Amendment might rightly be called the “states' rights” amendment.

    Correct Answer
    The 10th Amendment is often referred to as the "states' rights" amendment because it grants powers to the states that are not specifically delegated to the federal government. This amendment emphasizes the principle of federalism and the division of powers between the national and state governments. It recognizes that the states have their own separate and independent authority, allowing them to make decisions and govern their own affairs without interference from the federal government.

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  • 13. 

    Alexander Hamilton's financial program for the economic development of the United States favored

    • A.

      Agricultural interests.

    • B.

      Trade with France.

    • C.

      The wealthier class.

    • D.

      The poor.

    • E.

      The middle class.

    Correct Answer
    C. The wealthier class.
    Alexander Hamilton's financial program for the economic development of the United States favored the wealthier class. This can be seen in his support for a strong central government, the establishment of a national bank, and the promotion of manufacturing and industry. Hamilton believed that the wealthy class should play a leading role in driving economic growth and development. His policies aimed to create a favorable environment for business and investment, benefiting the wealthier class and promoting economic prosperity.

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  • 14. 

    Hamilton believed that, together, his funding and assumption programs would

    • A.

      Gain the monetary and political support of the rich for the federal government.

    • B.

      Restore the principles of state sovereignty.

    • C.

      Be the quickest way to pay off the national debt.

    • D.

      Guarantee the fairest treatment of the original holders of government bonds.

    • E.

      Keep taxes low and therefore create a feeling of loyalty to the new federal government.

    Correct Answer
    A. Gain the monetary and political support of the rich for the federal government.
    Hamilton believed that his funding and assumption programs, which involved the federal government assuming state debts and establishing a national bank, would gain the monetary and political support of the rich. By consolidating the debts and creating a stable financial system, Hamilton aimed to create an environment where the wealthy would benefit and be more inclined to support the federal government. This support would provide the necessary resources to pay off the national debt, maintain low taxes, and ensure fair treatment of government bondholders, ultimately fostering loyalty to the new federal government.

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  • 15. 

    Alexander Hamilton's financial plan for strengthening the economy and bolstering national credit proposed all of the following except

    • A.

      Funding the national debt.

    • B.

      Assuming state debts.

    • C.

      Abolishing tariffs.

    • D.

      Establishing a national bank.

    • E.

      A low protective wall around infant industries.

    Correct Answer
    C. Abolishing tariffs.
    Alexander Hamilton's financial plan aimed to strengthen the economy and improve national credit. It included funding the national debt, assuming state debts, establishing a national bank, and implementing a low protective wall around infant industries. However, it did not propose abolishing tariffs. Tariffs were seen as a way to protect domestic industries and generate revenue for the government, so Hamilton's plan did not include getting rid of them.

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  • 16. 

    Hamilton expected that the revenue to pay the interest on the national debt would come from

    • A.

      Sales taxes and licensing fees.

    • B.

      Customs duties and excise tax.

    • C.

      Income and property taxes.

    • D.

      Western land sales and foreign loans.

    • E.

      Foreign aid.

    Correct Answer
    B. Customs duties and excise tax.
    Hamilton expected that the revenue to pay the interest on the national debt would come from customs duties and excise tax. This is because customs duties are taxes imposed on imported goods, which would generate revenue for the government. Excise tax, on the other hand, is a tax on specific goods produced or sold within a country, such as alcohol or tobacco. Both of these taxes would provide a steady source of income for the government to pay off the national debt.

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  • 17. 

    The Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 arose in southwestern Pennsylvania when the federal government

    • A.

      Levied an excise tax on whiskey.

    • B.

      Tried to prohibit the sale of whiskey.

    • C.

      Allowed the import of foreign whiskey.

    • D.

      Halted the export of American whiskey.

    • E.

      Tried to prohibit the manufacturing of whiskey.

    Correct Answer
    A. Levied an excise tax on whiskey.
    The correct answer is "levied an excise tax on whiskey." The Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 occurred in southwestern Pennsylvania in response to the federal government imposing an excise tax on whiskey. This tax was seen as unfair and burdensome by many whiskey producers in the region, leading to protests and acts of resistance. The rebellion was eventually put down by federal troops, but it highlighted the tension between the federal government and the citizens over taxation and the role of the government in regulating industries.

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  • 18. 

    Hamilton's position on the war between Britain and France in 1793 was primarily influenced by

    • A.

      His commitment to the Franco-American alliance of 1778.

    • B.

      The threat of British naval action against the American coast.

    • C.

      The national government's dependence on customs collections for revenue.

    • D.

      His personal commitment to democratic government as a world ideal.

    • E.

      All of the above.

    Correct Answer
    C. The national government's dependence on customs collections for revenue.
    Hamilton's position on the war between Britain and France in 1793 was primarily influenced by the national government's dependence on customs collections for revenue. This means that Hamilton's decision was driven by the financial implications of the war. As the Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton was responsible for managing the country's finances, and he recognized that customs collections were a crucial source of revenue for the government. Therefore, he would have been motivated to avoid any actions that could disrupt or jeopardize these collections, including engaging in a war that could potentially disrupt trade and commerce.

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  • 19. 

    In Jay's Treaty, the British

    • A.

      Pledged to stop seizing American ships.

    • B.

      Released Americans from their pre-Revolutionary War debt obligations to British merchants.

    • C.

      Promised to evacuate the chain of forts in the Old Northwest.

    • D.

      Refused to pay damages for seizures of American ships.

    • E.

      Were denied most favored nation status.

    Correct Answer
    C. Promised to evacuate the chain of forts in the Old Northwest.
    The correct answer is that in Jay's Treaty, the British promised to evacuate the chain of forts in the Old Northwest. This treaty, signed in 1794, was an attempt to improve relations between the United States and Great Britain. One of the key provisions of the treaty was the British agreement to withdraw their troops from the forts they still held in the Northwest Territory, which included present-day Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. This was significant because it allowed the United States to gain control over this territory and expand westward.

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  • 20. 

    Jay's Treaty contained all of the following provisions except

    • A.

      A British promise to evacuate its chain of forts on U.S. soil.

    • B.

      British consent to pay damages for the recent seizure of American ships.

    • C.

      That Americans were bound to pay debts still owed to British merchants on pre-Revolutionary accounts.

    • D.

      No promise by the British to pay for future seizure of American ships.

    • E.

      A promise by the British to stop selling arms to the Indians.

    Correct Answer
    E. A promise by the British to stop selling arms to the Indians.
    Jay's Treaty, signed in 1794, aimed to resolve several issues between the United States and Britain. It included provisions such as the British promise to evacuate forts on U.S. soil and their consent to pay damages for recent ship seizures. Additionally, it stated that Americans were obligated to pay debts to British merchants from pre-Revolutionary accounts. However, the treaty did not include a promise by the British to stop selling arms to the Indians. This provision was absent from the treaty, making it the correct answer.

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