Trivia: Vocabulary And Grammar Quiz Questions! Test

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| By Natalia_gulyaeva
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Trivia: Vocabulary And Grammar Quiz Questions! Test - Quiz

There are a lot of people who get confused when it comes to using passive and active voices while writing a sentence and the major difference in the two comes where a subject is acted upon by the verb or the subject performs the action stated. Use these vocabulary and grammar quiz questions to change the sentences from active to passive.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    My big sister Lucy is getting married next spring and we're all really excited about the wedding. I spoke to Lucy the other day and she told me about what she has done so far. The guest list (11) …………………..……………… (decide) and the invitations (12) …………………..……………… (send out). The menu hasn’t been decided yet, but it (13) …………………..……………… (discuss) a lot because both Lucy and her fiancé love food! The venue for the wedding (14) …………………..……………… (book) – it's a lovely hotel in the countryside – and the bridesmaids (15) …………………..……………… (choose) I'm one of them!

  • 2. 

    About   •   at   •   of   •   of   •   with   Luke:  You’ve been studying for ages. What are you doing? Agnes:  I’m doing my IT homework and it’s really complicated. Are you any good (1) ……………………… computer programming? Luke:     I’m quite good. Let’s have a look. Agnes: Thanks, Luke. Luke:     All that you’ve done so far is correct, I think. I’m not aware (2) ……………………… any mistakes. Agnes: That’s a relief! Luke:  You shouldn’t worry so much. You should be pleased (3) ……………………… your progress. Agnes: Yes, I guess you’re right. I find it much easier now than at the beginning of the year. We have an exam next week and I’m not too worried (4) ……………………… it as I have revised quite a lot. Luke:  Well, do you want to have a break from studying? How about a walk? Agnes: Yes. I’m tired (5) ……………………… studying, let’s go out!

  • 3. 

    Change these sentences from active to passive. Someone is printing their project at the moment.

    The given answer correctly changes the sentence from active to passive voice. In the original active sentence, someone is performing the action of printing their project. In the passive voice, the focus is shifted to the project, which becomes the subject of the sentence. It states that the project is currently being printed, without mentioning who is performing the action.

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  • 4. 

    Complete the sentences with words for appliances and gadgets. They’ve got a ……………………… in the car, but my parents never use it. They prefer maps.

    They've got a satnav or GPS in the car, but my parents never use it. They prefer maps.

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  • 5. 

    We need a new ……………………… . These carpets are still dirty.

    The given sentence suggests that there is a need for something to clean the dirty carpets. The correct answer, "vacuum cleaner," fits perfectly in the blank as it is a common household appliance used for cleaning carpets and removing dirt and dust.

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  • 6. 

    Just put the food in the ……………………… oven for three minutes and that’s it.

    The given sentence states that the food should be put in the oven for three minutes. The word "oven" suggests that the appliance being referred to is a cooking device used for heating or baking food. The most common type of oven used in households is a microwave oven, which uses microwaves to heat food quickly and efficiently. Therefore, the correct answer is "microwave."

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  • 7. 

    Do you use your ……………………… to work on the train very often?

    The given correct answer for this question is "laptop" because it is the missing word that completes the sentence. The question asks if the person uses their ______ to work on the train very often, and the word "laptop" fits logically in this context. A laptop is a portable computer that can be used for work, making it a suitable choice for working on a train.

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  • 8. 

    Complete the sentences with a suitable verb in a correct form. Could you ……………………… on the light, please? I can’t see a thing.

    In this sentence, the speaker is asking someone to perform an action with the light in order to make it brighter. Both "turn" and "switch" are suitable verbs that can be used in this context. The correct answer is either "turn" or "switch" because both verbs convey the same meaning of adjusting the light to make it brighter.

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  • 9. 

    The radio didn’t work. Then I realised I hadn’t ……………………… it in!

    The correct answer is "plugged". The sentence suggests that the radio was not functioning properly, and the realization came that it was not plugged in. This indicates that the power source was not connected, which is necessary for the radio to work.

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  • 10. 

    I’m going to ……………………… track three because it’s my favourite song at the moment.

    The correct answer is "play" because the speaker is stating their intention to listen to or perform track three, which they consider to be their favorite song at the moment.

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  • 11. 

    Can we ……………………… the film to the place where she meets the king, please? I missed that bit.

    The word "rewind" is the correct answer because it refers to the action of going back or reversing the film to a specific point, in this case, the scene where she meets the king. The speaker missed that part and is requesting to see it again.

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  • 12. 

    Luke:     You’ve been studying for ages. What are you doing? Agnes:  I’m doing my IT homework and it’s really complicated. Are you any good (1) ……………………… computer programming? Luke:     I’m quite good. Let’s have a look. Agnes: Thanks, Luke.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. At
    In the given conversation, Agnes asks Luke if he is good "at" computer programming. This indicates that Agnes wants to know if Luke has proficiency or skill in computer programming. The preposition "at" is commonly used to indicate proficiency or skill in a particular area. Therefore, the correct answer is "at."

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  • 13. 

    You’ll need to ……………………… the battery before you can use the new camera.

    Correct Answer
    To use the new camera, you will need to charge the battery. This means that the battery needs to be connected to a power source in order to store energy, which will then power the camera. Charging the battery is necessary to ensure that it has enough power to operate the camera effectively.

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  • 14. 

    They’ll hold the conference in Oslo later this year.

    Correct Answer
    The conference will be held in Oslo later this year.
    The given sentence is in the active voice, where the subject "they" is performing the action of holding the conference. The correct answer rephrases the sentence in the passive voice, where the subject becomes "the conference" and the action is being done to it. This change in voice maintains the same meaning but presents the information in a different grammatical structure.

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  • 15. 

    The teacher has marked our exam papers.

    Correct Answer
    Our exam papers have been marked by the teacher.
    The given correct answer is "Our exam papers have been marked by the teacher." This is a passive sentence construction with the subject "our exam papers" being acted upon by the verb "marked" in the past participle form. The use of "have been" indicates the present perfect tense, suggesting that the marking of the exam papers has been completed in the past with ongoing relevance to the present. The sentence implies that the teacher is the one who performed the marking.

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  • 16. 

    Someone started the competition in 1968.

    Correct Answer
    The competition was started in 1968.
    The given correct answer states that the competition was started in 1968. This implies that someone initiated the competition in that year. The sentence structure "The competition was started" suggests that the competition did not exist before 1968, but was established or launched at that time.

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  • 17. 

    We will sell the new gadgets on the Internet from this March.

    Correct Answer
    The new gadgets will be sold on the Internet from this March.
    The correct answer is "The new gadgets will be sold on the Internet from this March." This answer accurately reflects the information given in the statement. It states that the new gadgets will be sold on the Internet starting from March, indicating a future action. The use of "will be sold" indicates a passive voice construction, suggesting that the gadgets are the object of the action rather than the subject. Overall, this answer provides a clear and concise explanation of the statement.

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  • 18. 

    Write complete sentences with the correct form of to have something done.  I/my bedroom/paint/a week ago

    Correct Answer
    I had my bedroom painted a week ago.
    This sentence is an example of using the causative form "to have something done". In this case, the subject "I" arranged for someone else to paint their bedroom. The action of painting was done by someone else, but it was done at the request or arrangement of the subject. The sentence indicates that the painting of the bedroom occurred a week ago.

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  • 19. 

    I/my laptop/repair/at the moment

    Correct Answer
    I am having my laptop repaired at the moment.
    The correct answer is "I am having my laptop repaired at the moment" because it accurately describes the current situation of the speaker. The use of the present continuous tense "am having" indicates that the action of repairing the laptop is in progress. The phrase "at the moment" further emphasizes that the repair is happening now.

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  • 20. 

    I/never/my hair/dye/until now

    Correct Answer
    I have never had my hair dyed until now.
    The correct answer is a grammatically correct sentence that accurately conveys the meaning of the given sentence. It uses the correct tense and word order to express the idea that the speaker has never dyed their hair before, but they are doing it now.

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  • 21. 

    We/our windows/clean/once a month

    Correct Answer
    We have our windows cleaned once a month.
    This sentence is in the passive voice. The subject "we" is having the action "cleaned" done to them by someone else. The phrase "once a month" indicates the frequency of the action.

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  • 22. 

    My dad/his car/service/every six months

    Correct Answer
    My dad has his car serviced every six months.
    This sentence indicates that the speaker's dad regularly gets his car serviced every six months. The use of "has" suggests that the dad arranges for someone else to service the car, rather than doing it himself. This implies that the dad understands the importance of regular maintenance and takes proactive steps to keep his car in good condition.

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  • 23. 

    My big sister Lucy is getting married next spring and we're all really excited about the wedding. I spoke to Lucy the other day and she told me about what she has done so far. The guest list (11) …………………..……………… (decide) and the invitations …………………..……………… (send out).

    Correct Answer
    has been decided
    The correct answer is "has been decided." This is because the sentence is in the present perfect tense and is referring to an action that has already been completed. The phrase "has been" is used to indicate that the guest list has already been decided.

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  • 24. 

    My big sister Lucy is getting married next spring and we're all really excited about the wedding. I spoke to Lucy the other day and she told me about what she has done so far. The guest list …………………..……………… (decide) and the invitations (12) …………………..……………… (send out).

    Correct Answer
    have been sent out
    The correct answer is "have been sent out". The use of "have been" suggests that the invitations were sent out in the past and are still relevant at the time of speaking. The passive voice "have been sent out" indicates that someone else, possibly Lucy or a wedding planner, took the action of sending out the invitations.

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  • 25. 

    The menu hasn’t been decided yet, but it (13) …………………..……………… (discuss) a lot because of both Lucy and her fiancé love food!

    Correct Answer
    has been discussed
    The correct answer is "has been discussed." This is because the sentence is in the present perfect tense, indicating an action that started in the past and is still ongoing. The phrase "has been discussed" fits this tense and context, suggesting that the menu has been a topic of discussion.

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  • 26. 

    The venue for the wedding (14) …………………..……………… (book) – it's a lovely hotel in the countryside – and the bridesmaids …………………..……………… (choose) I'm one of them!

    Correct Answer
    has been booked
    The correct answer is "has been booked" because the sentence is in the present perfect tense, indicating an action that was completed in the past but has a present effect. The venue for the wedding has already been booked, indicating that the booking process is finished and the venue is now reserved for the wedding.

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  • 27. 

    The venue for the wedding …………………..……………… (book) – it's a lovely hotel in the countryside – and the bridesmaids  (15) …………………..……………… (choose) I'm one of them!

    Correct Answer
    have been chosen
    The correct answer is "have been chosen". This is because the sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about actions that started in the past and are still relevant in the present. In this case, the bridesmaids have already been chosen in the past, and their selection is still relevant at the time of speaking.

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  • 28. 

    Jack is always hiding the ……………………… so that he can watch the programmes he likes!

    Correct Answer
    remote control
    Jack is always hiding the remote control so that he can watch the programs he likes. This suggests that Jack wants to have control over the television and be able to choose what he watches. By hiding the remote control, he ensures that others cannot change the channel or interfere with his viewing preferences.

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  • 29. 

    Luke:     All that you’ve done so far is correct, I think. I’m not aware (2) ……………………… any mistakes. Agnes: That’s a relief!

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Of
    The correct answer is "of". In this context, Luke is saying that Agnes has not made any mistakes. The phrase "aware of" is commonly used to indicate knowledge or understanding of something. Therefore, Luke is expressing that he is not aware of any mistakes that Agnes has made.

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  • 30. 

    Luke:     You shouldn’t worry so much. You should be pleased (3) ……………………… your progress.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. With
    Luke is telling someone that they shouldn't worry and should be pleased about their progress. The word "with" is used to indicate the reason or cause for being pleased. In this case, the person should be pleased with their progress.

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  • 31. 

    Agnes: Yes, I guess you’re right. I find it much easier now than at the beginning of the year. We have an exam next week and I’m not too worried (4) ……………………… it as I have revised quite a lot.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. About
    The correct answer is "about". In the given conversation, Agnes is talking about her feelings towards the upcoming exam. She says that she is not too worried about it because she has revised quite a lot. The word "about" is used to express her attitude or thoughts regarding the exam.

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  • 32. 

    Luke:     Well, do you want to have a break from studying? How about a walk? Agnes: Yes. I’m tired (5) ……………………… studying, let’s go out!

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Of
    Agnes expresses her tiredness in relation to studying by saying "I'm tired of studying." This phrase indicates that she has had enough of studying and is ready to take a break from it. The word "of" is used to show the cause or reason for her tiredness, indicating that she has reached a point where she no longer wants to continue studying.

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