Waar is de profeet Mohammed saw geboren?
Correct Answer
B. Mekka
The correct answer is Mekka. Mekka is the birthplace of the prophet Mohammed saw. It is considered the holiest city in Islam and the site of the Kaaba, which is the most sacred site in Islam. The prophet Mohammed saw was born in Mekka in the year 570 AD. He later migrated to Medina, where he established the first Islamic state and spread the teachings of Islam.
Wat is de naam van het jaar waarin de profeet Mohammed saw werd geboren?
Correct Answer
C. Het jaar van de olifant
The correct answer is "Het jaar van de olifant." This refers to the year in which the Prophet Mohammed (saw) was born. The name "Het jaar van de olifant" translates to "The year of the elephant" in English. This name is derived from an event that occurred in that year, where an army led by Abraha, the ruler of Yemen, attempted to attack the Kaaba in Mecca using elephants. However, their plan was thwarted by a flock of birds sent by Allah, which dropped stones on the army and destroyed them. This event is significant in Islamic history and is associated with the birth of the Prophet Mohammed (saw).
Wanneer is de profeet Mohammed saw geboren
Correct Answer
C. 571
Wie was de vader van de profeet Mohammed saw?
Correct Answer
A. Abdoellah
Abdoellah was the father of the prophet Mohammed saw.
Wie gaf de profeet de naam "Mohammed"?
Correct Answer
A. 'Abd al-Moettalib
'Abd al-Moettalib is the correct answer because he was the grandfather of the prophet Mohammed. It was 'Abd al-Moettalib who named him Mohammed.
Hoe oud was de profeet Mohammed saw toen zijn vader overleed?
Correct Answer
A. Hij was nog niet geboren
The correct answer is "Hij was nog niet geboren." This means that the Prophet Mohammed saw was not yet born when his father passed away.
Hoe heette de moeder van onze profeet Mohammed saw?
Correct Answer
A. Amina
Amina is the correct answer because she was the mother of the Prophet Mohammed saw.
Hoe oud was onze profeet Mohammed saw toen zijn moeder Amina overleed?
Correct Answer
A. 6 jaar
Our Prophet Mohammed (saw) was 6 years old when his mother Amina passed away.
Hoe heette de zoogmoeder van de profeet Mohammed saw die 4 jaren voor hem zorgde?
Correct Answer
B. Halima
Halima was the foster mother of the Prophet Mohammed saw who took care of him for four years.
Hoe oud was de profeet saw toen hij met Khadija trouwde?
Correct Answer
A. 25 jaar
The prophet saw was 25 years old when he married Khadija.
Hoe heet de grot waar de Profeet Mohammed saw vaak kwam om na te denken en waar hij hoorde dat hij de laatste profeet van Allah is?
Correct Answer
B. De grot Hira
De grot Hira is de juiste keuze omdat dit de grot is waar de Profeet Mohammed saw vaak naartoe ging om na te denken en waar hij de openbaring ontving dat hij de laatste profeet van Allah is.
Hoe oud was de profeet Mohammed saw toen Allah hem benoemde tot Zijn profeet?
Correct Answer
C. 40 jaar
The correct answer is 40 years. According to Islamic tradition, Prophet Muhammad was 40 years old when he received his first revelation from Allah and was appointed as a prophet. This event is known as the beginning of his prophethood and marks the start of the Islamic calendar.
Toen de profeet Mohammed 8 jaar was stierf zijn opa. Wie zorgde er toen voor hem?
Correct Answer
C. Zijn oom Aboe Talib
When the prophet Mohammed was 8 years old, his grandfather passed away. During this time, his uncle Aboe Talib took care of him.
Wat was het eerste woord van de Koran dat aan de profeet Mohammed saw werd geopenbaard?
Correct Answer
C. Iqra
The correct answer is "Iqra". This word was the first word revealed to Prophet Mohammed (saw) from the Quran. It means "read" or "recite" in Arabic. This revelation marked the beginning of the prophethood of Mohammed and the start of the Quranic revelations.
Welke engel bracht de Koran over aan de profeet Mohammed saw?
Correct Answer
A. Gibriel as
Gabriel (Gibriel as) is believed to be the angel who brought the Quran to Prophet Mohammed saw. In Islamic tradition, Gabriel is considered to be the messenger of God and is responsible for delivering divine revelations to the prophets. He played a crucial role in conveying the Quranic verses to Prophet Mohammed saw over a period of 23 years. Thus, Gabriel is the correct answer to the question.
In welke soerah wordt de aanval van Abraha op de Kaaba beschreven?
Correct Answer
C. Soerah Al Fiel
The correct answer is "Soerah Al Fiel." This surah describes the attack of Abraha on the Kaaba.
Hoe heette de eerste vrouw die moslim werd?
Correct Answer
A. Khadija ra
Khadija ra is known as the first woman who converted to Islam. She was the wife of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and played a significant role in supporting him during the early years of Islam. Khadija ra was a successful businesswoman and a strong believer in the message brought by Prophet Muhammad. Her conversion to Islam set an example for others and her support was crucial in the establishment and spread of the Islamic faith.
In welke maand en in welk jaar werd de Koran aan de profeet Mohammed saw geopenbaard?
Correct Answer
C. Ramadan 610
The correct answer is Ramadan 610. This is the month and year in which the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed saw.
Naar welk land reisde de profeet Mohammed saw voor het eerst tijdens een handelsreis met zijn oom?
Correct Answer
B. Syrië
The correct answer is Syrië. This is because during a trading journey with his uncle, the Prophet Mohammed saw traveled to Syria for the first time.
Hoe heette de monnik die als eerste enkele tekenen van het profeetschap in Mohammed zag toen hij nog maar een kleine jongen was?
Correct Answer
C. Bahira
Bahira is the correct answer because according to historical accounts, Bahira was a Christian monk who encountered a young Muhammad and recognized the signs of prophethood in him. Bahira's encounter with Muhammad is said to have happened during a journey to Syria when Muhammad was still a child. Bahira's recognition of Muhammad's potential as a prophet played a significant role in shaping Muhammad's understanding of his own destiny.
Hoe heette de eerste man die moslim werd?
Correct Answer
B. Aboe Bakr ra
Aboe Bakr ra is believed to be the first man to convert to Islam after the Prophet Muhammad received his first revelations. He was a close companion of the Prophet and played a significant role in the early development and spread of Islam. The title "ra" is an abbreviation for "radiyallahu anhu," which is an honorific phrase used to show respect for the companions of the Prophet Muhammad.
Trouwde de profeet Mohammed saw nog met andere vrouwen tijdens het leven van Khadija?
Correct Answer
A. Nee
During the lifetime of Khadija, the prophet Mohammed saw did not marry any other women.
Hoe heette het eerst kind dat moslim werd?
Correct Answer
C. Ali Ibn Aboe Talib
Ali Ibn Aboe Talib is the correct answer because he was the first child to convert to Islam. He was the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad and played a significant role in the early development of the Islamic faith. Ali Ibn Aboe Talib's conversion to Islam marked an important milestone in the spread and establishment of the religion.
Hoeveel jaar duurde het voordat de hele Koran geopenbaard was?
Correct Answer
C. 23 jaar
The correct answer is 23 years. This refers to the time it took for the entire Quran to be revealed. It is believed that the revelations of the Quran began in 610 AD and continued until the year of Prophet Muhammad's death in 632 AD. Over the course of these 23 years, the revelations were gradually revealed to the Prophet Muhammad by the angel Gabriel.
Hoe heetten de twee zonen van de profeet Mohammed en zijn vrouw Khadija ra die op zeer jonge leeftijd stierven?
Correct Answer
B. Al Qasim en 'Abdoellah
The correct answer is Al Qasim and 'Abdoellah. These were the names of the two sons of the prophet Mohammed and his wife Khadija ra who died at a very young age.
Wie heeft de profeet Mohammed saw als zoon geadopteerd?
Correct Answer
C. Zayd Ibn Harithah
Zayd Ibn Harithah is the correct answer because he was adopted by the Prophet Mohammed saw and considered as his son. Zayd was a slave who was freed by the Prophet and then adopted him as his own son. This adoption was significant because in Arab society at that time, adoption was not a common practice. The Prophet's adoption of Zayd demonstrated his love and care for him, and it also abolished the traditional tribal hierarchy, as Zayd was not from the Prophet's tribe. This act of adoption by the Prophet set an example of equality and compassion.
Welk jaar heette "het jaar van verdriet"?
Correct Answer
A. Het jaar dat Khadija en Aboe Talib stierven
The correct answer is "Het jaar dat Khadija en Aboe Talib stierven." This answer is correct because it states that the year referred to as "het jaar van verdriet" (the year of sorrow) is the year in which both Khadija and Aboe Talib died. This suggests that their deaths caused a great deal of sadness and grief, hence earning the year the title of "the year of sorrow."
Hoe kwamen de profeet Mohammed saw en Gibriel naar Jeruzalem in de nacht van de hemelvaart?
Correct Answer
C. Op Buraq
According to Islamic tradition, the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and the angel Gabriel traveled to Jerusalem during the Night Journey on a creature called Buraq. Buraq is described as a white, winged animal larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule. It is believed to have transported them swiftly through the heavens, allowing them to reach their destination in a short period of time. This miraculous journey is an important event in Islamic history and is commemorated by Muslims during the holiday of Isra and Mi'raj.
Waar verstopten de profeet Mohammed saw en Aboe Bakr zich na het verlaten van Mekka?
Correct Answer
C. De grot van Thawr
After leaving Mecca, the Prophet Mohammed saw and Abu Bakr hid in the cave of Thawr. This cave provided them with shelter and protection from their enemies who were searching for them. It allowed them to rest and plan their next moves in secrecy. The cave of Thawr played a crucial role in the early days of Islam and is considered a significant historical site.
Hoeveel dagen verbleef de profeet Mohammed saw in de grot voordat hij naar Medina emigreerde?
Correct Answer
B. 3 dagen
The correct answer is 3 dagen. This refers to the number of days that the Prophet Mohammed saw stayed in the cave before he emigrated to Medina.
In wiens huis in Mekka spraken de gelovigen in het geheim af om over de Islam te leren?
Correct Answer
C. Arqam
Arqam's house in Mekka was the place where the believers secretly gathered to learn about Islam.
Uit welke soerah reciteerde Jafar bij Negus waardoor hij moest huilen?
Correct Answer
A. Soerah Maryam
Jafar reciteerde Soerah Maryam bij Negus, wat ervoor zorgde dat hij moest huilen.
Hoe werd de profeet Mohammed genoemd?
Correct Answer
B. Al Ameen
The correct answer is "Al Ameen" because this term refers to the nickname given to the prophet Mohammed, which means "The Trustworthy" or "The Honest". This nickname was given to him by the people of Mecca due to his reputation for being trustworthy and honest in his dealings with others.
Welke metgezel wordt met zijn naam in de Koran genoemd?
Correct Answer
C. Zaid Inb Harithah
Zaid Inb Harithah is mentioned by name in the Quran.
In welke moskee werd de profeet Mohammed saw begraven?
Correct Answer
A. Masjid an-Nabawi
Masjid an-Nabawi is the correct answer because it is the mosque in which the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) was buried. It is located in the city of Medina in Saudi Arabia and is one of the holiest sites in Islam. The mosque was built by the Prophet himself and is considered a place of great significance and reverence for Muslims around the world.
Hoe heette het vredesverdrag tussen de moslims en de Qoeraisj, dat het mogelijk maakte om zonder gevaar naar Mekka te gaan om daar de Hadj te verrichten?
Correct Answer
B. Vredesverdag van Hoedaibiyyah
The correct answer is "Vredesverdag van Hoedaibiyyah." This is the peace treaty that was signed between the Muslims and the Qoeraisj. It allowed for safe travel to Mekka to perform the Hajj pilgrimage.
Hoeveel moslimstrijders namen deel aan de Slag bij Badr?
Correct Answer
C. 313
The correct answer is 313. This number represents the total number of Muslim fighters who participated in the Battle of Badr. The Battle of Badr was a significant event in Islamic history, where the Muslims, led by Prophet Muhammad, fought against the Quraysh tribe. Despite being outnumbered, the Muslims emerged victorious in this battle. The number 313 is specific to this event and holds historical significance in Islamic tradition.
Waar en wanneer hield de profeet Mohammed saw zijn laatste preek?
Correct Answer
C. Op Arafat tijdens zijn eerste en laatste hadj in het 10 jaar van de Hidjra
Wie waren de kleinzonen van profeet Mohammed saw?
Correct Answer
A. Hassan en Hoessein
Hassan en Hoessein waren de kleinzonen van profeet Mohammed saw.
Hoe heet de dochter van de profeet Mohammed met wie Ali ra trouwde?
Correct Answer
A. Fatima ra
Fatima ra is the correct answer because she is the daughter of the Prophet Mohammed and the wife of Ali ra. She is an important figure in Islamic history and is revered for her piety and devotion to Islam. Fatima ra is highly respected and holds a significant role in the lineage of the Prophet Mohammed.
Hoe heet de soerah die het laatst door Allah swt aan Mohammed saw werd geopenbaard?
Correct Answer
C. Soera An Nasr
Soera An Nasr is the correct answer because it is the surah that was revealed to Prophet Mohammed (saw) towards the end of his life. It is the 110th surah of the Quran and it talks about the victory and success of Islam.
Wiens toetreding tot de Islam in de beginperiode zorgde ervoor dat de Islam sterker werd?
Correct Answer
A. Omar Ibn al khattaab ra
Omar Ibn al Khattab's conversion to Islam in the early period played a significant role in strengthening the religion. As the second caliph of Islam, he played a crucial role in expanding the Islamic empire and spreading the teachings of Islam. Under his leadership, the Islamic state grew stronger and more organized, and he implemented various reforms and policies that helped solidify the foundations of the religion. His contributions and dedication to Islam greatly contributed to its growth and establishment as a powerful force in the region.
Hoe lang na de eerste openbaring begon de profeet Mohammed saw de Islam in het openbaar te verkondigen?
Correct Answer
A. 3 jaar
The prophet Mohammed saw began publicly proclaiming Islam three years after the first revelation.
Wie had als eerste het idee om dmv adhaan op te roepen tot het gebed, in het eerste jaar van de Hidjra?
Correct Answer
B. Omar Ibn Al Khattaab ra
Omar Ibn Al Khattaab ra is believed to be the first person to have the idea of using adhaan (the call to prayer) to call Muslims to prayer in the first year of the Hidjra. This is based on historical accounts and records of the early Islamic period. Omar Ibn Al Khattaab ra was the second caliph of Islam and played a significant role in the development and establishment of the Islamic state.
Wat was de belangrijkste slag van de Islam, die plaatsvond in het tweede jaar van de Hidjra en die gewonnen werd door de moslims?
Correct Answer
B. Slag bij Badr
The correct answer is "Slag bij Badr". The Battle of Badr was a crucial battle in Islamic history that took place in the second year of the Hijra. It was a significant victory for the Muslims as they were able to defeat a larger and better-equipped Meccan army. This battle marked a turning point for the Muslims and boosted their morale and confidence in their cause.
Wanneer vond de slag bij Oehoed plaats?
Correct Answer
C. 3de jaar van de Hidjra
The correct answer is "3de jaar van de Hidjra." The Battle of Uhud took place in the third year of the Hijra, which refers to the migration of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina. This battle occurred after the Battle of Badr and is significant in Islamic history as it was a major conflict between the Muslims and the Quraysh tribe of Mecca.
Waar kreeg de profeet Mohammed saw om de gebedsrichting van masjid Al Aqsa naar Mekka te veranderen?
Correct Answer
B. In Medina na de Hidjra
After the Prophet Muhammad (saw) migrated to Medina (Hidjra), the direction of prayer (qibla) was initially towards Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem. However, later in Medina, Allah revealed a verse in the Quran instructing the Muslims to change their qibla to the Kaaba in Makkah. Therefore, the correct answer is "In Medina after the Hidjra."
Hoeveel dochters had de profeet Mohammed saw?
Correct Answer
A. 4
The correct answer is 4. This means that the prophet Mohammed had four daughters.
Toen de profeet Mohammed saw naar Medina vluchtte, troffen de Qoeraisj ....in zijn bed.
Correct Answer
B. Ali ra
When the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) fled to Medina, the Qoeraisj tribe found Ali (ra) in his bed. This suggests that Ali (ra) was chosen by the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) to stay behind and act as his decoy, ensuring his safe escape. Ali (ra) showed immense loyalty and bravery by taking the place of the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) and risking his own life for the sake of his leader and the new Muslim community.
Wie was de laatste profeet?
Correct Answer
A. Profeet Mohammed saw
Profeet Mohammed saw is considered the last prophet in Islam. He is believed to have received the final revelation from God, completing the line of prophets. His teachings and actions are considered authoritative and form the basis of Islamic faith and practice.