What did the Warden do after X-Ray's item was discovered
Correct Answer
C. Used a pitchfork to poke through the dirt pile to see if there was anything else buried
After X-Ray's item was discovered, the Warden used a pitchfork to poke through the dirt pile to see if there was anything else buried.
Who did the Warden put in X-Ray's place? Why?
Correct Answer
B. Zero - because he was the fastest digger
The Warden put Zero in X-Ray's place because he was the fastest digger. This suggests that the Warden values efficiency and productivity in the boys' digging abilities. Zero's speed in digging would make him a valuable asset in the work being done at the camp.
What did she tell the boys would happen if they find anything else in X-Ray's pile?
Correct Answer
C. They will get the rest of the day off and take a double shower
She told the boys that if they find anything else in X-Ray's pile, they will get the rest of the day off and take a double shower.
The Warden, Mr. Pendanski, and Mr. Sir stayed on the compound for mostly the remainder of the day.
Correct Answer
A. True
The passage states that the Warden, Mr. Pendanski, and Mr. Sir stayed on the compound for mostly the remainder of the day. This implies that they were present on the compound for a significant amount of time after the mentioned point in the day. Therefore, the answer "True" is correct.
The Warden made sure that one particular group was never thirsty. Which group was that?
Correct Answer
D. D
The Warden made sure that group D was never thirsty.
What did Stanley think about working with Zero?
Correct Answer
A. It was easier than digging his own hole
Stanley thought that working with Zero was easier than digging his own hole. This suggests that Stanley found the task of working with Zero to be comparatively less challenging or demanding than the physical labor of digging his own hole. It implies that Stanley may have found some form of relief or respite in collaborating with Zero, possibly due to shared responsibilities or the support they provided each other.
For the rest of the day, the Warden was very laid back and relaxed.
Correct Answer
B. False
She couldn't keep still!
For the rest of the day, the Warden couldn't keep still and was constantly looking over the boys' shoulders and sticking her pitchfork through the dirt piles. Why do you think she was acting like this?
Correct Answer
C. She excited at the possibility of finding something else
The Warden was constantly looking over the boys' shoulders and sticking her pitchfork through the dirt piles because she was excited at the possibility of finding something else. This suggests that she was actively searching for something valuable or significant that could be found in the dirt piles. Her excitement indicates that she had a strong interest in discovering something valuable, which motivated her to closely monitor the boys' work and search for potential discoveries.
While digging, what did the Warden say to Stanley?
Correct Answer
B. "You're doing fine, just fine."
The correct answer is "You're doing fine, just fine." In the given options, this is the only statement that suggests the Warden's response to Stanley's digging. The other options either imply impatience or indifference towards Stanley's progress.
While digging, the Warden told the boys that there was "no hurry"; that the important thing was "not to miss anything".
Correct Answer
A. True
The wasn't concerned the time it took them, she just wanted them to do the job right.
The boys ended up finding something at the end of the day.
Correct Answer
B. False
Why do you think the boys found nothing?
Correct Answer
C. Because they were digging in the wrong area
Stanley found it, not X-Ray. But X-Ray had pretended to find it in his spot the day after it was found.
Stanley was amazed that the Warden knew all of the boys' nicknames. Zig-Zag explained that she knew because:
Correct Answer
A. She has hidden cameras and microphones all over the place
The correct answer is that the Warden knew all of the boys' nicknames because she has hidden cameras and microphones all over the place. This means that she is able to monitor and gather information about the boys' activities and conversations, allowing her to know their nicknames.
Stanley was shocked at the idea of microphones and cameras all over the camp and was very scared after that.
Correct Answer
B. False
Stanley doubted it was even true.
Stanley then realized why X-Ray hadn't wanted to talk about the gold tube that morning - because of the rumor about the cameras and microphones.
Correct Answer
A. True
The passage suggests that Stanley understands why X-Ray avoided discussing the gold tube due to rumors about cameras and microphones. This implies that the statement is true.
At this point, Stanley realized that they were NOT digging for character as he was told before; they were digging:
Correct Answer
B. To find something
Stanley realized that they were not digging for character as he was told before. This suggests that the purpose of their digging is different from what Stanley initially believed. The correct answer, "to find something," aligns with Stanley's realization that they were searching for an item or object rather than digging as a character-building exercise. This implies that there is a hidden agenda or a specific goal related to finding something, which adds intrigue and mystery to the situation.
Stanley gazed out across the lake, toward the spot where he had been digging yesterday when he found the gold tube. He dug the hole into his memory.
What did the author mean by, "he dug the hole into his memory"?
Correct Answer
A. He made a mental note to remember where he found the gold tube
The phrase "he dug the hole into his memory" means that Stanley made a mental note or consciously stored the memory of where he found the gold tube. It implies that he wanted to remember the exact location so that he could potentially return to it in the future.
The minds regarded as a store of things remembered
WORD BANK: pitchfork, wheelbarrow, paranoid, memory
Correct Answer
The given answer "memory" is the correct answer because it is the only word in the word bank that fits the description of "a store of things remembered." A memory is a mental capacity that allows individuals to retain and recall information or experiences from the past. It acts as a storehouse for our thoughts, knowledge, and experiences, making it the most suitable choice among the given options.
A farm tool with a long handle and sharp metal prongs used especially for lifting hay
WORD BANK: pitchfork, wheelbarrow, paranoid, memory
Correct Answer
A pitchfork is a farm tool with a long handle and sharp metal prongs used for lifting hay. It is designed to easily penetrate and lift large amounts of hay at once. The sharp prongs allow for efficient and effective lifting, making it an essential tool for farmers. The other options in the word bank, such as wheelbarrow, paranoid, and memory, do not fit the description of a farm tool used for lifting hay.
Unreasonable or obsessively anxious
WORD BANK: pitchfork, wheelbarrow, paranoid, memory
Correct Answer
The word "paranoid" is defined as being unreasonably or obsessively anxious. This fits with the given explanation as it describes someone who is excessively fearful and suspicious, often without rational cause. The word bank does not provide any other suitable options that align with the definition. Therefore, "paranoid" is the correct answer.
A small cart with a single wheel at the front and two supporting legs and two handles at the rear used typically for carrying loads in building-work or gardening
WORD BANK: pitchfork, wheelbarrow, paranoid, memory
Correct Answer
A wheelbarrow is a small cart with a single wheel at the front and two supporting legs and handles at the rear. It is typically used for carrying loads in building work or gardening. This description matches the given word "wheelbarrow" perfectly, making it the correct answer.