. कंप्यूटर एक स्वचालित मशीन है जो किस श्रंखला में कार्य करती है ?
Correct Answer
C. इनपुट, प्रोसेस, आउटपुट
The correct answer is "इनपुट, प्रोसेस, आउटपुट". This sequence represents the basic functioning of a computer. First, it takes input from the user or external sources. Then, it processes the input using algorithms and instructions. Finally, it produces output, which can be in the form of data, information, or actions. This sequence reflects the fundamental steps involved in the operation of a computer system.
. पहला यांत्रिक कंप्यूटर कौनसा है?
Correct Answer
C. पास्कल एडिंग मशीन
The correct answer is Pascal's Adding Machine. This is because the question is asking about the first mechanical computer, and the Pascal's Adding Machine is considered to be one of the earliest examples of a mechanical calculator or computer. It was invented by Blaise Pascal in the 17th century and was used for performing addition and subtraction calculations.
. विश्व का पहला डिजिटल कंप्यूटर कौनसा है?
Correct Answer
A. यूनिवेक
The correct answer is "यूनिवेक". यूनिवेक is considered to be the world's first digital computer. It was developed by the British mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing during World War II. The machine was used to decrypt German messages and played a crucial role in the Allied victory.
. प्रथम पीढी के कंप्यूटर किस सिद्धांत पर कार्य करते थे?
Correct Answer
B. स्टोर प्रोग्राम
The correct answer is "स्टोर प्रोग्राम". This means that the first generation computers operated on the principle of stored program, where both the instructions and data were stored in the computer's memory. This allowed for the sequential execution of instructions, making the computers more versatile and efficient in performing various tasks.
. प्रथम पीढी के कंप्यूटरर्स में निम्न में से किस का प्रयोग किया जाता था?
Correct Answer
B. वैक्यूम टूयूब
The correct answer is "वैक्यूम टूयूब". In the early generation of computers, vacuum tubes were used as the main component for processing and amplification of electronic signals. Vacuum tubes were large, fragile, and consumed a lot of power, but they were the only available technology at that time for electronic computing. Transistors were later developed and replaced vacuum tubes due to their smaller size, lower power consumption, and improved reliability. Therefore, vacuum tubes were used in the first generation of computers.
. प्रथम पीढी का मुख्य कंप्यूटर था?
Correct Answer
A. एनिएक
The correct answer is एनिएक.
. गणना करने से संभंधित पहला कंप्यूटर कौनसा है?
Correct Answer
B. अबेकस
The first computer related to calculation is the Abacus.
. कंप्यूटर का जनक किसे कहा जाता है?
Correct Answer
C. चार्ल्स बेवेज
. द्वितीय पीढी के कंप्यूटरर्स में निम्न में से किस का प्रयोग किया जाता था?
Correct Answer
A. ट्रांजिस्टर
Transistors were used in computers of the second generation.
. द्वितीय पीढी का मुख्य कंप्यूटर कौन सा है?
Correct Answer
D. यूनिवेक
The question is asking about the main computer of the second generation. Out of the given options, "यूनिवेक" is the correct answer.
. प्रथम माइक्रो प्रोसेसर चिप का विकास किस के द्वारा किया गया था?
Correct Answer
A. इंटेल कॉर्पोरेशन
The development of the first microprocessor chip was done by Intel Corporation.
. चतुर्थ पीढी के कंप्यूटरर्स में निम्न में से किस का प्रयोग किया गया था?
Correct Answer
B. लार्ज स्केल इंटिग्रेटेड सर्किट
The correct answer is "लार्ज स्केल इंटिग्रेटेड सर्किट" (Large Scale Integrated Circuit). In the context of the question, the use of Large Scale Integrated Circuits refers to the computers of the fourth generation. This generation of computers, which emerged in the 1970s and 1980s, saw the development of microprocessors and integrated circuits that could contain thousands or even millions of transistors on a single chip. This advancement in technology allowed for smaller, faster, and more powerful computers to be built.
. एनालोग कंप्यूटर किस आधार पर कार्य करता है?
Correct Answer
B. ताप, दाब, गति, विद्युत प्रवाह
Analog computers work based on physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, velocity, and electrical current. They use continuous signals to represent and manipulate data. Therefore, the correct answer is "ताप, दाब, गति, विद्युत प्रवाह" which translates to "temperature, pressure, velocity, and electrical current".
. डिजिटल कंप्यूटर किस नंबर सिस्टम पर कार्य करता है?
Correct Answer
D. बाइनरी
The correct answer is "बाइनरी". डिजिटल कंप्यूटर किस नंबर सिस्टम पर कार्य करता है? बाइनरी सिस्टम में कंप्यूटर डेटा को 0 और 1 के बिट्स में प्रदर्शित करता है। यह सिस्टम कंप्यूटर के लिए सरल और दुर्घटनापूर्ण मान्यता प्रणाली प्रदान करता है। यह कंप्यूटर के आधारभूत नंबर सिस्टम के रूप में उपयोग होता है और सभी डिजिटल उपकरणों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है।
. बाइनरी नंबर सिस्टम का आधार क्या है?
Correct Answer
A. 2
The correct answer is 2 because the binary number system is based on the concept of using only two digits, 0 and 1, to represent numbers. This system is widely used in digital electronics and computer systems as it is a simple and efficient way to represent and manipulate data.
. निम्नलिखित में से कौनसा इनपुट उपकरण नहीं है?
Correct Answer
C. प्रिंटर
The question is asking which input device is not included among the given options. The options listed are "scanner," "mouse," "printer," and "keyboard." Among these options, the printer is the only one that is not an input device. A printer is an output device used to produce hard copies of documents or images, whereas the other options listed are all input devices used to provide input to a computer system.
. आउटपुट उपकरणों का महत्वपूर्ण कार्य क्या है?
Correct Answer
D. परिणाम को दिखाना
The important function of output devices is to display or show the results or outputs to the user. These devices provide a way for the user to receive information or data from the computer system. They convert the processed data into a form that is understandable and usable by the user, such as displaying text, images, or videos on a screen, printing documents on paper, or producing sound through speakers. Without output devices, the user would not be able to see or interact with the results of their instructions or commands.
. निम्न में से कौन सी मेमोरी परिवर्तनशील (वोलेटाइल) होती है?
Correct Answer
B. रेम
रेम (Random Access Memory) होती है जो परिवर्तनशील (वोलेटाइल) होती है। यह कंप्यूटर की मेमोरी होती है जिसमें प्रोग्राम और डेटा तात्कालिक रूप से संचित होते हैं, लेकिन जब कंप्यूटर को बंद कर दिया जाता है तो इसमें संचित डेटा गुम हो जाता है।
. कंप्यूटर सिस्टम का मस्तिस्क किसे कहा जाता है?
Correct Answer
B. सी.पी.यू.
The correct answer is "सी.पी.यू." (सेंट्रल प्रोसेसिंग यूनिट). The term "सी.पी.यू." refers to the Central Processing Unit of a computer system. It is responsible for executing instructions, performing calculations, and managing the flow of data within the computer. The CPU is often considered the "brain" of the computer as it carries out most of the processing tasks.
. गणना से संबधित कार्य किस क्षेत्र में किये जाते है?
Correct Answer
A. ए.एल.यू.
The correct answer is "ए.एल.यू." because ए.एल.यू. stands for "एक्सेस लिंक यूनिट" which translates to "Access Link Unit" in English. The access link unit is a component used in telecommunication systems to connect the subscriber's line to the telephone exchange. It is responsible for handling the communication between the subscriber and the exchange, allowing the subscriber to make and receive calls. Therefore, the calculation-related tasks are performed in the access link unit.
. कंप्यूटर सिस्टम की सभी इकाइयों को निर्देश देने का कार्य किसके द्वारा किया जाता है?
Correct Answer
C. कंट्रोल यूनिट
The control unit is responsible for giving instructions to all the units of a computer system. It coordinates and controls the activities of the other units, such as the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), memory unit, and input/output (I/O) unit. The control unit fetches instructions from memory, decodes them, and executes them by sending signals to the appropriate units. Therefore, the control unit is the component that directs and manages the overall operation of a computer system.
. सी.पी.यू. का अर्थ है?
Correct Answer
C. सेन्ट्रल प्रोसेसिंग यूनिट
सी.पी.यू. stands for सेन्ट्रल प्रोसेसिंग यूनिट (Central Processing Unit). This is the main component of a computer that performs most of the processing inside the computer. It carries out instructions of a computer program by performing basic arithmetic, logical, control, and input/output (I/O) operations.
. निम्न में से इनपुट डिवाइस कौन सी है?
Correct Answer
D. उपरोक्त सभी
The correct answer is "उपरोक्त सभी" which means "all of the above". This answer suggests that all the mentioned options (ओ.एम.आर., ओ.सी.आर., ट्रेकबाँल) are input devices.
. निम्न में से किस उपकरण का प्रयोग टेक्स्ट, इमेज आदि को इनपुट करने के लिए किया जाता है?
Correct Answer
A. स्कैनर
The correct answer is "स्कैनर". A scanner is a device that is used to input text, images, etc. It allows the user to convert physical documents or images into digital format, which can then be stored, edited, or shared electronically.
. चुम्बकीय स्याही के अक्षरों पढने के लिए किस का प्रयोग किया जाता है?
Correct Answer
C. एम.आई.सी.आर.
The correct answer is "एम.आई.सी.आर." which stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. Magnetic ink character recognition is a technology used to read characters printed with magnetic ink. It is commonly used in banking for processing checks and other financial documents.
. पेपर पर बनी हुई लाइनों और खाली स्पेस व विशेष चिन्हों को पढने के लिए किस का प्रयोग किया जाता है?
Correct Answer
B. बी.सी.आर.
बी.सी.आर. का प्रयोग पेपर पर बनी हुई लाइनों और खाली स्पेस व विशेष चिन्हों को पढ़ने के लिए किया जाता है।
. निम्न में से पोइंटिंग डिवाइस कौन सी है?
Correct Answer
C. लाइट पेन
लाइट पेन एक पोइंटिंग डिवाइस है जो उपयोगकर्ता को इलेक्ट्रॉनिक स्क्रीन पर टच करने की सुविधा प्रदान करता है। यह एक पेन की तरह काम करता है और विभिन्न इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरणों पर उपयोग होता है, जैसे कि एक कंप्यूटर, स्मार्टफोन या टैबलेट। इसका उपयोग छाप, लेखन, ड्राइंग और अन्य कार्यों के लिए किया जा सकता है।
. कीबोर्ड में F1 से F12 कुंजी को क्या कहा जाता है?
Correct Answer
A. फंक्शन कीज
The correct answer is "फंक्शन कीज" because F1 to F12 keys on a keyboard are called function keys.
. मोनिटर से किस प्रकार का आउटपुट प्राप्त किया जा सकता है?
Correct Answer
C. सॉफ्ट कॉपी
. निम्न में से कौन सा प्रिंटर का प्रकार है?
Correct Answer
D. उपरोक्त सभी
The correct answer is "उपरोक्त सभी" which means "All of the above". This answer is correct because the question is asking for the type of printer, and all three options mentioned - पेज प्रिंटर (page printer), कैरेक्टर प्रिंटर (character printer), and लाइन प्रिंटर (line printer) - are types of printers. Therefore, the correct answer is that all three options mentioned are types of printers.
. कंप्यूटर में सूचना प्रद्रर्शित करने की सबसे छोटी इकाई कौन सी है?
Correct Answer
A. बिट
The correct answer is "बिट". A bit is the smallest unit of information in a computer. It can have a value of either 0 or 1, representing the binary digits used in computer systems. A byte, on the other hand, is a group of 8 bits and is a more commonly used unit of measurement for computer storage and processing. A megabyte is a larger unit, equal to 1 million bytes. Therefore, the correct answer is "बिट" as it is the smallest unit of information in a computer.
. एक बाईट में कितने बिट होते है?
Correct Answer
C. 8
A byte is a unit of digital information that consists of 8 bits. Each bit can have a value of either 0 or 1. Therefore, in a byte, there are 8 bits.
. मैन मेमोरी होती है?
Correct Answer
A. अस्थाई
The question is asking whether memory is temporary or permanent. The correct answer is "अस्थाई" which means temporary.
. रजिस्टर का क्या कार्य है?
Correct Answer
B. डेटा को स्वम् की मेमोरी में संग्रहित करना
The correct answer is "डेटा को स्वम् की मेमोरी में संग्रहित करना" which means "Storing data in the RAM memory". This option accurately describes the function of a register, which is to temporarily hold data in the computer's memory for processing.
. रेम का पूरा नाम क्या है?
Correct Answer
A. रेंडम एक्सेस मेमोरी
The given question is asking for the full name of "रेम" (RAM), which stands for "Random Access Memory". The correct answer is "रेंडम एक्सेस मेमोरी" (Random Access Memory).
. सी.पी.यू. तथा मुख्य मेमोरी के बीच प्रयोग में लिए जाने वाले बफर को कहते है?
Correct Answer
A. कैश मेमोरी
A buffer that is used between the CPU and main memory is called cache memory.
. निम्न में से कौनसी फ्लैश मेमोरी है?
Correct Answer
D. पेन ड्राइव
The correct answer is "पेन ड्राइव" because it is the only option mentioned that is a type of flash memory. A pen drive, also known as a USB flash drive, is a portable storage device that uses flash memory to store data. Hard disk, RAM, and ROM are not types of flash memory.
. क्रमिक रूप से सूचना प्राप्त करने वाला उपकरण कौनसा है?
Correct Answer
B. मैग्नेटिक टेप
The correct answer is "मैग्नेटिक टेप" (Magnetic tape). Magnetic tape is a sequential access storage medium that is commonly used for storing and retrieving large amounts of data. It is often used in backup systems, data archives, and for long-term storage of data. Hard disk, floppy disk, and the above options are not specifically designed for sequential access and are not as commonly used for this purpose.
. कौनसा उदाहरण मल्टीयूजर ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम का है?
Correct Answer
C. लाइनिक्स
Linux is a multi-user operating system that allows multiple users to access and use the system simultaneously. Windows 98 and Windows NT are not multi-user operating systems as they do not have built-in support for multiple users. Therefore, the correct answer is Linux.
. वह अनुवादक जो हाई लैंग्वेज में लिखे हुए प्रोग्राम को लाइन दर लाइन मशीन भाषा में अनुवाद करता है?
Correct Answer
A. इन्टरप्रेटर
The given question asks for the translator that translates a program written in a high-level language into machine language line by line. An interpreter is a type of translator that performs this task. It reads and executes the program line by line, translating each line into machine code and executing it immediately. This is different from a compiler, which translates the entire program into machine code before execution. Assembler is not the correct answer as it is used to translate assembly language code into machine code. Therefore, the correct answer is "Interpreter".
. निम्नलिखित में से ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम सॉफ्टवेयर का कार्य है?
Correct Answer
D. उपरोक्त सभी
The correct answer is "उपरोक्त सभी" (All of the above). The question asks which task is performed by the operating system software, and all the options listed (उपकरण प्रबंधन, फाइल प्रबंधन, मेमोरी प्रबंधन) are tasks that are typically performed by an operating system. Therefore, the correct answer is that all of these tasks are performed by the operating system software.
. एसेम्बली भाषा में लिखे प्रोग्राम को मशीनी भाषा में अनुवाद करने के लिए किस ट्रांसलेटर प्रोग्राम का प्रयोग किया जाता है?
Correct Answer
A. एसेम्बलर
An assembler is used to translate a program written in assembly language to machine language. It converts the mnemonic codes and symbols used in assembly language into their equivalent binary representation that can be understood by the computer's processor. This allows the program to be executed by the computer. A compiler, on the other hand, is used to translate a program written in a high-level language like C or Java into machine language. Since the question specifically asks about translating a program written in assembly language, the correct answer is assembler.
. इनमे से कौनसी मेमोरी की सबसे बड़ी यूनिट है?
Correct Answer
A. गीगाबाईट
The correct answer is "गीगाबाईट" (Gigabyte). A gigabyte is the largest unit of memory among the options given. It is equal to 1,073,741,824 bytes.
. ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम को कंप्यूटर की मेमोरी में लोड होने की प्रक्रिया कहलाती है?
Correct Answer
C. बूटिंग
The process of loading the operating system into the computer's memory is called booting.
. GUI का अर्थ है?
Correct Answer
A. ग्राफिकल यूजर इंटरफ़ेस
The correct answer is "ग्राफिकल यूजर इंटरफ़ेस". This is because "ग्राफिकल यूजर इंटरफ़ेस" is the Hindi translation of "Graphical User Interface". GUI refers to the visual interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical elements such as icons, buttons, and menus. It provides an intuitive and user-friendly way for users to navigate and control the device or software.
. सॉफ्टवेयर का प्राथमिक उद्देश्य डेटा को किसमे परिवर्तित करना है?
Correct Answer
B. इनफार्मेशन
The primary purpose of software is to manipulate data, and the answer "इनफार्मेशन" (information) aligns with this purpose. Software is designed to process, organize, and transform data in various ways to generate meaningful outputs or perform specific tasks. Therefore, the correct answer is "इनफार्मेशन."
. कीबोर्ड पर जिन बटनों पर तीर के निशान होते है उन्हें कहते है?
Correct Answer
B. नेविगेशन कीज
The buttons on a keyboard that have arrow symbols are called "navigation keys" because they are used to navigate or move the cursor in different directions on the screen. These keys include the arrow keys (up, down, left, and right) as well as other navigation keys like Home, End, Page Up, and Page Down.
. एक किलोबाईट बराबर होता है?
Correct Answer
B. 1024 बाईट
The correct answer is 1024 bytes. In computer science, a kilobyte is commonly understood to be equal to 1024 bytes, not 1000 bytes. This is because computers use a binary system, where numbers are represented in powers of 2. Therefore, 1024, which is 2^10, is used as the value for a kilobyte. This is also known as a kibibyte (KiB) in order to differentiate it from the metric kilobyte.
. कौनसा प्रिटर कागज़ के ऊपर स्याही की फुहार को तेजी से छिड़कर डेटा को प्रिंट करता है?
Correct Answer
B. इंकजेट प्रिंटर
Inkjet printers are known for their ability to quickly and accurately print data on paper by spraying ink droplets onto the surface. This process allows for the rapid printing of text and images, making inkjet printers the ideal choice for printing data at a fast pace. Therefore, inkjet printers are the most suitable option for printing data quickly and efficiently.
. निम्न में से किस डिवाइस का उपयोग तेज गति के कंप्यूटर गेम खेलने के लिए किया जाता है?
Correct Answer
D. जॉयस्ट्रीक
जॉयस्ट्रीक एक उपकरण है जो तेज गति के कंप्यूटर गेम खेलने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। यह एक बटन और जॉयस्टिक का संयोजन है जिसका उपयोग खेल के नियंत्रण के लिए किया जाता है। जॉयस्ट्रीक उपयोगकर्ता को गेम में तेज गति, प्रेसिजन और नियंत्रण का एक अच्छा अनुभव प्रदान करता है।