John Milton worked as a civil servant during the Commonwealth of England under Oliver Cromwell. True or false?
Correct Answer
A. True
John Milton did indeed work as a civil servant during the Commonwealth of England under Oliver Cromwell. He served as the Secretary for Foreign Tongues, a position that involved writing diplomatic correspondence for the government. This role allowed him to play a significant role in shaping the country's foreign policy during that time.
In which of the following works did Milton promote freedom of speech and oppose licensing and censorship?
Correct Answer
C. Areopagitica (1644)
In Areopagitica (1644), Milton promoted freedom of speech and opposed licensing and censorship. This work is a passionate defense of the freedom of the press and argues against the need for government control and regulation of printed materials. Milton believed that individuals should have the right to express their thoughts and ideas without fear of punishment or censorship. He argued that through open and unrestricted debate, truth and knowledge would prevail. Areopagitica is considered one of the most important and influential works on freedom of speech and expression in the English language.
By what age had Milton become totally blind?
Correct Answer
B. 46
Milton became totally blind by the age of 46.
John Milton’s theological views could be described as heterodox. True or false?
Correct Answer
A. True
John Milton's theological views could be described as heterodox because he had non-traditional beliefs and ideas that deviated from the mainstream religious doctrines of his time. He challenged the established authority of the Church of England and advocated for freedom of thought and expression, including his support for divorce and his rejection of the doctrine of predestination. Milton's works, such as "Paradise Lost," reflect his unconventional theological perspectives, making the statement true.
Milton’s Paradise Lost was originally published in 1667 in ten books. The second edition of the text (1674) was composed of how many books?
Correct Answer
A. Twelve
The second edition of Milton's Paradise Lost, published in 1674, was composed of twelve books.
Paradise Lost is written in blank verse, a form that was frequently used in Elizabethan theatre. Is blank verse rhymed or unrhymed?
Correct Answer
B. Unrhymed
Blank verse is a form of poetry that does not have a regular rhyme scheme. It consists of unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter, which means each line has five pairs of unstressed and stressed syllables. This form of verse was popularized by English playwrights during the Elizabethan era, including William Shakespeare. "Paradise Lost," an epic poem written by John Milton, also follows this structure and is therefore written in unrhymed blank verse.
The language of Paradise Lost is influenced by the lexis and syntax of Latin. True or false?
Correct Answer
A. True
The language of Paradise Lost is indeed influenced by the lexis and syntax of Latin. This can be seen in the extensive use of Latin words and phrases throughout the poem, as well as the complex sentence structures that resemble Latin syntax. The author, John Milton, was well-versed in Latin and drew heavily from its literary traditions in his epic poem.
What is the missing word from the following description of Adam and Eve in Book IV?
“He for …… only, she for …… in him”
Correct Answer
C. God
The missing word from the description of Adam and Eve in Book IV is "God". The phrase suggests that Adam was created solely for God's pleasure, while Eve was created to find her fulfillment in Adam. This highlights the hierarchical relationship between God, Adam, and Eve in the context of their creation.
In Book X, Eve uses language to persuade Adam and gain his favour. Which Latin locution refers to this objective?
Correct Answer
Captatio benevolentiae
The Latin locution "Captatio benevolentiae" refers to the objective of using language to persuade and gain favor. In Book X, Eve employs this tactic to try and convince Adam of her intentions and win him over. By using persuasive language and appealing to his emotions, she hopes to gain his favor and support. This locution captures the essence of Eve's strategy in the book.
The term “attrition” refers to repentance because of love of God. True or false?
Correct Answer
B. False
The term "attrition" does not refer to repentance because of love of God. Attrition refers to a type of imperfect repentance that is motivated by fear of punishment or consequences, rather than genuine love for God. Therefore, the correct answer is False.