Sistem peredaran darah manusia adalah sistem peredaran darah ….
Correct Answer
B. Tertutup dan ganda
The correct answer is "tertutup dan ganda". This means that the human circulatory system is closed (blood flows in a closed system of blood vessels) and double (blood flows through two distinct circuits - pulmonary and systemic). In a closed system, blood is contained within blood vessels and does not directly come in contact with body tissues. The double circulation allows for efficient oxygenation of blood and distribution of nutrients to the body's tissues.
Berikut ini adalah fungsi darah, kecuali ….
Correct Answer
A. Melepaskan energi dalam tubuh
Darah memiliki beberapa fungsi penting dalam tubuh manusia, termasuk sebagai alat pengangkut nutrisi, mengatur suhu tubuh, dan sebagai alat pertahanan tubuh. Namun, darah tidak bertanggung jawab langsung dalam melepaskan energi dalam tubuh. Proses melepaskan energi dalam tubuh lebih terkait dengan organ-organ seperti otot dan mitokondria yang menghasilkan energi melalui proses metabolisme.
Sel-sel darah manusia dibedakan menjadi ….
Correct Answer
C. Eritrosit, leukosit, dan trombosit
The correct answer is "eritrosit, leukosit, dan trombosit" because these are the three main types of blood cells found in humans. Eritrosit, or red blood cells, are responsible for carrying oxygen to the body's tissues. Leukosit, or white blood cells, play a crucial role in the immune system and help fight off infections. Trombosit, or platelets, are involved in blood clotting and help to prevent excessive bleeding. Together, these three types of blood cells are essential for maintaining the body's overall health and functioning.
Yang berfungsi membantu dalam proses koagulasi adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. Trombosit
Trombosit berfungsi membantu dalam proses koagulasi darah. Ketika terjadi luka atau pembuluh darah pecah, trombosit akan menempel pada dinding pembuluh darah yang rusak dan membentuk gumpalan darah untuk menghentikan perdarahan. Selain itu, trombosit juga mengeluarkan zat kimia yang merangsang pembentukan fibrin, yang membantu menguatkan gumpalan darah. Dengan demikian, trombosit memainkan peran penting dalam menjaga keseimbangan antara perdarahan dan pembekuan darah.
Jantung pada manusia terbagi atas ….
Correct Answer
D. 2 atrium dan 2 ventrikel
The correct answer is "2 atrium dan 2 ventrikel". This is because the human heart is divided into four chambers: two atria and two ventricles. The atria receive blood from the body and the lungs, while the ventricles pump blood out to the body and the lungs.
Katup yang memisahkan serambi kanan dan bilik kanan adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Katup trikuspid
The correct answer is katup trikuspid. The tricuspid valve is the valve that separates the right atrium and the right ventricle in the heart. It consists of three leaflets or cusps that open and close to regulate the flow of blood from the right atrium to the right ventricle. This valve prevents the backflow of blood from the ventricle to the atrium during contraction of the heart, ensuring that blood flows in the correct direction.
Pembuluh darah yang menghubungkan arteriola dan venula adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. Kapiler
Kapiler adalah pembuluh darah yang menghubungkan arteriola dan venula. Kapiler memiliki dinding tipis yang memungkinkan pertukaran zat-zat antara darah dan jaringan di dalam tubuh. Dalam kapiler, oksigen dan nutrisi diserap oleh jaringan tubuh, sedangkan limbah dan karbondioksida diserap oleh darah untuk dibuang. Kapiler juga memiliki jumlah yang sangat banyak di dalam tubuh, sehingga memungkinkan pertukaran zat-zat ini terjadi secara efisien.
Sistem peredaran darah sistemik digambarkan sebagai berikut:
Correct Answer
B. Ventrikel kiri - aorta - arteri - arteriola - kapiler - venula - vena kava - atrium kanan.
The correct answer describes the systemic circulation of blood. It starts with the left ventricle pumping blood into the aorta, which is the largest artery in the body. From the aorta, blood flows into smaller arteries, then arterioles, and then into capillaries where exchange of oxygen and nutrients with tissues occurs. The deoxygenated blood then enters venules, which merge to form larger veins called the vena cava. Finally, the blood returns to the right atrium of the heart.
Golongan darah AB memiliki ….
Correct Answer
C. Aglutinin A dan B
Golongan darah AB memiliki aglutinin A dan B. This means that individuals with blood type AB have both agglutinin A and agglutinin B present in their blood. Agglutinins are antibodies that are produced by the immune system to help protect against foreign substances, such as bacteria or viruses. In the case of blood transfusions, having both agglutinins A and B means that individuals with blood type AB can receive blood from donors with any blood type, as they do not have antibodies against either agglutinin.
Penyakit mengerasnya pembuluh nadi karena timbunan lemak dan zat kapur disebut ….
Correct Answer
C. Sklerosis
The correct answer is "sklerosis." Sklerosis refers to the hardening of blood vessels due to the accumulation of fat and calcium deposits. This condition can lead to reduced blood flow and increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Hemofilia is a genetic disorder that impairs the body's ability to form blood clots. Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow. Varises are enlarged and twisted veins commonly found in the legs.