Koji narod nije zivio na prostoru Apeninskog poluotoka prije osnutka grada Rima?
Correct Answer
D. Asirci
The Assyrians did not live on the Apennine Peninsula before the founding of Rome. The Latins, Greeks, Celts, and Etruscans are all known to have inhabited the region at different points in history, but there is no evidence of Assyrian presence in that area.
Koji narod je bio gospodarski i kulturno najrazvijeniji na prostoru Apeninskog poluotoka?
Correct Answer
C. Etruscani
The Etruscans were the most economically and culturally developed people on the Apennine Peninsula. They had a sophisticated civilization and were known for their advanced agricultural techniques, skilled craftsmanship, and thriving trade networks. The Etruscans had a significant influence on the development of ancient Rome, particularly in terms of art, architecture, and religion. They were also known for their elaborate burial practices and their written language, which is still not fully deciphered today.
Koji narod je razvio obicaj borbi gladijatora koji su kasnije preuzeli Rimljani?
Correct Answer
E. Etruscani
The Etruscans are believed to have developed the tradition of gladiatorial combat, which was later adopted by the Romans. The Etruscans were an ancient civilization in Italy, predating the Roman Empire. They had a strong influence on Roman culture and society, including their entertainment practices. Gladiatorial combat was a popular form of entertainment in ancient Rome, where trained fighters would battle each other or wild animals in arenas. This tradition originated with the Etruscans and was later embraced and expanded upon by the Romans.
Kada je prema legendi osnovan grad Rim?
Correct Answer
C. 753. god. pr. Kr.
According to legend, the city of Rome was founded in 753 BC. This date is widely accepted as the traditional founding of Rome, based on the legend of Romulus and Remus. The legend states that Romulus, the first king of Rome, founded the city on April 21, 753 BC. While there is no historical evidence to support this exact date, it has become the accepted founding date of Rome in popular culture and historical tradition.
Kako se zove narod kojemu su, prema legendi, Rimljani oteli zene i kceri?
Correct Answer
D. Sabinjani
The correct answer is Sabinjani. According to legend, the Sabines were a people whose women and daughters were abducted by the Romans. This event, known as the "Rape of the Sabine Women," eventually led to the integration of the Sabines into Roman society through intermarriage and the formation of a new Roman-Sabine community.
Koliko je Rim prema legendi imao kraljeva?
Correct Answer
C. Sedam
According to legend, Rome had seven kings.
Nakon posljednjeg rimskog kralja Tarkvinija Oholog, Rim je postao:
Correct Answer
B. Republika
After the last Roman king Tarquin the Proud, Rome became a republic. This means that the power was no longer held by a single monarch, but rather by elected officials who represented the interests of the citizens. The establishment of a republic marked a shift towards a more democratic form of government in Rome, where decisions were made collectively by the people through their representatives.
Kako se zvao rimski vladajuci sloj koji je potjecao iz aristokracije?
Correct Answer
D. Patriciji
Patriciji su bili rimski vladajući sloj koji potječe iz aristokracije. Ova privilegirana klasa imala je visok društveni status i političku moć u Rimskom Carstvu. Patriciji su često bili bogati i utjecajni pojedinci koji su kontrolirali političke institucije i donosili ključne odluke. Ova grupa je bila ekskluzivna i rezervirana samo za pripadnike određenih obitelji koje su naslijedile svoj status. Plebejci, heloti i perijeci nisu imali istu društvenu i političku moć kao patriciji.
Kako se zvao najstariji rimski zakonik?
Correct Answer
D. Zakoni dvanaest ploca
The correct answer is "Zakoni dvanaest ploca". The question asks for the name of the oldest Roman law code, and the answer provided is the Twelve Tables. This code was created in 450 BC and consisted of laws written on twelve bronze tablets. It was a significant milestone in Roman legal history as it established the basis for Roman law and provided a framework for the administration of justice.
Tko je bio predstavnik plebejaca u senatu?
Correct Answer
C. Pucki tribun
The correct answer is "pucki tribun." In ancient Rome, the plebeians were the common people who were not part of the aristocracy. The pucki tribun was a representative of the plebeians in the Roman Senate. They were elected by the plebeians and had the power to veto any legislation or action that they believed was harmful to the plebeians' interests. The role of the pucki tribun was crucial in protecting the rights and welfare of the plebeians in the Roman Republic.
Sto je akvedukt?
Correct Answer
B. Vodovod
An akvedukt is a type of water supply system that was used in ancient Rome to transport water from a source to a destination. It consists of a series of arches that support a channel or pipe, allowing water to flow downhill by gravity. This system was used to bring water to cities, towns, and even individual buildings, providing a reliable source of water for drinking, bathing, and other uses. Therefore, the correct answer is "vodovod," which means water supply or waterworks in Croatian.
Na celu senata su bila dva:
Correct Answer
C. Konzula
The question is asking for the purpose of the Senate, and the correct answer is "konzula" which means "consuls" in English. This suggests that the purpose of the Senate was to serve the consuls.
Kako se zvao epirski kralj koji je pobijedio Rimljane uz velike gubitke?
Correct Answer
C. Pir
The correct answer is "Pir".
Koji otok u Sredozemnom moru Rimljani nisu osvojili nakon I. punskog rata?
Correct Answer
B. Kreta
The Romans were not able to conquer the island of Crete after the First Punic War. This could be due to various reasons such as the strong resistance put up by the Cretans, the difficult terrain of the island, or strategic challenges faced by the Roman forces.
Koju provinciju su Rimljani stekli nakon II. punskog rata?
Correct Answer
D. Hispaniju
After the Second Punic War, the Romans acquired the province of Hispania. This region, located in modern-day Spain and Portugal, was strategically important for the Romans due to its rich resources and access to the Mediterranean Sea. The Romans gradually expanded their control over Hispania, establishing it as a vital part of their empire and influencing its culture and society.
Vojskovodju - pobjednika Rimljani su nazivali:
Correct Answer
B. Imperator
The correct answer is "imperator". In ancient Rome, the term "imperator" was used to refer to a victorious military commander or leader. It was a title bestowed upon a Roman general who had achieved significant military success. The term later evolved to become associated with the Roman Emperors.
Koji robovi su bili najvise na cijeni u Rimu?
Correct Answer
B. Grcki
The correct answer is "grcki" because the question is asking which slaves were most valued in Rome. The Greeks were highly regarded for their intelligence, education, and skills, making them highly sought after as slaves in ancient Rome.
Nakon dugotrajnih ratova doslo je velikih razlika u imovini medju rimskim stanovnistvom, pa se rimsko drustvo podijelilo na nobile i:
Correct Answer
B. Proletere
After the long-lasting wars, there were significant differences in wealth among the Roman population, leading to the division of Roman society into nobles and proletarians. The term "proletarii" referred to the lowest social class in ancient Rome, consisting of individuals who owned little to no property and were dependent on their labor for survival. They were often employed as manual laborers or soldiers, and they had limited political power and influence compared to the nobility.
Kako se zvao vodja ustanka robova protiv Rimljana od 73. do 71. god. pr. Kr.?
Correct Answer
C. Spartak
Spartak is the correct answer because he was the leader of the slave uprising against the Romans from 73 to 71 BC. He was a gladiator who managed to gather a large army of slaves and fought against the Roman Republic. Spartak's rebellion was one of the most significant slave uprisings in ancient history and posed a major threat to the Roman Empire.
Tko se nije nalazio u prvom trijumviratu?
Correct Answer
B. Marko Antonije
Marko Antonije was not a member of the First Triumvirate. The First Triumvirate was a political alliance formed in ancient Rome between Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus. Mark Antony, on the other hand, was a prominent Roman general and politician who formed the Second Triumvirate with Octavian and Lepidus after the assassination of Julius Caesar. Therefore, Marko Antonije is the correct answer as he was not part of the First Triumvirate.
Tko se nije nalazio u drugom trijumviratu?
Correct Answer
C. Pompej
Pompej se nije nalazio u drugom trijumviratu. Trijumvirat je bio politički savez između Oktavijana, Marka Antonija i Marka Lepida, koji su vladali Rimskim Carstvom nakon smrti Julija Cezara. Pompej je bio vojni vođa i političar u Rimskom Carstvu, ali nije bio uključen u drugi trijumvirat.
U pomorskoj bitci kod rta Akcija 31. god. pr. Kr. sukobili su se:
Correct Answer
D. Marko Antonije i Oktavijan
Marko Antonije and Oktavijan were the ones who clashed in the naval battle at Cape Actium in 31 BC. This battle marked the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire. Marko Antonije, who was allied with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra, was defeated by Oktavijan, who later became known as Augustus Caesar and became the first Roman Emperor.
Oktavijan je od senata dobio pocasni naslov augustus što na latinskome znaci:
Correct Answer
C. Uzviseni
The correct answer is "uzviseni" which translates to "exalted" or "elevated" in English. This title was given to Oktavijan by the senate, signifying his elevated status and importance.