Sebagian masyarakat Indonesia beranggapan bahwa Kebudayaan Barat lebih tinggi daripada budaya sendiri dan modernisasi tidak lain proses meniru budaya barat. Penyebab sikap yang keliru tersebut adalah ... .
Correct Answer
B. Kurang memahami makna modernisasi
The correct answer is "Kurang memahami makna modernisasi." This is because the incorrect belief that Western culture is superior and that modernization is merely copying Western culture stems from a lack of understanding of the true meaning of modernization. People who hold this belief may not fully comprehend that modernization involves adapting and incorporating elements from various cultures, rather than simply imitating Western culture.
Pengaruh perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan terhadap modernisasi antara lain ... .
Correct Answer
A. Menimbulkan pemikiran yang rasional pada masyarakat
The correct answer is "Menimbulkan pemikiran yang rasional pada masyarakat" because the development of science and knowledge encourages people to think critically and logically. It promotes rational thinking and decision-making, which leads to a more progressive and modern society.
Modernisasi sebagai proses industrialisasi terutama ditandai oleh ....
Correct Answer
C. Perubahan masyarakat dari kehidupan agraris tradisional ke arah industri modern
Modernization as an industrialization process is mainly characterized by the change of society from traditional agrarian life to modern industry. This includes a shift in economic activities, technology, and social structure from agriculture-based to industry-based. This transformation leads to the development of urban areas, the growth of industries, and the adoption of modern technologies.
Pemerintah mendorong ekspor barang jadi seperti mebel/furniture dan melarang ekspor rotan dan kayu dalam bentuk bahan baku. Dalam rangka modernisasi, kebijakan tersebut didorong oleh faktor ...
Correct Answer
D. Memperbaiki industri dalam negeri
The government's policy of promoting the export of finished goods like furniture and banning the export of raw materials such as rattan and wood is driven by the aim of improving the domestic industry. By encouraging the production and export of value-added products, the government hopes to boost the competitiveness and growth of the domestic industry. This policy can lead to the development of local industries, the creation of more jobs, and the overall improvement of the domestic economy.
Modernisasi dan pembangunan berhasil membangun pusat-pusat pertokoan (swalayan). Kenyataan ini memberikan dampak negatif terhadap sistem distribusi barang kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti ....
Correct Answer
E. Pasar tradisional tergusur/tersingkir
The successful modernization and development have led to the establishment of modern shopping centers (supermarkets). This has had a negative impact on the traditional distribution system of daily necessities such as the traditional markets being displaced or eliminated.
Salah satu perwujudan modernisasi adalah mekanisasi. Berikut ini merupakan contoh mekanisasi yaitu ....
Correct Answer
A. Penggunaan traktor dalam membajak sawah
Mekanisasi refers to the use of machinery or mechanical equipment to perform tasks that were previously done manually. The use of tractors in plowing fields is an example of mechanization as it replaces the traditional method of using animals or manual labor to perform the same task.
Masih banyaknya Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang tidak disiplin dalam melaksanakan tugas bertentangan dengan syarat modernisasi yaitu ....
Correct Answer
B. Kedisiplinan yang tinggi, tetapi tidak melanggar HAM warga negara
The correct answer suggests that one of the requirements for modernization is high discipline among civil servants, but without violating the human rights of citizens. This implies that in order for modernization to occur, it is important for civil servants to be disciplined in their duties, but this discipline should not come at the expense of violating the rights of individuals. This ensures that modernization is achieved in a fair and ethical manner.
Tidak akuratnya jumlah pemilih yang termasuk dalam daftar pemilih tetap dalam suatu pilkada merupakan bukti bahwa masyarakat Indonesia belum memenuhi syarat modernisasi yaitu ....
Correct Answer
C. Adanya sistem pengumpulan data yang baik dan teratur dan terpusat
The correct answer suggests that the inaccurate number of voters in the permanent voter list for a local election is evidence that the Indonesian society has not met the requirements of modernization, specifically the need for a good, organized, and centralized data collection system. This implies that a modern society should have an efficient and accurate system in place to gather and maintain voter data, which is essential for a fair and transparent electoral process.
Untuk menciptaan iklim yang favorable dalam masyarakat terhadap modernisasi dilakukan dengan cara ....
Correct Answer
D. Penggunaan alat-alat komunikasi massa
The use of mass communication tools can help create a favorable climate in society for modernization. Mass communication allows for the dissemination of information and ideas on a large scale, reaching a wide audience. This can help educate and inform the public about the benefits and importance of modernization, leading to a more positive attitude towards it. Additionally, mass communication can also facilitate dialogue and discussion, allowing for the exchange of different perspectives and fostering a more open and receptive society towards modernization.
Berikut ini merupakan contoh berkembangnya ilmu pengatahuan dan teknologi baru yang menambah kemampuan manusia dalam mengungkap rahasia-rahasia dan perubahan-perubahan pada lingkungan alam yaitu ....
Correct Answer
E. Diciptakannya alat peringatan dini untuk terjadinya tsunami
The correct answer is "diciptakannya alat peringatan dini untuk terjadinya tsunami". This answer is correct because it describes the development of new technology that enhances human capabilities in uncovering secrets and changes in the natural environment. The invention of an early warning system for tsunamis is a significant advancement in science and technology that helps in saving lives and mitigating the impact of natural disasters.
Berkurangnya jumlah siswa putus sekolah merupakan harapan semua elemen bangsa. Harapan ini selaras dengan faktor pendorong modernisasi menurut David McCleland yaitu ....
Correct Answer
A. Memiliki ilmu pengetahuan yang tinggi
According to David McCleland's factor of driving modernization, having a high level of knowledge is important. This aligns with the hope of reducing the number of school dropouts, as education and knowledge play a crucial role in preventing students from leaving school.
Faktor pendorong modernisasi yang ketiga menurut David McCleland adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Memiliki modal yang cukup
The correct answer is "Memiliki modal yang cukup". This means having enough capital or resources to support the process of modernization. Having sufficient funds is crucial for investing in new technologies, infrastructure, and human resources, which are all essential for modernization efforts. Without adequate financial resources, it would be challenging to implement and sustain modernization initiatives.
Aktif dalam organisasi seperti OSIS, PMR, dan PRAMUKA merupakan salah satu tindakan yang selaras dengan ciri modernisasi yaitu ....
Correct Answer
C. Terlibat dalam perencanaan dan organisasi
Being involved in planning and organization aligns with the characteristic of modernization because it demonstrates a willingness to embrace new ideas and implement new methods. It also shows an ability to form opinions and take part in decision-making processes. Additionally, being involved in planning and organization requires being sensitive to time and having trust in the superiority of knowledge and technology.
Berikut ini merupakan upaya yang dapat kita lakukan agar kita sanggup membentuk atau mempunyai pendapat mengenai sejumlah persoalan yang tidak hanya timbul di sekitar masyarakat kita, tetapi juga yang terjadi di luar, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
D. Menonton sinetron
Watching sinetron (a type of Indonesian soap opera) is not a suitable method for forming or having an opinion on various issues. Sinetron is a form of entertainment and is not a reliable source of information or a means of gaining knowledge about social or global issues. It is important to rely on credible sources such as the internet, newspapers, television news updates, and radio news broadcasts to gather information and form informed opinions.
Masih berakarnya praktek mistis di Indonesia merupakan bukti bahwa masyarakat Indonesia belum memenuhi ciri modernisasi menurut Alex Inkeles, yaitu ....
Correct Answer
E. Kepercayaan terahadap keunggulan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi
The correct answer is "kepercayaan terhadap keunggulan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi." This answer suggests that the persistence of mystical practices in Indonesia indicates that Indonesian society has not fully embraced the belief in the superiority of science and technology, which is one of the characteristics of modernization according to Alex Inkeles. This implies that the society still holds on to traditional beliefs and practices that are not in line with modernization.
Dilaksanakannya test online berbasis web di SMA Negeri 1 Batanghari merupakan contoh kongkrit dari ciri modernisasi menurut Alex Inkeles, yaitu ....
Correct Answer
A. Bersedia menerima gagasan-gagasan baru dan melaksanakan cara-cara baru
The implementation of web-based online tests at SMA Negeri 1 Batanghari is an example of the concrete characteristic of modernization according to Alex Inkeles, which is being willing to accept new ideas and implement new ways. This is evident as the school is embracing the use of technology and adapting to the modern method of conducting tests online.
Westernisasi berlangsung intensif pada kalangan ....
Correct Answer
B. Remaja
Westernisasi berlangsung intensif pada kalangan remaja karena remaja cenderung lebih terbuka terhadap pengaruh budaya luar, terutama dari negara-negara Barat. Masa remaja adalah masa pencarian jati diri dan eksplorasi identitas, sehingga mereka lebih rentan terhadap pengaruh luar yang dianggap keren atau modern. Selain itu, remaja juga lebih mudah terpengaruh oleh media massa dan teknologi, yang memudahkan mereka untuk mengakses dan mengadopsi budaya Barat.
Berikut ini merupakan barang-barang yang mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan konsep ruang dan waktu, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
C. Media cetak
Media cetak tidak mengakibatkan perubahan konsep ruang dan waktu seperti halnya telepon, internet, televisi, dan satelit. Media cetak seperti koran dan majalah tetap membutuhkan waktu dan ruang fisik untuk dicetak dan didistribusikan, sedangkan media elektronik seperti telepon, internet, televisi, dan satelit memungkinkan informasi dapat diakses dan dikirimkan secara instan tanpa batasan ruang dan waktu.
Produsen dari Jepang berusaha untuk menarik minat konsumen Indonesia agar membeli produk otomotif mereka. Kasus ini merupakan contoh dari ciri globalisasi yaitu ....
Correct Answer
D. Pasar dan produksi ekonomi di negara-negara yang berbeda menjadi saling bergantung
This answer is correct because it accurately describes one of the characteristics of globalization, which is the interdependence of markets and economic production in different countries. In this case, the Japanese producer is trying to attract Indonesian consumers, highlighting the interconnectedness of economies and the global nature of trade and production.
Musik Regge yang dipopulerkan oleh Bob Marley cukup digemari oleh penikmat musik di Indonesia, keadaan ini selaras dengan ciri globalisasi yaitu ....
Correct Answer
E. Peningkatan interaksi kultural
The popularity of Bob Marley's Reggae music in Indonesia reflects the increasing cultural interaction brought about by globalization. As people from different countries and cultures come into contact with each other, they are exposed to and appreciate different forms of art and music. This increased cultural interaction leads to the spread and acceptance of diverse musical genres like Reggae, which transcends geographical boundaries and becomes popular in different parts of the world.
Berikut ini merupakan contoh masalah bersama yang dihadapi oleh negara-negara di dunia sebagai akibat dari globalisasi, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
A. Kekerasan terhadap TKW
The given answer suggests that violence against migrant domestic workers (TKW) is not a problem faced by countries as a result of globalization. This implies that the other options listed (global warming, multinational crisis, drug trafficking, and terrorism) are all examples of problems that can be attributed to globalization.
Manusia mulai mengenal perdagangan antarnegara sekitar tahun ....
Correct Answer
B. 1000 dan 1500 M
Dikenalnya abjad arab gundul atau arab melayu di Pulau Sumatera merupakan dampak dari proses globalisasi yaitu ....
Correct Answer
C. Dominasi perdagangan kaum muslim di Asia dan Afrika
The correct answer suggests that the recognition of Arabic script in Sumatra is a result of the dominance of Muslim trade in Asia and Africa. This implies that the spread of Arabic script was facilitated by the extensive trade networks established by Muslim traders in these regions. These traders likely brought with them the Arabic script as a means of communication and documentation, leading to its adoption in Sumatra. This explanation aligns with the historical context of the spread of Islam and Arabic script in Southeast Asia.
Eksplorasi dunia secara besar-besaran oleh bangsa Eropa dipelopori oleh negara berikut ini, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
D. Italia
The correct answer is Italia. The question is asking for the country that did not lead the large-scale exploration of the world by Europeans. The other options - Spanyol (Spain), Inggris (England), Portugis (Portugal), and Belanda (Netherlands) - were all major players in the Age of Exploration, sending explorers like Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, and Ferdinand Magellan to discover new lands and establish colonies. However, Italy did not play a significant role in this period of exploration and colonization.
Dalam melakukan eksplorasi dunia bangsa Eropa memiliki motto yaitu ...
Correct Answer
E. Gold, gospel, and glory
The motto of the European nations during their exploration was "gold, gospel, and glory". This motto represents the three main motivations for European exploration during that time. "Gold" refers to the desire for wealth and the pursuit of valuable resources in new lands. "Gospel" represents the religious motivation behind exploration, as Europeans sought to spread Christianity to new territories. "Glory" signifies the quest for fame, power, and prestige that came with discovering new lands and expanding their empires.
Saham PT Unilever dimiliki oleh pengusaha dari ....
Correct Answer
A. Belanda
The correct answer is "Belanda" which means the Netherlands in Indonesian. This suggests that PT Unilever, a company, is owned by entrepreneurs from the Netherlands.
Perang dingin terjadi antara ....
Correct Answer
B. Komunisme dan kapitalisme
The Cold War was a period of political tension and conflict between the Soviet Union (representing communism) and the United States (representing capitalism). This ideological struggle between communism and capitalism was the main cause of the Cold War. Both sides had different economic systems and political ideologies, leading to a long-standing rivalry and competition for global influence. The conflict was characterized by proxy wars, arms race, and propaganda campaigns, and it lasted from the end of World War II until the early 1990s.
Globalisasi perdagangan terwujud dalam bentuk ....
Correct Answer
C. Penurunan dan penyeragaman tarif
The correct answer is "penurunan dan penyeragaman tarif" because globalization of trade involves the reduction and harmonization of tariffs. This means that countries lower their trade barriers, such as import taxes, to promote international trade and create a more level playing field for businesses. By reducing and standardizing tariffs, it becomes easier for companies to engage in cross-border trade and for goods and services to flow more freely between countries.
Perkembangan globalisasi kebudayaan secara intensif terjadi pada....
Correct Answer
D. Awal abad ke-20
The intensive development of cultural globalization occurred in the early 20th century. This period saw significant advancements in technology, transportation, and communication, which facilitated the exchange and spread of cultural ideas, practices, and products on a global scale. The rise of mass media, such as radio, cinema, and later television, played a crucial role in disseminating cultural content across borders. Additionally, the aftermath of World War I and the subsequent formation of international organizations like the League of Nations fostered increased international cooperation and cultural exchange.
Berikut ini merupakan ciri berkembangnya globalisasi kebudayaan, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
E. Berkembangnya cara berfikir ilmiah
The given answer suggests that the development of scientific thinking is not a characteristic of the globalization of culture. This means that while other aspects such as global events, global fashion trends, tourism, and immigration contribute to the globalization of culture, the development of scientific thinking may not necessarily be directly linked to this process.