Upon obtaining 20 bonus Ability Power, this champion’s basic attacks deal 10% bonus magic damage. This bonus damage increases by 1% for every 5 Ability Power gained thereafter.
Akali is the champion that obtains 20 bonus Ability Power, which allows her basic attacks to deal 10% bonus magic damage. This bonus damage further increases by 1% for every 5 Ability Power gained after reaching the initial 20 bonus AP.
This champion’s first attack on a target deals 8% of their current Health as bonus magic damage (max: 400 damage). This effect cannot occur on the same target for 6 seconds.
Jarvan IV is the correct answer because he has a passive ability called Martial Cadence. This ability allows his first attack on a target to deal bonus magic damage equal to 8% of their current health, up to a maximum of 400 damage. However, this effect cannot occur on the same target again for 6 seconds. This ability makes Jarvan IV a strong duelist and allows him to deal significant damage to tanky opponents.
This champion gains increased Ability Power based upon % health remaining.
Karma is the champion that gains increased Ability Power based on the percentage of health remaining. This means that the lower her health is, the more Ability Power she will have. This ability allows Karma to become stronger and deal more damage as she takes damage herself. It adds a strategic element to her gameplay, as players need to carefully manage their health to maximize her damage potential.
Upon dying, this champion enters a spirit form allowing them to continue casting spells while dead for 8 seconds.
Karthus is the correct answer because he has a passive ability called "Death Defied" that allows him to enter a spirit form upon dying. In this form, he can continue casting spells for a duration of 8 seconds. This ability makes Karthus unique and gives him an advantage even after he dies, allowing him to contribute to team fights and potentially secure kills even from beyond the grave.
This champion causes nearby enemies to have their Magic Resist reduced by 10.
Fiddlesticks is the champion that causes nearby enemies to have their Magic Resist reduced by 10. This means that when Fiddlesticks is near enemies, their resistance to magic damage is reduced, making them more vulnerable to his magical abilities. This can be a powerful advantage for Fiddlesticks, allowing him to deal more damage to his enemies and potentially secure kills more easily.
Attacks from non-neutral minions deal 50% damage to this champion.
This statement suggests that the champion named Eve or Evelynn has a special ability or passive that reduces the damage taken from attacks by non-neutral minions by 50%. This means that when these minions attack Eve or Evelynn, their attacks will only deal half of their normal damage.
On ability use, this champion restores 2% of their max health over 4 seconds.
Gragas is the correct answer because he has an ability called "Drunken Rage" that, when activated, restores 2% of his maximum health over 4 seconds. This ability allows Gragas to sustain himself in fights and stay in the frontline for longer periods of time.
League of Legends has been free-to-play since its release in October ___________. (Specify the year)
League of Legends has been free-to-play since its release in October 2009.
Whenever this champion casts a spell, it deals damage to all nearby enemies and structures for the next few seconds.
Alistar is the correct answer because his ability, "Trample," allows him to deal damage to all nearby enemies and structures whenever he casts a spell. This ability is active for a few seconds after casting the spell, making Alistar a strong champion for damaging multiple enemies and structures at once.
When this champion is brought below 40% health, they instantly become stealthed for half a second. After the stealth fades, a mirror image is created, which deals no damage and lasts for 8 seconds. This skill has a 1-minute cooldown.
Leblanc is the correct answer because her passive ability, "Mirror Image," matches the description given in the question. When Leblanc's health drops below 40%, she becomes stealthed for half a second and then creates a mirror image that lasts for 8 seconds. This mirror image does not deal any damage and Leblanc can use it to deceive her enemies and escape dangerous situations. The ability has a cooldown of 1 minute, allowing Leblanc to use it strategically during fights.
Upon dying, this champion will revert into an egg. If the egg survives for 6 seconds, the champion is reborn.
Anivia is the correct answer because she has a unique passive ability called "Rebirth." When Anivia dies, she transforms into an egg, becoming untargetable and unable to take any actions. If the egg remains undamaged for 6 seconds, Anivia is reborn with a percentage of her maximum health. This ability allows Anivia to potentially turn the tide of a battle by giving her a second chance to continue fighting.
After this champion uses an ability, their next two basic attacks gain 50% attack speed and return 15 energy apiece.
Lee Sin is the correct answer because he is a champion in the game League of Legends who has an ability called "Flurry". Flurry allows Lee Sin to gain 50% attack speed and return 15 energy with his next two basic attacks after using an ability. This ability synergizes well with Lee Sin's playstyle as a high-energy, fast-paced fighter who relies on chaining abilities and basic attacks to deal damage and control the battlefield.
While out of combat, this champion’s critical chance increases every 3 seconds. After this critical chance causes a crit, it resets to 0%.
Ashe's passive ability, called "Focus," increases her critical chance every 3 seconds while she is out of combat. This means that the longer she stays out of combat, the higher her chances of landing a critical hit become. However, once she successfully lands a critical hit, her critical chance resets back to 0%. This mechanic encourages players to strategically position Ashe and wait for the right moment to engage in combat, maximizing her potential for critical hits.
This champion will regenerate .5% of their maximum health per second after not receiving damage for 7 seconds.
Garen is the correct answer because he has a passive ability called "Perseverance" which allows him to regenerate 0.5% of his maximum health per second after not receiving damage for 7 seconds. This passive ability is a key aspect of Garen's sustain and durability in the game, as it allows him to stay in lane longer and recover health during fights.
This champion converts 50% of their total magic resist into ability power.
Galio is the correct answer because he has a passive ability called "Runic Skin" which converts 50% of his total magic resist into ability power. This means that the more magic resist Galio has, the more ability power he gains, making him a strong champion against magic damage dealers.
Whenever this champion kills a unit, they recover health and mana. The value restored increases with level.
Cho'Gath is the correct answer because whenever this champion kills a unit, they recover health and mana, and the value restored increases with level. Cho'Gath has a passive ability called "Carnivore" which allows him to restore health and mana whenever he kills a unit with any of his abilities. This ability becomes more powerful as Cho'Gath levels up, making him a sustainable champion in the game.
This champions abilities mark any enemies hit. Upon receiving 3 of these marks, that enemy will be stunned and the champion will receive 25 energy. The effect is diminished if it happens twice in a 7 second period.
Kennen's abilities mark any enemies hit. After receiving 3 marks, the enemy will be stunned and Kennen will gain 25 energy. However, if this happens twice within a 7-second period, the effect will be diminished.
Hitting a target with any of this champion’s abilities increases their attack speed by 10% for 6 seconds. This effect stacks 5 times.
Ezreal is the correct answer because his abilities have the unique effect of increasing his attack speed by 10% for 6 seconds whenever he hits a target. This effect can stack up to 5 times, providing him with a significant boost in attack speed.
What is Yasuo's ultimate ability called in League of Legends?
Yasuo's ultimate ability in League of Legends is called "Last Breath." When activated, Yasuo blinks to a nearby airborne enemy champion and suspends them in the air, dealing damage and setting them up for follow-up attacks from Yasuo and his teammates. It's a critical part of his kit for securing kills and making plays in the game.
This champion’s basic attacks will deal 10% bonus true damage to all enemies.
Corki's basic attacks deal 10% bonus true damage to all enemies. This means that regardless of the enemy's armor or magic resistance, Corki's basic attacks will always deal an additional 10% of their current health as true damage. This ability makes Corki a strong champion for dealing consistent damage to all types of enemies, whether they are tanks or squishy targets.
This champion’s spells will mark the target for 3.5 seconds. When allied champions deal damage to the target, the mark is consumed and deals additional magic damage.
Leona is the champion who has spells that can mark the target for 3.5 seconds. When her allied champions deal damage to the marked target, the mark is consumed and deals additional magic damage.
This champion’s passive reduces the duration of all CC other than suppression, scaling dependent on how many champions are nearby. 1 champion for 10%, 2 for 25%, and 3 for 40%.
Irelia's passive ability reduces the duration of all crowd control (CC) effects, except for suppression, based on the number of champions nearby. If there is one champion nearby, the duration of CC is reduced by 10%. If there are two champions nearby, the reduction is increased to 25%. And if there are three champions nearby, the reduction is further increased to 40%. This passive ability allows Irelia to be more resistant to crowd control effects, making her harder to disable and control in team fights.
In League of Legends, Tryndamere's ultimate ability, Undying Rage, prevents him from dying for _______ seconds.
Tryndamere's ultimate ability, Undying Rage, makes him immune to death for five seconds. During this time, his health cannot drop below 1 health point, making him incredibly difficult to kill. This ability allows Tryndamere to engage in fights aggressively and take risks that other champions would avoid, making him a formidable opponent in the top lane.
Every 10 seconds, this champion’s next basic attack will strike surrounding enemies for 120% of its AD, and will heal it for 15/20/25 per hit. The cooldown is reduced by 1 second after every basic attack.
Nocturne has an ability that allows his next basic attack to strike surrounding enemies for 120% of his attack damage (AD) and heal him for 15/20/25 per hit. Additionally, the cooldown of this ability is reduced by 1 second after every basic attack. This implies that Nocturne can continuously deal damage to multiple enemies while also sustaining himself through the healing effect. Therefore, Nocturne is the correct answer as his kit aligns with the described characteristics.
This champion regenerates 0.3% of their maximum health every second.
Dr. Mundo, also known as Mundo or Dr. Mundo, is the champion that regenerates 0.3% of their maximum health every second. This means that over time, Dr. Mundo's health will gradually increase, making him a durable and difficult to kill champion. His ability to regenerate health allows him to sustain in fights and stay in the frontline for extended periods of time. This regeneration ability is one of his defining characteristics and makes him a formidable tank in the game.
Every 8 basic attacks (attacks from brush count as 2), this champion will deal 150% bonus damage to champions or 250% to minions.
Caitlyn is the champion referred to in the question. Every 8 basic attacks, she will deal 150% bonus damage to champions or 250% to minions. This means that after every 8 attacks, Caitlyn's damage output will significantly increase against champions or minions, making her a potent threat in both team fights and when pushing lanes.
Upon dying, this champion turns into a bomb which detonates after 4 seconds, dealing 100+(25% per level) in true damage. During these 4 seconds, this champion gains bonus movement speed.
Kog'Maw is the correct answer because upon dying, he turns into a bomb which detonates after 4 seconds, dealing true damage. Additionally, during these 4 seconds, Kog'Maw gains bonus movement speed. Kog Maw is also an acceptable answer as it is a common misspelling of Kog'Maw.
This champion’s spells mark any targets they hit. If this champion attacks marked targets within the next 6 seconds, the mark is consumed for bonus damage (scaling by level) to the target.
Lux is the champion being described in the question. Her spells have the ability to mark any targets they hit. If Lux attacks these marked targets within the next 6 seconds, the mark is consumed, resulting in bonus damage to the target. This mechanic allows Lux to strategically use her spells to deal additional damage to specific targets, making her a strong and versatile champion in the game.
After getting a kill or an assist, this champion gains 25 bonus gold and any skill currently on cooldown has its cooldown reduced by 15 seconds.
Katarina, also known as Kat, gains 25 bonus gold and has her cooldown on any skill currently on cooldown reduced by 15 seconds after getting a kill or an assist.
This champion increases all allied champions’ movement speed by 3%
Janna is a champion in the game who has the ability to increase the movement speed of all allied champions by 3%. This means that when Janna uses her ability, all her teammates will be able to move faster, allowing them to chase down enemies, escape dangerous situations, or reposition themselves more effectively during fights. The increase in movement speed can provide a significant advantage in terms of map control, positioning, and overall team mobility.
Moving through brush increases this champion’s movement speed by 15%. This effect persists for 2 seconds after leaving the brush.
Nidalee is the champion who benefits from increased movement speed when moving through brush. This effect grants her a 15% increase in movement speed and continues for an additional 2 seconds after she leaves the brush.
This champion gives allied turrets and champions increased health regeneration.
Heimerdinger is the correct answer because he has the ability to provide increased health regeneration to allied turrets and champions. This is achieved through his passive ability called Techmaturgical Repair Bots, which grants health regeneration to nearby allied structures and champions. Heimerdinger's unique skill set makes him a valuable asset in protecting and sustaining his team's structures and champions during battles.
This champion’s basic attacks apply a poison that deals magic damage each second and slows movement speed. This effect lasts 3 seconds and stacks up to 3 times.
Gangplank is the correct answer because his basic attacks apply a poison that deals magic damage and slows the movement speed of the target. This poison effect lasts for 3 seconds and can stack up to 3 times.
This champion gains health based upon the weapons they buy. 3 health per 1 AD gained from items, and 2 health per 1 AP gained from items.
Jax is the champion that gains health based on the weapons they buy. For every 1 Attack Damage (AD) gained from items, Jax gains 3 health, and for every 1 Ability Power (AP) gained from items, Jax gains 2 health. This means that Jax's health increases as they purchase items that provide AD or AP, making them stronger and more durable in battles.
When this champion is brought below 20% health, they activate a shield which absorbs damage equal to 50% of their current maximum mana. This shield lasts for 10 seconds, and has a 1 minute cooldown.
Blitzcrank, also known as Blitz, is the champion referred to in the given question. When Blitzcrank's health drops below 20%, he activates a shield that absorbs damage equal to 50% of his current maximum mana. This shield remains active for 10 seconds and has a cooldown of 1 minute.
This champion’s attacks reduce enemy magic resist for a short duration.
Amumu's attacks reduce enemy magic resist for a short duration. This means that when Amumu successfully hits an enemy with his basic attacks, the enemy's magic resist will be temporarily decreased. This can be a powerful advantage for Amumu and his team, as it allows them to deal more magic damage to the affected enemy, making them more vulnerable to magical abilities and spells.
After casting 5 spells, this champion’s next spell will stun the target for 1.75 seconds.
Annie is the correct answer because she has a passive ability called "Pyromania" that allows her to stun enemies with her spells. After casting 5 spells, her next spell will stun the target for 1.75 seconds. This makes Annie a powerful champion as she can immobilize her enemies and set up opportunities for her team to secure kills or objectives.
This champion’s abilities cause a damage over time effect which deals 2% of their maximum health in magic damage for 4 seconds.
Brand is the correct answer because his passive ability, Blaze, causes a damage over time effect. This effect deals 2% of the target's maximum health in magic damage over 4 seconds. Therefore, Brand's abilities align with the description given in the question.
This champion takes 15% reduced magic damage and converts that damage into bonus attack speed.
Kassadin is the champion that takes 15% reduced magic damage and converts that damage into bonus attack speed. This means that when Kassadin is hit by magic damage, he will take 15% less damage than usual. Additionally, he will also gain bonus attack speed based on the amount of magic damage he receives. This ability allows Kassadin to mitigate magic damage effectively and also increase his attack speed, making him a formidable champion in both tanking and dealing damage.
This champion converts a percent of all damage dealt from abilities into a temporary shield.
Mordekaiser is the correct answer because he has a unique ability called "Passive - Darkness Rise" which converts a percentage of damage dealt by his abilities into a temporary shield. This shield can absorb a certain amount of damage before it expires. Mordekaiser's ability to convert damage into a shield makes him a durable champion, allowing him to sustain in fights and survive longer.
This champion gains a bonus 25 movement speed after 7 seconds of not receiving damage. This bonus increases per second with a maximum bonus of 70 movement speed.
Miss Fortune is the correct answer because she has a passive ability called "Strut" that grants her bonus movement speed after not receiving damage for a certain amount of time. After 7 seconds of not taking damage, Miss Fortune gains a bonus of 25 movement speed, and this bonus increases by 8 movement speed per second, up to a maximum of 70 movement speed. This ability allows Miss Fortune to maneuver around the battlefield more quickly and effectively, giving her an advantage in positioning and kiting enemies.
This champion has passive spell vamp, which heals them when they do damage with their spells.
Morgana is the correct answer because she has a passive spell vamp called Soul Siphon. This ability allows her to heal for a percentage of the damage dealt by her spells. Therefore, when Morgana uses her spells to damage enemies, she also restores some of her health, making her sustain in fights and in the laning phase.
This champion has passive lifesteal, which heals them when they do physical damage.
Nasus is the correct answer because he has a passive ability called "Soul Eater" which grants him lifesteal. This means that whenever Nasus deals physical damage to enemies, he is healed for a percentage of the damage dealt. This passive ability allows Nasus to sustain himself in fights and stay in the lane longer by constantly healing off of his physical attacks.
This champion adds an extra attack on top of every 7th attack they make.
Master Yi is the correct answer because he has a passive ability called "Double Strike" which allows him to strike twice every 7th basic attack. This means that after every 6 basic attacks, Master Yi will automatically perform an additional attack, resulting in a total of 7 attacks. Therefore, Master Yi adds an extra attack on top of every 7th attack he makes. The answer "Yi" is simply another name for Master Yi, so it is also correct.
Each time a spell is cast near this champion, they gain a charge. When this champion has 5 charges, their next basic attack will heal them for 7% of their max HP.
Maokai has a passive ability called "Sap Magic" which allows him to gain a charge each time a spell is cast near him. When he reaches 5 charges, his next basic attack will heal him for 7% of his maximum health. This ability provides sustain and allows Maokai to stay in fights longer by healing himself when he reaches the maximum charges.
This champion’s basic attacks poison the target, dealing damage per second. This stacks 6 times, and lasts up to 6 seconds.
Twitch is the champion that fits the description given in the question. His basic attacks have a passive ability called Deadly Venom, which poisons the target and deals damage over time. This poison can stack up to 6 times and lasts for 6 seconds. Therefore, Twitch is the correct answer.
This champion gains 10% attack speed and 3% dodge for 5 seconds whenever using an ability. This effect stacks up to 3 times.
Udyr is the correct answer because he is a champion in the game League of Legends who has an ability called "Monkey's Agility" that grants him 10% attack speed and 3% dodge for 5 seconds every time he uses an ability. This effect can stack up to 3 times, making Udyr a powerful champion in terms of attack speed and dodging enemy attacks.
This champion gains 40 movement speed when moving toward enemy champions.
Vayne is the correct answer because her passive ability, Night Hunter, grants her bonus movement speed when moving towards enemy champions. This allows her to chase down and engage with her opponents more effectively, making her a formidable champion in battles.
This champion’s attacks reduce the target’s damage by 15% for 2.5 seconds.
Urgot is the correct answer because his attacks have the ability to reduce the target's damage by 15% for 2.5 seconds. This means that when Urgot successfully hits an enemy champion, that champion's damage output will be reduced by 15% for a short duration. This can be a valuable tool in both dueling and team fights, as it allows Urgot to mitigate a significant amount of damage from his opponents, making him a formidable champion in combat.
This champion and their allies gain 2 bonus gold per kill.
Twisted Fate is the correct answer because he has a passive ability called "Loaded Dice" which grants him and his allies 2 bonus gold per kill. This ability allows Twisted Fate and his team to accumulate gold faster, giving them an advantage in terms of itemization and gold income.