What environment variable will remote X application check to see which X server itshould send output to?
The magic word is DISPLAY. In the X window system, a display
consists (simplified) of a keyboard, a mouse and a screen. A display is managed by a
server program, known as an X server. The server serves displaying capabilities to
other programs that connect to it.
What environment variable is used to remotely display another machines X sessionon yours?
Correct Answer
The DISPLAY consists of a hostname, a colon, and a sequence number. For example localhost:0
You are running X in networked environment. You want to allow anyone on yournetwork to display their X applications on your desktop. What command can youuse to disable all access control for X?
Correct Answer
xhost -
xhost - the server access control program for X. The xhost program is
used to add and delete host (computer) names or user names to the list of machines
and users that are allowed to make connections to the X server. This provides a
rudimentary form of privacy control and security.
You wish to enable remote X access for the hosts: Host1, Host2 and Host3.Type in the command and any needed arguments to do this.
Correct Answer
xhost +Host1 Host2 Host3
1. xhost + hostname: Adds hostname to X server access control list.
2. xhost - hostname: Removes hostname from X server access control list.
3. xhost + : Turns off acccess control (all remote hosts will have access to X server)
4. xhost - : Turns access control back on.
You are the system administrator for an X server, and experience attempts toinitiate an unathorized session from host21. What command with options andarguments would deny access only to host21 for X sessions?
Correct Answer
xhost -host21
1. xhost + hostname: Adds hostname to X server access control list.
2. xhost - hostname: Removes hostname from X server access control list.
3. xhost + : Turns off acccess control (all remote hosts will have access to X server)
4. xhost - : Turns access control back on.
What is the function of the .Xdefaults file?
Correct Answer
C. User customizations for programs
You can use this file to change the way some of your X-window
applications look. It's fun to try out different styles and get some settings that please
your eye. Before you try to do this however, make a backup.
Which of the following is the default XFree86 configuration file?
Correct Answer
C. /etc/X11/XF86Config
When you configure the Vide card, monitor type, resolution using
xf86config command, all information stores in /etc/X11/XF86Config file and when
Linux start GUI reads the information from this file.
Your senior administrator asked you to change the defaultbackground of his machine, which uses XDM. Which file would you editto achieve this?
Correct Answer
A. /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup
To change the default background of a machine that uses XDM, the file that needs to be edited is "/etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup". This file contains the commands that are executed when the X Display Manager (XDM) starts up. By editing this file, you can specify the desired background image or color for the machine.
You just started X for the first time and noticed that the display doesnot use the entire screen. What program can you use to fix this?
Correct Answer
B. Xf86config
When you configure the Vide card, monitor type, resolution using
xf86config command, all information stores in /etc/X11/XF86Config file and when
Linux start GUI reads the information from this file.
Which of the following commands will print the current videosettings to stdout in xf86Config "Modeline " format?
Correct Answer
D. Xvidtune -show
xvidtune [ -show | -prev | -next | -unlock ] [ -toolkitoption ... ]
Show - Print the currently selected settings to stdout in xorg.conf "Modeline" format. The
primary selection is similarly set.
You are using an application that you want to appear on the screen of anothermachine. What environment variable would you have to set or edit to achieve this?
Correct Answer
To share the terminal between multiple hosts, we can export display.
Suppose you want to run application on Certkiller B from Certkiller A.
Certkiller B in GUI Terminal:# xhost +
Certkiller A in GUI Terminal:# export DISPLAY=
# xterm
Your Linux machine is set to boot to the graphical runlevel. You have updated someRPMs on your system and now you don't see video when the system boots. Whatline should you add/modify to the /etc/inittab file to boot in console mode?
Correct Answer
x:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm -nodaemon
It specifies that x windows system should run on runlevel 5 as a nondaemon.