Literary Terms- Short Story

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Literary Terms- Short Story - Quiz

Katy High School, English 1, Helmke
For all the following questions, give the element that best fits the definition given.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    -struggle between two opposing forces

    The term "conflict" refers to a struggle or clash between two opposing forces. It implies a disagreement or opposition between individuals, groups, or ideas. Conflict can arise due to differences in opinions, interests, values, or goals. It often involves a sense of tension, competition, or confrontation. In various contexts, conflict can occur in personal relationships, social settings, or even within oneself. It is a common aspect of human interactions and can have both positive and negative outcomes.

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  • 2. 

    -clash between characters and other people/things

    The given answer, "external conflict," is appropriate because it accurately identifies the clash between characters and other people or things as an external conflict. External conflicts refer to conflicts that arise from external factors, such as conflicts between characters and their environment, society, or other individuals. In this case, the clash between characters and other people or things represents an external conflict because it involves conflicts that occur outside of the characters' internal thoughts and emotions.

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  • 3. 

    -struggle within the mind of a character

    The term "internal conflict" refers to the struggle within the mind of a character. It represents the psychological turmoil and dilemma that a character experiences, often involving conflicting emotions, desires, or beliefs. This internal conflict adds depth and complexity to the character, as it reveals their inner struggles and the choices they must make. It is a common literary device used to explore the complexities of human nature and provide insight into a character's motivations and actions.

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  • 4. 

    -the basic situation given; essential to understanding the story, introduces action of the story

    The correct answer is exposition because the question is asking for the element of a story that provides the basic situation and introduces the action of the story. Exposition is the part of the story where the setting, characters, and background information are established, setting the stage for the events to come. It helps the reader understand the context and get a sense of what is happening in the story.

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  • 5. 

    -occurs when the central character meets some opposition

    In a narrative, a complication refers to a situation where the central character encounters some form of opposition or conflict. This can be an event or a series of events that adds complexity to the story and creates obstacles for the protagonist. It often serves to propel the plot forward and heighten the tension, leading to further development and resolution of the narrative. The occurrence of a complication is crucial in keeping the audience engaged and invested in the story's outcome.

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  • 6. 

    -occurs after the initial complication and includes all events that lead to climax

    The rising action refers to the series of events that occur after the initial complication and build up towards the climax of the story. It includes all the conflicts, obstacles, and developments that propel the plot forward and increase the tension and suspense. During the rising action, the characters' motivations and goals become clearer, and the stakes are raised. This phase is crucial in developing the plot and engaging the reader, as it sets the stage for the climax and resolution of the story.

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  • 7. 

    -marks the high point or most emotionally exciting part of the story (most intensity/interest/suspense)

    The climax is the point in a story where the tension and excitement reach their peak. It is the most intense and emotionally exciting part, where the plot comes to a turning point. This is usually the moment when the main conflict is resolved or when the protagonist faces their greatest challenge. The climax is crucial in building suspense and keeping the audience engaged, as it determines the outcome of the story and often leads to a resolution or conclusion.

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  • 8. 

    -involves information that follows the climax, leading to final part of plot

    The falling action refers to the part of the plot that occurs after the climax and leads to the resolution or conclusion of the story. It is the stage where the tension and conflict start to decrease, and loose ends are tied up. This is when the story begins to wind down and the characters face the consequences of the climax. The falling action is crucial in providing closure and wrapping up the narrative, preparing the reader for the resolution.

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  • 9. 

    -includes the outcome of the conflict; also known as denouement

    The term "resolution" refers to the outcome or denouement of a conflict. It is the point in a story where loose ends are tied up and the conflict is resolved. This is the part where the reader or audience learns what happens to the characters and how the conflict is resolved. In other words, it is the final part of the story where everything comes together and the conflict is brought to a close.

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  • 10. 

    -any secondary action that is interwoven into the main action of the story (plot)

    A subplot refers to any secondary action that is interwoven into the main action of the story or plot. It typically involves a separate storyline or set of characters that runs parallel to the main plot and adds depth and complexity to the overall narrative. Subplots often serve to provide additional context, develop supporting characters, or explore different themes within the story. They can also create tension, suspense, or comedic relief, offering a break from the main plot while still contributing to the overall storytelling.

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  • 11. 

    -involves the quality of literary work that makes the rader or audience uncertain or tense about the outcome of events

    Suspense refers to the quality in a literary work that creates uncertainty or tension in the reader or audience about the outcome of events. It keeps them engaged and curious, wanting to know what will happen next. Suspense is often achieved through the use of cliffhangers, unexpected plot twists, or the withholding of crucial information. It heightens the anticipation and emotional involvement of the audience, making the reading or viewing experience more thrilling and captivating.

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  • 12. 

    -the use of hints or clues in a story that suggests what action is to come

    Foreshadowing refers to the use of hints or clues in a story that suggest what action is to come. It is a literary technique used by authors to create suspense and build anticipation in the reader. By subtly introducing elements or events that will later become significant, foreshadowing helps to prepare the reader for future developments in the plot. It adds depth and complexity to the story, allowing the reader to make connections and predictions about what might happen next. Overall, foreshadowing is an effective tool that enhances the storytelling experience and keeps the reader engaged.

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  • 13. 

    -a scene in a short story/novel/play/movie/poem that interrupts the action to show an event that happened at an earlier time

    A flashback refers to a scene in a literary work or film that interrupts the current action to depict an event that occurred in the past. It provides additional context or background information to enhance the understanding of the story. Flashbacks are commonly used to reveal important details about a character's past experiences, motivations, or relationships, helping the audience to gain a deeper insight into the narrative.

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  • 14. 

    -a contrast or incongruity between what is said and what is really meant; or between what is expected to happen and what actually does happen

    Irony refers to a situation where there is a contrast or incongruity between what is said and what is actually meant, or between what is expected to happen and what actually occurs. It is a literary device that adds depth and complexity to a story or situation. Irony can be used to create humor, emphasize a point, or highlight the discrepancy between appearance and reality. It often involves a twist or unexpected outcome that surprises the reader or listener.

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  • 15. 

    -irony that is an event that directly contradicts audience's expectations

    Situational irony refers to a situation in which the outcome is contrary to what is expected or intended. It involves a discrepancy between what is anticipated by the audience and what actually happens. In this context, situational irony can be seen as an event that directly contradicts the expectations of the audience.

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  • 16. 

    -main character in literary work

    The main character in a literary work is often referred to as the protagonist. This character is typically the central figure around whom the story revolves and is usually the one who faces the main conflicts and challenges in the narrative. The protagonist is generally the character with whom the readers or audience members empathize and connect the most, as their journey and growth are often the focus of the story.

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  • 17. 

    -character/force in conflict with the main character

    The given correct answer is "antagonist". In literature, an antagonist refers to a character or force that opposes or creates conflict with the main character, often serving as the primary source of tension in the story. The antagonist may have different motivations or goals that directly clash with those of the protagonist. They can be a person, a group, an entity, or even an abstract concept. The presence of an antagonist is crucial in driving the plot forward and creating obstacles for the main character to overcome, leading to character development and resolution of the conflict.

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  • 18. 

    Method of revealing a character: writer allows the reader to draw a conclusion

    In this context, "indirect" refers to the method of revealing a character in a story. Instead of explicitly stating the characteristics or traits of a character, the writer allows the reader to draw their own conclusions based on the character's actions, dialogue, and interactions with other characters. This approach adds depth and complexity to the character, as the reader is able to infer their personality and motivations through subtle cues in the narrative.

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  • 19. 

    Method of revealing a character: author tells you what the character is like

    The explanation for the given correct answer is that when a method of revealing a character is direct, it means that the author directly tells the reader what the character is like. This can be done through explicit descriptions, statements, or narration that explicitly states the character's traits, qualities, or personality. This method leaves no room for interpretation or ambiguity as the author directly provides information about the character without any hidden or indirect cues.

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  • 20. 

    -this typ of character has only one or two sides

    The given correct answer is "flat". This suggests that the type of character being referred to in the question has only one or two sides. "Flat" can be interpreted as a character lacking depth or complexity, often portrayed as one-dimensional or having a limited range of emotions or characteristics. This term is commonly used in literature and storytelling to describe characters that are not well-developed or lack depth in their personality.

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  • 21. 

    -this character has many traits or has complex traits

  • 22. 

    -this character experiences change in personality

    The term "dynamic" refers to something that is characterized by constant change or progress. In the context of this question, it suggests that the character mentioned undergoes a significant transformation in their personality throughout the story. They are not static or unchanging, but rather exhibit a dynamic nature by evolving and developing over time.

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  • 23. 

    -this character doesn't change personality

    The correct answer is "static" because the term "static" refers to something that remains constant or unchanging. In the context of a character, it means that their personality does not undergo any significant transformations or development throughout the story. This suggests that the character's traits, behaviors, and attitudes remain consistent and predictable, without any noticeable growth or evolution.

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  • 24. 

    -narrator is the character, uses "I, we, us, etc."

    The given answer, "first person," is correct because it accurately describes the narrative perspective in which the narrator is a character in the story and refers to themselves using pronouns such as "I, we, us, etc." This narrative point of view allows the reader to experience the events and emotions of the story through the eyes and thoughts of the narrator, creating a more intimate and subjective storytelling experience.

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  • 25. 

    -narrator is not a character and the reader can read the thoughts of all characters

    The given answer, "third person omniscient," is correct because it refers to a narrative point of view where the narrator is not a character in the story but has knowledge of the thoughts and feelings of all the characters. This allows the reader to have a broader understanding of the events and perspectives within the story.

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  • 26. 

    -narrator is not a character but the reader can only read the thoughts of one character

    The given answer, third person limited, is correct because it accurately describes the narrative perspective in which the reader can only access the thoughts and feelings of one character. In this perspective, the narrator is not a character in the story but provides a limited viewpoint, allowing the reader to experience the story through the thoughts and emotions of a single character. This narrative technique creates a sense of intimacy and connection with the character, while still maintaining an objective and external view of the events.

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  • 27. 

    Type of theme: theme is stated directly in the story

    In this question, the correct answer is "direct theme". This means that the theme of the story is explicitly stated or directly expressed within the text. Unlike other types of themes that may require interpretation or inference, in a direct theme, the author directly communicates the main idea or message of the story to the reader. The question is asking for the type of theme that is stated directly in the story, and the correct answer reflects this.

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  • 28. 

    Type of theme: theme that requires the reader to think about all of the elements of the story and use them to make an inference (ex: "Where Have You Gone Charming Billy?")

    An implicit theme refers to a theme that is not directly stated in the story but is implied through the various elements and events. It requires the reader to think critically and analyze the story to understand the underlying message or meaning. In stories like "Where Have You Gone Charming Billy?", the reader needs to consider all the elements, such as the characters, plot, and setting, and use them to make an inference about the theme. The theme is not explicitly stated but can be inferred through careful examination of the story's elements.

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  • 29. 

    -an event or detail existing out of its proper time/period in history (bad ex: in Harry Potter, Mr. Weasly's car can fly, and during today/back then/whatever time Harry Potter was set, there are no flying cars... forget the fact that Mr. Weasly made it fly... get the idea?)

    An anachronism refers to an event or detail that exists outside of its proper time or period in history. It is exemplified by the example of Mr. Weasley's flying car in Harry Potter, which does not align with the time period in which the story is set. Despite Mr. Weasley's ability to make the car fly, it is still considered an anachronism because flying cars do not exist in that specific time period.

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  • 30. 

    I've left out the easy ones, like setting and tone and mood. you can pick any answer for this one. XD (its not gonna be graded)

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. ^^
    B. X)
    C. 8D

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