Lost Season 1 TV Trivia

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Questions: 25 | Attempts: 862

Lost Season 1 TV Trivia - Quiz

This Trivia tests your knowledge of Lost (Season 1) - I finished my first season, and I'm going to continue to create more as I progress. (roughly 25 short questions or so) - Enjoy it.
  ; &nbs p;

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Who did Shannon grow an attraction to on The Island?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. Sayid
    Shannon grew an attraction to Sayid on The Island.

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  • 2. 

    What is the first name of the High School science Teacher on the quest with Jack and the group to find Dynamite?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      He did not play an important role - ergo, was not mentioned.

    Correct Answer
    C. Leslie
  • 3. 

    Who are the 4 people on board the boat built to leave the island?

    • A.

      Michael, Sawyer, Jin, Sun

    • B.

      Sawyer, Claire, Charlie, Micheal

    • C.

      Michael, Jack, Kate, John Locke

    • D.

      Sawyer, Walt, Jin, Michael

    • E.

      Sawyer, Michael, Walt, Vincent

    Correct Answer
    D. Sawyer, Walt, Jin, Michael
    The correct answer is Sawyer, Walt, Jin, Michael. This answer is supported by the information given in the question. The question asks for the 4 people on board the boat built to leave the island, and the answer provides the names of these 4 individuals.

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  • 4. 

    How does Boone die?

    • A.

      He falls while trying to climb over a wooden bridge

    • B.

      He is eaten by a Polar Bear

    • C.

      He is captured and killed by "The Others"

    • D.

      In his attempt to help Locke discover whats inside a Plane, he later dies from blood loss.

    • E.

      By refusing Jack's help when struck by Sawyer

    Correct Answer
    D. In his attempt to help Locke discover whats inside a Plane, he later dies from blood loss.
    Boone dies from blood loss after attempting to help Locke discover what's inside a plane.

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  • 5. 

    What feat is John Locke able to perform on the island?

    • A.

      He is able to use his navigational skills to find and pin point "The Others" location.

    • B.

      Using some remains from the plane and keen engineering skills, he creates a telescope.

    • C.

      Using craftsmanship and Michaels help, he creates a shelter.

    • D.

      His understanding of explosives helps retrieve dynamite.

    • E.

      He is able to walk once again.

    Correct Answer
    E. He is able to walk once again.
    John Locke is able to walk once again. This is evident from the statement "He is able to walk once again." This suggests that John Locke, who was previously paralyzed, has regained his ability to walk on the island.

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  • 6. 

    What was Sayid's primary job role in the Republican Guard?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Communications Officer

    • D.

      Satellite Operator

    • E.

      Intelligence Officer

    Correct Answer
    C. Communications Officer
    Sayid's primary job role in the Republican Guard was a Communications Officer. This means that his main responsibility was to handle and manage communication systems and equipment within the organization. As a Communications Officer, Sayid would have been in charge of transmitting and receiving messages, maintaining communication networks, and ensuring the efficiency and security of communication channels.

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  • 7. 

    What revelation about Jack's past does Sawyer reveal to him that causes Jack to get emotional?

    • A.

      That Kate was responsible for his cave-in

    • B.

      That Kate cannot be trusted because she is a convicted felon

    • C.

      That Kate lied to him on numerous occasions

    • D.

      That Kate was just using him to get off the island

    • E.

      That his father, whom he once met in a bar, thought of him as an Honorary Doctor & Son

    Correct Answer
    E. That his father, whom he once met in a bar, thought of him as an Honorary Doctor & Son
    Sawyer reveals to Jack that his father, whom he once met in a bar, thought of him as an Honorary Doctor & Son. This revelation causes Jack to get emotional because it implies that his father did not have faith in his abilities as a doctor and did not see him as a true son. This revelation challenges Jack's perception of his relationship with his father and may bring up feelings of inadequacy and disappointment.

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  • 8. 

    What is the name of Walt's dog?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. Vincent
    The question is asking for the name of Walt's dog. Out of the given options, Vincent is the correct answer.

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  • 9. 

    What is the underlying cause of the separation between Michael and his wife?

    • A.

      They each have a falling out and Michael refuses to raise Walt on his own.

    • B.

      There's a disagreement on where to raise Walt

    • C.

      Michael wants to pursue his dream and become an artist

    • D.

      Michael spends less and less time with his family and more time on his drawings

    • E.

      His wife wants to study international law and take a job opportunity in another country

    Correct Answer
    E. His wife wants to study international law and take a job opportunity in another country
    The separation between Michael and his wife is caused by his wife's desire to study international law and take a job opportunity in another country.

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  • 10. 

    Who attacked Sayid fom behind when he was triangulating the distress signal?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      John Locke

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. John Locke
    When Boone dies, everyone including Sayid becomes suspicious of Locke. In order to gain his trust back, Locke escorts Sayid to the crashed plane and reveals why he had to knock him unconcious.

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  • 11. 

    Who is Sayid captured by?

    • A.

      The Others

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. Rousseau
    Sayid is captured by Rousseau.

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  • 12. 

    Why does the toy plane mean so much to Kate?

    • A.

      It belonged to her mother who was later sick in the hospital

    • B.

      It was given to her by her father

    • C.

      It was a gift given to her when she was a child

    • D.

      It belonged to the only person she loved

    • E.

      It was a childhood attachment

    Correct Answer
    D. It belonged to the only person she loved
    The toy plane belonged to Tom, whom was killed later on while doing her a favor and allowing her to see her mom before she went into the MRI. Tom and her shared a mutual teenage love relationship, in a recording (to which Tom referred to as their personal "Time Capsule") he includes it in the box they later dig up. While listening to the recording in Tom's car, they kiss, Kate apologizes because Tom is now married and has two-kids. As mentioned earlier, Tom is later killed, and she is responsible for his death.

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  • 13. 

    What is Jack's fathers' first name?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Is not mentioned.

    Correct Answer
    B. Christian
    The question asks for Jack's father's first name, and the correct answer is Christian. This indicates that Jack's father's first name is Christian.

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  • 14. 

    Who is asked by Jack to deliver Claire's baby?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. Kate
    While injured and transferring blood to Boone, Jack demands Charlie to tell Claire that is up to her to deliver the baby.

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  • 15. 

    What was on the plane that John Locke discovered with Boone?

    • A.

      A manifest with the deaths of those on the plane

    • B.

      Extra maps with the islands' layout and location

    • C.

      Emergency flares to use and a working signal reciever

    • D.

      Extra clothing, and food

    • E.

      Heroin and Nigerian currency that belonged to Drug-Smuggling Priests

    Correct Answer
    E. Heroin and Nigerian currency that belonged to Drug-Smuggling Priests
    John Locke discovered heroin and Nigerian currency on the plane that belonged to drug-smuggling priests. This suggests that the plane was involved in illegal activities, and the discovery adds to the mystery and danger surrounding the island.

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  • 16. 

    What is the name of Charlie's band?

    • A.


    • B.

      A common scenario

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Drive-Shaft
    The correct answer is "Drive-Shaft." This can be inferred from the given options, where "Drive-Shaft" is the only option that is a plausible name for a band. The other options, such as "Drive-Shack," "Drive-Stick," and "Dry-Shrapnel," do not make sense in the context of a band's name. Therefore, "Drive-Shaft" is the most logical choice.

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  • 17. 

    What was Shannon's relation to Boone?

    • A.

      They were both adopted

    • B.

      They were a couple who met on travel

    • C.

      They were brother/sister

    • D.

      They were step brother/sister

    • E.

      This was not mentioned in the TV series

    Correct Answer
    D. They were step brother/sister
    Shannon and Boone were step brother and sister because they were not biologically related, but their parents had married each other. This information was mentioned in the TV series.

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  • 18. 

    What does Danielle refer to as the "Black Rock"?

    • A.

      A plane crash

    • B.

      A secret island

    • C.

      A cave

    • D.

      A ship-wreck

    • E.

      A mountain of rocks where she has established her living-site

    Correct Answer
    D. A ship-wreck
    Danielle refers to the "Black Rock" as a ship-wreck. This implies that she is referring to a wrecked ship, which is commonly known as a ship-wreck.

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  • 19. 

    What does Sun give to Jin before his departure to Sea from the island?

    • A.

      A flare gun

    • B.

      Extra clothing

    • C.

      An apology letter

    • D.

      A list of simple English words spelled out phonetically

    • E.

      Jin is not talking to her, so Sun does not approach him with a farewell

    Correct Answer
    D. A list of simple English words spelled out pHonetically
    Sun gives Jin a list of simple English words spelled out phonetically before his departure to the sea from the island. This suggests that Sun wants to help Jin communicate better in English, possibly to assist him in his new life outside of the island. This gesture shows Sun's care and support for Jin during this difficult time of separation.

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  • 20. 

    What does Charlie collect from everyone on the island to give to those departing on the boat?

    • A.

      Proceeds and donations for their hard work and efforts to leave the island

    • B.

      Written messages to give to all of their family members if they are rescued

    • C.

      A short supply of food from each survivor on the island

    • D.

      A gift from each survivor on the island

    • E.

      This did not occur in the TV series

    Correct Answer
    B. Written messages to give to all of their family members if they are rescued
    Charlie collects written messages from everyone on the island to give to their family members if they are rescued. This implies that the survivors on the island are hopeful of being rescued and want to ensure that their loved ones know they are safe and alive. It also suggests that Charlie takes on the responsibility of delivering these messages, showing his caring and selfless nature.

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  • 21. 

    What is Danielle's last name?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Is not mentioned

    Correct Answer
    A. Rousseau
    The correct answer is Rousseau because it is explicitly mentioned in the question that Danielle's last name is Rousseau.

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  • 22. 

    What does Claire name her baby?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      She still has not decided so she adopts "Toulip-Head" from Charlie

    Correct Answer
    D. Aaron
    Claire names her baby Aaron.

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  • 23. 

    What are Rousseau's motives for taking Claire's baby?

    • A.

      She has been termed a nut-case by Jack, hence she seeks revenge

    • B.

      Her motives are not clear

    • C.

      She requests to adopt it

    • D.

      She wants to take care of it, because Claire is in no condition to

    • E.

      She attacks Claire and tries to give the baby to "The Others" in hopes to exchange the child for hers

    Correct Answer
    E. She attacks Claire and tries to give the baby to "The Others" in hopes to exchange the child for hers
    Rousseau's motives for taking Claire's baby are to exchange the child with "The Others" in hopes of getting her own child back.

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  • 24. 

    What is the name of Danielle's baby?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Alex
    The name of Danielle's baby is Alex.

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  • 25. 

    What is the reason the group is seeking to use dynamite?

    • A.

      To destruct the living site of "The Others"

    • B.

      To protect themselves from harm

    • C.

      To booby-trap the caves

    • D.

      To blow open the hatch

    • E.

      They don't use them as the nitroglycerin is very temperamental

    Correct Answer
    D. To blow open the hatch
    The group is seeking to use dynamite in order to blow open the hatch. This suggests that they want to gain access to whatever is inside the hatch, possibly for exploration or to find answers. The use of dynamite implies that the hatch is securely locked or sealed, and they believe that blowing it open is the most effective way to enter.

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 21, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • May 21, 2009
    Quiz Created by
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