Medical Gas Therapy I

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| By One_militantmind
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Questions: 28 | Attempts: 184

Medical Gas Therapy I - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    What are three designs for O2 delivery systems?

    • A.

      Low flow systems

    • B.

      Reservoir systems

    • C.

      High flow systems

    • D.

      A & C only

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Low flow systems
    B. Reservoir systems
    C. High flow systems
    The correct answer is A & C only. This is because low flow systems, reservoir systems, and high flow systems are all designs for O2 delivery systems. Low flow systems deliver a specific amount of oxygen to the patient, while reservoir systems use a reservoir bag to deliver oxygen. High flow systems deliver a high flow rate of oxygen to the patient.

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  • 2. 

    What are examples of low flow O2 delivery systems? (part of patient's O2 needs)

    • A.

      Nasal Canula, Regular Mask

    • B.

      Partial Rebreather Mask,

    • C.


    • D.

      Non-Rebreather Mask

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Nasal Canula, Regular Mask
    B. Partial Rebreather Mask,
    C. Oxymizer
    D. Non-Rebreather Mask
    The examples provided in the answer are all low flow O2 delivery systems. Nasal cannula and regular mask are commonly used low flow systems that deliver oxygen at a rate of 1-6 liters per minute (LPM). Partial rebreather mask is also a low flow system that allows the patient to rebreathe some of their exhaled air along with supplemental oxygen. Oxymizer is a device that conserves oxygen by delivering it only during inspiration. Non-rebreather mask is a low flow system that delivers high concentrations of oxygen with a reservoir bag to ensure that the patient breathes in mostly oxygen and minimal room air.

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  • 3. 

    High flow nasal canula, Cascade high flow, Passover high flow, Venturie Mask, regular high flow with Aerosol mask

    • A.

      Examples of High Flow O2 Delivery Systems

    • B.

      Option 2

    • C.

      Option 3

    • D.

      Option 4

    Correct Answer
    A. Examples of High Flow O2 Delivery Systems
  • 4. 

    What are three types of O2 delivery masks

    • A.

      Simple Mask

    • B.

      Partial Rebreathing Mask

    • C.

      Non-Rebreathing Mask

    • D.

      Aerosol Mask

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Simple Mask
    B. Partial Rebreathing Mask
    C. Non-Rebreathing Mask
    The three types of O2 delivery masks are the Simple Mask, Partial Rebreathing Mask, and Non-Rebreathing Mask. These masks are used to deliver oxygen to patients who require supplemental oxygen therapy. The Simple Mask covers the patient's nose and mouth and delivers a flow of oxygen. The Partial Rebreathing Mask allows the patient to rebreathe some of their exhaled air, while still receiving supplemental oxygen. The Non-Rebreathing Mask has a one-way valve that prevents the patient from rebreathing exhaled air, ensuring they receive a higher concentration of oxygen.

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  • 5. 

    Generally the best method for delivering controlled O2 to infants

    • A.

      Simple Mask

    • B.

      Venti Mask

    • C.

      O2 hood (Oxyhood)

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. O2 hood (Oxyhood)
    The O2 hood (Oxyhood) is generally considered the best method for delivering controlled oxygen to infants. This is because the Oxyhood provides a more precise and controlled delivery of oxygen compared to simple masks or venti masks. The Oxyhood covers the infant's head and provides a closed system, allowing for accurate monitoring and adjustment of oxygen levels. It also minimizes the risk of oxygen dilution or contamination from room air. Therefore, the Oxyhood is the preferred choice for delivering controlled oxygen therapy to infants.

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  • 6. 

    If a patient is breathing greater than <25 BPM what O2 Delivery system would you use

    • A.

      Low flow mask

    • B.

      Reservoir mask

    • C.

      High flow mask

    • D.

      Administer epinephrine

    Correct Answer
    A. Low flow mask
    A patient who is breathing at a rate greater than 25 breaths per minute would require a low flow oxygen delivery system. Low flow masks, such as nasal cannula or simple face masks, deliver a specific amount of oxygen mixed with room air. They are suitable for patients who are breathing spontaneously and have a normal or near-normal breathing pattern. The low flow mask allows the patient to breathe in oxygen during inhalation and exhale carbon dioxide during exhalation. This system is effective for maintaining oxygen levels but may not provide a high concentration of oxygen.

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  • 7. 

    O2 concentration at a flow equaling or exceeding the patients peak inspiratory flow. As long as the delievered flow exceeds the patients flow

    • A.

      Low flow mask

    • B.

      Reservoir mask

    • C.

      High flow mask

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. High flow mask
    A high flow mask is the correct answer because it delivers oxygen at a flow rate that equals or exceeds the patient's peak inspiratory flow. This ensures that the patient receives an adequate concentration of oxygen regardless of their breathing patterns. Low flow masks and reservoir masks may not provide enough oxygen if the patient's flow exceeds the delivered flow.

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  • 8. 

    Write the delievered FIO2 range for a nasal cannula

    • A.

      35 - 50%

    • B.

      24 - 44%

    • C.

      22 - 45%

    • D.

      37 - 48%

    Correct Answer
    B. 24 - 44%
    The correct answer is 24 - 44%. This range represents the delivered FIO2 (Fraction of Inspired Oxygen) for a nasal cannula. FIO2 is the percentage of oxygen in the air that a person breathes in. A nasal cannula is a device used to deliver oxygen directly to the nostrils. The range of 24 - 44% indicates that the nasal cannula can provide oxygen in the range of 24% to 44%, which is suitable for patients who require a moderate level of oxygen supplementation.

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  • 9. 

    Write the approximate delivered FIO2 range for a partial rebreather mask

    • A.

      35 - 50%

    • B.

      40 - 70%

    • C.

      21 - 48%

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. 40 - 70%
    The correct answer is 40 - 70%. A partial rebreather mask delivers oxygen at a higher concentration compared to a simple face mask. It has a reservoir bag that allows the patient to partially rebreathe the exhaled air, resulting in a higher delivered FIO2 range of 40 - 70%.

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  • 10. 

    Write the delivered FIO2 for a nonrebreathing mask

    • A.

      21 - 80%

    • B.


    • C.

      60 - 80%

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. ~100%
    The correct answer is ~100%. A nonrebreathing mask is a device used to deliver high concentrations of oxygen to patients. It consists of a reservoir bag that is filled with oxygen and a one-way valve system that prevents the patient from exhaling into the bag. This allows the patient to inhale almost pure oxygen, resulting in an FIO2 of approximately 100%.

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  • 11. 

    What most written oxygen therapy order contain?

    • A.

      Time and Date

    • B.

      Physician Signature

    • C.

      Delivery Device

    • D.

      Flow Rate

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Time and Date
    B. pHysician Signature
    C. Delivery Device
    D. Flow Rate
    Most written oxygen therapy orders typically contain the time and date when the order was written, the physician's signature to authenticate the order, the specified delivery device to be used for administering the oxygen, and the prescribed flow rate at which the oxygen should be delivered. These details are essential for ensuring proper administration of oxygen therapy and for maintaining accurate records of the treatment.

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  • 12. 

    0.24-0.40 dependent on how much room air patient inhales in addition to O2

    • A.

      Nasal canula (low flow)

    • B.

      Venturi mask

    • C.

      Simple mask

    • D.

      Nasal moustache/oxymizer

    Correct Answer
    A. Nasal canula (low flow)
    The correct answer is nasal canula (low flow). This is because a nasal canula delivers a low flow of oxygen to the patient, typically ranging from 0.24 to 0.40 liters per minute. The amount of oxygen delivered can vary depending on how much room air the patient inhales in addition to the oxygen. Other options like the venturi mask, simple mask, and nasal moustache/oxymizer may deliver higher flows of oxygen and are not considered low flow devices.

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  • 13. 

    What are some indications of a low flow system

    • A.

      RR < 25 bpm

    • B.

      Regular, consistent breathing pattern

    • C.

      VT between 300-700 mL

    • D.

      A and B only

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. RR < 25 bpm
    B. Regular, consistent breathing pattern
    C. VT between 300-700 mL
    A low flow system is characterized by a respiratory rate (RR) of less than 25 breaths per minute (bpm), a regular and consistent breathing pattern, and a tidal volume (VT) between 300-700 mL. These indications suggest that the individual is experiencing a decreased respiratory effort and a reduced amount of air being exchanged during each breath. This can be seen in conditions such as respiratory depression or shallow breathing, which can lead to inadequate oxygenation and ventilation.

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  • 14. 

    Under what circumstances can a high flow system become a low flow system

    • A.

      Whenever consistent and predictable FIO2 is required

    • B.

      When the pts inspiratory flow demands aren't met due to room air entrainment

    • C.

      When Pt. does not meet low flow criteria

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. When the pts inspiratory flow demands aren't met due to room air entrainment
    A high flow system can become a low flow system when the patient's inspiratory flow demands are not met due to room air entrainment. This means that the system is unable to provide the required amount of oxygen to the patient because air from the surrounding environment is being mixed with the oxygen supply. As a result, the flow of oxygen delivered to the patient is reduced, turning the high flow system into a low flow system. This can happen in situations where consistent and predictable FIO2 is required, or when the patient does not meet the criteria for low flow systems.

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  • 15. 

    At low flow reservoir cannulas can reduce what

    • A.

      O2 use by 30%

    • B.

      O2 use by 10%

    • C.

      O2 use by 50% to 75%

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. O2 use by 50% to 75%
    At low flow, reservoir cannulas can significantly reduce O2 use by 50% to 75%. This means that when using reservoir cannulas, the amount of oxygen required is significantly reduced compared to other options. This can be beneficial in conserving oxygen supply and reducing costs.

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  • 16. 

    FiO2 is affect by what two factors in low flow systems

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    C. BPM
    D. LPM
    The given question asks about the factors that affect FiO2 (Fraction of Inspired Oxygen) in low flow systems. FiO2 is primarily affected by two factors: BPM (Breaths per Minute) and LPM (Liters per Minute). These factors determine the rate at which oxygen is delivered to the patient. Hb (Hemoglobin) and PaCO2 (Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide) are not directly related to the FiO2 in low flow systems.

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  • 17. 

    (low flow) the greater the inspiration flow the

    • A.

      More air and less FiO2

    • B.

      Option 2

    • C.

      Option 3

    • D.

      Option 4

    Correct Answer
    A. More air and less FiO2
    The correct answer is "more air and less FiO2." This means that when the inspiration flow is greater (low flow), there will be an increase in the amount of air delivered to the patient and a decrease in the fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) provided. This is because a higher flow rate allows for more air to be delivered, but the concentration of oxygen in that air is reduced.

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  • 18. 

    The only two low flow system that do not need humidification

    • A.

      Partial Rebreathing Mask

    • B.

      Aerosol Mask

    • C.

      Venturi Mask

    • D.

      Non Rebreathing Mask

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Partial Rebreathing Mask
    D. Non Rebreathing Mask
    The Partial Rebreathing Mask and the Non Rebreathing Mask are the only two low flow systems that do not require humidification. These masks are designed to deliver a specific amount of oxygen to the patient's lungs, and do not require the addition of moisture. Humidification is typically needed in high flow systems to prevent drying of the airways, but in the case of these masks, it is not necessary.

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  • 19. 

    Patient has a tidal volume of 500 mL and the respiratory rate is regular at 20. What system should they be on?

    • A.

      Low flow system

    • B.

      Reservoir system

    • C.

      High flow system

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. Low flow system
    The patient should be on a low flow system because their tidal volume of 500 mL and regular respiratory rate of 20 indicate that they have a relatively stable and consistent breathing pattern. A low flow system can provide the necessary amount of oxygen to support their breathing without exceeding their needs. A reservoir system, on the other hand, would be more suitable for patients with irregular breathing patterns or higher oxygen requirements. A high flow system would deliver a higher flow rate of oxygen, which may not be necessary or beneficial for this patient. Therefore, the correct system for this patient is a low flow system.

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  • 20. 

    Provide supplemental O2 directly to the airway at a flow of 8 L/min or less. 

    • A.

      Low flow systems

    • B.

      Reservoir systems

    • C.

      High flow systems

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. Low flow systems
    Low flow systems provide supplemental oxygen directly to the airway at a flow rate of 8 L/min or less. These systems include nasal cannulas, simple face masks, and partial rebreather masks. They deliver a mixture of oxygen and room air, with the remaining air being inhaled from the environment. This allows for a lower flow rate and is suitable for patients who only require a small amount of supplemental oxygen.

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  • 21. 

    List three determining factors that qualify patient for a low flow system

    • A.

      Lab values

    • B.

      Clinical history

    • C.

      Bedside patient evaluation

    • D.

      B and C only

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Lab values
    B. Clinical history
    C. Bedside patient evaluation
    The three determining factors that qualify a patient for a low flow system are lab values, clinical history, and bedside patient evaluation. Lab values provide important information about the patient's physiological status and can help determine if a low flow system is appropriate. Clinical history helps identify any pre-existing conditions or medical history that may impact the patient's ability to tolerate a low flow system. Bedside patient evaluation allows healthcare providers to assess the patient's current condition and determine if a low flow system is suitable for their needs.

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  • 22. 

    What was the reservoir cannula designed for?

    • A.

      To conserve oxygen

    • B.

      To reduce oxygen

    • C.

      To add more oxygen

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. To conserve oxygen
    The reservoir cannula was designed to conserve oxygen. This means that it is specifically created to minimize the amount of oxygen that is wasted or lost during its use. By conserving oxygen, the reservoir cannula ensures that the oxygen supply lasts longer and is more efficient, benefiting the patient in need.

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  • 23. 

    How far should the Reservoir bag collapse on inspiration

    • A.

      All the way

    • B.

      No more than half way

    • C.

      Should never collapse

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. Should never collapse
    The reservoir bag should never collapse on inspiration. This is because the reservoir bag is designed to provide a constant supply of oxygen during inspiration and prevent rebreathing of exhaled gases. If the bag collapses, it indicates that there is a problem with the oxygen supply or the patient's breathing. Therefore, it is crucial for the bag to remain fully inflated to ensure proper oxygen delivery to the patient.

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  • 24. 

    Reservoir Systems include

    • A.

      Reservoir cannulas

    • B.

      Simple mask

    • C.

      Partial rebreathing mask

    • D.

      Non rebreathing mask

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Reservoir cannulas
    B. Simple mask
    C. Partial rebreathing mask
    D. Non rebreathing mask
    The correct answer includes reservoir cannulas, simple masks, partial rebreathing masks, and non-rebreathing masks. These are all different types of devices used in reservoir systems. Reservoir cannulas deliver oxygen to the patient with the help of a small reservoir bag attached to the cannula. Simple masks cover the nose and mouth of the patient, delivering oxygen directly. Partial rebreathing masks have a reservoir bag that allows the patient to inhale a mixture of oxygen and exhaled gases. Non-rebreathing masks have a one-way valve and reservoir bag to prevent the patient from inhaling exhaled gases.

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  • 25. 

    Reservoir Cannula LPM and FiO2 Range

    • A.

      21 - 48% @ 5 - 10 Lpm

    • B.

      22 - 35% @ 1 - 4 Lpm

    • C.

      28 - 100% @ 12 - 15 Lpm

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. 22 - 35% @ 1 - 4 Lpm
    The correct answer is 22 - 35% @ 1 - 4 Lpm. This answer is correct because it specifies the range of FiO2 (fraction of inspired oxygen) and LPM (liters per minute) for the reservoir cannula. The range of 22 - 35% indicates the percentage of oxygen concentration in the inspired air, while the range of 1 - 4 Lpm indicates the flow rate of oxygen being delivered through the cannula.

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  • 26. 

    Reservoir Cannula are commonly used in a

    • A.

      Home care setting (must breath through nose)

    • B.

      Option 2

    • C.

      Option 3

    • D.

      Option 4

    Correct Answer
    A. Home care setting (must breath through nose)
    The correct answer is "home care setting (must breath through nose)". Reservoir cannulas are commonly used in home care settings because they allow the patient to receive oxygen therapy while still being able to breathe through their nose. This is important as breathing through the nose helps to filter and humidify the air, providing additional comfort and support to the patient.

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  • 27. 

    A nasal reservoir can store how many ml of O2

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. 20
    A nasal reservoir can store 20 ml of O2.

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  • 28. 

    You must replace reservoir cannula every

    • A.


    • B.

      2 weeks

    • C.

      3 weeks

    • D.

      24 to 48 hrs

    Correct Answer
    C. 3 weeks
    The correct answer is 3 weeks because replacing the reservoir cannula every 3 weeks helps maintain its functionality and prevent any potential contamination or blockage that could occur over time. Regular replacement ensures the cannula remains clean and effective in delivering the desired outcomes.

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