Hukum asal muamalah adalah....
Correct Answer
C. C. mubah
The correct answer is c. mubah. Mubah refers to actions that are permissible and neutral in Islamic law. They are neither obligatory nor recommended, and there is no sin or reward associated with them. These actions are considered permissible and do not fall into the categories of prohibited or discouraged actions.
Jenis tauhid yang mengacu pada tujuan dari penciptaan manusia adalah....
Correct Answer
B. B. Uluhiyah
Uluhiyah adalah jenis tauhid yang mengacu pada tujuan dari penciptaan manusia. Uluhiyah berkaitan dengan ibadah dan pengabdian kepada Allah. Melalui ibadah, manusia mengakui dan menghormati keesaan Allah serta memperlihatkan ketaatan dan penghambaan kepada-Nya. Uluhiyah juga mencakup pengakuan bahwa hanya Allah yang berhak disembah dan diibadahi. Dengan demikian, uluhiyah berfokus pada hubungan manusia dengan Allah dan tujuan utama penciptaan manusia yaitu untuk beribadah kepada-Nya.
Berikut adalah point dalam ekonomi islam.I. Aqidah sebagai subsatnsi atas kegiatan ekonomiII. Akhlak sebagai optimalisasi kegiatan ekonomiIII. Sumber daya dipandang sebagai kepimilikan allahIV. Penggerak ekonomi adalah kerja samaV. Syariah sebagai batasan dalam membuat keputusan ekonomiYang merupakan tiga ciri dari ekonomi islam adalah point..
Correct Answer
C. C. I,II,V
The correct answer is c. I, II, V. This is because these three points are the characteristics of Islamic economics. Point I states that Aqidah (faith) is the substance of economic activities, meaning that Islamic economics is based on Islamic beliefs and principles. Point II states that Akhlak (morality) is the optimization of economic activities, indicating that ethical behavior is essential in Islamic economics. Point V states that Shariah (Islamic law) is the limit in making economic decisions, highlighting the importance of following Islamic principles and guidelines in economic activities.
Aqidah memberikan jawaban atas pertanyaan berikut..
Correct Answer
A. A. Dari mana kita berasal, untuk apa kita hidup, dan akan kemana kita nanti?
The correct answer is a. Dari mana kita berasal, untuk apa kita hidup, dan akan kemana kita nanti? This answer suggests that Aqidah provides answers to fundamental questions about human existence, such as the origin of human beings, the purpose of life, and what happens to us after death. Aqidah helps individuals understand their place in the world and provides guidance on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life.
Islam melindungi lima hal yang dikenal dengan istilah maqasid syariah. Di bawah ini lima hal tersebut, kecuali ......
Correct Answer
C. C. ( حفظ الدين ) memelihara akhlak
The correct answer is c. ( حفظ الدين ) memelihara akhlak.
The given options are related to the concept of maqasid syariah, which refers to the objectives and goals of Islamic law. The options a, b, and d all represent the different aspects that Islam aims to protect and preserve, such as preserving life, intellect, and lineage. However, option c does not fit in this context as it states "memelihara akhlak," which means "preserving morals." This does not align with the other options, which focus on the preservation of specific elements. Therefore, option c is the exception among the given choices.
Sekumpulan kaidah dan nash yang mengatur atas dasar harus ditaati dalam mengatur hubungan manusia dengan manusia adalah pengertian dari …
Correct Answer
B. Hak
The given correct answer for this question is "Hak" (Rights). The explanation for this is that "Hak" refers to a set of principles and regulations that govern the relationship between individuals. It encompasses the rights and entitlements that individuals possess, which must be respected and protected by others. These rights provide individuals with the freedom to act, express themselves, and make choices without interference or discrimination. Thus, "Hak" is the appropriate term that describes the concept of a set of rules and principles governing human relationships.
i.syara’ iii.perbuatan bermanfaatii.akad iv.buku islamYang merupakan sumber dari hak adalah..
Correct Answer
C. C.i,ii dan iii
The correct answer is c) i, ii, and iii. This means that the sources of rights include i) syara (Islamic law), ii) perbuatan bermanfaat (beneficial actions), and iii) akad (contractual agreements). These three sources contribute to the establishment and recognition of rights in Islam.
Akad didefinisikan dalam bahasa Arab sebagai: “Irtibaathu iijaabin wa qabuulin ‘alaa wajhin masyruu`in yatsbutu atsaruhu fii mahallihi.” Artinya:
Correct Answer
A. A. Ikatan ijab dengan qabul sesuai dengan ketentuan syariah yang menetapkan adanya dampak hukum pada objek akad
The correct answer is a. "Ikatan ijab dengan qabul sesuai dengan ketentuan syariah yang menetapkan adanya dampak hukum pada objek akad." This means that akad is defined as a binding agreement between two parties that follows the rules of Shariah and has legal consequences on the object of the agreement.
Suatu manfaat atau tingkat kelebihan tertentu yang disyaratkan terhadap yang berhutang, adalah definisi dari riba....
Correct Answer
A. A. Riba Qardh
The correct answer is a. Riba Qardh. Riba Qardh refers to the interest or excess that is required from the borrower when lending money. It is a specific benefit or advantage that is demanded from the debtor in a loan transaction. This type of riba is prohibited in Islam as it is considered exploitative and unjust.
Pengurus Harian SEF UGM 2017 dengan ciri-ciri :1. Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi 20152. Berasal dari daerah yang "terang"3. Selalu bersyukur, terlihat dari namanya4. Selalu bahagia5. Semakin tampan dan subur6. Membawahi department dengan fungsi kewirausahaan di SEF UGM 2017
Correct Answer
C. Defitra
Defitra is the correct answer because the given characteristics match with the description provided. Defitra is from the "terang" area, always grateful as seen from their name, always happy, and is in charge of the entrepreneurship department in SEF UGM 2017.
Penangguhan penyerahan atau penerimaan jenis barang ribawi yang dipertukarkan dengan jenis barang ribawi lainnya, adalah termasuk riba.....
Correct Answer
D. Riba Nasi'ah
The correct answer is Riba Nasi'ah. This is because riba nasi'ah refers to the increase or interest that is charged when there is a delay in the delivery or acceptance of a type of ribawi goods exchanged for another type of ribawi goods. In Islamic finance, riba nasi'ah is considered a form of usury or interest, which is prohibited.
. Berikut ini termasuk rukun jual beli, kecuali.....
Correct Answer
C. C. Ada Saksi
The explanation for the correct answer is that in Islamic law, the pillars or essential components of a valid sale contract include the presence of a buyer and a seller, the existence of a specific offer and acceptance (shighat), and the presence of an object that is being bought and sold. However, the presence of a witness (saksi) is not a necessary requirement for a valid sale contract.
Penjual mengambil keuntungan diatas keuntungan normal dengan cara mengurangi penawaran Agar harga produk yang dijual naik disebut...........
Correct Answer
A. Ikhtikar
The term "Ikhtikar" refers to the practice of a seller intentionally raising the price of a product in order to make a higher profit. This is done by reducing the supply of the product in the market. Therefore, "Ikhtikar" is the correct answer for the given question.
Berikut adalah hal hal yang dapat merusak akad, kecuali .…
Correct Answer
D. Khiyar
Khiyar is not something that can damage a contract. Khiyar refers to the option or right of a party to withdraw from a contract within a specified period of time. It is a legitimate provision in Islamic contract law that allows parties to reconsider their decision and cancel the contract if they find any issues or problems. Therefore, khiyar does not pose a threat to the validity or integrity of the contract, unlike gharar (uncertainty), taghrir (alteration), and riba (usury) which can all undermine the contract.
Istilah spekulasi dalam terminologi Ekonomi Islam dikenl dengan istilah?
Correct Answer
A. Maysir
The term "spekulasi" in the terminology of Islamic Economics is known as "Maysir". Maysir refers to a form of gambling or games of chance that involve uncertain outcomes and are based on luck rather than skill or effort. In Islamic finance, Maysir is prohibited as it is considered to be a form of unjust enrichment and exploitation. This prohibition is based on the principles of fairness, risk-sharing, and avoidance of uncertainty in economic transactions. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is Maysir.
Buku yang dikarang oleh Imam Ali yang menginspirasi teori Pareto Optimum adalah …
Correct Answer
D. D. Najhul Balghah
Imam Ali's book Najhul Balghah is the correct answer because it is a collection of his speeches and letters, which contain various teachings and insights. The Pareto Optimum theory is a concept in economics that refers to an allocation of resources where it is impossible to make anyone better off without making someone else worse off. It is likely that Imam Ali's writings in Najhul Balghah contain ideas or principles that align with this theory, making it an inspiring source for the theory of Pareto Optimum.
Tokoh yang mencetukan maqasid syariah adalah ..
Correct Answer
B. B. As Syatibi
As Syatibi is the correct answer because he is known for his work in formulating the concept of maqasid syariah. Maqasid syariah refers to the objectives and goals of Islamic law, and As Syatibi's book "Al-Muwafaqat" is considered one of the most important works on this subject. In this book, he discusses the higher purposes and intentions behind Islamic law and how it aims to promote justice, welfare, and the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.
Ketua pertama SEF UGM sebagai lembaga kemahasiswaan FEB UGM ?
Correct Answer
C. Ahmad Akbar S.
Ahmad Akbar S. is the correct answer because he is mentioned as the first chairman of SEF UGM, which is a student organization within FEB UGM.
Ayat yang menjelaskan 8 golongan yang berhak menerima Zakat adalah …
Correct Answer
D. D. At Taubah : 60
Ayat yang menjelaskan 8 golongan yang berhak menerima Zakat adalah Ayat At Taubah : 60. Ayat ini menjelaskan bahwa zakat harus diberikan kepada delapan golongan yang berhak menerimanya, yaitu fakir, miskin, amil zakat, muallaf, budak yang ingin memerdekakan diri, orang yang berhutang, orang yang berjuang di jalan Allah, dan musafir yang sedang dalam kesulitan.
Tokoh Ekonomi Islam yang terkenal akan keagungannya sehingga sempat dikatakan sebagai Bapak Ekonomi Dunia yang sebenarnya adalah …
Correct Answer
B. B. Ibnu Khaldun
Ibnu Khaldun is considered a famous figure in Islamic economics due to his contributions and theories in the field. He is known for his work in the Muqaddimah, where he discussed economic concepts such as supply and demand, labor, and government intervention. His ideas were ahead of his time and influenced future economists. Therefore, Ibnu Khaldun is often referred to as the "Father of Economics."
Akad kerjasama dalam pengolahan pertanian antara petani penggarap dan pemilik tanah(modal) sesuai syariah Islam disebut..
Correct Answer
D. D. Muzaraah
Muzaraah is the correct answer because it refers to a partnership in agriculture where the farmer provides labor and expertise, while the landowner provides the land and capital. The profits from the harvest are then shared between the farmer and the landowner based on an agreed-upon ratio. This type of partnership aligns with the principles of Islamic Shariah as it promotes fairness and shared risk and reward. Musyarakah refers to a general partnership, Mudarabah refers to a partnership where one party provides the capital and the other provides the expertise, and Wadiah refers to a trust or safekeeping arrangement.
Staf SEF Insight 2017 dengan ciri - ciri :1. Forga 2016, IE 20162. Selalu ceria dan bersemangat3. Seneng banget buat pom-pom4. Fans Berat Mas Esa5. Soulmate Azizi6. Tak Kenal, maka tak sayang
Correct Answer
C. Kemal
Transaksi jual-beli dengan penjual memberikan informasi harga produk dan margin penjualan disepakati bersama antara penjual dan pembeli merupakan pengertian dari akad ....
Correct Answer
D. Murabahah
The given scenario describes a transaction where the seller provides information about the price of the product and the agreed-upon sales margin between the seller and the buyer. This aligns with the concept of Murabahah, which is a type of Islamic financing where the seller discloses the cost and profit margin to the buyer. In Murabahah, the buyer agrees to purchase the product at a price that includes the seller's cost and an agreed-upon profit margin.
Akad pemindahan hak guna barang dengan imbal balik biaya sewa tanpa adanya pemindahan kepemilikan barang merupakan akad ...
Correct Answer
B. Ijarah
The correct answer is Ijarah. Ijarah is an Islamic contract where one party transfers the right of using an asset to another party in exchange for rental payments. In this case, the transfer of the right to use the goods without transferring ownership and the payment of rental fees align with the concept of Ijarah.
Forum yang beranggotakan kelompok studi Ekonomi Islam dari seluruh Indonesia ialah ....
Correct Answer
C. Forum Silaturahim Studi Ekonomi Islam
The correct answer is "Forum Silaturahim Studi Ekonomi Islam". This is because the word "silaturahim" means "gathering" or "meeting" in Indonesian, and the phrase "Studi Ekonomi Islam" translates to "Islamic Economics Study". Therefore, "Forum Silaturahim Studi Ekonomi Islam" can be understood as a forum or group that gathers students studying Islamic Economics from all over Indonesia.