Listele utilizate pentru a indica o succesiune fără o subordonare ierarhică se numesc ...
Correct Answer
B. Liste neordonate
The correct answer is "liste neordonate". In Romanian, "liste neordonate" translates to "unordered lists". Unordered lists are used to indicate a sequence without hierarchical subordination. They are often used to display items or information in a bullet point format, where each item is given equal importance and there is no specific order or hierarchy among them.
Pentru a specifica începutul şi sfârşitul listei neordonate, se utilizează etichetele
Correct Answer
A. <UL> şi </UL>
To specify the beginning and end of an unordered list, the tags and are used.
Orice element al listei este precedat de eticheta
Correct Answer
Each element in the list is preceded by an abbreviation. The abbreviation "LI" stands for "List Item" and indicates that the element is a list item.
Listele ce se încadrează între etichetele <OL> şi </OL>
Correct Answer
B. Liste ordonate
The given correct answer is "liste ordonate". This is because the question is asking for a term that fits between the and tags, and "liste ordonate" is the Romanian translation for "ordered lists", which are typically enclosed within these tags in HTML.
Pentru organizarea glosarelor se utilizează
Correct Answer
A. Listele de definiţii
Glosarele sunt organizate utilizând listele de definiții. Acest tip de listă este cel mai potrivit pentru a defini termenii și a oferi o explicație clară și concisă pentru fiecare dintre aceștia. Listele de definiții sunt structurate într-un mod simplu și ușor de urmărit, permitând cititorilor să găsească rapid și să înțeleagă termenii specifici utilizați într-un text sau document.
Listele de definiţii se încadrează între etichetele
Correct Answer
C. <DL> şi </DL>
The correct answer is " and ". This is because the given statement mentions that the list of definitions is enclosed between the "" and "" tags. These tags are used in HTML to define a definition list, where each term is defined within the "" and "" tags, and the corresponding definition is enclosed between the "" and "" tags. Therefore, "" and "" are the correct tags to enclose a list of definitions.
O referinţă se declară în modul următor:
Correct Answer
C. <A href=URL> text sau imagine</A>
The correct answer is " text sau imagine". This is because it is the correct syntax for declaring a reference in HTML using the anchor tag (). The href attribute is used to specify the URL of the reference, and the text or image between the opening and closing tags is what is displayed as the clickable link.
În textul unui document HTML, definiția tabelului este între etichetele?
Correct Answer
The correct answer is . In an HTML document, the tags are used to define a table. The content between these tags represents the actual table, including the rows and columns. The tag is placed within the tags, which enclose the main content of the document. The and tags are not used to define tables in HTML.
Ce etichetă din descrierea tabelului este responsabilă pentru rânduri?
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "TR". In HTML, the "TR" tag is responsible for defining a row in a table. It is used to group together the cells that belong to the same row.
Eticheta BORDER este responsabilă de ...
Correct Answer
A. Grosimea bordurei tabelului
The correct answer is "grosimea bordurei tabelului" which translates to "the thickness of the table border" in English. The HTML tag "BORDER" is responsible for determining the thickness of the border around a table.
Pentru a schimba fundalul tabelului folosiți parametrul ...
Correct Answer
C. Bgcolor
The correct answer is "bgcolor". This parameter is used to change the background color of the table. By specifying a color value, the background of the table can be customized to match the desired design or aesthetic.
Pentru a îmbina celulele pe orizontală folosiți eticheta ...
Correct Answer
B. Rowspan
The correct answer is "rowspan". This attribute is used to specify the number of rows a cell should span in a table. By using the "rowspan" attribute, you can merge cells horizontally in a table by making one cell span multiple rows.
Pentru a îmbina celulele pe verticală folosiți eticheta ...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "colspan". This attribute is used to specify the number of columns a cell should span in a table. It is used to merge cells horizontally in a table, allowing content to span across multiple columns.
Pentru a insera o imagine, se utilizează
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "". This is because when inserting an image in HTML, the "IMG" tag is used, followed by the attribute "SRC" which specifies the URL or file path of the image. The attribute should be written in uppercase letters, and the correct syntax is "".
Afişarea unui text explicativ în locul imaginii
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "ALT" because it refers to the attribute "alt" in HTML code, which is used to provide alternative text for an image. This alternative text is displayed when the image cannot be loaded or when a screen reader is used to access the content. Therefore, "ALT" is the correct choice for displaying explanatory text instead of an image.
Etichetele pentru specificarea mărimii în pixeli a imaginii
Correct Answer(s)
The given answer is correct because the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes are used to specify the size of an image in pixels. The WIDTH attribute determines the width of the image, while the HEIGHT attribute determines the height of the image. These attributes are commonly used in HTML to control the dimensions of an image and ensure proper display on a webpage. The HSPACE and VSPACE attributes, on the other hand, are used to specify the amount of space to be left around the image horizontally and vertically, respectively, and are not directly related to the size of the image.