Berikut merupakan latar belakang bangsa Eropa melakukan penjelajahan Samudra adalah …..
Correct Answer
C. Jatuhnya konstantinopel ketangan Turki Usmani
The correct answer is "Jatuhnya konstantinopel ketangan Turki Usmani". The fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453 led to the closure of the land route to Asia, which was controlled by the Byzantine Empire. This event motivated European nations to seek alternative trade routes to Asia, leading to the Age of Exploration and the search for new sea routes.
Kapal Santa Maria Nina dan pinta merupakan kapal yang diberikan Ratu Isabela untuk berlayar mencari daerah penghasil rempah-rempah kepada …..
Correct Answer
A. Cristopolus Colombus
The correct answer is Cristopolus Colombus. This is because Christopher Columbus is widely known as the explorer who was given the ships Santa Maria, Nina, and Pinta by Queen Isabela of Spain to sail in search of spice-producing regions.
Cristopolus Colombus mengabdi kepada Ratu Isabela dalam usaha mencari rempah-rempah melakukaan perjalanan ke daerah …..
Correct Answer
B. BIndia
Cristopolus Colombus served Queen Isabela in the effort to find spices by undertaking a journey to the region of India.
Perhatikan data berikut!
1). Agar dapat menguasai perdagangan rempah-rempah langsung dari daerah sumber nya
2). Ingin menjalin kerja sama dengan indonesia
3). Menguasai wilayah strategis untuk perdagangan dan basis militer
4). Memperlajari budaya indonesia
5). Mengeruk sebanyak mungkin kekayaan sumber daya alam suatu wilayah
Tujuan bangsa eropa menguasai indonesia ditunjukkan pada nomor….
Correct Answer
B. 1, 3, dan 5
The correct answer is 1, 3, and 5. This is because the European countries wanted to control the spice trade directly from the source, which is indicated in statement 1. They also wanted to establish cooperation with Indonesia, as mentioned in statement 2. Additionally, they aimed to control strategic areas for trade and military bases, as stated in statement 3. Lastly, they wanted to exploit as much natural resources as possible from the region, which is mentioned in statement 5.
Menduduki wilyah beserta mengambil wilyh kekuasan ini merupakan bentuk penjajahan yang bersfat …..
Correct Answer
A. Kolonialisme
The correct answer is Kolonialisme. The given statement suggests that occupying and seizing power in a territory is a form of colonization. Colonization refers to the practice of a nation or a group of people establishing control over another territory or country, often for economic or political purposes. It involves the exploitation and domination of the colonized territory by the colonizers.
Book of various experiences yang mengisahkan tentang keajaiban dunia atau imago mundi ditulis oleh…
Correct Answer
A. Marcopolo
wrote a book called "Book of various experiences" which tells about the wonders of the world or imago mundi.
Di bawah pimpinan Bartholomeus Diaz, pelaut-pelaut portugis mengadakan perjalanan ke dunia timur untuk mencari pusat rempah-rempah. Namun, pelayaran tersebut hanya sampai di ujung afrika selatan, karena…
Correct Answer
A. Besarnya gelombang samudera hindia sehingga kapal-kapal yang dibawa oleh bartholomeus
diaz tidak berhasil melewatinya
The correct answer is "Besarnya gelombang samudera hindia sehingga kapal-kapal yang dibawa oleh bartholomeus diaz tidak berhasil melewatinya." This is because the passage states that the Portuguese sailors under Bartholomeus Diaz were unable to continue their journey to the East because of the large waves in the Indian Ocean.
Perhatikan nama berikut!
1. Alfonso D’albuquerque
2. Cornelis de houtman
3. Pieter keyzer
4. Jacob van neck
5. Ferdinand magelhaens
Pelaut-pelaut bangsa belanda ditunjukkan pada nomor…
Correct Answer
A. 2, 3, dan 4
The correct answer is 2, 3, and 4. These three names, Cornelis de Houtman, Pieter Keyzer, and Jacob van Neck, are all Dutch explorers who played significant roles in the Age of Exploration. Ferdinand Magellan, on the other hand, was a Portuguese explorer who led the first circumnavigation of the Earth, but he was not Dutch. Alfonso D'albuquerque was a Portuguese military strategist and statesman, also not Dutch. Therefore, the correct answer is 2, 3, and 4, as these three names are all Dutch explorers.
Perhatikan data berikut!
1. Berdirinya benteng-benteng portugis
2. Berkembangnya agama kristen dan katolik di maluku yang disebarkan oleh fransiscus xaverius
3. Adanya nama-nama orang indonesia yang menggunakan nama portugis
4. Berkembangnya musik jazz
5. Berkembangnya agama islam
Pengaruh portugis yang ditinggalkan di indonesia di tunjukkan pada nomor…
Correct Answer
A. 1, 2, dan 3
The correct answer is 1, 2, and 3. This is because the establishment of Portuguese forts (1) and the spread of Christianity by Francis Xavier (2) are both direct influences of Portuguese colonization in Indonesia. Additionally, the presence of Indonesian individuals with Portuguese names (3) also indicates the impact of Portuguese culture and influence in the country.
Pemimpin rombongan Magelhaens diganti oleh kapten kapalnya yang bernama Sebastian de elcano karena…
Correct Answer
A. Magelhaens meninggal pada waktu membantu salah satu kerajaan yang sedang perang di
The correct answer is "Magelhaens meninggal pada waktu membantu salah satu kerajaan yang sedang perang di Filipina." This statement provides a specific reason for why the leader of the Magelhaens expedition was replaced by Sebastian de elcano. It suggests that Magelhaens died while assisting a kingdom at war in the Philippines, which led to the need for a new leader.
Perhatikan data berikut!
1. Menghapus upacara pengormatan kepada residen, sunan, atau sultan
2. Mengeluarkan uang kertas
3. Membangun jalan raya antara anyer-panarukan
4. Menambah jumlah jumlah angkatan perang dari 3000 menjadi 20000 orang
5. Membangu pabri senjata di gresik dan semarang
Pembaruan di bidang militer dan pertahanan yang dilakukan Daendels pada waktu berkuasa di indonesia ditunjukkan pada nomor…
Correct Answer
A. 3, 4, dan 5
The correct answer is 3, 4, and 5. This is because the given options indicate the numbers that represent the military and defense improvements made by Daendels during his rule in Indonesia. Option 3 mentions the construction of a highway between Anyer and Panarukan, option 4 mentions the increase in the number of military personnel from 3000 to 20000, and option 5 mentions the establishment of weapon factories in Gresik and Semarang. These actions demonstrate the military and defense advancements made by Daendels during his time in power.
Rakyat pribumi mengartikan cultuur stelsel dengan sebutan tanam paksa karena….
Correct Answer
A. Dalam pelaksanaannya proyek penanaman dilakukan dengan cara-cara paksa dan bagi yang
melanggar dihukum fisik
The correct answer is "Dalam pelaksanaannya proyek penanaman dilakukan dengan cara-cara paksa dan bagi yang melanggar dihukum fisik." This answer explains that the indigenous people interpret the cultuur stelsel as tanam paksa because the project was implemented by forcing people to plant crops and those who violated the rules were physically punished.
Perhatikan nama berikut!
1. De waal
2. Eduard douwes dekker
3. Baron van hoepell
4. Fransen van de putte
5. Van kol
Orang belanda yang menentang pelaksanaan tanam paksa di indonesia ditunjukkan pada nomor…
Correct Answer
A. 2, 3, dan 4
The correct answer is 2, 3, and 4. The individuals mentioned in options 2, 3, and 4 (Eduard Douwes Dekker, Baron van Hoepell, and Fransen van de Putte) were Dutch people who opposed the implementation of the forced cultivation system in Indonesia. This system was a policy imposed by the Dutch colonial government that forced Indonesian farmers to grow cash crops such as indigo and sugar instead of their own food crops. These individuals spoke out against the injustice and exploitation of the Indonesian people under this system.
Perhatikan data berikut!
1. Kemiskinan serta penderitaan fisik dan mental yang berkepanjangan
2. Beban pajak yang berat
3. Pertanian khususnya padi banyak mengalami gagal panen
4. Rakyat mengenal tanaman dagang
5. Rakyat mengenal tekhnik menanam
Dampak negatif pelaksanaan tanam paksa di indonesia di tunjukkan pada nomor…
Correct Answer
A. 1, 2, dan 3
The correct answer is 1, 2, and 3. This is because the given data mentions the negative impacts of forced planting in Indonesia, which include poverty and prolonged physical and mental suffering, heavy tax burden, and frequent crop failures in agriculture, especially in rice production.
Sejak berlakunya undang-undang agraria dan undang-undang gula pemerintah Belanda menjalankan politik pintu terbuka. Politik pintu terbuka berlangsung antara tahun….
Correct Answer
A. 1860-1870
The correct answer is 1860-1870. The explanation for this answer is that the Dutch government implemented the "politik pintu terbuka" (open door policy) after the enactment of the agrarian law and sugar law. This policy allowed foreign powers, especially the Dutch, to have access to and control over the natural resources and trade in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). This policy was in effect during the period of 1860-1870.
Salah satu akibat pelaksanaan sistem ekonomi liberal bagi Indonesia adalah menurunnya usaha kerajinan rakyat karena….
Correct Answer
A. Kalah bersaing dengan barang-barang impor dari eropa
The correct answer suggests that one of the consequences of implementing a liberal economic system in Indonesia is the decline of the local craft industry due to competition with imported goods from Europe. This implies that the local craftsmen are unable to compete with the imported products, resulting in a decrease in their business and possibly leading to economic difficulties for them.
Di bawah pimpinan Sultan Baabullah, rakyat ternate menentang portugis. Perlawanan rakyat ternate tersebut disebabkan karena…
Correct Answer
A. Tindakan portugis yang sudah melampaui batas
The correct answer is "Tindakan portugis yang sudah melampaui batas" (Portuguese actions that have exceeded limits). This suggests that the people of Ternate resisted the Portuguese because they felt that the Portuguese had crossed boundaries or had gone too far in their actions. This could refer to various oppressive or exploitative actions by the Portuguese, such as excessive taxation, forced labor, or other forms of mistreatment. The people of Ternate felt that they had to resist and fight back against these actions.
Pengaruh kebijakan kolonial secara politik terlihat dari reaksi rakyat indonesia dalam bentuk…
Correct Answer
A. Perlawanan-perlawanan
The correct answer is "Perlawanan-perlawanan." The influence of colonial policies can be seen in the form of resistance from the Indonesian people. This suggests that the colonial policies were met with opposition and the Indonesian people were not passive recipients of these policies.
Sebab khusus terjadinya perang Aceh adalah…
Correct Answer
A. Adanya tuntutan belanda agar aceh tidak berhubungan dengan pedagan lain selain belanda
The correct answer suggests that one of the specific reasons for the occurrence of the Aceh war was the demand from the Dutch for Aceh to only have trade relations with the Netherlands. This implies that the Dutch wanted to control and monopolize trade in the region, leading to conflict with Aceh, which may have resisted this demand.
The acehnese adalah hasil penelitian Dr. Snouck Hurgronje. Dengan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat diketahui…
Correct Answer
A. Kelemahan rakyat aceh
Perhatikan data berikut!
1. Raja sisimangaraja XII tidak bersedia wilayah kekuasaanya semakin diperkecil oleh belanda
2. Belanda mempunyai keinginan mewujudkan pax netherlandica
3. Adanya plakat pendek
4. Banyak menguras kas belanda
Alasan terjadinya perlawanan masyarakat batak ditunjukkan pada nomor…
Correct Answer
A. 1 dan 2
The correct answer is 1 dan 2. The resistance of the Batak community is shown in numbers 1 and 2. Number 1 states that King Sisimangaraja XII was unwilling to have his territory further reduced by the Dutch, indicating his resistance to Dutch colonial rule. Number 2 states that the Dutch had a desire to establish pax netherlandica, which refers to their aim to establish peace and control in their colonial territories. The Batak community's resistance can be seen in their refusal to accept the Dutch's attempts to further diminish their power and control over their land.
Kelompok pendukung gerakan Wahabi dikenal sebagai…
Correct Answer
A. Kaum padri
The correct answer is "Kaum padri." The Kaum Padri were known as supporters of the Wahhabi movement in Indonesia. The term "Padri" refers to a group of religious leaders who were influenced by the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, the founder of Wahhabism. They played a significant role in the Islamic revivalist movement in West Sumatra during the 19th century, advocating for strict adherence to Islamic law and opposing traditional practices.
Perhatikan nama berikut!
1. Sultan adam
2. Tuanku tambusai
3. Tuanku nan cerdik
4. Tuanku imam bonjol
5. Pangeran tamjidillah
Pemimpin perlawanan dalam perang padri ditunjukkan pada nomor…
Correct Answer
A. 2, 3, dan 4
The correct answer is 2, 3, and 4. This is because Tuanku Tambusai, Tuanku Nan Cerdik, and Tuanku Imam Bonjol were all leaders of the resistance in the Padri War. Pangeran Tamjidillah and Sultan Adam were not involved in this conflict.
Perang Diponegoro terjadi dikarisidenan Kedu Jawa Tengah pada tahun ….
Correct Answer
A. 1825 – 1830
The correct answer is 1825 - 1830. This is the period during which the Perang Diponegoro (Diponegoro War) took place in the Kedu Residency of Central Java.
Salah satu sebab khusus terjadinya perang Diponegoro adalah pangeran Diponegoro tersingkir dari elite kekuasaan karena….
Correct Answer
A. Menolak berkompromi dengan pemerintah kolonial
Pangeran Diponegoro tersingkir dari elite kekuasaan karena ia menolak berkompromi dengan pemerintah kolonial. Ini menunjukkan bahwa Pangeran Diponegoro memiliki sikap yang keras dan tidak mau tunduk kepada pemerintah kolonial Belanda. Karena penolakan ini, pemerintah kolonial menganggapnya sebagai ancaman dan mengambil langkah-langkah untuk menghalangi pengaruh dan kekuasaannya. Hal ini kemudian menjadi salah satu sebab terjadinya perang Diponegoro, di mana Pangeran Diponegoro memimpin perlawanan terhadap pemerintah kolonial.
Which one do you like?
Correct Answer
A. Option 1
Which one do you like?
Correct Answer
A. Option 1