MCQs 100 Pediatric Dentistry II Dr. Soun Monika 2019

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| By Uhsdental
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MCQs 100 Pediatric Dentistry II Dr. Soun Monika 2019 - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Eruption of upper first premolar begins:?

    • A.

      10 – 11 Years

    • B.

      8 – 9 Years

    • C.

      11 – 12 Years

    • D.

      10 – 12 Years

    • E.

      12 – 13 Years

    Correct Answer
    A. 10 – 11 Years
    The eruption of the upper first premolar typically begins around 10-11 years of age. This is a normal developmental milestone in the growth of permanent teeth in children.

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  • 2. 

    The primary teeth should be cleaned?

    • A.

      After the 1st teeth erupted

    • B.

      After the primary teeth are erupted

    • C.

      In the mixed dentition

    • D.

      After the full dentition

    Correct Answer
    A. After the 1st teeth erupted
    It is important to start cleaning a baby's primary teeth as soon as the first teeth erupt. This helps to establish good oral hygiene habits early on and prevents the buildup of plaque, which can lead to cavities and other dental issues. Regular cleaning should continue as more primary teeth come in, ensuring that the child's teeth remain healthy.

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  • 3. 

    The most durable of dental material filling is:?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Glass ionomer

    • D.

      Resin modified glass ionomer

    • E.

      Intermediate restorative material (IRM)

    Correct Answer
    A. Amalgam
    Amalgam is the most durable dental material filling. It is a mixture of metals, including silver, tin, copper, and mercury. Amalgam fillings have been used for many years and have a long track record of durability and strength. They are resistant to wear and can withstand the forces of chewing and grinding. Additionally, amalgam fillings are less likely to fracture or break compared to other materials like composite or glass ionomer.

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  • 4. 

    Which dental material has fluoride released?

    • A.

      Glass ionomer cement

    • B.


    • C.

      Composite resin

    • D.

      Intermediate restorative material

    • E.

      Fissure sealant

    Correct Answer
    A. Glass ionomer cement
    Glass ionomer cement is a dental material that releases fluoride. Fluoride is a mineral that helps to prevent tooth decay by strengthening the enamel and making it more resistant to acid attacks from bacteria and plaque. Glass ionomer cement contains fluoride as part of its composition, and when it comes into contact with saliva or water, it releases fluoride ions. This continuous release of fluoride helps to provide long-term protection against tooth decay.

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  • 5. 

    Fluoride vanish should be wipe on caries lesion of primary teeth:?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. R1
    R1 is the correct answer because fluoride vanish is a topical fluoride treatment that is applied directly to the surface of the teeth. It is specifically used to treat caries lesions, which are areas of decay or damage on the teeth. By wiping the fluoride vanish onto the caries lesion of primary teeth, it can help to strengthen the enamel and prevent further decay. This treatment is commonly used in pediatric dentistry to protect and preserve the primary teeth.

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  • 6. 

    Fissures sealant use for: ?

    • A.

      Sound primary and permanent molars with deep pits and fissures

    • B.

      Molars with small cavity

    • C.

      Demineralized area of the teeth

    • D.

      Cavity with stain on the occlusal surface

    Correct Answer
    A. Sound primary and permanent molars with deep pits and fissures
    Fissure sealants are used to protect sound primary and permanent molars with deep pits and fissures. These deep grooves on the chewing surfaces of the teeth can be difficult to clean properly, making them more susceptible to decay. By applying a sealant, a thin protective coating, to these areas, the risk of cavities forming is reduced. It acts as a barrier, preventing food particles and bacteria from getting trapped in the pits and fissures, thus helping to maintain the overall oral health of the teeth.

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  • 7. 

    Minimal Intervention management is:?

    • A.

      Cavity conserving as much tooth structure as possible

    • B.

      Cavity extending for prevention

    • C.

      Cavity designed of G.V.Black

    Correct Answer
    A. Cavity conserving as much tooth structure as possible
    Minimal Intervention management is a conservative approach that aims to preserve as much of the natural tooth structure as possible when treating dental cavities. This approach focuses on removing only the decayed or damaged portion of the tooth, while leaving the healthy tooth structure intact. By doing so, it minimizes the need for extensive restoration or invasive procedures, resulting in better long-term oral health outcomes for the patient.

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  • 8. 

    Advice to the children about toothbrushing at night:?

    • A.

      Brushing the teeth with fluoride toothpaste keep it in the mouth for one minute split out but do not rinse before going to bed

    • B.

      Brush the teeth carefully with fluoride toothpaste after dinner

    • C.

      Flossing brushing the teeth with toothpaste after eating

    Correct Answer
    A. Brushing the teeth with fluoride toothpaste keep it in the mouth for one minute split out but do not rinse before going to bed
    The correct answer is to brush the teeth with fluoride toothpaste, keep it in the mouth for one minute, spit out but do not rinse before going to bed. This is because fluoride toothpaste helps to strengthen the teeth and prevent tooth decay. Keeping the toothpaste in the mouth for one minute allows the fluoride to have maximum contact with the teeth. Spitting out the toothpaste without rinsing ensures that the fluoride continues to protect the teeth throughout the night.

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  • 9. 

    A girl 9 years old had accident on tooth 21 fractured crown with pulp exposed. What treatment do you choose?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Direct pulp capping

    Correct Answer
    A. Apexogenesis
    Apexogenesis is the preferred treatment option for a 9-year-old girl with a fractured crown and exposed pulp on tooth 21. This treatment allows for the continuation of root development and encourages the formation of a healthy apex. It involves removing the infected pulp tissue and placing a medicament to stimulate the growth of the root. This approach is suitable for young patients with open apices, as it promotes natural healing and avoids the need for more invasive procedures such as pulpotomy or pulpectomy. Direct pulp capping is not suitable in this case as the pulp is already exposed. Apexification is typically used when the apex is already closed and root development has ceased.

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  • 10. 

    Related to the intellectual development which group of children that they start to be cooperated with the dentist:?

    • A.

      Group of 4 years old

    • B.

      Group of 2 years old

    • C.

      Group of 3 years old

    • D.

      Group of 5 years old

    • E.

      Group of 6 years old

    Correct Answer
    A. Group of 4 years old
    Children typically start to cooperate with the dentist around the age of 4. At this age, they have developed a better understanding of instructions and are able to follow them. They are also more likely to have better control over their behavior and can sit still for longer periods of time, which is important during dental exams and procedures. Additionally, by the age of 4, children have usually developed better communication skills, allowing them to express their needs and concerns to the dentist.

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  • 11. 

    Eruption of primary first molar begins:?

    • A.

      12months – 16months

    • B.

      7months – 10months

    • C.

      6 months – 9months

    • D.

      16months – 20months

    • E.

      23months – 30months

    Correct Answer
    A. 12months – 16months
    The eruption of the primary first molar typically begins between 12 months and 16 months of age. This means that most children will start to see their first molar teeth coming in during this time period. It is important for parents to monitor their child's dental development and seek dental care if there are any concerns or delays in eruption.

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  • 12. 

    Eruption of primary lateral incisor begins:?

    • A.

      7months – 10months

    • B.

      6 months – 9months

    • C.

      16months – 20months

    • D.

      12months – 16months

    • E.

      23months – 30months

    Correct Answer
    A. 7months – 10months
    The eruption of primary lateral incisors typically begins between 7 and 10 months of age. This is a normal developmental milestone in infants where the teeth start to emerge from the gums. The timing can vary slightly from child to child, but on average, the primary lateral incisors will start to appear during this time period.

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  • 13. 

    Bacteria cause tooth decay: ?

    • A.

      Mutans streptococcus

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Fusiform bateria

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Mutans streptococcus
    Mutans streptococcus is the correct answer because it is a type of bacteria that is primarily responsible for tooth decay. It is commonly found in the mouth and feeds on sugars, producing acids that erode tooth enamel and lead to the formation of cavities. This bacteria attaches to the teeth and forms a sticky biofilm called dental plaque, which provides an ideal environment for acid production and tooth decay. Therefore, the presence of Mutans streptococcus is closely associated with the development of dental caries.

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  • 14. 

    The first teeth affected to Early Childhood Caries:?

    • A.

      Primary upper incisors

    • B.

      Primary lower incisors

    • C.

      Primary upper molars

    • D.

      Primary lower molars

    Correct Answer
    A. Primary upper incisors
    Early Childhood Caries refers to tooth decay that occurs in young children, typically between the ages of 1 and 5. The primary upper incisors are the first teeth to erupt in the mouth, making them more susceptible to decay. These teeth are also more exposed to bacteria and food particles, as they are located at the front of the mouth and are used for biting and cutting food. Therefore, it is not surprising that the primary upper incisors are the first teeth to be affected by Early Childhood Caries.

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  • 15. 

    Bottle feeding should be changed to cup:?

    • A.

      After 1 year of age

    • B.

      At 3 years of age

    • C.

      At 5 years of age

    • D.

      After 2 years of age

    • E.

      After eruption of all the teeth

    Correct Answer
    A. After 1 year of age
    Bottle feeding should be changed to cup after 1 year of age because by this age, most children have developed the necessary oral motor skills to drink from a cup. Additionally, prolonged bottle feeding can lead to dental issues such as tooth decay and malformation of the teeth and jaw. Introducing a cup at this age helps promote independence and healthy oral development.

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  • 16. 

    Which dental material is shrinkage after filling cavity: ?

    • A.


    • B.

      Glass ionomer cement

    • C.


    • D.

      Resin sealant

    • E.

      Protective fissure sealant

    Correct Answer
    A. Composite
    Composite is the correct answer because it is a dental material that undergoes shrinkage after filling a cavity. When composite is placed in a cavity and cured with a light, it undergoes a process called polymerization, where it hardens and shrinks. This shrinkage can lead to gaps between the composite and the tooth structure, which can compromise the integrity of the restoration and potentially lead to leakage and recurrent decay. To minimize the effects of shrinkage, techniques such as incremental layering and the use of a curing light with a longer curing time can be employed.

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  • 17. 

    Pulpotomy for primary teeth should be done on:?

    • A.

      Carie lesion of inner half of dentin (R4)

    • B.

      Carie lesion inner half of enamel (R2)

    • C.

      Carie lesion of outer half of dentin (R3)

    • D.

      Hyperhemie pulp

    • E.

      Chronic pulpitis

    Correct Answer
    A. Carie lesion of inner half of dentin (R4)
    Pulpotomy for primary teeth should be done on carie lesions of the inner half of dentin (R4) because this indicates that the decay has not reached the pulp chamber yet. Performing a pulpotomy in this case involves removing the infected dentin and placing a medicament to preserve the vitality of the remaining pulp tissue. Carie lesions of the inner half of enamel (R2) and outer half of dentin (R3) may require less invasive treatments such as fillings or sealants. Hyperhemie pulp and chronic pulpitis are conditions that typically require more extensive treatments like root canal therapy.

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  • 18. 

    Preventive Resin Restoration (PRR) should be used the dental material as:?

    • A.

      Composite + Sealant

    • B.

      Glass ionmer cement

    • C.

      Composite resin

    • D.

      Resin sealant

    • E.

      Intermediate Restorative Material (IRM)

    Correct Answer
    A. Composite + Sealant
    PRR should be used with composite + sealant as the dental material because it provides a combination of strength and esthetics. Composite resin is a tooth-colored material that can be used to restore the natural appearance of the tooth, while the sealant helps to prevent further decay by sealing off the tooth surface. This combination ensures both the functional and aesthetic aspects of the restoration are addressed. Glass ionomer cement, resin sealant, and intermediate restorative material (IRM) may have their own benefits, but they do not provide the same combination of strength and esthetics as composite + sealant.

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  • 19. 

    Management of enamel dentine fracture of permanent teeth:?

    • A.

      Filling with indirect pulp capping

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Filling with direct pulp capping

    Correct Answer
    A. Filling with indirect pulp capping
    Filling with indirect pulp capping is the correct answer because it is a conservative treatment option for managing enamel dentine fractures of permanent teeth. This procedure involves removing the damaged enamel and dentin, and then placing a protective material over the exposed pulp to promote healing and prevent further damage. It is a less invasive approach compared to pulpotomy or pulpectomy, which involve removing the entire pulp tissue. Filling with direct pulp capping is not suitable for enamel dentine fractures as it involves placing a protective material directly on the exposed pulp, which may not provide enough protection for the damaged tooth.

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  • 20. 

    A child 8 years old has a large cavity on his primary teeth. How to manage this tooth:?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Temporary filling

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Extraction
    Extraction is the correct answer because a large cavity in a tooth can cause significant damage and pain. In some cases, the tooth may not be salvageable and extraction is necessary to prevent further complications. Additionally, since the child is only 8 years old, their permanent teeth will eventually replace the baby teeth, making extraction a viable option.

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  • 21. 

    What is the difference between primary teeth and permanent teeth?

    • A.

      The deciduous crown is more bulbous, the deciduous enamel in thinner and appear whiter and the root of deciduous molar can be fins multiple canals and ramifications

    • B.

      The deciduous crown is more bulbous

    • C.

      The deciduous enamel in thinner and appear whiter

    • D.

      The root of deciduous molar can be fins multiple canals and ramifications

    Correct Answer
    A. The deciduous crown is more bulbous, the deciduous enamel in thinner and appear whiter and the root of deciduous molar can be fins multiple canals and ramifications
    The primary teeth, also known as deciduous teeth or baby teeth, have a more bulbous crown compared to permanent teeth. The enamel of primary teeth is thinner and appears whiter. Additionally, the root of a primary molar can have multiple canals and ramifications. These differences distinguish primary teeth from permanent teeth.

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  • 22. 

    What is the difference between pulp chamber of primary teeth and permanent teeth?

    • A.

      Bigger in primary teeth

    • B.

      Smaller in primary teeth

    • C.

      The same in both teeth

    • D.

      Absence pulp chamber

    • E.

      Less vascular in primary teeth

    Correct Answer
    A. Bigger in primary teeth
    The correct answer is "Bigger in primary teeth". The pulp chamber refers to the space within the tooth that contains the dental pulp, which consists of nerves and blood vessels. In primary teeth, the pulp chamber is relatively larger compared to permanent teeth. This is because primary teeth are smaller in size and have thinner enamel and dentin layers, which results in a larger proportion of the tooth being occupied by the pulp chamber.

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  • 23. 

    Which type temperament of children display a positive approach to the dentist:?

    • A.

      Easy temperament

    • B.

      Difficult temperament

    • C.

      Slow to warm up temperament

    • D.

      Personality temperament

    Correct Answer
    A. Easy temperament
    Children with an easy temperament are more likely to display a positive approach to the dentist. This is because children with an easy temperament are generally adaptable, have a positive mood, and are able to regulate their emotions well. They are more likely to approach new experiences, such as visiting the dentist, with curiosity and openness, making the experience less stressful for both the child and the dentist.

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  • 24. 

    The effective communication with children requires:?

    • A.

      The understanding of intellectual development

    • B.

      The understanding of their behavior

    • C.

      The understanding of child temperament

    • D.

      The understanding of child’s characteristic

    • E.

      The understanding of child’s personality

    Correct Answer
    A. The understanding of intellectual development
    Effective communication with children requires understanding their intellectual development. This means being aware of their cognitive abilities, language skills, and learning styles. By understanding their intellectual development, adults can tailor their communication to meet the child's needs and abilities, ensuring that the message is understood and meaningful to them. This understanding also helps in choosing appropriate language, examples, and activities to engage the child in a way that promotes effective communication.

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  • 25. 

    There are many ways of child management technique which one is limit setting?

    • A.

      Dentist should count 1 to 10 when the child is boring

    • B.

      Give the child a short rest

    • C.

      The dentist stops doing when the lift the hand up

    • D.

      Dentist says “I will finish in some minutes”

    Correct Answer
    A. Dentist should count 1 to 10 when the child is boring
    The correct answer is "Dentist should count 1 to 10 when the child is boring." This technique of counting can help distract the child and redirect their attention, making the dental visit more manageable. By counting, the dentist provides a structured and predictable environment, helping the child feel more secure and in control. Additionally, counting can serve as a time limit, encouraging the child to cooperate within a specific timeframe.

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  • 26. 

    Chlorhexidine solution:?

    • A.

      Is antibacterial mouth wash

    • B.

      Can remove calculus

    • C.

      Can cause bleaching of the teeth

    • D.

      Can cause sensitivity teeth

    Correct Answer
    A. Is antibacterial mouth wash
    Chlorhexidine solution is commonly used as an antibacterial mouthwash. It helps to kill bacteria in the mouth, reducing plaque formation and preventing gum diseases like gingivitis. However, it is important to note that prolonged use of chlorhexidine solution can cause tooth staining or bleaching due to its chemical properties. Additionally, some individuals may experience tooth sensitivity when using this mouthwash.

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  • 27. 

    The effective way of tooth brushing to the children:

    • A.

      Demonstrating and following up the children until they can do themselves

    • B.

      Education to the parents

    • C.

      Education to the child

    • D.

      Education to the parents and child

    • E.

      Demonstrate the posters to the child

    Correct Answer
    A. Demonstrating and following up the children until they can do themselves
    The most effective way of tooth brushing for children is to demonstrate the proper technique and then follow up with them until they are able to do it themselves. This ensures that they are learning the correct method and can maintain good oral hygiene. Educating the parents and the child is also important, but the key is to actively involve the children in the process and provide ongoing support and guidance. Demonstrating posters can be helpful, but it is not as effective as hands-on instruction and supervision.

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  • 28. 

    The ideal restoration of primary teeth after pulp therapy:?

    • A.

      Stainless steel crown

    • B.


    • C.

      Composite resin

    • D.

      Intermediate restorative material (IRM)

    • E.

      Glass ionomer cement

    Correct Answer
    A. Stainless steel crown
    The ideal restoration of primary teeth after pulp therapy is a stainless steel crown. This is because stainless steel crowns provide excellent durability and longevity in primary teeth, which are prone to heavy wear and tear. They also provide optimal protection and support to the remaining tooth structure, preventing any further damage or decay. Additionally, stainless steel crowns are easy to place and require minimal tooth preparation, making them a preferred choice for restoring primary teeth after pulp therapy.

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  • 29. 

    If a root tip of primary tooth fractured during extraction it is important to:?

    • A.

      Leave it as it is in situ

    • B.

      Remove the root tip

    • C.

      Remove it and curettage

    • D.

      Leave and suture

    Correct Answer
    A. Leave it as it is in situ
    Leaving the fractured root tip in situ is the correct answer because primary teeth have shallow roots and are eventually shed naturally. Removing the root tip may cause unnecessary trauma and damage to the surrounding tissues. Additionally, removing it and performing curettage may also lead to further complications. Leaving the fractured root tip in place and allowing it to naturally shed is the most appropriate course of action in this situation.

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  • 30. 

    There are 12 permanent teeth and 12 primary teeth in the mouth of the child. How old is he/she?

    • A.

      8 years a half

    • B.

      6 years a half

    • C.

      10 years a half

    • D.

      11 years

    • E.

      12 years

    Correct Answer
    A. 8 years a half
    The answer 8 years and a half is correct because children typically start losing their primary teeth around the age of 6 and all their permanent teeth have usually come in by the age of 12. Therefore, if a child has a mixture of permanent and primary teeth, they are likely around 8 years old. The phrase "and a half" is added to indicate that the child is halfway between 8 and 9 years old.

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  • 31. 

    There are many ways of child behavior technique. What is the behavior shaping?

    • A.

      Start the easy things to the more difficult things

    • B.

      Simple and friendly language

    • C.

      Use tell show do

    • D.

      Give reward

    • E.

      Soft voice

    Correct Answer
    A. Start the easy things to the more difficult things
    Behavior shaping is a technique that involves starting with easy tasks and gradually progressing to more difficult ones. This approach allows children to build their skills and confidence gradually. By starting with simpler tasks, children are more likely to succeed and feel motivated to continue. As they become more comfortable and proficient, they can then move on to more challenging tasks. This method encourages gradual progress and helps children develop their abilities in a step-by-step manner.

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  • 32. 

    Before doing local anesthesia what should you say to the child?

    • A.

      Put the tooth asleep and Feel pain like mosquito bite

    • B.

      Put the tooth asleep

    • C.

      Feel pain like mosquito bite

    • D.

      Close your eyes

    • E.

      No painful

    Correct Answer
    A. Put the tooth asleep and Feel pain like mosquito bite
    Before doing local anesthesia, it is important to prepare the child for what they will experience. Saying "Put the tooth asleep and Feel pain like mosquito bite" is a good way to explain the process to the child. It informs them that their tooth will be numbed, so they won't feel any pain during the procedure, but they might feel a slight sensation similar to a mosquito bite. This explanation helps to alleviate any fears or concerns the child may have about the anesthesia.

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  • 33. 

    By age 8 a child has a gross carie on 46. What do you manage for this tooth?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Root canal treatment

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Extraction
    Extraction is the correct answer because a gross carie refers to a severe decay or cavity in the tooth. In such cases, it is often necessary to remove the tooth completely to prevent further damage or infection. Extraction is a common treatment option for advanced tooth decay in children.

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  • 34. 

    Fluoride varnish can:?

    • A.

      Prevent dental carie and Prevent the hyper sensitivity

    • B.

      Prevent dental carie

    • C.

      Cause the hyper sensitivity

    • D.

      Prevent the hyper sensitivity

    • E.

      Prevent dental carie and Cause the hyper sensitivity

    Correct Answer
    A. Prevent dental carie and Prevent the hyper sensitivity
    Fluoride varnish is a dental treatment that helps prevent dental caries, also known as tooth decay. It achieves this by strengthening the enamel and making it more resistant to acid attacks from bacteria in the mouth. Additionally, fluoride varnish can also help prevent tooth sensitivity by forming a protective barrier on the teeth, reducing the exposure of sensitive nerve endings to external stimuli such as hot or cold temperatures. Therefore, the correct answer is that fluoride varnish can prevent dental caries and prevent tooth sensitivity.

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  • 35. 

    The first molars of a child 7 years old has deep fissure with stain, the bitewing radiograph. Showing that the dentino enamol junction in normal which material should use :?

    • A.

      Fissure sealant

    • B.

      Glass ionomer cement

    • C.

      Composite resin

    • D.

      Fluoride varnish

    • E.

      No recommended treatment

    Correct Answer
    A. Fissure sealant
    The correct answer is fissure sealant. Fissure sealants are commonly used to protect the deep fissures and grooves on the chewing surfaces of molars in children. These sealants are applied to prevent food and bacteria from getting trapped in these areas, reducing the risk of tooth decay. In this case, the presence of deep fissures with stain suggests that the dentinoenamel junction is normal, indicating that a fissure sealant would be the appropriate material to use for preventive treatment.

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  • 36. 

    Absence of pulp chamber of primary maxillary incisor, caused by :?

    • A.


    • B.

      Amelogenesis inperfecta

    • C.


    • D.

      Ectodermal dysplasia

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Trauma
    The absence of a pulp chamber in a primary maxillary incisor is most likely caused by trauma. Trauma to the tooth can lead to damage or death of the pulp tissue, resulting in the absence of a pulp chamber. Amelogenesis imperfecta, hypophosphatasia, ectodermal dysplasia, and hypoplasia are conditions that can affect the development or structure of the tooth, but they would not specifically cause the absence of a pulp chamber.

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  • 37. 

    What is the difference between the deciduous teeth and permanent teeth?

    • A.

      The deciduous roots are shorter and The deciduous pulp is

    • B.

      The deciduous roots are shorter and

    • C.

      Similar coloration

    • D.

      The deciduous pulp is

    • E.

      The deciduous roots are shorter, similar coloration and the deciduous pulp is

    Correct Answer
    A. The deciduous roots are shorter and The deciduous pulp is
  • 38. 

    The primary canine usually erupt :?

    • A.

      After primary incisor and After primary 1st molar

    • B.

      After primary incisor

    • C.

      Before primary 1st molar

    • D.

      After primary 1st molar

    • E.

      After primary incisor and Before primary 1st molar

    Correct Answer
    A. After primary incisor and After primary 1st molar
    The primary canine usually erupts after the primary incisor and after the primary 1st molar. This means that the primary canines typically come in after the front teeth (incisors) and before the first molars in the primary dentition.

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  • 39. 

    The anterior tooth with guateot variation size and shape in:?

    • A.

      The maxillary lateral incisor

    • B.

      The maxillary central incisor

    • C.

      The mandibular lateral incisor

    • D.

      The mandibular central incisor

    • E.

      The maxillary eamine

    Correct Answer
    A. The maxillary lateral incisor
    The maxillary lateral incisor is the anterior tooth with the variation in size and shape known as guateot.

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  • 40. 

    The patient 10 years old complains eating on upper rishi primary 2nd molar. Clinical examination shows, the  canty occlusal. How do you think?

    • A.

      An exfoliating tooth

    • B.

      Deep ears lesion

    • C.

      A hyperthermia pulp

    • D.

      A traumatic occlusion

    Correct Answer
    D. A traumatic occlusion
    The presence of pain while eating, mobility, and an uneven bite suggests that there may be trauma or excessive force exerted on the affected tooth during occlusion (biting). This condition is known as traumatic occlusion, where abnormal forces on the tooth can lead to pain, mobility, and occlusal (bite) irregularities.

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  • 41. 

    The primary upper central incisor extruded of a child 2 years old must be :?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Left as it is situ

    • D.

      Used medication

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Extracted
    The primary upper central incisor extruded of a child 2 years old must be extracted because extrusion refers to when a tooth is pushed out of its socket. In this case, the tooth has been pushed out of its normal position, which can cause problems with alignment and bite. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the tooth to prevent further complications and to allow for proper growth and development of the permanent teeth.

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  • 42. 

    The tooth discoloration appeared in the enamel white spot with striation, brown mottling is the result of :?

    • A.

      Dental fluorosis

    • B.

      Amelogenesis inperfecta

    • C.

      Dentinogenesis inperfecta

    • D.

      Tetracycline stainmirs

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Dental fluorosis
    Tooth discoloration appearing as white spots with striations and brown mottling is a characteristic sign of dental fluorosis. Dental fluorosis occurs due to excessive intake of fluoride during tooth development, typically from sources like drinking water or certain dental products. The excess fluoride disrupts the normal enamel formation, leading to the appearance of white spots and brown stains on the teeth. Amelogenesis imperfecta, dentinogenesis imperfecta, tetracycline staining, and hypoplasia can also cause tooth discoloration, but they present with different patterns and characteristics compared to dental fluorosis.

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  • 43. 

    Complete root formation of upper central incisors :?

    • A.

      9 – 10 years old

    • B.

      8 – 9 years old

    • C.

      10 – 11 years old

    • D.

      11 – 12 years old

    Correct Answer
    A. 9 – 10 years old
    The complete root formation of upper central incisors typically occurs between the ages of 9 to 10 years old. This is the stage when the roots of the teeth have fully developed, indicating that the teeth are fully matured and anchored in the jawbone.

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  • 44. 

    A child has 12 primary teeth. How old is he/she?

    • A.

      12 – 16 months

    • B.

      16 – 20 months

    • C.

      23 – 30 months

    • D.

      7 – 10 months

    • E.

      6 – 9 months

    Correct Answer
    A. 12 – 16 months
    The correct answer is 12 - 16 months. This is because primary teeth, also known as baby teeth, typically start to erupt around 6 months of age and are usually fully developed by the age of 3. Since a child has 12 primary teeth, it can be inferred that they are between 12 and 16 months old.

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  • 45. 

    A child 8 years old lost lower 6th molar. What is happening the teeth both side?

    • A.

      Distal shifting of 2nd premolar and Mesial shifting of 2nd molar

    • B.

      Distal shifting of 2nd premolar

    • C.

      Mesial shifting of 2nd molar

    • D.

      No shifting of 2nd premolar

    Correct Answer
    A. Distal shifting of 2nd premolar and Mesial shifting of 2nd molar
    When a child loses their lower 6th molar at 8 years old, it can lead to the distal shifting of the 2nd premolar and the mesial shifting of the 2nd molar. This means that the 2nd premolar tooth will move towards the back of the mouth, away from the missing molar, and the 2nd molar will move towards the front of the mouth, towards the space left by the missing molar. There will be no shifting of the 2nd premolar.

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  • 46. 

    Which patient should you use atraumatic restorative technique :?

    • A.

      Old patient and Anxious child

    • B.

      Patient need an ideal restoration

    • C.

      Old patient

    • D.

      Anxious child

    • E.

      Patient need an ideal restoration , Old patient and Anxious child

    Correct Answer
    A. Old patient and Anxious child
    The atraumatic restorative technique is a minimally invasive approach to dental restorations that aims to preserve as much healthy tooth structure as possible. It is particularly suitable for patients who may have difficulty tolerating traditional restorative techniques, such as old patients and anxious children. These patients may have limited ability to cooperate or may be more sensitive to pain and discomfort. Using the atraumatic restorative technique can help alleviate their anxiety and ensure a more comfortable and successful treatment outcome.

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  • 47. 

    Tooth induced by tetracycline, becomes to :?

    • A.


    • B.

      White spot

    • C.

      White opague

    • D.

      Brown mottling

    Correct Answer
    A. Gray
    Tetracycline is an antibiotic that can cause tooth discoloration when taken during tooth development. This discoloration typically appears as a gray color. Therefore, the correct answer is gray.

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  • 48. 

    After extraction of primary teeth the socket should :?

    • A.

      Stop bleeding with gauge

    • B.

      Be curetted

    • C.

      Be sutured

    • D.

      Be curetted, Be sutured and Stop bleeding with gauge

    • E.

      Be curetted and Be sutured

    Correct Answer
    A. Stop bleeding with gauge
    After extraction of primary teeth, it is important for the socket to stop bleeding with gauge. This is necessary to prevent excessive bleeding and promote the healing process. The use of a gauge helps to apply pressure on the socket, which in turn helps to control and stop the bleeding. It is a common practice in dental procedures to use a gauge to manage bleeding and ensure proper healing.

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  • 49. 

    Before treating the child, the dentist should :?

    • A.

      Use technique TSD

    • B.

      Tell the parent to leave from him/her

    • C.

      Talk to the parent more than the culd

    • D.

      Tell the parent to leave from him/her, Talk to the parent more than the culd and Use technique TSD

    Correct Answer
    A. Use technique TSD
    The dentist should use technique TSD before treating the child. This implies that the dentist should employ the TSD technique, which stands for Tell-Show-Do. This technique involves explaining the procedure to the child, demonstrating it using visual aids or models, and then performing the procedure. By using this technique, the dentist can help alleviate the child's anxiety and fear, making the treatment process smoother and more comfortable for both the child and the dentist.

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  • 50. 

    Modeling is a technique :?

    • A.

      The dentist shows the model to the child

    • B.

      The dentist shows the activity of treatment to the child

    • C.

      The dentist shows the distraction to the child

    • D.

      All are corrects

    Correct Answer
    A. The dentist shows the model to the child
    The correct answer is "The dentist shows the model to the child." This answer is correct because the question asks for a technique, and modeling refers to the act of showing or demonstrating something to someone as an example or representation. In this case, the dentist is showing a model to the child, which could be a model of teeth or a dental procedure, to help the child understand or become familiar with what will happen during their treatment.

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