Select the 8 Elements of Design.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Line
B. Space
D. Colour
J. Shape
M. Value/Tone
O. Type
Q. Texture
R. Form
The answer includes the 8 elements of design: Line, Space, Colour, Shape, Value/Tone, Type, Texture, and Form. These elements are fundamental components in creating visual compositions and can be used to convey different messages and evoke specific emotions.
Which term best describes what the elements of design are?
Correct Answer
B. The essential and most basic components used to construct all designs and images.
The term "The essential and most basic components used to construct all designs and images" best describes what the elements of design are. This answer accurately reflects that the elements of design are the fundamental building blocks that are used to create any artwork or design. These elements can include line, shape, form, color, texture, and space, among others. They are the foundation upon which all designs and images are constructed.
________ is the most basic element which can be used to define shapes, create texture and create detail in drawn designs. It is a mark connecting 2 points.
Correct Answer
A line is the most basic element in design that can be used to define shapes, create texture, and add detail. It is a mark that connects two points, allowing for the creation of various forms and patterns. Lines can be straight or curved, thick or thin, and can be used to convey different emotions or convey movement in a composition. They are fundamental in drawing and design as they provide structure and help to communicate visual ideas effectively.
________ is a 3D object.
Correct Answer
The word "form" can refer to a 3D object. In this context, "form" is being used as a noun to describe an object that has height, width, and depth. It implies that the object has a physical presence and occupies space.
________ is a 2D object which lacks depth.
Correct Answer
A shape is a 2D object that lacks depth because it only exists on a flat plane and does not have any thickness or volume. Unlike a three-dimensional object, such as a cube or sphere, a shape only has two dimensions - length and width - and does not have a third dimension, which is depth. Therefore, a shape can be considered as a 2D object without any depth.
________ is the way a surface appears to feel. e.g. rough, smooth or spikey.
Correct Answer
Texture refers to the way a surface appears to feel, such as rough, smooth, or spikey. It is a visual and tactile quality that can be observed and perceived through touch or sight. Texture adds depth and interest to objects and surfaces, enhancing the overall sensory experience.
________ refers to the illusion of depth, the distance between objects and arrangement of images/objects.
Correct Answer
Space refers to the illusion of depth, the distance between objects and arrangement of images/objects. In art and design, space is used to create a sense of perspective and depth, allowing the viewer to perceive the arrangement of objects and their relationship to one another. It can be manipulated to create a sense of depth, distance, and volume within a two-dimensional artwork. Space can be represented through techniques such as overlapping, size and scale, placement, and atmospheric perspective.
Which element that is how dark or light something is.
Correct Answer
A. Tone/Value
Tone/Value refers to the darkness or lightness of something. It is a measure of the amount of light reflected by an object. In art, tone/value is used to create depth and dimension by showing the variations in light and shadow. It helps to represent the form and texture of objects realistically.
________ shapes are more free flowing, natural and irregular. These tend to found more in nature.
________ shapes are more angular, mathematical and precise. These tend to be found more in man made things.
Correct Answer
Organic shapes are more free flowing, natural, and irregular, which are commonly found in nature. On the other hand, geometric shapes are more angular, mathematical, and precise, which are typically found in man-made objects.
________ are the primary colours.
________ are the secondary colours.
Correct Answer
red, blue, yellow
green, purple, orange
The primary colors are red, blue, and yellow, which are the base colors that cannot be created by mixing other colors. The secondary colors are green, purple, and orange, which are created by mixing two primary colors together. Therefore, the correct answer includes all six colors, as red, blue, and yellow are the primary colors, and green, purple, and orange are the secondary colors.
The area inside and object is known as ________ space.
The empty space around and between objects is known as ________ space.
Correct Answer
The area inside an object is known as positive space, while the empty space around and between objects is known as negative space. Positive space refers to the occupied or filled space within an object, while negative space refers to the unoccupied or empty space surrounding the object.