Test Unit 1 11th Grade Highlands

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| By Josefina Manterola
Josefina Manterola
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 1,114
Questions: 47 | Attempts: 1,116

Test Unit 1 11th Grade Highlands - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about happiness. For questions 1 – 5, choose from the list (A – H) what each person says happiness means to them. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use. A.   Having a happy personality allows you to cope effectively with problems. B.   Happiness comes from having someone special to share your thoughts with. C.   Happiness is all about the experience of overcoming problems. D.   Happiness is a short escape from everyday routine. E.   True happiness lies in making others happy. F.    Older people are less happy than younger ones. G.   Happiness is being thankful for what you have. H.   Happiness comes from achieving your goals.

  • 2. 

    For questions 6 - 17, read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap. LOST PROPERTY            Have you lost anything on public transport? An umbrella, perhaps, or a pair of gloves? Your (6)_____ teeth, a lawnmower, a wedding dress or maybe your favourite park bench? All of these and many other unusual items have been (7)_____ and handed in to London’s lost property office in Baker Street over the (8)_____ 75 years. If you go to their office you will be amazed at the enormous number of things people (9)_____ while travelling in the city on buses, trains and the underground. Last year 36,852 books were found; that’s enough to fill a library! 28,550 bags were handed in, with things in them, and 27,174 (10)_____ of clothing. The manager of the lost property office says she loves being reminded how (11)_____ Londoners are when they hand in lost property. Of course not everything gets handed in, but stories (12)_____ the time a bag was handed in with 10,000 pounds in it help restore your faith in human nature.           The office is quite (13)_____ at getting things back to their owners too. If you lose something you can (14)_____ it to the lost property office and assuming someone has kindly handed it in, their computer system Sherlock will try to find it for you. The office (15)_____ you to give as much information as possible as this obviously makes the search (16)_____. However, if you lose something and it finds its way to the lost property office they won’t (17)_____ it forever. If they are not claimed after three months, most items are given to charity or sold at auction.

  • 3. 

    You are going to read an article about celebrity assistants. For questions 18-24, choose the answer which you think fits best according to the text. ASSISTANTS TO THE STARS         It stands to reason that a city like Los Angeles, which is home to so many of the famous and the semi-famous, would have an Association of Celebrity Personal Assistants (ACPA). The organisation describes personal assistants as 'multitasking', as 'possessing the most resourceful, creative, insightful, and results-driven abilities.'       When I first got in touch with Josef Csongei, the organisation's president, he was initially reluctant to talk to me because I was a journalist. As he sees it, celebrity personal assistants have not always been treated fairly by the press. But despite this, and all the hard work and lack of appreciation that can come with this line of work, he explained, the jobs were still widely sought after. He noted that people regularly travelled great distances to attend a seminar titled 'Becoming a Celebrity Personal Assistant', run by the ACPA. To prove his point, he told me about Dean Johnson. In the coming weeks, I heard this story from a number of assistants, including Johnson himself, and every time it left me baffled.         The story begins one night in September 1994, with Dean Johnson sitting at home in Columbia, South Carolina. Johnson is a single, 32-year-old business executive in charge of marketing and advertising at a sizeable company in the healthcare industry. It is 11 pm and he's looking to unwind in front of the television after a long day's work. A repeat of a talk show appears on the screen, and the host introduces her four guests: the celebrity personal assistants for Whoopi Goldberg, Roseanne Barr, Burt Reynolds and Carol Burnett. As these assistants talk about flying on private jets and attending Hollywood parties, Johnson reaches for a pen and starts taking notes. Without wasting another minute, he picks up the phone, calls directory enquiries in Los Angeles, and asks for the home phone numbers of the four assistants on the show.         Only one of them is listed: Ron Holder, who works for Whoopi Goldberg. Johnson dials his number, and a minute later Holder picks up the phone. “He said I was very lucky to get through,” Johnson told me. “Apparently, in the three months since he had appeared on that talk show, he had received about 200 phone calls from people like me. He was in the process of disconnecting his phone, but he was nice enough to chat with me for a while.” During their conversation, Holder told Johnson that he should consider attending the 'Becoming a Celebrity Personal Assistant' seminar in Los Angeles.         For someone like Johnson, with almost no connections in the industry, the notion of moving out to Los Angeles to become a celebrity personal assistant, something he did two months later, was extremely courageous - there's no denying that. The typical American story of the guy in the remote provinces who falls in love with the glamour of the silver screen, packs up all his possessions and moves out to Hollywood to become a star is almost a century old. But Johnson's story offered a new twist: he moved out to Hollywood to become an assistant to a star.         Of the thousands of people who work in Hollywood: agents, lawyers, stylists, publicists, business managers and others, many hope to rub shoulders with the biggest stars. What's unique about celebrity personal assistants is that such proximity appears to be the only perk their profession offers. Most describe the bulk of their work as drudgery: doing laundry, fetching groceries, paying bills. Assistants typically make about $56,000 a year -hardly a fortune by Hollywood standards, especially given the round-the-clock obligations they often have. What's more, the job is rarely a stepping stone to fame: celebrity personal assistants are, on average, aged about 38, right in the middle of their professional lives, and most of the ones I met described their line of work as a lifelong profession. For them, being an assistant was not the means to an end but an end in itself.

  • 4. 

    For questions 25 - 35 choose the alternative that BEST fits each gap.

  • 5. 

    For questions 36 - 48 fill in the blanks with the adjectives in brackets. Remember to add THE or THAN when necessary.

  • 6. 

    Speaker 1: ________

  • 7. 

    Speaker 2: ________

  • 8. 

    Speaker 3: ________

  • 9. 

    Speaker 4: ________

  • 10. 

    Speaker 5: ________

  • 11. 


    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    The word "false" means not true or not real. It is often used to describe something that is not genuine or accurate. In this context, "false" is a synonym for "untrue," "fake," or "artificial." Therefore, the correct answer is "false."

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  • 12. 

    When the writer first contacted him, Josef Csongei was

    • A.

      Angry about something she had written.

    • B.

      Suspicious of her because of her profession.

    • C.

      Surprised that she was interested in his organisation.

    • D.

      Pleased that she recognised the importance of assistants.

    Correct Answer
    B. Suspicious of her because of her profession.
    Josef Csongei's initial reaction when the writer first contacted him was suspicion due to her profession. This suggests that he had doubts or mistrust towards the writer because of her occupation or the work she does. The text implies that Josef's suspicion was based on the writer's professional background, rather than any specific content she had written or her interest in his organization.

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  • 13. 

    The phrase 'to prove his point' (paragraph 2) refers to Csongei's belief that celebrity assistants

    • A.

      Enjoy travelling as part of the job.

    • B.

      Are not given the appreciation they deserve.

    • C.

      Do a job that many other people would like to do.

    • D.

      Need to do a course before they start looking for work.

    Correct Answer
    C. Do a job that many other people would like to do.
    The phrase 'to prove his point' refers to Csongei's belief that celebrity assistants do a job that many other people would like to do. This means that Csongei is trying to provide evidence or support for his belief that being a celebrity assistant is a desirable job that many people aspire to have.

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  • 14. 

    At the beginning of the story about Dean Johnson, we learn that

    • A.

      He had turned on the television in order to relax.

    • B.

      He was dissatisfied with the work he was doing.

    • C.

      He had always wanted to work in the film industry.

    • D.

      He often watched television programmes about celebrities.

    Correct Answer
    A. He had turned on the television in order to relax.
    In the beginning of the story about Dean Johnson, it is mentioned that he had turned on the television in order to relax. This implies that he was seeking some form of entertainment or distraction from his current state. The other options, such as being dissatisfied with work or having a desire to work in the film industry, are not mentioned in the given information. Similarly, there is no mention of him frequently watching television programs about celebrities. Therefore, the correct answer is that he had turned on the television in order to relax.

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  • 15. 

    What was Dean's immediate reaction to what he saw on the programme?

    • A.

      He wrote down the contact details of the four interviewees.

    • B.

      He decided which of the four interviewees he wanted to talk to.

    • C.

      He started making enquiries about how to find the people on the show.

    • D.

      He read through his notes carefully before getting in touch with anyone.

    Correct Answer
    C. He started making enquiries about how to find the people on the show.
    Dean's immediate reaction to what he saw on the programme was to start making enquiries about how to find the people on the show.

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  • 16. 

    How did Ron Holder respond to Dean's phone call?

    • A.

      He refused to enter into a long conversation with Dean.

    • B.

      He was angry that anyone had been able to get his number.

    • C.

      He complained about being disturbed on his home number.

    • D.

      He was willing to give Dean some advice and information.

    Correct Answer
    D. He was willing to give Dean some advice and information.
    Ron Holder responded to Dean's phone call by being willing to give him some advice and information. This suggests that Ron was open to helping Dean and was willing to provide him with the assistance he needed.

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  • 17. 

    In the fifth paragraph, the writer suggests that Dean Johnson

    • A.

      Never achieved his aim of becoming a personal assistant.

    • B.

      Was brave to go and look for a new career in Los Angeles.

    • C.

      Really wanted to become a star rather than a personal assistant.

    • D.

      Lived to regret his decision to give up everything in his old life.

    Correct Answer
    B. Was brave to go and look for a new career in Los Angeles.
    The correct answer is "was brave to go and look for a new career in Los Angeles." This is suggested in the fifth paragraph where it mentions that Dean Johnson "took a brave decision" to leave his old life behind and pursue a new career in Los Angeles.

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  • 18. 

    In the final paragraph, we learn that celebrity assistants

    • A.

      Tend to see the job as their career goal.

    • B.

      Are relatively well paid for what they do.

    • C.

      Find the job gets too demanding as they get older.

    • D.

      Often move into other aspects of the film industry.

    Correct Answer
    A. Tend to see the job as their career goal.
    The correct answer is "tend to see the job as their career goal." This is supported by the phrase "career goal" in the statement. It suggests that celebrity assistants view their job as a long-term profession rather than just a temporary position.

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  • 19. 


    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Found
    The word "found" is the correct answer because it is the past tense of the verb "find." It means to discover or come across something that was previously lost or unknown. The other options, "discovered," "searched," and "recovered," are not the correct answers as they do not match the tense or meaning of the word "found."

    Rate this question:

  • 20. 


    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Last
    The word "last" refers to the final or most recent in a series or sequence. It indicates that something is the final one in a chronological order or the most recent one that has occurred. In comparison to the other options, "last" stands out as the best fit for describing the position or timing of something.

    Rate this question:

  • 21. 


    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Lose
  • 22. 


    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Pieces
    The word "pieces" is the correct answer because it is the most suitable term to describe small individual components or fragments of a whole. "Parts" and "quantities" are more general terms, while "details" refers to specific information rather than physical objects. "Pieces" accurately conveys the idea of separate units or elements that make up a larger whole.

    Rate this question:

  • 23. 


    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Honest
    The word "sincere" means genuine or true in expressing feelings, beliefs, or intentions. Similarly, the word "honest" means truthful and sincere in behavior or speech. Therefore, "honest" is the correct answer as it is a synonym of "sincere" and fits the given list of words.

    Rate this question:

  • 24. 


    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Like
  • 25. 


    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Good
    The given answer "good" is the best choice because it is a positive adjective that describes something positively. The other options like "well," "great," and "fine" are also positive, but "good" is the most commonly used and straightforward term to express something positive.

    Rate this question:

  • 26. 


    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Report
    The word "report" is the correct answer as it is the most appropriate term to describe the action of providing information or details about something. "Demand" and "announce" do not accurately convey the act of sharing information, while "tell" is too informal and lacks the specificity of "report". Therefore, "report" is the best fit for the given options.

    Rate this question:

  • 27. 


    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Asks
    The word "asks" is the correct answer because it is the only option that fits the given context. The other options, "suggests," "makes," and "insists," do not make sense in this context. The word "asks" implies that someone is posing a question or requesting information, which is a common action in many situations. Therefore, "asks" is the most appropriate answer.

    Rate this question:

  • 28. 


    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Easier
    The given answer "easier" is the correct choice because it is the comparative form of the adjective "easy." When comparing two things, we use the comparative form to indicate that one thing is more easy or less difficult than the other. Therefore, "easier" is the appropriate word to use in this context.

    Rate this question:

  • 29. 


    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Keep
    The word "keep" is the correct answer because it means to continue to have or hold something, to retain possession or control of something, or to remain in a particular state or condition. It can be used to indicate the action of maintaining, guarding, or holding something, making it the most appropriate choice among the given options.

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  • 30. 

    A: "I'm really worried about Susan. What do you think has happened?" B: "Don't worry. She's probably just caught in traffic… She ________ here soon."

    • A.

      Will be

    • B.


    • C.

      Is going to be

    Correct Answer
    A. Will be
    In this conversation, person A expresses their concern about Susan and asks for person B's opinion on what might have happened. Person B reassures person A by saying that Susan is probably just caught in traffic and will be here soon. The phrase "will be" indicates a future action or state, suggesting that person B believes Susan's arrival is imminent.

    Rate this question:

  • 31. 

    "Look at the waiter. He's carrying too much! He _______ all those plates."

    • A.

      Is dropping

    • B.

      Is going to drop

    • C.

      Will be dropping

    Correct Answer
    B. Is going to drop
    The phrase "is going to drop" is the correct answer because it indicates a future action that is likely to happen. The speaker observes the waiter carrying too many plates and predicts that he will drop them. This suggests that the waiter is currently in the process of carrying the plates, and the speaker anticipates an imminent accident.

    Rate this question:

  • 32. 

    "It _____ all day on Sunday, so the party will be in the house, not in the garden."

    • A.


    • B.

      Is raining

    • C.

      Will be raining

    Correct Answer
    C. Will be raining
    The correct answer is "will be raining" because the sentence is referring to a future event (Sunday) and the use of "will be" indicates a continuous action that will be happening at that time. This implies that the rain will be ongoing throughout the day, suggesting that the party will be held indoors instead of outdoors.

    Rate this question:

  • 33. 

    "Here's the schedule for the day! They ____a reception in the bar tonight at eight."

    • A.


    • B.

      Are holding

    • C.

      Will hold

    Correct Answer
    B. Are holding
    The sentence is in the present tense and is referring to a future event, which indicates that the present continuous tense should be used. "Are holding" is the correct answer because it correctly conveys that the reception is scheduled to take place in the future.

    Rate this question:

  • 34. 

    "Our plane ______ at 6.30 in the morning."

    • A.


    • B.

      Is leaving

    • C.

      Is going to leave

    Correct Answer
    A. Leaves
    The correct answer is "leaves" because the sentence is in the present simple tense and "leaves" is the correct form of the verb "to leave" for the third person singular subject "our plane".

    Rate this question:

  • 35. 

    "Nobody supports my plan to climb Everest. But, believe me, I _____ it!"

    • A.


    • B.

      Am climbing

    • C.

      Am going to climb

    Correct Answer
    C. Am going to climb
    The speaker states that nobody supports their plan to climb Everest, but they still believe that they are going to climb it. This suggests that the speaker has made a firm decision and is determined to pursue their plan in the future. The phrase "am going to climb" indicates a future intention or plan, which aligns with the speaker's statement.

    Rate this question:

  • 36. 

    A: “There's someone at the door.”  B: “Don't get up. I ______ it.”

    • A.

      Am answering

    • B.

      Am going to answer

    • C.

      Will answer

    Correct Answer
    C. Will answer
    In this conversation, person B is telling person A not to get up because they will answer the door. The phrase "will answer" indicates a future action, implying that person B plans to handle the situation of someone at the door.

    Rate this question:

  • 37. 

    A: "Mum, I want to get away for a while. Can I come and stay with you and Dad?" B: "Of course, dear. How long do you think you ______?"

    • A.


    • B.

      Are staying

    • C.

      Will be staying

    Correct Answer
    C. Will be staying
    The correct answer is "will be staying" because it indicates a future action that will happen after the request is made. The use of "will" suggests a willingness to accommodate the speaker's request, and "be staying" implies a continuous duration of time spent at the parents' house.

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  • 38. 

    "I saw in the news that the government ____ a new law regarding immigration."

    • A.

      Is passing

    • B.

      Is going to pass

    • C.

      Will pass

    Correct Answer
    B. Is going to pass
    The phrase "is going to pass" is the correct answer because it indicates a future action that has been planned or is expected to happen. In this context, the speaker saw in the news that the government has plans or intentions to pass a new law regarding immigration. The use of "is going to" suggests that the action is imminent or likely to occur in the near future.

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  • 39. 

    A: "Oh no! It's nearly half past and my train is at quarter to!" B: "Come on then. I _____ you a lift to the station."

    • A.

      Am giving

    • B.

      Am going to give

    • C.

      Will give

    Correct Answer
    C. Will give
    In this conversation, person A is expressing their worry about being late for their train. Person B responds by offering to give them a lift to the station. The use of "will give" in the answer indicates a future action that person B is willing to take. This suggests that person B is making a spontaneous decision to help person A and is willing to provide them with a ride to the station.

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  • 40. 

    A: "Is the timetable sorted out for Saturday?" B: "Yes, the magician _____ at eight and then it's the music show at half past."

    • A.


    • B.

      Will start

    • C.

      Is going to start

    Correct Answer
    A. Starts
    In response to A's question about the timetable for Saturday, B confirms that the magician will start at eight and then it will be the music show at half past. The word "starts" is the correct answer because it is in the present simple tense and accurately describes the scheduled time for the magician's performance.

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  • 41. 

    Tom is ________ his brother. (old)

    Correct Answer
    older than
    The correct answer is "older than" because it indicates that Tom is more advanced in age compared to his brother.

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  • 42. 

    This problem is ________ that problem. (easy)

    Correct Answer
    easier than
    The given correct answer suggests that the problem in question is easier than another problem. It implies that the difficulty level of the problem being discussed is lower compared to the other problem being referred to.

    Rate this question:

  • 43. 

    John is ________ boy in our class. (tall)

    Correct Answer
    the tallest
    In the given sentence, "John is the tallest boy in our class," the adjective "tallest" is used to compare John's height with that of the other boys in the class. It implies that John has the greatest height among all the boys in the class.

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  • 44. 

    My friend is ________ my sister. (fat)

    Correct Answer
    fatter than
    The correct answer "fatter than" suggests that the speaker's friend has a greater amount of body fat compared to the speaker's sister. This phrase is used to indicate a comparative degree of fatness, implying that the friend has a higher level of weight or obesity than the sister.

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  • 45. 

    My room is ________ room in our house. (small)

    Correct Answer
    the smallest
    The given correct answer is "the smallest." This answer is correct because it correctly completes the sentence by using the superlative form of the adjective "small." The sentence is comparing the size of the speaker's room to the other rooms in their house, implying that their room is the smallest out of all the rooms.

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  • 46. 

    Istanbul is ________ city in Turkey. (large)

    Correct Answer
    the largest
    Istanbul is described as "the largest" city in Turkey because it is the most populous and covers the largest area compared to other cities in the country.

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  • 47. 

    Madonna is ________ Sandra. (popular)

    Correct Answer
    more popular than
    Madonna is described as "more popular than" Sandra, indicating that Madonna has a higher level of popularity compared to Sandra. This suggests that Madonna is well-known and has a larger fanbase or following than Sandra.

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  • 48. 

    My English is ________ your English. (good)

    Correct Answer
    better than
    The correct answer is "better than" because it correctly completes the sentence and maintains the comparative form. The phrase "better than" is used to compare two things or people, indicating that the speaker's English is of a higher quality or proficiency level than the other person's English.

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  • 49. 

    The weather today is ________ the weather yesterday. (bad)

    Correct Answer
    worse than
    The given correct answer "worse than" is appropriate because it completes the sentence by comparing the weather today to the weather yesterday. It indicates that the weather today is of a lower quality or more unfavorable than the weather experienced the day before.

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  • 50. 

    Elizabeth is ________ girl in our group. (beautiful)

    Correct Answer
    the most beautiful
    In this sentence, the speaker is comparing Elizabeth's beauty to that of the other girls in the group. By using the phrase "the most beautiful," the speaker is indicating that Elizabeth is the most attractive girl among all the others.

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  • Current Version
  • Sep 03, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Mar 28, 2020
    Quiz Created by
    Josefina Manterola
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