Penyakit berikut tidak berjangkit kecuali
Correct Answer
B. Denggi
The correct answer is Denggi. Denggi is the only non-communicable disease among the given options. Cancer, diabetes, and stroke can all be caused by various factors, including genetics, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors. However, dengue fever is a viral infection transmitted by mosquitoes and is therefore considered a communicable disease.
Patogen adalah
Correct Answer
B. Organisma yang menyebabkan penyakit
The correct answer is "Organisma yang menyebabkan penyakit". This answer correctly defines the term "patogen" in Indonesian, which means "organism that causes disease". Patogens are microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites that can invade the body and cause illness or infection. They can harm the host by damaging cells, producing toxins, or triggering an immune response.
Penyakit berjangkit, berjangkit melalui 4 medium iaitu
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "Udara, sentuhan, air, vektor". This answer suggests that infectious diseases can be transmitted through four different mediums: air, direct contact, water, and vectors (such as mosquitoes or ticks). These mediums act as pathways for the disease-causing agents to enter the body and cause infection. By understanding these modes of transmission, appropriate preventive measures can be taken to control the spread of infectious diseases.
Penyakit berjangkit boleh merebak dari seorang ke seorang
Correct Answer
A. Betul
The given statement is true. Infectious diseases can spread from one person to another through various means such as direct contact, respiratory droplets, contaminated surfaces, or vectors like mosquitoes or ticks. This transmission can occur through close proximity, sharing of personal items, or exposure to bodily fluids. It is important to practice good hygiene, such as washing hands regularly and covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
Penyakit tidak berjangkit boleh merebak dari seorang ke seorang
Correct Answer
B. Salah
The statement "Penyakit tidak berjangkit boleh merebak dari seorang ke seorang" is incorrect. It translates to "Non-communicable diseases can spread from one person to another." However, non-communicable diseases are not contagious and cannot be transmitted from person to person. These diseases are caused by factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors, and do not spread through direct contact or airborne transmission.
Pilih penyakit berjangkit
Correct Answer(s)
A. Taun
B. H1N1
F. Denggi
G. Malaria
I. Zika
K. Kurap
L. Aids
M. Batuk kering (TB)
N. Panau
The correct answer includes diseases that are infectious or contagious, such as Taun, H1N1, Dengue, Malaria, Zika, Kurap, AIDS, and Tuberculosis (Batuk kering). These diseases can be transmitted from one person to another through various means, such as through respiratory droplets, blood, or sexual contact. It is important to be aware of these diseases and take necessary precautions to prevent their spread.
Pilih penyakit tidak berjangkit
Correct Answer(s)
C. Sakit jantung
D. Strok
F. Lupus
G. Diabetes
J. Eczema
K. Arthritis
M. Asthma
The correct answer includes diseases that are non-communicable or non-infectious. These diseases are typically chronic and cannot be transmitted from one person to another. Examples of non-communicable diseases in the given options are heart disease, stroke, lupus, diabetes, eczema, arthritis, and asthma. These conditions are caused by various factors such as genetics, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors, and they require long-term management and treatment.
Apakah berbezaan antara penyakit berjangkit dan tidak berjangkit
Correct Answer(s)
B. Penyakit berjangkit boleh merebak dari seorang ke seorang yang lain manakala penyakit tidak berjangkit tidak boleh merebak dari seorang ke seorang yang lain.
C. Penyakit berjangkit disebabkan oleh patogen manakala penyakit tidak berjangkit disebabkan oleh gaya hidup dab keturunan.
Penyakit berjangkit adalah penyakit yang dapat menular dari satu individu ke individu lain melalui kontak langsung atau tidak langsung, seperti melalui udara, air, atau makanan yang terkontaminasi. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh patogen seperti virus, bakteri, atau parasit. Di sisi lain, penyakit tidak berjangkit tidak dapat menular dari individu satu ke individu lain. Penyakit ini biasanya disebabkan oleh gaya hidup yang tidak sehat atau faktor keturunan.
Nyatakan 4 cara mencegah penularan Covid-19
Correct Answer(s)
B. Membasuh tangan dengan sabun
C. Mengelakkan sentuhan fizikal
D. Kuarantin
F. Menggunakan topeng muka semasa batuk dan bersin
The answer provided includes four effective ways to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. Washing hands with soap is important as it helps to remove any viruses or germs that may be on the hands. Avoiding physical contact with others can reduce the risk of coming into contact with the virus. Quarantine is a crucial measure to isolate individuals who may have been exposed to the virus. Lastly, wearing a mask while coughing or sneezing can prevent the spread of respiratory droplets that may contain the virus.
Cara mengelakkan jangkitan melalui air
Correct Answer(s)
A. Didihkan air minuman dengan sempurna
C. Mencampurkan klorin ke dalan kolam renang dan sistem bekalan air
D. Mencuci tangan dengan sabun selepas menggunakan tandas
F. Membina tandas dengan sistem sanitasi yang sempurna
The correct answers suggest ways to prevent infection through water. Boiling drinking water completely helps to kill any harmful bacteria or viruses present in the water. Adding chlorine to swimming pools and water supply systems helps to disinfect the water and kill any pathogens. Washing hands with soap after using the toilet helps to remove any harmful microorganisms and prevent their transmission. Building toilets with proper sanitation systems helps to prevent the contamination of water sources with fecal matter, reducing the risk of infections.
Apakah fungsi sistem pertahanan badan?
Correct Answer
A. Menghalang kemasukan patogen dan mencegah sebarang patogen masuk ke dalam badan
The correct answer states that the function of the body's defense system is to prevent the entry of pathogens and to stop any pathogens from entering the body. This means that the defense system is responsible for protecting the body from harmful microorganisms and preventing them from causing infections or diseases.
Sel darah putih memusnahkan patogen dengan cara ________
Correct Answer
White blood cells destroy pathogens through a process called phagocytosis. Phagocytosis is the engulfment and digestion of foreign particles or pathogens by the white blood cells. The white blood cells recognize the pathogens as foreign and engulf them, forming a vesicle called a phagosome. The phagosome then fuses with lysosomes, which contain digestive enzymes, to form a phagolysosome. The enzymes in the phagolysosome break down the pathogens, effectively destroying them and preventing further infection.
Antibodi ialah
Correct Answer
D. Protein yang dihasilkan oleh sel darah putih sebagai tindakbalas terhadap patogen yang menyerang badan
Antibodi adalah protein yang dihasilkan oleh sel darah putih sebagai respons terhadap patogen yang menyerang tubuh. Antibodi berfungsi untuk mengikat dan menghancurkan patogen, serta membantu sistem kekebalan tubuh dalam melawan infeksi.
Antigen adalah
Correct Answer
A. Jasad asing atau bahan yang bukan daripada badan sendiri yang merangsang penghasilan antibodi dalam badan
Antigen adalah jasad asing atau bahan yang bukan daripada badan sendiri yang merangsang penghasilan antibodi dalam badan. Antigen ini dapat memicu respon imun dalam tubuh, di mana antibodi diproduksi untuk melawan dan menghancurkan antigen tersebut. Hal ini penting dalam menjaga kesehatan tubuh dan melawan infeksi serta penyakit.
Sel darah putih mengenalpasti antigen pada patogen.
Sel ________ dirangsang untuk merembeskan ________ yang sepadan dengan antigen.
Antibodi akan memasuki plasma darah dan menghapuskan ________.
Correct Answer
darah putih
White blood cells identify antigens on pathogens. The white blood cells are stimulated to release antibodies that match the antigen. Antibodies enter the bloodstream and eliminate the pathogen.
Keimunan badan bermaksud
Correct Answer
B. Keupayaan badan melawan jangkitan patogen
The correct answer is "Keupayaan badan melawan jangkitan patogen". This answer refers to the body's ability to fight against pathogen infections. Pathogens are disease-causing microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The body's immune system recognizes these pathogens as foreign invaders and mounts a response to eliminate them, thereby protecting the body from infections and diseases.
Vaksin ialah
Correct Answer
C. Ampaian patogen yang mati dan telah dilemahkan
The correct answer is "Ampaian patogen yang mati dan telah dilemahkan". This answer states that a vaccine is a suspension of dead and weakened pathogens. This is a common method used in vaccines to stimulate an immune response without causing the disease itself. By introducing weakened or dead pathogens into the body, the immune system can recognize and remember them, allowing for a faster and stronger response if the person is exposed to the actual pathogen in the future.
Keimunan ________
Terhasil apabila seseorang ________ dari penyakit
Semasa jangkitan pertama, ________ yang terhasil dan disimpan badan adalah rendah.
Semasa jangkitan kedua, antibodi yang dihasilkan melebihi aras keimunan dan keimunan dicapai.
Correct Answer
Aktif semulajadi
Keimunan terhasil apabila seseorang sembuh dari penyakit. Semasa jangkitan pertama, antibodi yang terhasil dan disimpan dalam badan adalah rendah. Semasa jangkitan kedua, antibodi yang dihasilkan melebihi aras keimunan dan keimunan dicapai. Oleh itu, keimunan terhasil apabila seseorang sembuh daripada penyakit dan antibodi yang dihasilkan melindungi badan daripada jangkitan semula.
Terhasil apabila ________ dimasukkan ke dalam badan dan sistem imun bergerakbalas dengan menghasilkan ________
Correct Answer
Aktif buatan
Keimunan terhasil apabila aktif buatan, seperti vaksin, dimasukkan ke dalam badan. Setelah vaksin dimasukkan, sistem imun akan bergerakbalas dengan menghasilkan antibodi.
Keimunan ________
Diperolehi apabila antibodi dipindahkan oleh ________ kepada ________ melalui plasenta (semasa dalam kandungan) atau melalui susu ibu (kolostrum)
Correct Answer
Pasif semulajadi
Anak, bayi, baby
Keimunan ________
Terhasil apabila antiserum disuntik ke dalam badan pesakit
Antiserum adalah cecair jernih yang mengandungi antibodi untuk mencegah penyakit
Correct Answer
Pasif buatan
Artificial passive immunity is generated when antiserum, which contains antibodies, is injected into the patient's body. Antiserum is a clear liquid that contains antibodies to prevent diseases.
Air mata dan air liur mengandungi ________ untuk membunuh patogen
Correct Answer
Air mata dan air liur mengandungi enzim untuk membunuh patogen. Enzim merupakan molekul protein yang berfungsi sebagai biokatalisator dalam tubuh manusia. Dalam air mata, enzim seperti lisozim dapat melawan bakteri dengan menghancurkan dinding sel mereka. Sedangkan dalam air liur, enzim seperti amilase dapat membantu dalam pencernaan makanan dan melawan bakteri dalam mulut. Kehadiran enzim dalam air mata dan air liur merupakan salah satu mekanisme pertahanan tubuh untuk melawan infeksi dan menjaga kesehatan.
Asid ________ yang dirembeskan oleh ________ membunuh kebanyakan patogen yang memasuki badan melalui makanan.
Correct Answer
Hidroklorik yang dirembeskan oleh perut membunuh kebanyakan patogen yang memasuki badan melalui makanan.
Pembekuan darah pada kulit yang cedera atau luka merupakan mekanisma penting dalam menghalang kemasukan ________
Correct Answer
When the skin is injured or wounded, blood clotting is an important mechanism to prevent the entry of pathogens. Blood clotting helps to seal the wound and form a barrier that prevents pathogens, such as bacteria or viruses, from entering the body through the injured skin. This clotting process involves the activation of platelets and the formation of fibrin, which together create a clot that plugs the wound and prevents further bleeding and the entry of pathogens.
2 perbezaan antara keimunan aktif dan keimunan pasif
Correct Answer(s)
A. Keimunan aktif, badan menghasilkan antibodi sendiri manakala keimunan pasif, badan tidak menghasilkan antibodi sendiri.
D. Keimunan aktif diperoleh selepas sembuh daripada penyakit manakala keimunan pasif diperoleh melalui susu ibu
The correct answer is: Keimunan aktif, badan menghasilkan antibodi sendiri manakala keimunan pasif, badan tidak menghasilkan antibodi sendiri. This answer accurately explains the difference between active immunity and passive immunity. Active immunity is acquired when the body produces its own antibodies, while passive immunity is acquired when the body does not produce its own antibodies.
Pilih 4 amalan yang meningkatkan keimunan
Correct Answer(s)
B. Bersenam
C. Melebihkan makan sayur dan buah-buahan
D. Tidur yang mencukupi
The correct answer is "Bersenam, Melebihkan makan sayur dan buah-buahan, Tidur yang mencukupi". These three practices are known to improve a person's faith or iman. Regular exercise helps to keep the body healthy and strong, which in turn can contribute to a person's overall well-being and spiritual growth. Consuming a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables provides essential nutrients that support physical and mental health, which can positively impact a person's faith. Sufficient sleep is also important for maintaining good physical and mental health, which can ultimately enhance a person's spiritual connection and iman.
Pilih 6 amalan yang melemahkan keimunan
Correct Answer(s)
B. Kerap makanan makanan segera
C. Pengambilan gula berlebihan
E. Tidak cukup tidur
F. Tekanan perasaan
H. Merokok dan minum alkohol
I. Pencemaran udara
The given answer includes six practices that can weaken a person's faith (keimunan). These practices are consuming fast food frequently, excessive sugar intake, lack of sleep, emotional stress, smoking and alcohol consumption, and air pollution. These practices can have negative effects on a person's physical and mental well-being, which in turn can weaken their faith and spiritual connection.