Soal Latihan Myob 18

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| By Irennss
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Questions: 45 | Attempts: 605

Soal Latihan Myob 18 - Quiz

Pilih jawaban yang paling tepat diantara A,B,C,D, atau E

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Program MYOB merupakan program yang dibuat oleh perusahaan MYOB yang berada di negara

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. Australia
    The correct answer is Australia because MYOB is a program created by the MYOB company, which is based in Australia.

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  • 2. 

    Dibawah ini yang bukan merupakan keunggulan MYOB Accounting dibandingkan dengan software sejenisnya adalah

    • A.

      Laporan keuangan secara otomatis

    • B.

      Mudah digunakan

    • C.

      Sistem keamanan yang memadai

    • D.

      Cocok untuk kondisi bisnis di Indonesia

    • E.

      Tidak harus paham sistem akuntansi

    Correct Answer
    E. Tidak harus paham sistem akuntansi
    MYOB Accounting memiliki keunggulan dalam laporan keuangan secara otomatis, mudah digunakan, dan sistem keamanan yang memadai. Selain itu, MYOB Accounting juga cocok untuk kondisi bisnis di Indonesia. Namun, tidak harus paham sistem akuntansi bukanlah keunggulan MYOB Accounting dibandingkan dengan software sejenisnya.

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  • 3. 

    Program MYOB Accounting bersifat user friendly maksudnya adalah

    • A.

      Banyak teman

    • B.

      Digunakan bersama teman-teman

    • C.

      Laporan keuangan lebih mudah dan otomatis

    • D.

      Mudah digunakan

    • E.

      Murah digunakan

    Correct Answer
    D. Mudah digunakan
    The correct answer is "mudah digunakan." This means that the MYOB Accounting program is easy to use.

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  • 4. 

    Dibawah ini merupakan modul-modul yang disediakan oleh program MYOB Accounting,kecuali

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Account payable

    Correct Answer
    E. Account payable
    The given options are all modules provided by the MYOB Accounting program, except for "account payable."

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  • 5. 

    Dibawah ini yang bukan merupakan kelompok rekening yang terkait(linked account) adalah

    • A.

      Account & bankng

    • B.

      Inventory linked account

    • C.

      Purchases account

    • D.

      Sales account

    • E.

      Payroll accounts

    Correct Answer
    E. Payroll accounts
    The payroll accounts are not linked accounts because they are not directly related to the other accounts mentioned. Payroll accounts are used to track expenses related to employee salaries and benefits, while the other accounts (account & banking, inventory linked account, purchases account, and sales account) are typically used to track financial transactions related to the business's operations and assets.

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  • 6. 

    Didalam Account Linked Account terdapat komponen Equity Account for Current Earning,yang pada umumnya berupa rekening

    • A.

      Laba usaha

    • B.

      Modal usaha

    • C.

      Modal awal

    • D.

      Laba yang ditahan

    • E.

      Laba tahun berjalan

    Correct Answer
    E. Laba tahun berjalan
    The correct answer is "laba tahun berjalan". The Equity Account for Current Earning in the Linked Account typically represents the current year's earnings or profits. It reflects the net income or profit generated by the business during the current fiscal year. This account is used to track and accumulate the profits earned by the business in the current year.

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  • 7. 

    Program MYOB Accounting merupakan program komputer untuk pengolahan data akuntansi yang dibuat secara intergrated software,maksudnya

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. Terpadu
    The correct answer is "terpadu". The explanation for this answer is that the program MYOB Accounting is a computer program for accounting data processing that is created as an integrated software. This means that it is designed to have all the necessary functions and features for accounting processes in one program, making it more efficient and convenient to use.

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  • 8. 

    Salah satu keunggulan MYOB Accounting dibandingkan dengan software sejenisnya adalah seperti dibawah ini,kecuali

    • A.

      Mudah digunakan

    • B.

      Laporan keuangan secara otomatis

    • C.

      Sistem keamanan yang memadai

    • D.

      Cocok untuk kondisi bisnis di Indonesia

    • E.

      Tidak harus paham sistem akuntansi

    Correct Answer
    E. Tidak harus paham sistem akuntansi
    MYOB Accounting memiliki keunggulan seperti mudah digunakan, laporan keuangan secara otomatis, sistem keamanan yang memadai, dan cocok untuk kondisi bisnis di Indonesia. Namun, keunggulan ini tidak berarti bahwa pengguna tidak perlu memahami sistem akuntansi. Meskipun MYOB Accounting dapat membantu dalam proses akuntansi, pemahaman dasar tentang sistem akuntansi tetap diperlukan untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaan software ini.

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  • 9. 

    Pada saat mengaktifkan program MYOB Accounting akan ditampilkan layar pembuka MYOB. Tombol untuk membuat data perusahaan yang baru adalah tombol

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. Create
    The correct answer is "create." When activating the MYOB Accounting program, the user is presented with the MYOB opening screen. To create a new company data, the user needs to click on the "create" button. This button will allow the user to set up a new company profile and enter the necessary information to start using the program for that specific company.

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  • 10. 

    Dalam daftar jenis dan type perusahaan,ditampilkan lebih dari 100 jenis perusahaan. Apabila kita ingin membuat perusahaan dengan jenis yang kita tentukan sendiri untuk memperkecil linked account,pilihannya adalah 

    • A.

      Build my own

    • B.

      With one the list provided

    • C.

      Import a list of account

    • D.

      Accountant public

    • E.

      Australian own

    Correct Answer
    A. Build my own
    The correct answer is "build my own". This option allows the user to create a company with a specific type that is not listed in the provided options. By choosing this option, the user can customize the company type according to their needs, which helps in narrowing down the linked account and ensuring accuracy in the categorization of the company.

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  • 11. 

    Salah satu ciri khas program MYOB Accounting dibandingkan dengan program akuntansi yang lainnya adalah

    • A.

      Adanya purchases

    • B.

      Adanya command center

    • C.

      Adanya edit command

    • D.


    • E.

      Adanya general command

    Correct Answer
    B. Adanya command center
    The distinctive feature of MYOB Accounting program compared to other accounting programs is the presence of a command center. This command center provides a centralized location where users can access various commands and functions related to accounting tasks. It offers a convenient and efficient way to navigate and manage different aspects of the accounting program, making it easier for users to perform their accounting tasks effectively.

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  • 12. 

    Dalam program MYOB perintah dengan mouse dapat diganti dengan kombinasi tombol. Untuk membuat data akuntansi baru adalah

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. [CTRL]+[N]
    In the MYOB program, to create a new accounting data, the combination of keys [CTRL]+[N] can be used. This shortcut allows users to quickly create a new file without having to navigate through menus or use the mouse. By pressing [CTRL]+[N], users can efficiently initiate the process of setting up a new accounting record in MYOB.

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  • 13. 

    Kelompok nomor rekening dalam program MYOB Accounting dibagi menjadi 8 kelompok. Yang nomor rekeningnya diawali dengan angka 1 adalah kelompok

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Assets
    The correct answer is assets because in the program MYOB Accounting, the numbering system for the account groups is divided into 8 groups. Accounts that start with the number 1 are categorized under the assets group.

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  • 14. 

    Sedangkan untuk type rekening dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu

    • A.

      Header dan detail

    • B.

      Detail dan detail bank

    • C.

      Header dan dtail bank

    • D.

      Detail dan detail bank

    • E.

      Detail bank dan header

    Correct Answer
    A. Header dan detail
    The correct answer is "header dan detail". This is because when it comes to types of accounts, they can be divided into two categories: header and detail. The header account represents the main account or the parent account, while the detail account represents the sub-accounts or the child accounts under the header account. This division helps in organizing and categorizing the accounts in a systematic manner.

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  • 15. 

    Untuk menggantikan nama rekening digunakan perintah

    • A.

      New account

    • B.

      Chart of account

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Edit
    To replace or change the account name, the correct command to use is "edit". This command allows you to modify the existing account details, including the account name. By using the "edit" command, you can easily update the name of the account without deleting or creating a new one.

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  • 16. 

    Untuk membuat rekening baru menggunakan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut

    • A.

      Account list > chart of accounts > edit

    • B.

      Account list > new

    • C.

      Account list > chart of accounts > new

    • D.

      Account list > edit

    • E.

      File > new

    Correct Answer
    B. Account list > new
    The correct answer is "account list > new". This means that in order to create a new account, the user needs to go to the "account list" section and then select the option "new". This sequence of steps allows the user to add a new account to their list of accounts.

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  • 17. 

    Untuk menghapus rekening menggunakan perintah

    • A.

      Pilih akun > chart of accounts > edit > erase account

    • B.

      Pilih akun > edit > erase account

    • C.

      Pilih akun > chart of accounts > erase accounts

    • D.

      Chart of accounts > edit > erase accounts

    • E.

      Chart of account > erase accounts

    Correct Answer
    B. Pilih akun > edit > erase account
  • 18. 

    Dibawah ini merupakan syarat supaya suatu rekening bisa dihapus,kecuali

    • A.

      Rekening tersebut tidak mempunyai saldo (nol)

    • B.

      Rekening tersebut bukan merupakan rekening bertype header

    • C.

      Rekening tersebut bukan merupakan rekening linked

    • D.

      Rekening tersebut harus bersaldo nol

    • E.

      Semua jawaban benar

    Correct Answer
    E. Semua jawaban benar
    The correct answer is "semua jawaban benar" which means "all answers are correct". This means that all the conditions mentioned in the options need to be met in order for a bank account to be deleted, except for the condition that the account must have a zero balance.

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  • 19. 

    Fasilitas MYOB Accounting yang berfungsi untuk mencatat data awal perusahaan berupa pencatatan rekening,proses pencatatan transaksi dan proses penjurnalan adalah modul

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Account payable

    Correct Answer
    D. Banking
    The correct answer is "banking" because the MYOB Accounting facility that is used to record initial company data, transaction recording, and journaling processes is the banking module. This module allows users to record and manage bank transactions, such as deposits, withdrawals, and reconciliations, within the MYOB Accounting software. It helps businesses keep track of their financial activities and maintain accurate records of their banking transactions.

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  • 20. 

    Untuk mengisikan neraca saldo awal tahun,maka perintah yang tepat adalah

    • A.

      Buka rekening yang bersangkutan isikan pada sisi debet atau kredit sesuai nominal

    • B.

      Aktifkan rekening yang bersangkutan > edit > current balance > isikan sesuai nominal

    • C.

      Klik account > chart of accounts > current balance

    • D.

      Klik account > general journal entry > isi nominal

    • E.

      Klik setup > balances > account opening balance

    Correct Answer
    E. Klik setup > balances > account opening balance
    The correct answer is "klik setup > balances > account opening balance". This option is the most relevant and specific to the task of filling in the opening balance of an account. The other options mentioned do not directly address this task or may involve additional steps that are not necessary.

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  • 21. 

    Dibawah ini yang bukan termasuk transaksi jurnal umum ( general journal ) adalah

    • A.

      Pembelian barang dagangan

    • B.

      Piutang lain-lain

    • C.

      Pembayaran biaya-biaya produksi

    • D.

      Transfer uang

    • E.

      Pencatatan modal

    Correct Answer
    D. Transfer uang
    The correct answer is "transfer uang". Transaksi transfer uang tidak termasuk dalam jurnal umum karena tidak melibatkan perubahan dalam akun-akun penghasilan atau biaya. Transfer uang hanya melibatkan pemindahan dana antara rekening bank yang berbeda dan tidak mempengaruhi neraca keuangan perusahaan.

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  • 22. 

    Langkah-langkah untuk membuat jurnal koreksi adalah sbb

    • A.

      Klik general journal entry,masukan rekening yang didebet ke kredit dan yang di kredit di debet

    • B.

      Aktifkan jurnal yang salah,pilih edit > delete account

    • C.

      Aktifkan jurnal yang salah,pilih file > reverse journal

    • D.

      Aktifkan jurnal yang salah,pilih edit > reverse journal

    • E.

      Jurnal tidak perlu diaktifkan langsung klik edit > reverse journal

    Correct Answer
    E. Jurnal tidak perlu diaktifkan langsung klik edit > reverse journal
    The explanation for the given answer is that to create a correction journal, there is no need to activate the journal first. Instead, the user can directly click on the "edit" option and then select "reverse journal" to make the necessary corrections. This process eliminates the need to activate the incorrect journal before making the changes.

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  • 23. 

    Untuk menghapus jurnal dilakukan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut

    • A.

      Aktifkan jurnal,pilih edit > reverse journal

    • B.

      Aktifkan jurnal,pilih file > reverse general journal transaction

    • C.

      Aktifkan jurnal,pilih edit > erase general journal transaction

    • D.

      Pilih edit > reverse journal

    • E.

      Pilih edit > delete journal

    Correct Answer
    C. Aktifkan jurnal,pilih edit > erase general journal transaction
    The correct answer is "aktifkan jurnal, pilih edit > erase general journal transaction." This is because the given steps mention activating the journal and then selecting the option to erase the general journal transaction in the edit menu.

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  • 24. 

    Didalam suatu perusahaan biasanya terdapat suatu rekening yang dalam setiap bulan akan selalu ada transaksi yang sama seperti pembayaran sewa. Transaksi ini dalam MYOB Accounting disebut dengan

    • A.


    • B.

      Jurnal entry

    • C.

      General journal

    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. Recurring
    In MYOB Accounting, the term used to describe a transaction that occurs every month, such as rent payment, is "recurring." This means that the transaction is set up to automatically repeat at a specified interval, saving time and effort for the user.

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  • 25. 

    Dibawah ini yang merupakan rekening terkait dengan rekening yang lain (linked account) adalah

    • A.


    • B.

      Kas di bank

    • C.

      Kas kecil

    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. Kas di bank
    The correct answer is "kas di bank" because it refers to the cash held in a bank account. This indicates that the account is linked to another account, possibly a main cash account or a business account. The other options, such as "kas" (cash), "kas kecil" (petty cash), "peralatan" (equipment), and "perlengkapan" (supplies), do not necessarily imply a linked account.

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  • 26. 

    Dibawah ini yang bukan merupakan kelompok  rekening terkait (linked account) adalah

    • A.

      Account linked account

    • B.

      Inventory linked account

    • C.

      Account payable linked account

    • D.

      Account receivable linked account

    • E.

      Payroll linked account

    Correct Answer
    E. Payroll linked account
    The payroll linked account is not a type of linked account. Linked accounts are typically used to track transactions related to specific categories such as inventory, accounts payable, and accounts receivable. Payroll expenses are usually recorded separately and not linked to any specific account.

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  • 27. 

    Didalam Account Linked Account terdapat komponen Equity Account for Current Earning,yang pada umumnya berupa rekening

    • A.

      Laba usaha

    • B.

      Modal usaha

    • C.

      Modal awal

    • D.

      Laba yang ditahan

    • E.

      Laba tahun berjalan

    Correct Answer
    E. Laba tahun berjalan
    The correct answer is "laba tahun berjalan". Dalam Account Linked Account, komponen Equity Account for Current Earning adalah laba tahun berjalan. Ini adalah jumlah laba yang dihasilkan oleh perusahaan selama tahun berjalan dan belum dibagikan kepada pemegang saham atau pemilik perusahaan. Ini merupakan laba yang tersedia untuk digunakan dalam operasional perusahaan atau untuk investasi di masa depan.

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  • 28. 

    Didalam Purchases Linked Account terdapat komponen Liability Account for Tracking Payable,yang berupa rekening

    • A.

      Hutang dagang

    • B.

      Hutang lain-lain

    • C.

      Piutang usaha

    • D.

      Piutang lain-lain

    • E.

      Hutang karyawan

    Correct Answer
    A. Hutang dagang
    The correct answer is "hutang dagang". In a Purchases Linked Account, the Liability Account for Tracking Payable component represents the accounts payable or trade payables. These are the amounts owed by the company to its suppliers or vendors for goods or services purchased on credit. Therefore, the correct answer is "hutang dagang", which translates to trade payables in English.

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  • 29. 

    Untuk memasukkan/membuat data persediaan terdapat pada modul yang disebut dengan

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Time billing

    Correct Answer
    D. Inventory
    The correct answer is "inventory". Inventory refers to the stock of goods or materials that a company holds for the purpose of resale or production. In the context of the question, the module mentioned is specifically related to entering or creating data related to inventory. This module would likely include features such as adding new inventory items, tracking quantities, updating stock levels, and managing inventory transactions.

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  • 30. 

    Dalam modul inventory terdapat sub modul item list,yang berguna untuk mencatat barang atau jasa yang diperdagangkan meliputi dibawah ini,yaitu

    • A.

      Mencatat barang yang dibeli perusahaan dengan tujuan dijual kembali

    • B.

      Mencatat pembelian dan penjualan barang yang diperdagangkan

    • C.

      Mencatat pelunasan pembelian barang sejumlah harga persediaan

    • D.

      Mencatat pembelian barang yang hanya dipergunakan untuk keperluan kantor

    • E.

      Mencatat barang berupa komponen untuk membuat satu jenis produk

    Correct Answer
    D. Mencatat pembelian barang yang hanya dipergunakan untuk keperluan kantor
    The sub module "item list" in the inventory module is useful for recording the purchase of goods that are only used for office purposes. This means that it allows the company to keep track of the items that are bought specifically for office use and not for resale or trading purposes.

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  • 31. 

    Dalam mengisikan kartu persediaan,apabila persediaan yang kita beli akan dijual kembali,maka kita perlu memilih suatu optional yang terdapat pada kotak

    • A.

      I sell this item

    • B.

      I buy this item

    • C.

      Asset account from item inventory

    • D.

      I inventory this item

    • E.

      I sell and buy this item

    Correct Answer
    A. I sell this item
    The correct answer is "i sell this item". This option is chosen when the inventory item that we have purchased is intended to be sold again. It indicates that the item is being sold and will be deducted from the inventory.

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  • 32. 

    Pada waktu mengisikan linked account untuk pengisian pajak terdapat kotak isian linked account for tax paid yang biasa di Indonesia berupa

    • A.

      Pajak keluaran

    • B.

      Pajak masukan

    • C.

      Pajak penghasilan

    • D.

      Selisih pajak masukan dan keluaran

    • E.

      Tidak ada yang sesuai di Indonesia

    Correct Answer
    B. Pajak masukan
    The correct answer is "pajak masukan". In Indonesia, "pajak masukan" refers to input tax, which is the tax paid on goods or services purchased for business purposes. This tax can be deducted or offset against the output tax, which is the tax collected from sales. Therefore, when filling in the linked account for tax paid, the box for "pajak masukan" should be selected as it represents the tax paid on inputs for business activities.

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  • 33. 

    Pada waktu kita membeli produk kena pajak,maka kita akan membayar nominal produk tersebut dinamakan pajak

    • A.

      Pajak keluaran

    • B.

      Pajak masukan

    • C.

      Pajak penghasilan

    • D.

      Pajak barang mewah

    • E.

      Pajak pertambahan nilai

    Correct Answer
    E. Pajak pertambahan nilai
    The given statement explains that when we purchase a taxable product, we are required to pay an additional amount known as "pajak pertambahan nilai" or value-added tax. This tax is added to the price of the product and is collected by the government.

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  • 34. 

    Sedangkan apabila produk berupa persediaan barang dagangan yang kita punya,kemudian kita jual,kita akan menarik pajak kepada pembeli. Bagi kita pajak yang kita tarik disebut dengan pajak

    • A.

      Pajak keluaran

    • B.

      Pajak masukan

    • C.

      Pajak penghasilan

    • D.

      Selisih pajak masukan dan keluaran

    • E.

      Tidak ada yang sesuai di Indonesia

    Correct Answer
    A. Pajak keluaran
    The correct answer is "pajak keluaran" because it refers to the tax that is imposed on the sale of goods or services. In this context, when we sell a product that is part of our inventory, we will collect tax from the buyer, which is known as "pajak keluaran". This tax is collected by the seller and then remitted to the government.

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  • 35. 

    Selisih antar pajak masukan dan pajak keluaran yang merupakan kewajiban kita terhadap kantor pajak disebut dengan

    • A.

      Piutang pajak

    • B.

      Hutang pajak

    • C.

      Hutang pajak pembelian

    • D.

      Hutang pajak penghasilan

    • E.

      Piutang pajak penjualan

    Correct Answer
    B. Hutang pajak
    The correct answer is "hutang pajak". This term refers to the difference between input tax and output tax, which is the amount of tax that we owe to the tax office. It represents the tax liability that we have incurred but have not yet paid.

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  • 36. 

    Pada software MYOB ada 2 menu utama yang digunakan sebagai pokok pengoperasian yaitu

    • A.

      Setup assistant dan sales

    • B.

      Setup assistant dan purchases

    • C.

      Setup asistant dan customise

    • D.

      Setup assistant dan accounts

    • E.

      Setup assistant dan command centre

    Correct Answer
    E. Setup assistant dan command centre
    The correct answer is "setup assistant dan command centre". The setup assistant menu is used to set up and configure various aspects of the software, such as company information, accounts, and preferences. The command centre menu is used to access different modules and functions within the software, such as sales, purchases, banking, and inventory. These two menus are the main tools for operating and navigating the MYOB software.

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  • 37. 

    Akuntansi disebut juga dengan akun (account) yang artinya rekening atau perkiraan. Interpretasi akuntansi terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu

    • A.

      Pengidentifikasian,pengukuran,dan pengkomunikasian

    • B.

      Mengidentifikasikan,pengukuran,dan peringkasan

    • C.

      Mengidentifikasian,penganalisaan dan pengikhtisaran

    • D.

      Mengidentifikasian,posting,dan pelaporan

    • E.

      Pencatatan,peringkasan,dan pelaporan

    Correct Answer
    B. Mengidentifikasikan,pengukuran,dan peringkasan
    The correct answer is "mengidentifikasikan, pengukuran, dan peringkasan". This is because the question is asking for the interpretation of accounting, which consists of three parts: identification, measurement, and summarization.

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  • 38. 

    Dari bagian interpretasi akuntansi yang merupakan suatu proses penyajian informasi ke dalam laporan keuangan berdasarkan transaksi yang sedang berlangsung adalah bagian dari intreprestasi

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. Peringkasan
    The given statement suggests that the process of presenting information in financial statements based on ongoing transactions is part of the summarization process. Summarization involves condensing and organizing data to provide a concise and clear representation of the financial information. This process helps in making the financial statements more understandable and accessible to users.

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  • 39. 

    Seluruh account yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan jasa akan disatukan dalam satu bagan akuntansi atau dalam istilah asing chart of account yang terdiri dari 5 bagian yaitu

    • A.

      Asstes,liability,equity,cost of good sold dan expense

    • B.

      Assets,liability,equity,cost of good sold,dan income

    • C.

      Assets,liability,equity,income dan expense

    • D.

      Assets,liability,equity,income dan profit&lost

    • E.

      Assets,liability,equity,income dan current assets

    Correct Answer
    C. Assets,liability,equity,income dan expense
    The correct answer is "assets, liability, equity, income, and expense." In accounting, a chart of accounts is a categorized list of all the accounts used by a company to record financial transactions. These categories include assets (such as cash, inventory, and property), liabilities (such as loans and accounts payable), equity (such as owner's equity and retained earnings), income (such as sales revenue), and expenses (such as salaries, rent, and utilities). This answer accurately lists all five categories that are typically included in a chart of accounts for a company in the service industry.

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  • 40. 

    Setiap anda mengaktifkan program MYOB akan ditampilkan jendela welcome to MYOB Accounting dengan tampilan 5 tombol sbb 

    • A.

      Open,create,explore,what's new dan exit

    • B.

      Customise,accounts,sales,purchases,dan payroll

    • C.

      Open,create,explore,acount,dan exit

    • D.

      Open,create,what's new,account,exit

    • E.

      Open,setup assistant,explore,account dan exit

    Correct Answer
    A. Open,create,explore,what's new dan exit
    When you activate the MYOB program, you will see the welcome window of MYOB Accounting with five buttons: open, create, explore, what's new, and exit.

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  • 41. 

    Salah satu tombol yang digunakan untuk membuat data awal atau baru pada suatu perusahaan adalah

    • A.

      Tombol open

    • B.

      Tombol what's new

    • C.

      Tombol customise

    • D.

      Tombol create

    • E.

      Tombol explore

    Correct Answer
    D. Tombol create
    The correct answer is "tombol create" because it is the button specifically used for creating new or initial data in a company. The other options, such as "tombol open," "tombol what's new," "tombol customize," and "tombol explore," do not have the same function of creating new data.

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  • 42. 

    Salah satu tombol yang digunakan untuk membuka salah satu data yang sudah dibuat atau sudah dimiliki pada suatu perusahaan adalah

    • A.

      Tombol open

    • B.

      Tombol what's new

    • C.

      Tombol customise

    • D.

      Tombol create

    • E.

      Tombol explore

    Correct Answer
    A. Tombol open
    The correct answer is "tombol open". This button is used to open existing data or files in a company. It allows users to access and view the information or documents that have already been created or owned by the company.

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  • 43. 

    Tombol yang berfungsi untuk mengeksplorasi contoh data akuntansi yang disertakan pada waktu anda menginstall MYOB adalah tombol

    • A.

      Tombol open

    • B.

      Tombol what's new

    • C.

      Tombol customise

    • D.

      Tombol create

    • E.

      Tombol explore

    Correct Answer
    E. Tombol explore
    The correct answer is "tombol explore". This button allows users to explore the sample accounting data that is included when installing MYOB. It provides access to the pre-loaded data for users to familiarize themselves with the software and its features.

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  • 44. 

    Langkah pertama dalam pengoperasian MYOB anda akan menggunakan fasilitas tombol create yang selanjutnya anda diminta untuk menginputkan data sebagai berikut

    • A.

      Data account

    • B.

      Data supplier

    • C.

      Data customers

    • D.

      Data inventory

    • E.

      Data identitas perusahaan

    Correct Answer
    E. Data identitas perusahaan
    The first step in operating MYOB is to use the create button feature, where you will be prompted to input various data. These include data account, data supplier, data customers, data inventory, and data identitas perusahaan (company identity data). This suggests that one of the initial tasks in operating MYOB is to input the company's identity information.

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  • 45. 

    Enter information about your company adalah pernyataan pada tahap awal dalam pembuatan data perusahaan yang pada intinya berisi tentang data sebagai berikut

    • A.

      Company name,address,phone number,fax number,email address

    • B.

      Company name,layout,current financial years,address,conversion month

    • C.

      Company name,number of accounting periods,address,phone number,fax number

    • D.

      Company name,address,phone number,layout,account number

    • E.

      Company name,account number,conversion years,last month of financial years

    Correct Answer
    A. Company name,address,pHone number,fax number,email address
    The correct answer is "company name, address, phone number, fax number, email address." This is because the given statement is about entering information about a company, and these are the necessary details that need to be included. The company name is essential for identification, the address is important for location, the phone number is needed for contact, the fax number is necessary for communication, and the email address is important for electronic correspondence.

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