Pot fi considerate trasaturi ale marketingului:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Caracterul strategic si operational
B. Orientarea actiunilor organizatiei (intreprinderii) spre nevoile si cerintele clientilor
C. Satisfacerea nevoilor clientilor prin intermediul schimburilor in urma carora atat organizatia (intreprinderea) cat si clinetii isi satisfac interesele
The correct answer includes the following characteristics of marketing: strategic and operational nature, orientation towards the needs and demands of customers, and satisfaction of customer needs through exchanges that benefit both the organization and the customers. These traits highlight the importance of aligning business actions with customer requirements and creating value through mutually beneficial exchanges.
O caracteristica a marketingului este aceea ca nevoile clientilor sunt satisfacute prin intermediul schimburilor in urma carora isi satisfac(e) interesele:
Correct Answer
C. Si organizatia si clientii
The correct answer is "Si organizatia si clientii" (Both the organization and the clients). This means that marketing aims to satisfy the needs of both the organization and the clients through exchanges that fulfill their interests. Marketing involves creating value for customers by understanding their needs and wants, and then delivering products or services that meet those needs while also achieving the goals of the organization. It is a mutually beneficial process where both the organization and the clients benefit from the exchange.
Marketingul are caracter:
Correct Answer
C. Strategic si operational
The correct answer is "Strategic si operational" because marketing encompasses both strategic and operational activities. Strategic marketing involves long-term planning, setting goals, and determining the overall direction of marketing efforts. It focuses on market research, segmentation, targeting, and positioning to create a competitive advantage. On the other hand, operational marketing involves the implementation of strategies, such as advertising, promotions, sales, and distribution, to achieve the set goals. Therefore, marketing includes both strategic and operational aspects to effectively reach and engage with customers.
Managementul marketingului a fost definit de specialisti in domeniu astfel:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Analiza, planificarea, implementarea si controlul programelor concepute pentru a crea, construi si mentine schimburi benefice cu cumparatorii vizati in vederea realizarii obiectivelor organizationale
C. Procesul de planificare si punere in practica a conceptiei, stabilirii pretului, promovarii si distribuirii unor bunuri, servicii si idei pentru a crea schimburi care satisfac obiective individuale si organizationale
The correct answer is a combination of two statements. The first statement defines marketing management as the analysis, planning, implementation, and control of programs designed to create, build, and maintain beneficial exchanges with target buyers in order to achieve organizational objectives. The second statement describes the process of planning and implementing the concept, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services, and ideas to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. Together, these statements provide a comprehensive definition of marketing management and its role in achieving organizational goals.
La nivel de organizatie (intreprindere) in continutul marketingului strategic se regasesc:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Analiza nevoilor
B. Precizarea misiunii
D. Definirea obiectivelor
E. Elaborarea strategiei de dezvoltare
The correct answer is a list of key elements that are part of strategic marketing at the organizational level. These elements include analyzing the needs of the market, defining the mission of the company, setting objectives, and developing a growth strategy. These activities are crucial for a company to understand its target market, align its mission with customer needs, set specific goals, and create a plan for achieving growth and success. By focusing on these elements, a company can develop an effective strategic marketing approach.
In cadrul unui Domeniu de Activitate Strategica (DAS) in continutul marketingului strategic se regasesc:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Segmentarea pietei
B. Analiza atractivitatii pietei potentiale
C. Analiza competitivitatii
E. Alegerea segmentului tinta
The correct answer includes all the components of strategic marketing within a Strategic Activity Domain (DAS). These components are market segmentation, analysis of market attractiveness, analysis of competitiveness, and the selection of target segments. These activities are essential in developing an effective marketing strategy as they help identify and understand the target market, assess the potential market opportunities, evaluate the competitive landscape, and determine the most suitable target segments for the organization.
Conditiile necesare exprimarii cererii de dobandire a unui produs sunt:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Existenta puterii de cumparare
D. Existenta deciziei de achizitionare a produsului
The necessary conditions for expressing the request to acquire a product are the existence of purchasing power and the existence of the decision to purchase the product.
Pentru desfasurarea unui proces de schimb este necesar a fi indeplinite urmatoarele conditii:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Sa existe cel putin doua parti interesate in realizarea schimbului
B. Fiecare parte sa detina un bun de valoare pentru cealalta parte
C. Fiecare parte sa aiba libertatea de a accepta sau de a refuza oferta
D. Fiecare parte sa-si manifeste dorinta de a trata cu cealalta parte
E. Fiecare parte sa fie capabila sa comunice si sa puna la dispozitie produsul de interes pentru cealalta parte
The answer states that for a successful exchange process, there must be at least two parties interested in the exchange, each party must possess a valuable good for the other party, each party should have the freedom to accept or refuse the offer, each party should be capable of communicating and providing the product of interest to the other party, and each party should express their willingness to engage with the other party. These conditions are necessary to ensure a fair and mutually beneficial exchange between the parties involved.
Organizatiile se regasesc in tranzactii in postura de:
Correct Answer
D. Atat ofertant cat si cumparator
Organizations can be involved in transactions both as sellers (ofertant) and buyers (cumparator). This means that they can play the role of both offering goods or services for sale and purchasing goods or services from others. In this case, the correct answer is "Atat ofertant cat si cumparator" which translates to "Both seller and buyer" in English.
Functia de investigare a pietei si a nevoilor de consum are urmatoarele caracteristici:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Precede celelalte functii pregatindu-le conditiile de manifestare
D. Are caracter permanent
The given answer states that the function of market research and consumer needs precedes the other functions by preparing the conditions for their manifestation. It also mentions that this function has a permanent character. This means that market research is considered to be more important than the other functions, as it lays the foundation for their implementation and is an ongoing process in the private sector.
Abordarile marketingului pot fi grupate astfel:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Profit-nonprofit
C. Micro-macroeconomic
The given answer suggests that marketing approaches can be categorized based on profit and nonprofit organizations, as well as micro and macroeconomic factors. This means that marketing strategies can vary depending on whether the organization is focused on making a profit or not, and also on the scale of the economy being considered.
La nivel functional, in cadrul marketingului operational se regaseste:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Desfasurarea campaniilor de comunicare
B. Actiunea fortei de vanzare
C. Distribuirea produselor
D. Merchandisingul
E. Serviciile post-vanzare
The correct answer includes various activities that are part of operational marketing. These activities include the implementation of communication campaigns, the action of the sales force, product distribution, merchandising, and post-sales services. These activities are all essential in the day-to-day operations of marketing, ensuring effective communication with customers, driving sales, delivering products to the market, optimizing product display and promotion, and providing support and assistance to customers after the sale.
Marketingul operational este orientat in directia realizarii unui obiectiv de vanzari prin utilizarea intrumentelor tactice ale:
Correct Answer
E. A tuturor celor 4 politici
Operational marketing is focused on achieving a sales objective through the use of tactical tools of product and price policies, price and distribution policies, distribution and promotion (communication) policies, and promotion and product policies. In other words, operational marketing encompasses all four policies mentioned in the answer.
In cazul nevoii, sunt adevarate afirmatiile:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Are o sfera mai larga decat cererea
B. Se transforma in cerere daca este sustinuta de puterea de cumparare si de decizia de a cumpara
C. Exista apriori in conditia umana
D. Reprezinta constientizarea unei stari de privatiune de o satisfactie
The given answer implies that in the case of need, the statements are true. Firstly, it states that needs have a wider scope than demand, meaning that needs encompass a broader range of requirements or desires compared to demand. Secondly, it suggests that needs can transform into demand if they are supported by purchasing power and the decision to buy. Thirdly, it asserts that needs exist inherently in human condition, suggesting that they are an inherent part of being human. Lastly, it states that needs represent the awareness of a state of deprivation of satisfaction, indicating that needs arise from a conscious recognition of lacking something that would bring satisfaction.
Se considera ca marketingul:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Influenteaza dorintele
B. Influenteaza preferintele
Marketingul influențează dorințele și preferințele consumatorilor prin intermediul strategiilor de promovare, publicitate și comunicare. Prin crearea de mesaje persuasive și prin prezentarea avantajelor și beneficiilor produselor sau serviciilor, marketingul încearcă să atragă și să convingă consumatorii să își dorească și să își prefere anumite produse sau mărci. Astfel, marketingul are un impact direct asupra deciziilor de cumpărare și asupra preferințelor consumatorilor, influențându-le alegerile și comportamentul de consum.
In marketing, produsul este abordat ca:
Correct Answer(s)
A. O solutie pentru o anumita nevoie sau problema cu care clientul se confrunta
C. Un mijloc cu care se face un serviciu consumatorului
The correct answer is "A solution to a specific need or problem that the customer is facing" and "A means through which a service is provided to the consumer". In marketing, a product is approached as a solution to fulfill a customer's need or problem. It is also seen as a medium through which a service is delivered to the consumer.
Utilitatea unui produs reprezinta:
Correct Answer
D. Capacitatea produsului de a satisface o anumita nevoie
The utility of a product refers to its ability to satisfy a certain need or desire of the consumer. It is the capacity of the product to fulfill a specific purpose or requirement of the buyer.
Orientarea care are la baza ipoteza conform careia consumatorul alege acel produs care are un pret redus este:
Correct Answer
E. Orientarea spre productie
Orientarea spre productie (orientation towards production) is the correct answer. This orientation is based on the hypothesis that consumers choose a product that has a lower price. This suggests that the focus is primarily on producing goods efficiently and at a lower cost, rather than on marketing or meeting societal needs.
Care dimensiune a marketingului se refera la realizarea activitatilor care permit patrunderea, mentinerea si extinderea pe piata?
Correct Answer
B. Dimensiunea operationala
The correct answer is "Dimensiunea operationala". This refers to the operational dimension of marketing, which focuses on the implementation of activities that allow penetration, maintenance, and expansion in the market. It involves the day-to-day execution of marketing tactics and activities to achieve the desired goals and objectives.
Sunt considerate functii generale ale marketingului:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Satisfacerea in conditii superioare a nevoilor de consum
B. Maximizarea profitului
C. Maximizarea eficientei economice
D. Investigarea pietei si a nevoilor de consum
E. Adaptarea organizatiei la dinamica mediului
The given answer includes all the general functions of marketing. These functions include satisfying consumer needs in superior conditions, maximizing profit, maximizing economic efficiency, investigating the market and consumer needs, and adapting the organization to the dynamic environment. These functions are essential for a successful marketing strategy and overall business success.