Mtjrd Level 3 Quiz

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| By Rozmitchell
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 2 | Total Attempts: 296
Questions: 22 | Attempts: 234

Roller Derby Quizzes & Trivia

This is the Minor Threat Junior Roller Derby Level 3 Quiz based on JRDA and WFTDA rules.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    You disagree with a major penalty called against you. Do you:

    • A.

      Skate into the infield and ask the head ref about it between jams

    • B.

      Observe the hand signal used by the ref and tell your captain about it

    • C.

      Skate over to the penalty tracker and ask them on the way to the box

    • D.

      Wait until the afterparty or the next practice and ask the ref that called you out

    Correct Answer
    B. Observe the hand signal used by the ref and tell your captain about it
    If you disagree with a major penalty called against you, the best course of action is to observe the hand signal used by the ref and inform your captain about it. This allows your captain to address the issue with the officials and potentially challenge the call if necessary. Skating into the infield to speak with the head ref between jams or asking the penalty tracker on the way to the penalty box may not be effective in resolving the issue immediately. Waiting until the afterparty or the next practice to ask the ref that called you out is not a productive or appropriate approach.

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  • 2. 

    Is a jammer who starts a jam in the penalty box eligible for Lead Jammer when her penalty is over?

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. Yes
    When a jammer starts a jam in the penalty box, they are still eligible for Lead Jammer status once their penalty is over. This means that if they are able to pass all opposing blockers legally and become the first jammer to do so, they will earn the Lead Jammer status. This allows them to call off the jam at any time by placing their hands on their hips, giving their team an advantage in scoring points and controlling the game.

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  • 3. 

    Thejammer is passing the star to the Pivot when - whoops - it hits the floor. Who can pick it up, and under what circumstances?

    • A.

      Anyone can go get it and give it back to the jammer, as long as they don’t cut the track

    • B.

      The jammer who dropped it or the pivot who was accepting it can pick it up - but they can’t skate backwards or cut the track to get it

    • C.

      The jammer who dropped it or the pivot who was accepting it can turn around and skate clockwise to retrieve the panty

    • D.

      Only the jammer who dropped it can pick it up, but she can’t skate clockwise to get it

    Correct Answer
    B. The jammer who dropped it or the pivot who was accepting it can pick it up - but they can’t skate backwards or cut the track to get it
    The jammer who dropped the star or the pivot who was accepting it can retrieve it, but they must not skate backwards or cut the track while doing so.

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  • 4. 

    When can you take a time out?

    • A.

      At any time during the game

    • B.

      Between jams

    • C.

      Whenever the head ref is watching

    • D.

      Between periods

    Correct Answer
    B. Between jams
    During a roller derby game, a time out can be taken between jams. A jam is a period of gameplay that starts when the whistle is blown and ends when it is blown again. This break between jams allows teams to strategize, make substitutions, or address any issues that may have arisen during the previous jam. Taking a time out between jams helps maintain the flow of the game and ensures that teams have an opportunity to regroup and make necessary adjustments.

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  • 5. 

    The penalty timer mistakenly tells you your time is up and to go back on the track, but you know your time is not up yet. What do you do?

    • A.

      Nothing, continue playing

    • B.

      No penalty, go to the box for your remaining time

    • C.

      Major penalty, go to the box for 1 minute

    • D.

      Major penalty, go to the box for 1 minute, plus your remaining time

    • E.

      Minor penalty, continue playing

    • F.

      Minor penalty, go to the box for your remaining time

    Correct Answer
    B. No penalty, go to the box for your remaining time
    In this situation, the penalty timer mistakenly tells you that your time is up, but you know that your time is not actually up yet. Since you are aware that the timer is incorrect, you can ignore the penalty and continue playing without any consequences. Therefore, there is no penalty for you and you can go to the box for your remaining time.

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  • 6. 

    You're late getting onto the track as a blocker, and you're behind the jammer line when the first whistle blows. What should you do?

    • A.

      Minor penalty, continue playing

    • B.

      Return to your bench

    • C.

      Major penalty, serve 1 minute

    • D.

      Nothing, continue playing

    Correct Answer
    A. Minor penalty, continue playing
    If you are late getting onto the track as a blocker and you are behind the jammer line when the first whistle blows, you should continue playing. However, you will receive a minor penalty for being out of position. This means that you will need to serve some time in the penalty box before returning to the game.

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  • 7. 

    An opposing player wheel-checks you and you go down hard. To even things up, you trip that player intentionally on the next lap, and the referee calls you on it. What happens?

    • A.

      Opposing player receives no penalty, you receive a tripping major

    • B.

      Opposing player gets a tripping minor, you get a tripping major

    • C.

      Opposing player receives no penalty, you receive a tripping major and are expelled

    • D.

      You both get a tripping major

    Correct Answer
    C. Opposing player receives no penalty, you receive a tripping major and are expelled
    The key word is "intentionally" - if you try to hurt someone else, you will be expelled.

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  • 8. 

    Your jammer is in the box and has served 30 seconds when the opposing jammer is callled out. The opposing jammer sits down when your jammer has served 43 seconds. What happens?

    • A.

      Your jammer serves 17 seconds to complete her minute, and the opposing jammer serves 1 minute

    • B.

      Your jammer returns to play immediately, and the opposing jammer serves 43 seconds

    • C.

      Your jammer returns to play immediately, and the opposing jammer serves 30 seconds

    • D.

      Your jammer returns to play immediately, and the opposing jammer serves 17 seconds

    Correct Answer
    B. Your jammer returns to play immediately, and the opposing jammer serves 43 seconds
    After serving for 30 seconds, the opposing jammer is called out. This means that the opposing jammer will have to sit out for the same amount of time that your jammer has already served, which is 30 seconds. Therefore, your jammer returns to play immediately, and the opposing jammer serves 43 seconds.

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  • 9. 

    You're in the jammers way, and don't move, when the referees are calling no pack. What happens?

    • A.

      Minor Penalty - Illegal Procedure

    • B.


    • C.

      Minor Penalty - Out of Play Blocking

    • D.

      Major Penalty - Out of Play Blocking

    • E.

      Major penalty - Illegal Procedure

    Correct Answer
    C. Minor Penalty - Out of Play Blocking
    If you don't move when the referees are calling no pack and you're in the jammer's way, you will receive a minor penalty for out of play blocking. This means that you are impeding the jammer's progress and not following the rules of the game.

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  • 10. 

    You're lead jammer, and 2 opposing blockers are in the box. You pass (lap) the opposing jammer at the back of the pack and call off the jam before you pass any blockers. How many points do you get for that lap?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. One
    When you pass the opposing jammer at the back of the pack and call off the jam before passing any blockers, you are awarded one point for that lap. This is because you have successfully lapped the opposing jammer, which earns you a point. Since there are no opposing blockers ahead of you, you do not earn any additional points for passing them. Therefore, the correct answer is one.

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  • 11. 

    You're lead jammer, and 2 opposing blockers are in the box. You pass (lap) the opposing jammer at the back of the pack, pass one opposing blocker, and call off the jam. How many points do you get for that lap?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. Four
    In roller derby, the lead jammer is awarded one point for each opposing blocker that they pass legally. In this scenario, the lead jammer passed one opposing blocker legally, and since there were two opposing blockers in the penalty box, they are also considered passed. Therefore, the lead jammer would receive four points for that lap.

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  • 12. 

    An opposing blocker pushes you out of bounds, remaining upright and in bounds throughout the block. Where is the best place to re-enter the pack?

    • A.

      In front of the skater that blocked you out

    • B.

      At the back of the pack

    • C.

      Behind the skater who blocked you out

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Behind the skater who blocked you out
    When an opposing blocker pushes a skater out of bounds and remains upright and in bounds throughout the block, the best place for the skater to re-enter the pack is behind the blocker who pushed them out. This is because the skater needs to re-enter the pack behind any opposing skaters who were involved in the block. Re-entering in front of the blocker would be considered cutting the track, which is a penalty in roller derby. Therefore, the skater should wait until they are behind the blocker and then re-enter the pack.

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  • 13. 

    An ooppsing blocker pushes you out of bounds, then falls to her knees. Where is the best place to re-enter the pack?

    • A.

      In front of the skater that blocked you out

    • B.

      At the back of the pack

    • C.

      Behind the skater who blocked you out

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. In front of the skater that blocked you out
    When re-entering the pack after being pushed out of bounds by an opposing blocker, the best place to re-enter is in front of the skater that blocked you out. This allows you to regain your position and potentially gain an advantage by being ahead of the opposing blocker. Re-entering behind the skater who blocked you out would put you at a disadvantage as you would have to work harder to catch up to the pack.

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  • 14. 

    Your knee pad comes loose mid-jam. You fix it, and re-enter the pack in front of one other player. What happens?

    • A.

      No Penalty

    • B.

      Minor Penalty - Illegal Procedure

    • C.

      Minor Penalty - Track Cutting

    • D.

      Major Penalty - Illegal Procedure

    • E.

      Major Penalty - Track Cutting

    Correct Answer
    B. Minor Penalty - Illegal Procedure
    If your knee pad comes loose mid-jam and you fix it before re-entering the pack in front of one other player, you would receive a minor penalty for illegal procedure. This is because fixing your equipment during gameplay is considered a violation of the rules, as it disrupts the flow of the game and gives you an unfair advantage.

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  • 15. 

    How many minutes in the penalty box during one game will cause you to be expelled from the game? (fouling out)?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Seven
    If a player accumulates seven minutes in the penalty box during one game, they will be expelled from the game. This means that they will be removed from the game and not allowed to continue playing.

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  • 16. 

    BONUS QUESTIONYellow and Black jammers complete initial passes and Black becomes lead jammer.  Black jammer is sent to the box for elbows and Black B1 is in the box for 4 minors.  10 seconds after the Black Jammer sits down, Yellow jammer passes Black B2 legally on her scoring pass.  Another 10 seconds later, the Yellow jammer back blocks Black B3 and puts her hands on her hi§s before B3 falls to the track. An outside Pack Ref calls off the jam with Black B4 25 feet ahead of the pack.

    • A.

      Yellow Jammer receives 1 point, a major and sits for 60 seconds

    • B.

      Yellow Jammer receives 2 points, a major and sits for 50 seconds

    • C.

      Yellow Jammer receives 3 points, two majors and sits for 80 seconds

    • D.

      Yellow Jammer receives 4 points and no penalties

    Correct Answer
    C. Yellow Jammer receives 3 points, two majors and sits for 80 seconds
    The Yellow Jammer receives 3 points because she passed Black B2 legally on her scoring pass. She also receives two majors because she back blocked Black B3 and put her hands on her hips before B3 fell to the track. As a result, she sits for 80 seconds because of the two majors she received.

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  • 17. 

    The jammer starts on the pivot whistle, stops, and gets back behind the jam line before the jammer whistle is blown. What happens?

    • A.

      False Start Major - 1 minute in the box

    • B.

      False Start Minor

    • C.

      No Penalty

    • D.

      Jam ends and a new jam begins

    Correct Answer
    C. No Penalty
    Since the jammer was in proper starting position when the jam whistle blows, there is no penalty.

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  • 18. 

    The captain: (Check all that apply)

    • A.

      Wears a "C" on the arm and/or uniform

    • B.

      Can argue with the referees

    • C.

      Can request an official review

    • D.

      Serves the penalty for any skater who is ejected

    • E.

      Gets to boss the team around

    • F.

      Is in charge on the track

    • G.

      Wears a striped helmet panty

    • H.

      Wears a helmet panty with stars

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Wears a "C" on the arm and/or uniform
    C. Can request an official review
    D. Serves the penalty for any skater who is ejected
    The captain is someone who wears a "C" on the arm and/or uniform, indicating their leadership role. They have the authority to request an official review, which can be used to challenge a referee's decision. Additionally, the captain is responsible for serving the penalty for any skater who is ejected from the game.

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  • 19. 

    Penalty Clocks continue to run during time outs.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    During timeouts in sports, the game clock is typically paused, which means that penalty clocks also stop running. Therefore, the statement "Penalty Clocks continue to run during time outs" is incorrect.

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  • 20. 

    Pivots must be touching the pivot line when the jam starts.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    The statement is stating that pivots must be touching the pivot line when the jam starts. However, this is not true. In roller derby, the pivots are not required to be touching the pivot line when the jam starts. They have the freedom to be positioned anywhere on the track as long as they are behind the jammer line. Therefore, the correct answer is false.

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  • 21. 

    What happens when you have been to the box for 7 minutes in a single game? [Check all that appy]

    • A.

      You have fouled out

    • B.

      The pivot serves your penalty

    • C.

      You leave the track area immediately

    • D.

      You serve your penalty minute before leaving the track area

    • E.

      You serve a minute in the box and return to play

    • F.

      The captain serves your penalty minute

    • G.

      You can stay and watch the rest of the game

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. You have fouled out
    C. You leave the track area immediately
    F. The captain serves your penalty minute
    When you have been to the box for 7 minutes in a single game, it means that you have fouled out. As a result, you must leave the track area immediately. In addition, the captain serves your penalty minute on your behalf.

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  • 22. 

    When can you legally block? (Check all that apply)

    • A.

      Skating counterclockwise [normal direction], facing forward

    • B.

      Skating counterclockwise [normal direction], facing backward

    • C.

      When stopped

    • D.

      Skating clockwise [opposite direction], facing forward

    • E.

      Skating clockwise [opposite direction], facing backward

    • F.

      When jumping the apex

    • G.

      When in the pack

    • H.

      When out of the pack by less than 20 feet

    • I.

      When out of the pack by more than 20 feet

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Skating counterclockwise [normal direction], facing forward
    B. Skating counterclockwise [normal direction], facing backward
    G. When in the pack
    H. When out of the pack by less than 20 feet
    You can legally block when skating counterclockwise in the normal direction, whether facing forward or backward. Additionally, you can block when in the pack or when out of the pack by less than 20 feet.

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