Which of the following should the nurse suspect when noting that a 3-year-old is engaging in explicit sexual behavior during doll play?
Correct Answer
B. The child is acting out personal experiences
Preschoolers should be developmentally incapable of demonstrating explicit sexual behavior. If a child does so. the child has been exposed to such behavior. and sexual abuse should be suspected.Options C and D: Explicit sexual behavior during doll play is not a characteristic of preschool development nor symptomatic of developmental delay. Whether or nor the child knows how to play with dolls is irrelevant.
Which of the following statements by the parents of a child with school phobia would indicate the need for further teaching?
Correct Answer
A. “We’ll keep him at home until pHobia subsides.”
The parents need more teaching if they state that they will keep the child home until the phobia subsides. Doing so reinforces the child’s feelings of worthlessness and dependency.Option B: The child should attend school even during resolution of the problem.Option C: Allowing the child to verbalize helps the child to ventilate feelings and may help to uncover causes and solutions.Option D: Collaboration with the teachers and counselors at school may lead to uncovering the cause of the phobia and to the development of solutions. The child should participate and play an active role in developing possible solutions.
When developing a teaching plan for a group of high school students about teenage pregnancy. the nurse would keep in mind which of the following?
Correct Answer
C. Denial of the pregnancy is common early on.
The adolescent who becomes pregnant typically denies the pregnancy early on. Early recognition by a parent or health care provider may be crucial to timely initiation of prenatal care.Option A: The incidence of adolescent pregnancy has declined since 1991. yet morbidity remains high.Option B: Most teenage pregnancies are unplanned and occur out of wedlock.Option D: The pregnant adolescent is at high risk for physical complications including premature labor and low-birth-weight infants. high neonatal mortality. iron deficiency anemia. prolonged labor. and fetopelvic disproportion as well as numerous psychological crises.
When assessing a child with a cleft palate. the nurse is aware that the child is at risk for more frequent episodes of otitis media due to which of the following?
Correct Answer
B. Ineffective functioning of the Eustachian tubes
Because of the structural defect. children with cleft palate may have ineffective functioning of their Eustachian tubes creating frequent bouts of otitis media.Option A: Most children with cleft palate remain well-nourished and maintain adequate nutrition through the use of proper feeding techniques.Option C: Food particles do not pass through the cleft and into the Eustachian tubes.Option D: There is no association between cleft palate and congenital ear deformities.
While performing a neurodevelopmental assessment on a 3-month-old infant. which of the following characteristics would be expected?
Correct Answer
D. Lifting of head and chest when prone
A 3-month-old infant should be able to lift the head and chest when prone.Option A: The Moro reflex typically diminishes or subsides by 3 months.Option B: The parachute reflex appears at 9 months.Option C: Rolling from front to back usually is accomplished at about 5 months.
By the end of which of the following would the nurse most commonly expect a child’s birth weight to triple?
Correct Answer
D. 12 months
A child’s birth weight usually triples by 12 months and doubles by 4 months. No specific birth weight parameters are established for 7 or 9 months.
Which of the following best describes parallel play between two toddlers?
Correct Answer
C. Sitting near each other while playing with separate dolls
Toddlers engaging in parallel play will play near each other. but not with each other. Thus. when two toddlers sit near each other but play with separate dolls. they are exhibiting parallel play.Options A. B. and D: Sharing crayons. playing a board game with a nurse. or sharing dolls with two different nurses are all examples of cooperative play.
Which of the following would the nurse identify as the initial priority for a child with acute lymphocytic leukemia?
Correct Answer
A. Instituting infection control precautions
Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) causes leukopenia. resulting in immunosuppression and increasing the risk of infection. a leading cause of death in children with ALL. Therefore. the initial priority nursing intervention would be to institute infection control precautions to decrease the risk of infection.Option B: Iron-rich foods help with anemia. but dietary iron is not an initial intervention.Option C: The prognosis of ALL usually is good. However. later on. the nurse may need to assist the child and family with coping since death and dying may still be an issue in need of discussion.Option D: Injections should be discouraged. owing to increased risk of bleeding due to thrombocytopenia.
Which of the following information. when voiced by the mother. would indicate to the nurse that she understands home care instructions following the administration of diphtheria. tetanus. and pertussis injection?
Correct Answer
A. Measures to reduce fever
The pertussis component may result in fever and the tetanus component may result in injection soreness. Therefore. the mother’s verbalization of information about measures to reduce fever indicates understanding.Option B: No dietary restrictions are necessary after this injection is given.Option C: Subsequent rash is more likely to be seen 5 to 10 days after receiving the MMR vaccine. not diphtheria. pertussis. and tetanus vaccine.Option D: A Diarrhea is not associated with this vaccine.
Which of the following actions by a community health nurse is most appropriate when noting multiple bruises and burns on the posterior trunk of an 18-month-old child during a home visit?
Correct Answer
A. Report the child’s condition to Protective Services immediately.
Multiple bruises and burns on a toddler are signs child abuse. Therefore. the nurse is responsible for reporting the case to Protective Services immediately to protect the child from further harm.Option B: Scheduling a follow-up visit is inappropriate because additional harm may come to the child if the nurse waits for further assessment data.Option C: Although the nurse should notify the physician. the goal is to initiate measures to protect the child’s safety. Notifying the physician immediately does not initiate the removal of the child from harm nor does it absolve the nurse from responsibility.Option D: Multiple bruises and burns are not normal toddler injuries.