He said "Men are basically little piglets . . . Males are biologically driven to go out and hunt giraffes."
Correct Answer
A. Newt Gingrich
This is from a controversial lecture on the military that Gingrich delivered while teaching at Reinhardt College. He also said that "females have biological problems staying in a ditch for thirty days because they get infections and they don't have upper body strength," when referring to women participating in combat missions.
He said: "Can we steer away from 'gay people'? I’m sorry, it’s an orientation, not a race. Plus, a lot of other races are intolerant of gays."
Correct Answer
B. Must be Schrute
The Dunder Mifflin employee said this during the Season 1 episode "Diversity Day." The dialogue line is not to be confused with basically everything Newt has ever said about the homosexual agenda.
When he was 11-years-old, he took on City Hall in an attempt to build a zoo from scratch in South Central Pennsylvania.
Correct Answer
A. Lil' Newt
In the mid-'50s, the AP reported that boy Gingrich took on Harrisburg mayor Claude Robins and several city councilmen in his efforts to "establish a zoo in the city's Wildwood Park." Dwight Schrute, too, has a borderline perverse obsession with wild animals.
This man pitched a radical plan to capture Osama bin Laden using a portable prison that could be operated beyond the pale of traditional covert ops.
Correct Answer
B. Schrute idea
Yes, Newt has had some wacky foreign policy ideas over the years (including a Bay of Pigs for Bosnia and reviving covert assault on the Castro regime). But this scheme was not among them.
Publicly referred to pop star Justin Bieber as "Justice Beaver."
Correct Answer
B. Dwight gag
That was Dwight in the Season 7 episode "Todd Packer."
When debating the eating habits of T-Rex's, this man explained, "I believe [the T-Rex] was a predator because I saw 'Jurassic Park' and he ate a lawyer and it wasn't a dead lawyer."
Correct Answer
A. Totally Newt
Yup, Dwight Schrute is a known fanatic . . . but probably not as much as the former House speaker. This was Newt Gingrich at an event hosted by Bozeman's Museum of the Rockies debating Montana State University paleontologist Jack Horner.
When thrown a softball question about past "romantic" activities, he mumbled something about "chicken fights."
Correct Answer
B. Dwight Schrute
Nope, not a night out with Callista. This was Dwight in the Season 8 episode "Pool Party."
He fantasized about ditching the workplace's drudgery to spend a year in the Amazon, staring at sloths.
Correct Answer
A. Must be Newt
That was Newt Gingrich in 1995, just eight months after he was sworn in as Speaker.
As recently as 2009, he called the Swedish system of government and healthcare "communist" and repressive.
Correct Answer
B. Schrute
This was Dwight in the Season 6 episode The Meeting. Newt Gingrich also enjoys accusing things that aren't communist of being really, really communist.
His favorite childhood game was curling up into a ball and playing dead on the sidewalk.
Correct Answer
A. Kid Newt
MoJo reporter dug up this gem from a 2001 magazine lede. [Newt's] pal Dennis Yantz would pretend to beat him up and leave him crumpled on the curb. "When a car would pull up to see what was wrong," Yantz recalls, "Newt would jump up and scream 'SURPRISE!' We would do this over and over again." For some reason, Yantz says, Newt always wanted to be the one who played dead.