Español - Oraciones Condicionales 1

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Espa�ol - Oraciones Condicionales 1 - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Si _________ técnico de la selección, ¿convocarías a aquel jugador peleador? (ser)

    The correct answer is "fueras, fueses" because in this sentence, the verb "ser" is in the conditional tense. When using the conditional tense with the verb "ser" to express a hypothetical situation, the correct forms are "fueras" for the singular second person (tú) and "fueses" for the singular second person (vos).

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  • 2. 

    Si haces click en el enlace, la revista _________ lentamente en tu navegador. (abrirse)

    Cuando haces clic en el enlace, la revista se abrirá lentamente en tu navegador. El verbo "abrirse" está conjugado en tercera persona del singular y en futuro, para concordar con el sujeto "la revista". El pronombre reflexivo "se" indica que la acción del verbo recae sobre el sujeto mismo.

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  • 3. 

    Si las cañerías ______ de cobre, no se herrumbraban nunca. (ser)

    The correct answer is "fueran, fuesen" because the sentence is in the conditional tense, indicating a hypothetical situation. In this case, the verb "ser" is conjugated in the imperfect subjunctive form to match the plural subject "las cañerías". The options "fueran" and "fuesen" are both valid forms of the imperfect subjunctive for the verb "ser" in the third person plural.

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  • 4. 

    Si nos aumentan de nuevo el valor del alquiler, _________ de esta casa. (irse)

    This sentence is in the future tense and uses the reflexive verb "irse" which means "to leave" or "to go away". The subject of the sentence is "nosotros" (we) and the verb is conjugated as "iremos" which means "we will go". The phrase "nos" is added before the verb to indicate that the action is being done to ourselves, so "nos iremos" translates to "we will leave". Therefore, the correct answer is "nos iremos" which means "we will leave".

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  • 5. 

    Si a las 19h el portón principal ya _______ cerrado, salgan por atrás. (estar)

    The correct answer is "está" because the sentence is in the present tense and refers to a specific time (las 19h). The verb "estar" is used to indicate the state or condition of something, and in this case, it is used to express that the main gate is closed at 19h.

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  • 6. 

    Si toma bastante agua, el resultado _________ en la piel. (verse)

    Si una persona toma bastante agua, el resultado es que su piel se ve mejor. El verbo "verse" se utiliza para expresar cómo se ve algo o alguien. En este caso, se utiliza en tercera persona del singular "se ve" para indicar que el resultado de tomar agua se refleja en la apariencia de la piel.

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  • 7. 

    Si ________ bastante agua, el resultado se vería en la piel. (tomar)

    In this sentence, the verb "tomar" is conjugated in the imperfect subjunctive tense. The imperfect subjunctive is used to express hypothetical or uncertain situations. The correct forms of the verb in this context are "tomara" and "tomase." Both forms are equally correct and can be used interchangeably. The sentence is saying that if someone were to drink enough water, the result would be visible on their skin.

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  • 8. 

    Si ________ la verdad, cuéntamela.  (saber)

    In this sentence, the verb "saber" is conjugated in the second person singular form, which is "sabes". This form is used when addressing someone informally and means "you know". The phrase "si ________ la verdad, cuéntamela" translates to "if you know the truth, tell me". Therefore, "sabes" is the correct answer as it matches the subject and tense of the sentence.

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  • 9. 

    Si supieras la verdad, ¿me la __________? (contar)

    The correct answer is "contarías, contabas" because the question is asking "If you knew the truth, would you tell me?" In this context, "contarías" is the conditional form of the verb "contar" (to tell) and "contabas" is the imperfect form of the same verb. Both forms are correct and can be used interchangeably in this sentence.

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  • 10. 

    Si ________ cerveza, no manejarás el coche a la vuelta.  (tomar)

    The correct answer is "tomas" because it is the correct conjugation of the verb "tomar" in the second person singular form. In the sentence, it is implied that if you drink beer, you should not drive the car afterwards.

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  • 11. 

    Si tomas cerveza, no _________ el coche a la vuelta. (manejar)

    The correct answer is "manejes" because it is the correct conjugation of the verb "manejar" in the subjunctive mood for the second person singular. The sentence is expressing a hypothetical situation or a condition, indicating that if you drink beer, you should not drive the car afterwards. Therefore, "manejes" is the appropriate form of the verb to match the subjunctive mood and the subject "tú" (you).

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  • 12. 

    Si no protegen sus carteras, se las _________. (robar)

    The sentence is in the future tense and talks about the action of someone stealing their wallets. The verb "robarán" is the correct conjugation of the verb "robar" in the third person plural form, which matches the subject of the sentence. Therefore, it means "they will steal them."

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  • 13. 

    Si no __________ sus carteras, se las robarían. (proteger) 

    The correct answer is "protegieran, protegiesen". In this sentence, the verb "proteger" is conjugated in the imperfect subjunctive tense to match the hypothetical condition of not protecting their wallets. The two options provided, "protegieran" and "protegiesen", are both correct forms of the imperfect subjunctive conjugation of "proteger" in the third person plural.

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  • 14. 

    Si _________ las iniciativas que tomamos, todos conocen la calidad de nuestro trabajo. (divulgar)

    The correct answer is "divulgamos" because it is the correct conjugation of the verb "divulgar" in the first person plural form. The sentence is saying that if we divulge the initiatives we take, everyone knows the quality of our work.

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  • 15. 

    Si divulgáramos las iniciativas que tomamos, todos __________ la calidad de nuestro trabajo. (conocer)

    Si divulgáramos las iniciativas que tomamos, todos conocerían la calidad de nuestro trabajo. En esta oración, se utiliza el condicional "si divulgáramos" para expresar una situación hipotética. El verbo "conocerían" se utiliza en la forma condicional para indicar que si se divulgan las iniciativas, todos tendrían la oportunidad de conocer la calidad del trabajo. Por otro lado, el verbo "conocían" se utiliza en el pretérito imperfecto para indicar que en el pasado, antes de la divulgación, algunas personas ya conocían la calidad del trabajo.

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  • 16. 

    Si no _________ (considerar) al prójimo, nunca _______ (tener) amigos.  verbo - verbo

    If you do not consider others, you will never have friends. In the first blank, "consideras" is the correct form of the verb "considerar" in the second person singular, which matches with "tendrás" in the second blank, the correct form of the verb "tener" in the second person singular future tense. In the second option, "considera" is the correct form of the verb "considerar" in the third person singular, which matches with "tendrá" in the second blank, the correct form of the verb "tener" in the third person singular future tense.

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  • 17. 

    Si _______ (mandar) tu artículo antes del viernes, lo __________ (incluir) en este número de la revista.  verbo - verbo

    If you send your article before Friday, we will include it in this issue of the magazine. The verb "mandas" is the second person singular form of the verb "mandar" (to send) in present tense, indicating that the action is being done by the subject "tu" (you). The verb "incluiremos" is the first person plural form of the verb "incluir" (to include) in future tense, indicating that the action will be done by the speaker and others.

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  • 18. 

    Si _______ (hacer) los ejercicios, ________ (saber) desempeñarte en la prueba.  Verbo - verbo

    The correct answer is "haces - sabrás". In this sentence, the verb "hacer" is conjugated in the present tense, indicating that the subject is currently performing the action of doing the exercises. The verb "saber" is conjugated in the future tense, suggesting that as a result of doing the exercises, the subject will acquire the knowledge or ability to perform well in the test. Therefore, the correct conjugations are "haces" and "sabrás".

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  • 19. 

    Si no _______ (dejar) de consumir azúcar, _________. (engordar) verbo - verbo

    If you don't stop consuming sugar, you will gain weight. The verb "dejar" means "to stop" or "to quit" and "dejas" is the second person singular form of the verb. The verb "engordar" means "to gain weight" and "engordarás" is the second person singular future tense form of the verb. Therefore, the correct answer is "dejas - engordarás."

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  • 20. 

    Si __________ (dices) que eres una amiga mía, la secretaria te _________ (atender) más rápido.  verbo - verbo

    The correct answer is "dices - atenderá". In the given sentence, "si dices" means "if you say" and "te atenderá" means "will attend to you". The verb "dices" is in the present indicative form, indicating a condition or possibility. The verb "atenderá" is in the future indicative form, indicating a future action that will happen if the condition is met. Therefore, the correct answer is "dices - atenderá".

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  • 21. 

    Modelo:  utilizar la impresión rápida / aprovechar más la tinta.  Si utilizara / -se la impresión rápida, aprovecharía más la tinta.  Leer el contrato con cuidado, / no firmarlo. 

    The correct answer is "Si leyera el contrato con cuidado, no lo firmaría" or "Si leyese el contrato con cuidado, no lo firmaría". This is because the sentence is in the conditional tense, expressing a hypothetical situation. The verb "leer" is conjugated in the imperfect subjunctive form to indicate the hypothetical action of reading the contract carefully. The verb "firmar" is conjugated in the conditional tense to indicate the hypothetical action of not signing it.

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  • 22. 

    Modelo:  utilizar la impresión rápida / aprovechar más la tinta.  Si utilizara / -se la impresión rápida, aprovecharía más la tinta.  trabajar bien, / tener más clientes. 

    The correct answer is "Si trabajara bien, tendría más clientes. , Si trabajase bien, tendría más clientes." This is because the sentence is expressing a hypothetical situation using the conditional tense ("trabajara" and "trabajase"). The sentence is stating that if the person works well, they would have more clients. The use of the conditional tense in Spanish is necessary to convey this hypothetical situation.

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  • 23. 

    Modelo:  utilizar la impresión rápida / aprovechar más la tinta.  Si utilizara / -se la impresión rápida, aprovecharía más la tinta.  conocer a Marcelo, gustarle.

    If the person knew Marcelo, they would like him. This is indicated by the use of the conditional tense "conociera" and "conociese" which suggest a hypothetical situation. The verb "gustaría" also indicates that the person would have a positive opinion of Marcelo.

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  • 24. 

    Modelo:  utilizar la impresión rápida / aprovechar más la tinta.  Si utilizara / -se la impresión rápida, aprovecharía más la tinta.  ser el último día, / devolverle sus cosas. 

    The correct answer is "Si fuera el último día, le devolvería sus cosas. , Si fuese el último día, le devolvería sus cosas." This answer is correct because it correctly uses the conditional tense in Spanish to express a hypothetical situation. The verb "fuera" or "fuese" is the past subjunctive form of the verb "ser" (to be), which is used to express hypothetical or unreal situations. The phrase "Si fuera el último día" means "If it were the last day" and is followed by the conditional verb "devolvería" which means "I would return". Therefore, the correct translation is "If it were the last day, I would return his things."

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  • 25. 

    Modelo:  utilizar la impresión rápida / aprovechar más la tinta.  Si utilizara / -se la impresión rápida, aprovecharía más la tinta.  decir lo que sabe, / no creérselo.

    The correct answer is "Si dijera lo que sabe, no se lo creería" and "Si dijese lo que sabe, no se lo creería." These phrases are in the conditional tense and express a hypothetical situation. They both mean "If he/she said what he/she knows, he/she wouldn't believe it." The use of the conditional tense suggests that the person is unlikely to reveal their knowledge because it would be hard to believe.

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