Circuits, Redox & Lights Open Notes

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| By Lmmurp2
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Circuits, Redox & Lights Open Notes - Quiz

Through circuits, currents move and their direction matters a lot. This quiz tests on the different chemical circuits and in addition the redox reactions. These are those in which both oxidation and reduction occur. Al the best.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Metals readily ____________ electrons to form _______________ charged particles.

    • A.

      Lose, negatively

    • B.

      Lose, positively

    • C.

      Gain, negatively

    • D.

      Gain, postively

    Correct Answer
    B. Lose, positively
    Metals have a tendency to lose electrons during chemical reactions, resulting in the formation of positively charged particles called cations. This is due to the low ionization energy of metals, allowing them to easily remove electrons from their outermost energy levels. As a result, metals become positively charged ions, which are attracted to negatively charged ions or other polar molecules.

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  • 2. 

    Oxidation is when electrons are _____________. The electrons are written on the right side of the reaction as ______________.

    • A.

      Lost, reactants

    • B.

      Lost, products

    • C.

      Gained, reactants

    • D.

      Gained, products

    Correct Answer
    B. Lost, products
    Oxidation is a chemical process in which an atom, ion, or molecule loses electrons. In this context, the given correct answer states that electrons are lost during oxidation. Additionally, the answer states that the electrons are written on the right side of the reaction as products, which is consistent with the convention of representing the products of a chemical reaction.

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  • 3. 

    The ground state is:

    • A.

      When an ion or atom with an electron moves to a higher than normal energy level

    • B.

      The lowest energy level of atom or ion

    • C.

      The distance between successive crests of an electromagnetic wave

    • D.

      The number of times a point on a wave passes a fixed reference point in a second

    Correct Answer
    B. The lowest energy level of atom or ion
    The ground state refers to the lowest energy level of an atom or ion. In this state, the electron is in its most stable configuration, occupying the lowest available energy level. This is in contrast to excited states, where the electron has absorbed energy and moved to a higher energy level. The ground state is the starting point for understanding the electronic structure and behavior of atoms and ions.

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  • 4. 

    Fluorsescence is

    • A.

      When an ion or atom with an electron moves to a higher than normal energy level

    • B.

      The lowest energy level of atom or ion

    • C.

      The emisison of light from a substance resulting from the immediate return of an electron to ground state

    • D.

      The emission of light from a substance resulting from the delayed return of an electron to ground state

    Correct Answer
    C. The emisison of light from a substance resulting from the immediate return of an electron to ground state
    Fluorescence is the emission of light from a substance resulting from the immediate return of an electron to the ground state. When an atom or ion with an electron moves to a higher than normal energy level, it becomes excited. As the electron returns to its original energy level, it releases energy in the form of light. This immediate emission of light is known as fluorescence.

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  • 5. 

    In ROYGBIV, red has a wavelength corresponding to

    • A.

      700 nm

    • B.

      400 nm

    • C.

      1000 nm

    • D.

      200 nm

    Correct Answer
    A. 700 nm
    ROYGBIV is an acronym used to remember the colors of the visible light spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Each color in the spectrum has a specific wavelength associated with it. In this case, the correct answer is 700 nm because red light has a longer wavelength compared to the other options given. Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs of a wave, and red light has a longer wavelength than blue or violet light.

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  • 6. 

    The relationship between wavelength and frequency is __________________ because when wavelength _______________, frequency decreases.

    • A.

      Direct, increases

    • B.

      Direct, decreases

    • C.

      Indirect, increases

    • D.

      Indirect, decreases

    Correct Answer
    C. Indirect, increases
    The relationship between wavelength and frequency is indirect because when wavelength increases, frequency decreases. This is because wavelength is the distance between two consecutive points on a wave, while frequency is the number of complete waves that pass a point in a given time. As wavelength increases, the distance between consecutive points on the wave becomes larger, resulting in fewer complete waves passing a point in a given time, thus decreasing the frequency.

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  • 7. 

    Why did the orange LED light NOT make the glow-in-the-dark star glow?

    • A.

      It's wavelength was too small

    • B.

      Its energy was too small

    • C.

      The electron moved to an excited state then had a delay in returning to ground state

    • D.

      The electron moved to an excited state and immediately returned to ground state

    Correct Answer
    B. Its energy was too small
    The orange LED light did not make the glow-in-the-dark star glow because its energy was too small. The glow-in-the-dark star requires a certain amount of energy to be absorbed in order to emit light. However, the orange LED light did not provide enough energy for this process to occur, resulting in the star not glowing.

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  • 8. 

    Solid lead (Pb) will react with ___________ if it is in the aqueous state.

    • A.

      Calcium, Ca

    • B.

      Zinc, Zn

    • C.

      Silver, Ag

    • D.

      Lithium, Li

    Correct Answer
    C. Silver, Ag
    Solid lead (Pb) will react with silver (Ag) if it is in the aqueous state. This is because silver is more reactive than lead and can displace it in a chemical reaction. When solid lead is in contact with aqueous silver, the silver ions (Ag+) will react with the lead atoms (Pb) to form solid lead(II) ions (Pb2+), while the silver atoms will be reduced to solid silver. This reaction is known as a displacement reaction, where a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element from its compound.

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  • 9. 

    Aqueous sodium (Na) will react with _________ in the solid state.

    • A.

      Lithium, Li

    • B.

      Magnesium, Mg

    • C.

      Tin, Sn

    • D.

      Mercury, Hg

    Correct Answer
    A. Lithium, Li
    Aqueous sodium (Na) will react with lithium (Li) in the solid state because both elements are highly reactive metals. When sodium reacts with lithium, it forms a compound called sodium lithium (NaLi), which is stable in the solid state. This reaction occurs due to the tendency of sodium to lose one electron and lithium to gain one electron, resulting in the formation of a stable compound.

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  • 10. 

    In the reaction: Ag+ (aq)  + Zn(s) --> Ag (s) + Zn2+ (aq) Ag is _____________ meaning it _______________ electrons.

    • A.

      Oxidized, loses

    • B.

      Oxidized, gains

    • C.

      Reduced, loses

    • D.

      Reduced, gains

    Correct Answer
    D. Reduced, gains
    In the given reaction, Ag+ (aq) is being reduced, meaning it gains electrons. This is because Ag+ is being converted into Ag (s), which has a lower oxidation state. The reduction half-reaction can be written as Ag+ (aq) + e- --> Ag (s). Therefore, the correct answer is "reduced, gains".

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  • 11. 

    In the reaction Ag+ (aq)  + Zn(s) --> Ag (s) + Zn2+ (aq) electrons are transferred from ________ to __________.

    • A.

      Ag, Zn

    • B.

      Zn, Ag

    • C.

      Impossible to answer, electrons are not transferred

    Correct Answer
    B. Zn, Ag
    In this reaction, electrons are transferred from Zn (zinc) to Ag (silver). This is because Zn is in its solid state and loses electrons to form Zn2+ ions in the aqueous solution, while Ag+ ions in the aqueous solution gain these electrons to form solid Ag.

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  • 12. 

    In the reaction: Cr3+ (aq)  +Al(s) -->  Cr (s) + Al3+ (aq) There is a transfer of

    • A.

      Electrons from Al to Cr3+

    • B.

      Electrons from Cr3+ to Al

    • C.

      Protons from Al to Cr3+

    • D.

      Protons from Cr3+ to Al

    Correct Answer
    A. Electrons from Al to Cr3+
    In this reaction, Al is being oxidized (losing electrons) and Cr3+ is being reduced (gaining electrons). This means that electrons are being transferred from Al to Cr3+.

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  • 13. 

    Which metal reacts spontaneoulsy with a solution containing zinc ions?

    • A.

      Potassium, K

    • B.

      Nickel, Ni

    • C.

      Copper, Cu

    • D.

      Silver, Ag

    Correct Answer
    A. Potassium, K
    Potassium reacts spontaneously with a solution containing zinc ions because it is more reactive than zinc. This means that potassium has a higher tendency to lose electrons and form positive ions compared to zinc. When potassium is added to a solution containing zinc ions, it will displace the zinc ions and form potassium ions, while the zinc will be displaced and form solid zinc. This reaction occurs spontaneously because it is energetically favorable for potassium to react with zinc ions.

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  • 14. 

    It is incorrect to say "When aluminum metal and copper ions were mixed the aluminum melted". Because Al is above Cu on the ____________________ it is correct to say they reacted.

    • A.

      Electromagnetic spectrum

    • B.

      Periodic table

    • C.

      Metal activity series

    • D.

      Electronegativity series

    Correct Answer
    C. Metal activity series
    The correct answer is metal activity series. The metal activity series is a list that ranks metals in order of their reactivity. When aluminum metal and copper ions were mixed, aluminum reacted with the copper ions because aluminum is above copper in the metal activity series. This means that aluminum is more reactive than copper and will displace copper from its compound.

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  • 15. 

    In the reaction:  Cu2+ (aq)  +Zn(s) -->   Zn (s) +   Cu2+ (aq) which equation represents the reduction half reaction?

    • A.

      Zn(s) --> Zn2+ + 2 e

    • B.

      Zn(s) + 2e --> Zn2+

    • C.

      Cu2+ (aq) + 2e --> Cu (s)

    • D.

      Cu2+(aq) --> Cu (s) + 2e

    Correct Answer
    C. Cu2+ (aq) + 2e --> Cu (s)
    The equation "Cu2+ (aq) + 2e --> Cu (s)" represents the reduction half reaction because it shows the gain of electrons by Cu2+ ions to form Cu atoms. In a reduction reaction, a species gains electrons, which is evident in this equation where Cu2+ ions gain 2 electrons to form Cu atoms.

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  • 16. 

    In the reaction: Na(s) + Pt+ (aq) -->  Na + (aq) + Pt(s) Na is _________________ meaning it _______________ electrons.

    • A.

      Oxidized, loses

    • B.

      Oxidized, gains

    • C.

      Reduced, loses

    • D.

      Reduced, gains

    Correct Answer
    A. Oxidized, loses
    In the given reaction, Na(s) is being oxidized, meaning it is losing electrons. This is indicated by the formation of Na+ (aq) from Na(s), where Na loses an electron to become Na+. Therefore, the correct answer is "oxidized, loses".

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  • 17. 

    Which wavelength of light has a higher energy?

    • A.

      700 nm

    • B.

      600 nm

    • C.

      500 nm

    • D.

      400 nm

    Correct Answer
    D. 400 nm
    The energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency, and inversely proportional to its wavelength. As wavelength decreases, frequency increases, resulting in higher energy. Therefore, the light with a wavelength of 400 nm has a higher energy compared to the other options given.

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  • 18. 

    Which color of visible light has a longer wavelength?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Orange
    Orange has a longer wavelength compared to green, indigo, and violet. Wavelength is a measure of the distance between two consecutive points on a wave, and it is inversely related to the frequency of the wave. In the visible light spectrum, red light has the longest wavelength, followed by orange. Therefore, orange light has a longer wavelength than green, indigo, and violet light.

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  • 19. 

    Electrons start out at a ____________ state and can move to an _____________ state when energized.

    • A.

      Negative, positive

    • B.

      Positive, negative

    • C.

      Ground, excited

    • D.

      Excited, ground

    Correct Answer
    C. Ground, excited
    Electrons initially exist in a ground state, which is the lowest energy level they can occupy. When energized, they can transition to an excited state, which is a higher energy level.

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  • 20. 

    Electroplating is the

    • A.

      Production of a thin layer of metal on an object with electrolysis

    • B.

      Use of electricity to produce light

    • C.

      Use of fluorescence to produce phosphorescence

    • D.

      Lighting of an LED

    Correct Answer
    A. Production of a thin layer of metal on an object with electrolysis
    Electroplating is a process in which a thin layer of metal is deposited onto an object using electrolysis. This involves immersing both the object and a metal electrode in a solution containing ions of the metal to be plated. When an electric current is passed through the solution, the metal ions are reduced and form a thin layer on the object. This process is commonly used to improve the appearance, corrosion resistance, and durability of objects, such as jewelry, car parts, and household items.

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  • May 13, 2014
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