Constitution And Government Of The United States! Trivia Questions Quiz

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| By Jared Fritzinger
Jared Fritzinger
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Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 317
Questions: 33 | Attempts: 317

Constitution And Government Of The United States! Trivia Questions Quiz - Quiz


Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Why were the Charters of the Virginia Company of London important?

    • A.

      They created a federal court system.

    • B.

      They established a national banking system.

    • C.

      They guaranteed the colonists' rights as Englishmen.

    • D.

      They stated the colonists' grievances against the English king.

    Correct Answer
    C. They guaranteed the colonists' rights as Englishmen.
    The Charters of the Virginia Company of London were important because they guaranteed the colonists' rights as Englishmen. This means that the colonists had the same rights and protections as any other English citizen. This was significant because it provided the colonists with a sense of security and legitimacy in their new colony. It also laid the foundation for the development of representative government and individual liberties in the American colonies.

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  • 2. 

    In order for a United States citizen to receive a fair trial, other citizens must-

    • A.

      Evaluate judges

    • B.

      Vote in elections

    • C.

      Pay poll taxes

    • D.

      Serve on juries

    Correct Answer
    D. Serve on juries
    In order for a United States citizen to receive a fair trial, it is necessary for other citizens to serve on juries. Juries play a crucial role in the legal system by impartially evaluating the evidence presented in a case and making a decision based on the law. By having a diverse group of citizens serve on juries, it ensures that different perspectives and experiences are taken into account during the trial, thus enhancing the fairness of the process. Therefore, the participation of citizens as jurors is essential for upholding the principle of a fair trial in the United States.

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  • 3. 

    Which is necessary to amend the Constitution of the United States? 

    • A.

      Majority vote by the Electoral College.

    • B.

      Unanimous vote by both houses of Congress.

    • C.

      Ratification by legislatures or conventions in the states.

    • D.

      Recommendation by the executive and judicial branches in the states.

    Correct Answer
    C. Ratification by legislatures or conventions in the states.
    To amend the Constitution of the United States, it is necessary for the amendment to be ratified by legislatures or conventions in the states. This means that the proposed amendment must be approved by a certain number of state legislatures or by conventions held in the states. This process ensures that there is a broad consensus among the states before a change is made to the Constitution, reflecting the federalist nature of the United States government. The Electoral College, Congress, and the executive and judicial branches in the states do not have the power to directly amend the Constitution.

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  • 4. 

    A newspaper has headlines that read, "Federal Judge Impeached," and "Mayor Convicted of Bribery." These headlines best illustrate the concept of-

    • A.


    • B.

      Consent of the governed

    • C.

      Rule of law

    • D.

      Popular sovereignty

    Correct Answer
    C. Rule of law
    The headlines "Federal Judge Impeached" and "Mayor Convicted of Bribery" illustrate the concept of the rule of law. This concept refers to the principle that all individuals, regardless of their position or power, are subject to the law. In this case, both the judge and the mayor are held accountable for their actions and face legal consequences for their alleged wrongdoings. The rule of law ensures that no one is above the law and that justice is applied equally to all individuals in a society.

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  • 5. 

    Aiko and Ian know that some children at their school lack school supplies.  With the support of their principal, parents, and teacher, they organize a district-wide school supply drive.  By starting this school supply drive, Aiko and Ian are-

    • A.

      Engaging in community service

    • B.

      Demonstrating a civic duty

    • C.

      Fulfilling their duties as students

    • D.

      Engaging in patriotic acts

    Correct Answer
    A. Engaging in community service
    Aiko and Ian are engaging in community service by organizing a district-wide school supply drive to help children at their school who lack school supplies. They are voluntarily giving their time and effort to benefit their community and make a positive impact on the lives of others. This act of organizing a school supply drive demonstrates their willingness to help others and their commitment to improving their community.

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  • 6. 

    A newspaper headline reads, "President Calls a Special Session of Congress to Pass New Budget."  The principle of United States government that is best illustrated in this headline is-

    • A.

      Popular sovereignty

    • B.

      Representative democracy

    • C.

      Concurrent and reserved powers

    • D.

      Checks and balances

    Correct Answer
    D. Checks and balances
    The principle of checks and balances is best illustrated in this headline. The President calling a special session of Congress to pass a new budget shows that the executive branch (President) is using its power to influence the legislative branch (Congress) in order to achieve a specific goal. This demonstrates the system of checks and balances, where each branch of government has the ability to limit the powers of the other branches and prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.

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  • 7. 

    When the Senate approves a Presidential appointment it illustrates power of which branch of government?

    • A.

      State executive

    • B.

      State legislative

    • C.

      Federal legislative

    • D.

      Federal judicial

    Correct Answer
    C. Federal legislative
    When the Senate approves a Presidential appointment, it illustrates the power of the Federal legislative branch of government. The Senate, which is part of the legislative branch, has the authority to confirm or reject appointments made by the President. This process is a check on the executive branch's power and ensures a separation of powers within the federal government.

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  • 8. 

    If, in the State of the Union address, the President asks members of Congress to reform the current postal system, the President is acting in his role as-

    • A.

      Chief citizen

    • B.

      Chief diplomat

    • C.

      Chief legislator

    • D.

      Chief executive

    Correct Answer
    C. Chief legislator
    In the State of the Union address, the President has the opportunity to outline his legislative agenda and propose new laws or reforms. By asking members of Congress to reform the current postal system, the President is acting in his role as chief legislator, as he is using his position to influence and shape the legislative process. This role allows the President to set the agenda and advocate for specific policies or changes to existing laws.

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  • 9. 

    According to the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights, powers not specifically delegated are reserved to the people or-

    • A.

      Local governments

    • B.

      The courts

    • C.

      Political parties

    • D.

      The states

    Correct Answer
    D. The states
    The correct answer is "the states". The 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights states that any powers not specifically given to the federal government are reserved for the states or the people. This amendment reinforces the concept of federalism, where power is divided between the national government and the state governments, allowing states to govern themselves to a certain extent and maintain their own sovereignty.

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  • 10. 

    Which level of government can declare war on foreign nations?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Federal
    The federal level of government can declare war on foreign nations because it has the authority and power to make decisions and take actions on behalf of the entire country. This includes matters of national security, such as declaring war, which require a unified and coordinated response from the entire nation. The city, state, and county levels of government do not have the same jurisdiction or authority to engage in international conflicts and declare war.

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  • 11. 

    Mrs. Jones announces that she will be running for Mayor of Virginia Beach in the upcoming election.  One way for Mrs. Jones to gain this office is to be elected by-

    • A.

      Members of the Governor's cabinet

    • B.

      Legislative representatives of the county

    • C.

      Members of the General Assembly

    • D.

      Registered voters of the city

    Correct Answer
    D. Registered voters of the city
    Mrs. Jones can gain the office of Mayor of Virginia Beach by being elected by the registered voters of the city. This means that the residents of Virginia Beach who are eligible to vote will have the opportunity to elect Mrs. Jones as their mayor in the upcoming election. The other options mentioned, such as members of the Governor's cabinet, legislative representatives of the county, and members of the General Assembly, do not have the authority to directly elect the mayor.

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  • 12. 

    To which court would a teenager go if he/she faced misdemeanor charges in the Commonwealth of Virginia?

    • A.

      General District Court

    • B.

      Circuit Court

    • C.

      Virginia Court of Appeals

    • D.

      Virginia Supreme Court

    Correct Answer
    A. General District Court
    A teenager facing misdemeanor charges in the Commonwealth of Virginia would go to the General District Court. This court has jurisdiction over misdemeanor cases and handles a wide range of civil and criminal matters, including traffic violations, small claims, and preliminary hearings for more serious offenses. The General District Court is the lowest level of trial court in Virginia's judicial system and is designed to provide a swift and efficient resolution to less serious cases.

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  • 13. 

    Which action, if taken by the Governor of Virginia, is an example of maintaining public safety? 

    • A.

      Delivering a speech to the General Assembly of Virginia

    • B.

      Sending Virginia's National Guard to help after a disaster

    • C.

      Working on Virginia's budget with the Secretary of Finance

    • D.

      Attending a meeting on the Virginia economy

    Correct Answer
    B. Sending Virginia's National Guard to help after a disaster
    Sending Virginia's National Guard to help after a disaster is an example of maintaining public safety because it involves deploying trained personnel and resources to assist in emergency situations. The National Guard can provide essential support such as search and rescue operations, medical aid, and infrastructure repair, ensuring the safety and well-being of the public during times of crisis. This action demonstrates a proactive approach to protecting the community and mitigating the impact of a disaster.

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  • 14. 

    A newspaper headline reads, "State Supreme Court Rules Against City; Restrictions on public meetings said to be unconstitutional."  Which legal process does this headline describe?

    • A.

      Legislative proceeding

    • B.

      Civil trial

    • C.

      Judicial review

    • D.

      Criminal prosecution

    Correct Answer
    C. Judicial review
    The given headline describes the legal process of judicial review. Judicial review refers to the power of the courts to review and potentially invalidate actions or laws made by other branches of government if they are found to be unconstitutional. In this case, the State Supreme Court ruled against the city, stating that the restrictions on public meetings were unconstitutional. This demonstrates the court's role in reviewing the actions of the city government and determining whether they comply with the constitution.

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  • 15. 

    Political parties distribute literature about their candidates in order to-

    • A.

      Recruit individuals to run for office

    • B.

      Educate the electorate about campaign issues

    • C.

      Help new residents register to vote

    • D.

      Assist people in getting to their polling places

    Correct Answer
    B. Educate the electorate about campaign issues
    Political parties distribute literature about their candidates in order to educate the electorate about campaign issues. By providing information about their candidates' positions on various issues, parties aim to inform voters about the policies and ideas they stand for. This helps voters make informed decisions during elections and contributes to a more educated electorate. Distributing literature allows parties to reach a wide audience and ensure that voters have access to relevant information about the campaign and the candidates.

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  • 16. 

    In order to win an election, a major party is most likely to- 

    • A.

      Appeal to the political center

    • B.

      Propose cuts to popular programs

    • C.

      Divide campaign funds between candidates equally

    • D.

      Organize leaders of special interest groups

    Correct Answer
    A. Appeal to the political center
    In order to win an election, a major party is most likely to appeal to the political center. This is because the political center represents the largest portion of the electorate and is often considered the swing vote. By appealing to the political center, a major party can attract a broader range of voters and increase their chances of winning the election. This strategy allows the party to position themselves as more moderate and inclusive, which can be appealing to a larger number of voters.

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  • 17. 

    1. Bill is debated 2. Bill is proposed 3. Bill is voted on by both houses 4. Bill is worked on in committees What is the correct sequence for the law-making process in the General Assembly?

    • A.

      1, 3, 4, 2

    • B.

      2, 4, 1, 3

    • C.

      1, 4, 3, 2

    • D.

      2, 1, 4, 3

    Correct Answer
    B. 2, 4, 1, 3
    The correct sequence for the law-making process in the General Assembly is as follows: First, a bill is proposed (2). Then, the bill is worked on in committees (4). After that, the bill is debated (1). Finally, the bill is voted on by both houses (3). This sequence ensures that the bill goes through the necessary steps of being proposed, discussed, and voted on before it can become a law.

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  • 18. 

    What action is most likely to occur at your arraignment in State Criminal Court?

    • A.

      Entering of a plea

    • B.

      Filing of an appeal

    • C.

      Reading of a verdict

    • D.

      Selection of a jury

    Correct Answer
    A. Entering of a plea
    At the arraignment in State Criminal Court, the most likely action to occur is the entering of a plea. This is the stage where the defendant is formally informed of the charges against them and is given the opportunity to plead guilty, not guilty, or no contest. It is an important step in the legal process where the defendant's plea sets the tone for the subsequent proceedings. The filing of an appeal, reading of a verdict, and selection of a jury are actions that typically happen at later stages of the criminal court process.

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  • 19. 

    An advertisement comes on television saying "Vote for Congressman Smith, a man fighting for your rights."  This advertisement illustrates how government officials use the media to- 

    • A.

      Communicate with other countries

    • B.

      Approve federal legislation

    • C.

      Influence political lobbyists

    • D.

      Communicate with the public

    Correct Answer
    D. Communicate with the public
    This advertisement illustrates how government officials use the media to communicate with the public. By airing the advertisement on television, Congressman Smith is able to reach a wide audience and convey his message directly to the voters. This is a common strategy used by politicians to connect with the public and gain their support.

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  • 20. 

    Local governments preparing a response for an international health crisis would most likely-

    • A.

      End visits by international travelers

    • B.

      Develop a public safety plan for the city

    • C.

      Shut down international airline flights

    • D.

      Ask the military to police the city

    Correct Answer
    B. Develop a public safety plan for the city
    During an international health crisis, local governments would most likely develop a public safety plan for the city. This is because a public safety plan would involve implementing measures to protect the residents and ensure their well-being during the crisis. This could include setting up emergency response systems, coordinating with healthcare facilities, disseminating information to the public, and implementing preventive measures such as social distancing and hygiene protocols. Ending visits by international travelers, shutting down international airline flights, or asking the military to police the city may be considered as extreme measures and would depend on the severity of the crisis and the recommendations of health authorities.

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  • 21. 

    Dear Representative Shelby,  I represent the Verne County Historic Preservation Society.  Please consider voting in favor of Proposition 118 which will ensure the protection of historic sites in Verne County.   Sincerely, Ellis Frankwell This letter is an example of-

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Lobbying
    This letter is an example of lobbying because the author is advocating for a specific cause (the protection of historic sites) and is urging the recipient (Representative Shelby) to vote in favor of Proposition 118. The author is trying to influence the decision-making process by presenting their case and appealing for support.

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  • 22. 

    A comic book store owner continues to reduce the price of a Batman action figure.  Which economic factor has most likely determined the continual price reduction?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Demand
    The continual price reduction of the Batman action figure is most likely determined by demand. As the store owner continues to reduce the price, it suggests that there is not enough demand for the product at its current price. By lowering the price, the owner hopes to attract more customers and increase sales. This decision is driven by the economic principle of demand, which states that price and quantity demanded are inversely related.

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  • 23. 

    Free Market Economy ----> Mixed Economy ----> Command Economy This illustration shows an increasing degree of-

    • A.

      Government Regulation

    • B.

      Industrial Productivity

    • C.

      Business Profit

    • D.

      Consumer Choice

    Correct Answer
    A. Government Regulation
    The correct answer is Government Regulation because as we move from a Free Market Economy to a Mixed Economy and then to a Command Economy, there is an increasing degree of government intervention and control over the economy. In a Free Market Economy, there is minimal government regulation, while in a Mixed Economy, the government plays a more active role in regulating and controlling certain aspects of the economy. Finally, in a Command Economy, the government has complete control and regulation over all economic activities.

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  • 24. 

    An economy in which communities use simple tools and methods to harvest and hunt for food and which often results in little economic growth is defined by the term-

    • A.


    • B.

      Free market

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Traditional
    A traditional economy is characterized by communities relying on simple tools and methods to gather food through hunting and harvesting. This type of economy typically experiences limited economic growth due to its focus on traditional practices and lack of technological advancements.

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  • 25. 

    Advances in technology have increased the number of people needed to-

    • A.

      Develop computer software

    • B.

      Teach children in schools

    • C.

      Work on assembly lines

    • D.

      Serve in the military

    Correct Answer
    A. Develop computer software
    Advances in technology have led to an increased demand for computer software. As technology continues to evolve, there is a need for more individuals with the skills and expertise to develop software that can meet the growing demands of various industries. This includes developing software for businesses, organizations, and even individuals. With the rise of digitalization and automation, software development has become a crucial aspect of many sectors, making it necessary to have a larger workforce dedicated to this field.

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  • 26. 

    "Clerk Needed: No experience necessary"  Hours: Mon-Fri from 4 p.m.- 7 p.m. During the school year, which student would be the best match for this job?

    • A.

      Lisa goes to school everyday and is often late.

    • B.

      Juanita has good attendance and good work skills.

    • C.

      Mike studies hard and participates in many after-school programs.

    • D.

      Shawn will graduate early and attend and out-of-state college.

    Correct Answer
    B. Juanita has good attendance and good work skills.
    Juanita would be the best match for this job because the job requires someone to work from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays. Since Juanita has good attendance, it implies that she is punctual and reliable, which is important for this job. Additionally, her good work skills suggest that she is capable and competent to handle the responsibilities of a clerk, even without prior experience.

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  • 27. 

    What is the first step in career planning?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Job search

    Correct Answer
    B. Self-assessment
    The first step in career planning is self-assessment. This involves evaluating one's skills, interests, values, and goals to determine what type of career would be a good fit. Self-assessment helps individuals gain self-awareness and understand their strengths and weaknesses, which can guide them in making informed decisions about their career path. It allows individuals to identify their passions and align them with potential job opportunities, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and successful career.

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  • 28. 

    A video game store owner sees that a particular title is becoming popular and increases his supply of the game as a result.  The economic concept illustrated by this is-

    • A.

      Consumer sovereignty

    • B.

      Profit margin

    • C.

      Opportunity cost

    • D.

      Central planning

    Correct Answer
    C. Opportunity cost
    The correct answer is opportunity cost. The video game store owner is making a decision to increase his supply of a particular game based on the popularity it is gaining. By doing so, he is forgoing the opportunity to invest in other games or products that could potentially generate more profit. This decision reflects the concept of opportunity cost, which refers to the cost of choosing one option over another and the benefits that could have been gained from the forgone alternative.

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  • 29. 

    What term describes a company that is authorized to operate as a legal person?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Corporation
    A corporation is a term that describes a company that is authorized to operate as a legal person. Unlike other business structures like proprietorship, partnership, or entrepreneur, a corporation is a separate legal entity from its owners. It has its own rights, liabilities, and obligations. This means that the corporation can enter into contracts, own assets, sue or be sued, and be held legally responsible for its actions. The owners of a corporation, known as shareholders, are not personally liable for the debts or obligations of the corporation.

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  • 30. 

    A plastics company cuts costs and gains control of the plastics market in the United States.  The federal government would investigate this company's practices in order to-

    • A.

      Preserve competition

    • B.

      Conserve resources

    • C.

      Protect workers' rights

    • D.

      Safeguard international trade

    Correct Answer
    A. Preserve competition
    The federal government would investigate this company's practices in order to preserve competition. This is because if the plastics company cuts costs and gains control of the market, it could potentially create a monopoly or limit competition in the industry. By investigating the company's practices, the government can ensure fair competition and prevent any anti-competitive behavior that could harm other businesses and consumers.

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  • 31. 

    Consumer Deposits ----> Banks and Savings and Loans ----> Consumer Savings and __________ Which incentive best completes this diagram?  

    • A.

      Dividend payments

    • B.

      Interest payments

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Interest payments
    The diagram shows the flow of consumer deposits from individuals to banks and savings and loans institutions. The missing incentive that best completes the diagram is "Interest payments." This is because banks and savings and loans institutions offer interest on consumer savings as an incentive for individuals to deposit their money with them. Interest payments serve as a reward for consumers who save their money and allow financial institutions to use those deposits for lending and investment purposes.

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  • 32. 

    The United States Congress asks the Federal Reserve System for a loan, this illustrates that the Federal Reserve System is-

    • A.

      The federal government's bank

    • B.

      Responsible for legislative purchases

    • C.

      The federal government's tax collector

    • D.

      Accountable for legislative actions

    Correct Answer
    A. The federal government's bank
    The correct answer is the federal government's bank. This is because the question states that the United States Congress asks the Federal Reserve System for a loan, which implies that the Federal Reserve System functions as a bank for the federal government.

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  • 33. 

    Which of these is a service normally provided by the government?

    • A.

      Postal service

    • B.

      Taxi cab service

    • C.

      Veterinary services

    • D.

      Pizza making

    Correct Answer
    A. Postal service
    Postal service is a service normally provided by the government because it involves the delivery of mail and packages to individuals and businesses. Governments typically establish and regulate postal systems to ensure efficient and reliable communication between people and organizations. Postal services are considered essential for the functioning of a country and are often operated by government-owned or government-controlled entities. These services include collecting, sorting, transporting, and delivering mail and packages, as well as offering additional services such as registered mail, express delivery, and postal banking.

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