Trong Microsoft Excel,phuong an nao duoi day khong phai la dia chi o?
Correct Answer
C. $12$A
The correct answer is "$12$A" because in Excel, a cell reference should start with a letter, followed by numbers. The letter represents the column and the number represents the row. In this case, "$12$A" does not follow this format as the numbers are placed before the letter.
Trong Microsoft Excel, phuong an nao duoi day la dia chi tuyet doi?
Correct Answer
A. $A$12
The correct answer is $A$12 because in Microsoft Excel, a cell reference with both column and row specified with dollar signs ($) is called an absolute cell reference. This means that no matter where the cell is copied or moved to, the reference will always point to the same cell. In this case, $A$12 specifies that the cell being referred to is in column A and row 12, and the dollar signs indicate that this reference is absolute.
Trong Microsoft Excel, phuomg an nao duoi day la dia chi hon hop?
Correct Answer
B. $A12
The correct answer is $A12. In Excel, a mixed reference is a combination of a relative reference and an absolute reference. In this case, the column reference is absolute ($A) while the row reference is relative (12). This means that when the formula is copied to other cells, the column reference will stay the same, but the row reference will change based on the relative position of the new cell.
Trong cong thuc cua Microsoft Excel, su dung phim nao de chuyen doi dia chi tuyet doi sang dia chi tuong doi hoac nguoc lai cho o hoac vung lua chon?
Correct Answer
C. F4
In Microsoft Excel, the F4 key is used to toggle between absolute and relative references for cells or selected range. Absolute references do not change when copied or filled, while relative references adjust based on the new location. Therefore, pressing F4 can convert an absolute address to a relative address or vice versa.
Trong Microsoft Excel, cach nao de mo mot tep Excel da co tren may tinh?
Correct Answer
C. Ctrl+O
To open an existing Excel file in Microsoft Excel, you can use the shortcut Ctrl+O. This shortcut allows you to access the Open dialog box, where you can browse and select the desired Excel file from your computer. By using this shortcut, you can quickly and efficiently open Excel files without having to navigate through the menus and options in the Excel application.
Trong Microsoft Excel, cach nao de tao moi mot tep?
Correct Answer
A. Ctrl+N
To create a new file in Microsoft Excel, you can use the shortcut Ctrl+N. This shortcut opens a new workbook, allowing you to start working on a new spreadsheet.
Trong Microsoft Excel, cach nao de dong mot tep?
Correct Answer
A. Ctrl+F4
Ctrl+F4 is the correct answer because it is the shortcut key combination in Microsoft Excel to close a workbook or a file. Pressing Ctrl+F4 will close the active workbook or file without exiting the Excel application. This shortcut is commonly used to quickly close multiple workbooks or files when working with multiple documents simultaneously.
Trong Microsoft Excel, cach nao de thoat khoi chuang trinh?
Correct Answer
B. Alt+F4
Alt+F4 is the correct answer because it is a keyboard shortcut commonly used to close a program or window in Microsoft Windows. In Microsoft Excel, pressing Alt+F4 will close the Excel program, allowing the user to exit the application.
Trong Microsoft Excel, cach nao de luu tep hien tai voi ten moi?
Correct Answer
B. F12
In Microsoft Excel, pressing the F12 key allows you to save the current file with a new name. This shortcut key opens the "Save As" dialog box, where you can specify a new name and location for the file. By using F12, you can quickly save a copy of the current file without overwriting the original version.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003,cach nao de chen bang tinh?
Correct Answer
C. Insert / Worksheet
In Microsoft Excel 2003, to insert a new sheet or table, the correct option is "Insert / Worksheet". This option allows users to add a new worksheet within the Excel workbook.
Trong Microsoft Excel, cach nao de them mot Sheet moi?
Correct Answer
A. Shift 十 FI1
The correct answer is "Shift 十 FI1". This keyboard shortcut allows you to quickly add a new sheet in Microsoft Excel. By pressing Shift and then the number 10 (which is represented by 十 in this case) followed by the key F1, a new sheet will be created.
Trong Microsoft Excel, thao tac nao de doi ten bang tinh
Correct Answer
B. Kich phai chuot tai ten bang tinh/ Rename/ Nhap ten moi/ Enter
To rename a worksheet in Microsoft Excel, you need to right-click on the sheet name, select "Rename," enter the new name, and press Enter.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003,cach nao de tao duong vien cho o da chon?
Correct Answer
C. Format/ Cells/ Border
In Microsoft Excel 2003, to create a border for the selected cell, you need to go to the Format menu, then select Cells, and finally choose the Border option. This allows you to add borders to the selected cells in Excel 2003.
Trong M icrosoft Excel 2003,cach nao de chen mot hang phia tren hang hien hanh?
Correct Answer
B. Insert/ Rows
To insert a row above the current row in Microsoft Excel 2003, you need to go to the "Insert" tab and select "Rows" from the drop-down menu. This will add a new row above the current row, shifting the existing rows down.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003, cach nao de chen mot cot truoc cot hien hanh?
Correct Answer
A. Insert/ Columns
To insert a column before the current column in Microsoft Excel 2003, the correct option is "Insert/Columns". This option allows the user to add a new column to the left of the selected column, shifting the existing columns to the right. This is a useful feature when rearranging data or adding new information in a worksheet.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003,thao tac nao de xoa mot hang trong bang tinh?
Correct Answer
A. Chon o tai hang can xoa/ Kich phai chuOt/ Delete/ Entire Row
In Microsoft Excel 2003, to delete a row in a spreadsheet, you need to first select the cell in the row you want to delete. Then, right-click on the selected cell and choose the "Delete" option from the menu that appears. Finally, select the "Entire Row" option to delete the entire row.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003,thao tac nao de xoa mot cot trong bang tinh?
Correct Answer
B. Chon o tai cot can xoa/ Kich phai chuot/ Delete/ Entire Column
To delete a column in Microsoft Excel 2003, you need to select the cell in the column you want to delete, right-click on it, choose "Delete," and then select "Entire Column." This will delete the entire column from the worksheet.
Trong Microsoft Excel, cach nao cho phep dua con tro ve o A1 cua bang tinh?
Correct Answer
C. Ctrl+Home
Ctrl+Home is the correct answer because it allows the user to quickly navigate to cell A1 in Microsoft Excel. By pressing Ctrl+Home, the cursor will move to the top-left cell of the worksheet, which is cell A1. This shortcut is useful when working with large spreadsheets and you want to quickly return to the starting point.
Trong Microsoft Excel, cach nao cho phep di chuyen giua cac sheet?
Correct Answer
A. Ctrl + Page Up; Ctrl + Page Down
The correct answer is Ctrl + Page Up; Ctrl + Page Down. This keyboard shortcut allows the user to navigate between sheets in Microsoft Excel. By pressing Ctrl + Page Up, the user can move to the previous sheet, while Ctrl + Page Down allows them to move to the next sheet. This shortcut is useful for quickly switching between different sheets within a workbook.
Trong Microsoft Excel, phim nao cho phep di chuyen con tro sang phai cua o hien hanh?
Correct Answer
A. Tab
In Microsoft Excel, the Tab key allows you to move the cursor to the right of the current cell. This is useful when you want to quickly navigate through different cells in a row or when you want to enter data in the cell to the right of the current one.
Trong Microsoft Excel, cach nao cho phep di chuyen con tro sang trai cua o
Correct Answer
C. Shift + Tab
The correct answer is Shift + Tab. In Microsoft Excel, pressing Shift + Tab allows you to move the cursor to the left of a cell. This keyboard shortcut is useful for navigating between cells in a spreadsheet and can help improve efficiency when working with large amounts of data.
Trong Microsoft Excel, phim nao cho phep di chuyen con tro den cot dau tien cua dong hien tai?
Correct Answer
A. Home
The Home key in Microsoft Excel allows the cursor to move to the first column of the current row.
Trong Microsoft Excel, cach nao cho phep di chuyen con tro den vi tri man hinh khuat phai
Correct Answer
C. Alt + Page Down
The correct answer is Alt + Page Down. This keyboard shortcut allows the user to move the cursor to the rightmost visible position on the screen in Microsoft Excel. Using this shortcut is helpful when working with large spreadsheets that require horizontal scrolling.
Trong Microsoft Excel, phim nao cho phep di chuyen con tro den vi tri man hinh khuat trai?
Correct Answer
C. Alt 十 Page Up
The correct answer is "Alt 十 Page Up". This key combination allows the cursor to move to the leftmost hidden position on the screen.
Trong Microsoft Excel, cach nao cho phep di chuyen con tro len vi tri man hinh khuat tren?
Correct Answer
A. Page Up
Page Up is the correct answer because it allows the user to move the cursor up to the previous visible screen position in Microsoft Excel. This can be useful when working with large spreadsheets that require scrolling, as it allows for quick navigation to the top of the visible area.
Trong Microsoft Excel, cach nao cho phep di chuyen con tro xuong vi tri man hinh khuat duoi?
Correct Answer
A. Page Down
Page Down là phím tắt trong Microsoft Excel cho phép di chuyển con trỏ xuống vị trí màn hình khuất dưới.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003, thao tac nao sau day cho phep co dinh cot A va hang 1 trong khi cuon cac hang hoac cac cot khac?
Correct Answer
A. Chon o B2/ Window/ Freeze Panes
In Microsoft Excel 2003, selecting cell B2 and then going to the Window menu and choosing Freeze Panes allows you to freeze column A and row 1 while scrolling through other columns or rows.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003, thao tac nao sau day cho phep chia man hinh bang tinh thanh 4 phan?
Correct Answer
C. Chon o A1/ Window/ Split
The correct answer is "chon o A1/ Window/ Split". This option allows the user to split the screen into four panes, dividing the worksheet into four separate sections. This feature is useful when working with large amounts of data or when comparing different parts of the worksheet simultaneously.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003,cach nao de sao chep dir lieu trong vung da Chon?
Correct Answer
B. Edit/ Copy
In Microsoft Excel 2003, to copy data within a selected range, the user can use the "Edit/Copy" option. This option allows the user to duplicate the selected data and place it in another location within the spreadsheet or in a different worksheet. By selecting the desired range, clicking on "Edit" in the menu bar, and then choosing "Copy," the user can easily duplicate the data. This option is useful when the user wants to create multiple copies of the same data or when they want to move the data to a different location without deleting the original.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003,cach nao chi xoa noi dung cua 1 hang da chon?
Correct Answer
A. Edit/ Delete
In Microsoft Excel 2003, to delete the content of a selected row, you can go to the Edit menu and choose the Delete option. This will remove the content of the selected row without deleting the entire row itself.
Trong Microsoft Excel, cach nao de dat con tro vao trong mot o da chon?
Correct Answer
C. F2
In Microsoft Excel, pressing the F2 key allows the user to move the cursor inside a selected cell. This is useful when editing the contents of a cell or making changes to the formula within the cell.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003,cach nao thuc hien tron cac o da chon?
Correct Answer
A. Format/ Cells/ Alignment/ morge Cells
The correct answer is "Format/ Cells/ Alignment/ merge Cells". In Microsoft Excel 2003, to merge selected cells, you need to go to the Format menu, then select Cells. In the Cells dialog box, go to the Alignment tab, and under the Text control section, click on the "Merge cells" checkbox. This will merge the selected cells into a single cell.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003,thao tac nao canh giua noi dung trong cot B?
Correct Answer
A. Chon cot B, chon nut Center tren thanh cong cu
To center the content in column B in Microsoft Excel 2003, the correct operation is to select column B and then choose the Center button on the toolbar. This will align the content in column B to the center.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003, cach nao de mo hop thoai Move or Copy?
Correct Answer
A. Edit/ Move Or Copy Sheet...
In Microsoft Excel 2003, to open the Move or Copy dialog box, you can go to the "Edit" menu and select "Move or Copy Sheet..." option. This option allows you to move or copy a sheet to a different location within the same workbook or to a different workbook.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003, cach nao de lap lai hang tieu de tren cac trang?
Correct Answer
B. File/ Page Setup/ Sheet
In Microsoft Excel 2003, to repeat the header row on each page, you would go to "File/ Page Setup/ Sheet". This option allows you to specify which rows or columns should be repeated on each printed page. By selecting the header row in this setting, it will be automatically repeated on every page when printing the spreadsheet.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003,cach nao de ngat trang tai vi tri hien hanh?
Correct Answer
B. Insert/ Page Break
In Microsoft Excel 2003, to insert a page break at the current position, the correct option is "Insert/ Page Break". This option allows the user to manually insert a page break in the worksheet, which helps in controlling the printing of the document. By inserting a page break, the user can specify where the content should start on a new page, ensuring better organization and presentation of the data when printing.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003,tai hop thoai Move Or Copy, thao tac nao de sao chep mot bang tinh?
Correct Answer
C. Chon muc Create a copy
In Microsoft Excel 2003, to copy a worksheet, you need to select the option "Create a copy" in the Move or Copy dialog box. This option allows you to create a duplicate of the worksheet in the same workbook or in a different workbook. By choosing this option, you can easily make a copy of the worksheet without affecting the original one.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003,cach nao de sap xep du lieu theo thur tu tang dan?
Correct Answer
C. Data/ Sort/ Ascending
To sort data in ascending order in Microsoft Excel 2003, you need to go to the "Data" tab, then select "Sort" and finally choose "Ascending". This will arrange the data in increasing order based on the selected column.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003, cach nao de sap xep du: lieu theo thur ty giam dan?
Correct Answer
A. Data/ Sort/ Descending
In Microsoft Excel 2003, to sort data in descending order, you can go to the "Data" tab and select "Sort". From there, choose the "Descending" option. This will arrange the data in reverse order, from highest to lowest.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003, cach nao de loc du* lieu tu dong?
Correct Answer
C. Data/ Filter/ AutoFilter
In Microsoft Excel 2003, to automatically filter data, you can use the option "Data/Filter/AutoFilter". This feature allows you to quickly filter data based on specific criteria, making it easier to analyze and work with large datasets.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003, cach nao cho phep loc co dieu kien trong vung tieu chuan?
Correct Answer
C. Data/ Filter/ Advance Filter
In Microsoft Excel 2003, the option to filter with conditions in a standard range is available under the "Data" tab. By selecting "Filter" and then "Advance Filter," users can apply specific criteria to filter the data within the selected range.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003, chon Data/ Filter de thuc hien cong viec gi?
Correct Answer
B. Trich loc du lieu
In Microsoft Excel 2003, selecting Data/Filter allows you to extract or filter specific data from a larger dataset. This feature enables you to display only the data that meets certain criteria or conditions, making it easier to analyze and work with the relevant information. By selecting this option, you can narrow down the dataset and focus on the specific data that you need for your task or analysis.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003,cach nao cho phep tao bieu do cho vung gia tri duoc chon?
Correct Answer
B. Insert/ Chart
In Microsoft Excel 2003, the option "Insert/ Chart" allows users to create a chart for the selected range of values. This option provides a variety of chart types, including bar charts and column charts, to visualize and analyze data effectively.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003, cach nao khong tao duoc bieu do cho vung gia tri duoc chon?
Correct Answer
B. Insert/ Chart Option
The correct answer is "Insert/ Chart Option". In Microsoft Excel 2003, selecting "Insert/ Chart Option" does not create a chart for the selected range of values. This option may be used for other chart-related actions or settings, but it does not directly create a chart.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003, hop thoai Chart Options cho phep dua cac thong tin nao sau day cho bieu do?
Correct Answer
B. Bao gom ca 2 phiromg an con lai
The Chart Options dialog box in Microsoft Excel 2003 allows you to include both the display or non-display of values on the chart and the title of the chart, as well as the titles of the axes and the type of data labels in the chart.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003, khi ve bieu do bang cong cu Chart Wizard, the Data Range cho phep lam gi?
Correct Answer
B. Thay doi vung du lieu ve bieu do
The correct answer is "Thay doi vung du lieu ve bieu do" which means "Change the data range for the chart" in English. This option allows the user to modify the range of data that is used to create the chart. By selecting this option, the user can choose a different set of data to be plotted on the chart, allowing for customization and flexibility in visualizing the data.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003,thao tac nao cho phep thay doi lai kieu bieu do?
Correct Answer
A. Kich chuot phai vao duong vien cua bieu do/ Chart Type/ Chon lai kieu/ OK
In Microsoft Excel 2003, to change the chart type, you need to right-click on the border of the chart, select "Chart Type," choose the desired type, and click "OK." This action allows you to modify the chart type and customize it according to your needs.
Trong Microsoft Excel, bieu do loai nao thich hop cho viec hien thi gia tri dudi dang % (percentage)?
Correct Answer
A. Pie
A pie chart is the most suitable type of chart for displaying values in percentage format. In a pie chart, the whole circle represents 100% and each slice represents a proportionate percentage of the whole. This makes it easy to visualize the distribution of percentages and compare different categories.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003,cach nao cho phep chon font chu cho tieu de cua bieu do?
Correct Answer
C. Kich chuot phai vao vung tieu de/ Format Chart Tilte/ Font
In Microsoft Excel 2003, to select the font for the chart title, you need to right-click on the chart title, select "Format Chart Title," and then choose the desired font.
Trong Microsoft Excel 2003,cong cu nao cho phep thay doi mau sac cho vung duoc chon?
Correct Answer
A. Cong cu Fill Color tren thanh dinh dang
The correct answer is "Cong cu Fill Color tren thanh dinh dang" (The Fill Color tool in the Formatting toolbar). This tool allows users to change the color of the selected range in Microsoft Excel 2003. It is used to fill cells, shapes, or objects with a specific color.