Only You Can Prevent The Flu!

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| By Liketheboat09
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Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 229
Questions: 20 | Attempts: 229

Only You Can Prevent The Flu! - Quiz

This quiz was created tosatisfy a requirement for CHF 401: Peer Education, in which studentsmust plan an event that will be of value to the Universityof Maine community.

In the wake of recent health concerns related to the spread of H1N1 and seasonal flu, I (Elizabeth Knue) chose to create an online quiz that will …• Help participants determine their own level of understanding of matters related to H1N1 and seasonal flu. • Provide participants with a basic understanding of H1N1 and seasonal flu.
• Assist participants in their own preventative efforts during the coming winter months.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    How do symptoms of H1N1 differ from symptoms of seasonal flu?

    • A.

      People with seasonal flu do not have fevers for over 24 hours while people with H1N1 do.

    • B.

      People with H1N1 experience the same symptoms as those with seasonal flu; only they are more severe.

    • C.

      They do not differ. People with H1N1 report the same symptoms as those with seasonal flu: fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue, diarrhea, and vomiting.

    • D.

      The symptoms of H1N1 and seasonal flu are so different they cannot be compared.

    Correct Answer
    C. They do not differ. People with H1N1 report the same symptoms as those with seasonal flu: fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue, diarrhea, and vomiting.
    The correct answer states that the symptoms of H1N1 and seasonal flu do not differ. It explains that people with H1N1 report the same symptoms as those with seasonal flu, which include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue, diarrhea, and vomiting. This suggests that the symptoms of both types of flu are similar and cannot be used to differentiate between them.

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  • 2. 

    Why is H1N1 sometimes referred to as swine flu?

    • A.

      H1N1 was first discovered in pigs and pigs passed this flu onto humans.

    • B.

      H1N1 causes mutation in human genes and several people reported tail growth.

    • C.

      Lab tests showed some genes found in H1N1 are also found in the flu inflicting North American pigs. However, lab tests also showed that H1N1 shares genes with the avian and human flu.

    • D.

      Those diagnosed with H1N1 work on farms where they frequently come into contact with pigs.

    Correct Answer
    C. Lab tests showed some genes found in H1N1 are also found in the flu inflicting North American pigs. However, lab tests also showed that H1N1 shares genes with the avian and human flu.
    H1N1 is sometimes referred to as swine flu because lab tests have shown that it shares genes with the flu that affects North American pigs. Additionally, further lab tests have revealed that H1N1 also shares genes with the avian and human flu. This suggests that the virus has genetic similarities with both pig and human flu strains, hence the name "swine flu."

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  • 3. 

    Why is H1N1 being taken so seriously in comparison to seasonal flu?

    • A.

      H1N1 puts individuals under 25 at greater risk which is unusual.

    • B.

      Humans have less immunity to H1N1 unlike the seasonal flu.

    • C.

      The H1N1 vaccine has only been made available to those at high risk of experiencing flu related complications.

    • D.

      All of the above.

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above.
    H1N1 is being taken so seriously in comparison to seasonal flu because it puts individuals under 25 at greater risk, which is unusual. Additionally, humans have less immunity to H1N1 unlike the seasonal flu. Moreover, the H1N1 vaccine has only been made available to those at high risk of experiencing flu-related complications. Therefore, all of the above reasons contribute to the seriousness of H1N1.

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  • 4. 

    How is H1N1 diagnosed?

    • A.

      Medical professionals diagnose those presenting a high grade fever for over 24 hours with H1N1.

    • B.

      A swab is taken from the patient's mouth or nasal cavity and is then sent for testing. Unlike popular belief, the test is not immediate and it can take 2-3 days to receive results. If the test is positive for influenza A then the patient could have the conventional flu strain or H1N1.

    • C.

      A blood sample is taken from the patient and is then sent for testing. If the test is positive for influenza B then the patient could have the conventional flu strain or H1N1.

    • D.

      A blood sample is taken from the patient and is then sent for testing. If the test is positive for influenza A then the patient could have the conventional flu strain or H1N1.

    Correct Answer
    B. A swab is taken from the patient's mouth or nasal cavity and is then sent for testing. Unlike popular belief, the test is not immediate and it can take 2-3 days to receive results. If the test is positive for influenza A then the patient could have the conventional flu strain or H1N1.
    H1N1 is diagnosed by taking a swab from the patient's mouth or nasal cavity and sending it for testing. Contrary to popular belief, the test results are not immediate and can take 2-3 days to be received. If the test comes back positive for influenza A, it indicates that the patient could have either the conventional flu strain or H1N1.

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  • 5. 

    How are H1N1 and the seasonal flu treated?

    • A.

      Carefully. Those with only severe cases of any flu have been prescribed anti viral medication. This is to prevent people from becoming immune to medication and to prevent the H1N1 strain from becoming resistant to medication.

    • B.

      Medical professionals recommend those with any flu practice social distancing until the time for being contagious has passed.

    • C.

      It is recommended those with any flu get plenty of bed rest, drink clear fluids, and eat food high in nutritional value.

    • D.

      All of the above.

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above.
    The correct answer is "All of the above." This is because the passage mentions that those with severe cases of any flu are prescribed antiviral medication, and it is recommended for all flu patients to practice social distancing and get plenty of rest, fluids, and nutritious food. Therefore, all of the mentioned treatment methods apply to both H1N1 and seasonal flu.

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  • 6. 

    Who does H1N1 pose greater risk to?

    • A.

      The very young.

    • B.

      The very old.

    • C.

      Pregnant women.

    • D.

      Those with chronic illnesses like asthma, diabetes, heart conditions, and kidney disease. If someone is unsure if whether or not a condition they have puts them at greater risk, then they should consult a medical professional.

    • E.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    E. All of the above
    H1N1 poses a greater risk to the very young, the very old, pregnant women, and those with chronic illnesses. These groups are more susceptible to severe illness and complications from the H1N1 virus. It is important for individuals who are unsure if their condition puts them at greater risk to consult a medical professional for guidance.

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  • 7. 

    At what point should those with the flu seek medical attention?

    • A.

      Immediately. If someone has the flu they must see a doctor as soon as possible.

    • B.

      If those with the flu believe they are at high risk of experiencing flu related complications they should first consult a physician before going to the emergency room. It is not recommended those with mild symptoms go to the emergency room in order to prevent catching the flu and to avoid over whelming medical resources.

    • C.

      It is advised those with the flu seek medical attention immediately if they experience difficulty breathing, pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, dizziness, confusion, and severe or persistent vomiting.

    • D.

      B and C.

    Correct Answer
    D. B and C.
    If someone with the flu believes they are at high risk of complications or experiences symptoms such as difficulty breathing, pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, dizziness, confusion, and severe or persistent vomiting, they should seek medical attention immediately. However, it is not recommended for those with mild symptoms to go to the emergency room in order to prevent spreading the flu and overwhelming medical resources. Therefore, the correct answer is B and C.

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  • 8. 

    What are the best ways sick people can prevent spreading their illness to others?

    • A.

      Stay at home for 24 hours after a fever has passed, cough and/or sneeze into a tissue or the upper sleeve, wash one's hands frequently with hot water and soap, and when one cannot wash their hands use hand sanitizer.

    • B.

      Stay at home until a fever has passed, make sure to cover coughs and sneezes, wash hands only before eating and after using the bathroom, and use hand sanitizer frequently.

    • C.

      Wash your hands when you think they are dirty.

    • D.

      Use hand sanitizer.

    Correct Answer
    A. Stay at home for 24 hours after a fever has passed, cough and/or sneeze into a tissue or the upper sleeve, wash one's hands frequently with hot water and soap, and when one cannot wash their hands use hand sanitizer.
    The best ways sick people can prevent spreading their illness to others include staying at home for 24 hours after a fever has passed, coughing and/or sneezing into a tissue or the upper sleeve, washing hands frequently with hot water and soap, and using hand sanitizer when handwashing is not possible. These measures help to minimize the transmission of germs and prevent the spread of illness to others.

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  • 9. 

    How do you sneeze and cough without passing your germs to others?

    • A.

      Sneeze and cough away from people.

    • B.

      Cover your face with your hands when you sneeze and cough.

    • C.

      Cover your face with a tissue and if one is unavailable cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve.

    • D.

      Cover your cough with your hands but always sneeze into a tissue.

    Correct Answer
    C. Cover your face with a tissue and if one is unavailable cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve.
    The correct answer suggests that the best way to prevent passing germs to others when sneezing or coughing is to cover your face with a tissue. If a tissue is not available, the next best option is to cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve. This helps to contain the droplets and prevent them from spreading into the air or onto surfaces where others may come into contact with them. Covering your face with your hands or using only your hands to cover a cough is not as effective as it may still allow germs to spread through contact with surfaces or when you touch other people or objects.

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  • 10. 

    Do ingredients in hand sanitizer succeed in killing germs that cause H1N1 or the seasonal flu?

    • A.

      No. Hand sanitizer does not kill either.

    • B.

      Yes, it kills both.

    • C.

      No. Hand sanitizer does not kill germs that cause flu but the product does succeed in creating an environment so inhospitable they have difficulty clinging to hands.

    • D.

      Hand sanitizer succeeds in killing germs causing seasonal flu but scientists have been unable to create a product that can kill H1N1.

    Correct Answer
    C. No. Hand sanitizer does not kill germs that cause flu but the product does succeed in creating an environment so inhospitable they have difficulty clinging to hands.
    Hand sanitizer does not directly kill the germs that cause flu, including H1N1. However, it does create an environment that is inhospitable for the germs, making it difficult for them to cling to hands. This means that while hand sanitizer does not eliminate the germs, it can still help reduce the spread of flu by making it harder for the germs to transfer from person to person.

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  • 11. 

    Is it better to wash your hands or to use hand sanitizer?

    • A.

      It does not matter. They are both great at getting the job done.

    • B.

      It is always better to wash your hands. Soap and warm water is very effective in killing germs.

    • C.

      Hand sanitizer is far better than hand washing.

    • D.

      Hand washing is better than hand sanitizer but it is not understood why.

    Correct Answer
    B. It is always better to wash your hands. Soap and warm water is very effective in killing germs.
    Washing hands with soap and warm water is always better than using hand sanitizer because it is more effective in killing germs. Hand sanitizer may not be as effective in removing certain types of germs and dirt from the hands. Additionally, hand washing with soap and water also helps in physically removing dirt and debris from the hands, which hand sanitizer cannot do.

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  • 12. 

    When is it advisable to use hand sanitizer?

    • A.

      It is never advisable to use hand sanitizer.

    • B.

      It is always advisable to use hand sanitizer. In fact, medical professionals are in agreement it is better than hand washing.

    • C.

      It depends on the brand used.

    • D.

      It is advisable when soap and water is unavailable. Try between classes when you are passing through high traffic areas and you come into contact with door handles and stair railings used frequently by others.

    Correct Answer
    D. It is advisable when soap and water is unavailable. Try between classes when you are passing through high traffic areas and you come into contact with door handles and stair railings used frequently by others.
    Hand sanitizer is advisable to use when soap and water are unavailable, especially in high traffic areas where there is a higher chance of coming into contact with surfaces that are frequently touched by others, such as door handles and stair railings. Using hand sanitizer in such situations can help kill germs and prevent the spread of infections.

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  • 13. 

    How do you properly wash your hands?

    • A.

      Wet hands with warm water, add soap, rub hands together to work soap into lather, scrub all surfaces, continue rubbing for 20 seconds, and then rinse with warm water.

    • B.

      There is not a right way or a wrong way

    • C.

      Rub hands together, add water, rub them together for another 20 seconds, and then rinse.

    • D.

      Put soap on hands, wet hands with cool water, rub hands together for a few seconds, and then rinse.

    Correct Answer
    A. Wet hands with warm water, add soap, rub hands together to work soap into lather, scrub all surfaces, continue rubbing for 20 seconds, and then rinse with warm water.
    The correct answer explains the proper steps for washing hands effectively. It emphasizes the importance of wetting hands with warm water, adding soap, and rubbing hands together to create a lather. It also mentions the need to scrub all surfaces of the hands and continue rubbing for a duration of 20 seconds. Finally, it advises rinsing with warm water to complete the handwashing process.

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  • 14. 

    When is it always advisable to wash your hands?

    • A.

      Every hour on the hour.

    • B.

      After going to the bathroom.

    • C.

      After going to the bathroom and before eating.

    • D.

      Before going the bathroom and after eating.

    Correct Answer
    C. After going to the bathroom and before eating.
    It is always advisable to wash your hands after going to the bathroom to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. Additionally, it is also recommended to wash your hands before eating to remove any potential contaminants that may be present on your hands. Therefore, the correct answer is to wash your hands after going to the bathroom and before eating.

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  • 15. 

    What effect does lack of sleep have on the immune system?

    • A.

      Loss of sleep for even a few short hours causes the production of cells that kill germs to slow down in order to help the body function normally.

    • B.

      A few hours of sleep lost every night is not a big deal. The body easily recovers and can actually adapt to different sleeping patterns.

    • C.

      It depends on what type of sleep is lost over the course of several nights. Loss of sleep in the non REM stage suppresses immune system function more than loss of sleep in the REM stage.

    • D.

      It depends on what type of sleep is lost over the course of several nights. Loss of sleep in the REM stage suppresses immune system function more than loss of sleep in the non REM stage.

    Correct Answer
    A. Loss of sleep for even a few short hours causes the production of cells that kill germs to slow down in order to help the body function normally.
    Lack of sleep can have a negative effect on the immune system. When sleep is lost for even a few hours, the production of cells that kill germs slows down. This decrease in immune cell production is a way for the body to prioritize normal bodily functions. Therefore, lack of sleep can impair the immune system's ability to fight off infections and illnesses.

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  • 16. 

    What effect does heavy drinking have on the immune system?

    • A.

      None at all.

    • B.

      A temporary effect until you drink heavily again.

    • C.

      Heavy drinking causes a little dehydration but a bottle of water fixes it.

    • D.

      Heavy drinking hinders the body in three major ways. Alcohol produces an overall nutritional deficiency, it inhibits the immune system’s ability to kill germs, and causes dehydration which can make the lymph nodes swell.

    Correct Answer
    D. Heavy drinking hinders the body in three major ways. Alcohol produces an overall nutritional deficiency, it inhibits the immune system’s ability to kill germs, and causes dehydration which can make the lympH nodes swell.
    Heavy drinking hinders the body in three major ways. Alcohol produces an overall nutritional deficiency, it inhibits the immune system’s ability to kill germs, and causes dehydration which can make the lymph nodes swell. This suggests that heavy drinking has a negative impact on the immune system, leading to a compromised ability to fight off infections and illnesses. Additionally, the nutritional deficiency and dehydration caused by alcohol further weaken the immune system.

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  • 17. 

    What effect does Vitamin C have on the immune system?

    • A.

      Well it’s a vitamin… Of course it’s good for the immune system.

    • B.

      Vitamin C facilitates the production of proteins that kill viruses and bacteria in the body.

    • C.

      It’s proven that their music raises endorphin levels in the body which assists good immune function.

    • D.

      “As we go on we remember all the times we had together.”

    Correct Answer
    B. Vitamin C facilitates the production of proteins that kill viruses and bacteria in the body.
    Vitamin C is known to have a positive effect on the immune system. It helps in the production of proteins that are responsible for killing viruses and bacteria in the body. This boosts the immune function and helps in fighting off infections and diseases.

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  • 18. 

    Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day and how does it support healthy immune system function?

    • A.

      Breakfast boosts the immune system by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol in addition to reducing inflammation.

    • B.

      Breakfast is the most important meal because it just is.

    • C.

      Often times, when people do not eat breakfast they resort to caffeinated drinks high in sugar mid morning. By lunch people become so hungry they choose high calorie and high fat foods. By late afternoon the body is running on very little nutrition which does not promote the production of proteins, such a collagen, which fights virus and bacteria.

    • D.

      A and C.

    Correct Answer
    D. A and C.
  • 19. 

    Why is exercise so important to the immune system?

    • A.

      Exercise is important because if you eat unhealthy food and then burn it off, you can then make room for more nutritional food that is better for your body.

    • B.

      Moderate exercise is shown to help cells in the immune system circulate more quickly and kill bacteria. Moderate exercise on a regular basis helps the immune system to continue these changes over a longer period of time.

    • C.

      Moderate exercise helps to boost the production of microphages or cells that kill specific forms of bacteria.

    • D.

      B and C

    Correct Answer
    D. B and C
    Moderate exercise is important for the immune system because it helps cells in the immune system circulate more quickly and kill bacteria. It also boosts the production of microphages, which are cells that kill specific forms of bacteria. Regular moderate exercise helps the immune system to maintain these benefits over a longer period of time.

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  • 20. 

    Why do people get sick more in the winter than in the summer?

    • A.

      The drop in temperature causes people to spend more time in doors with each other and share germs. Viruses that cause the common cold and seasonal flu are able to survive for several hours on surfaces. In addition, during the winter the air is typically drier which causes for mucous membranes to dry out and for the lymph nodes to thicken and become inflamed.

    • B.

      It is cold in the winter. If you are cold, you are going to get a cold. If you have a cold you are more susceptible to other illnesses, such as the flu.

    • C.

      Scientists do not truly understand this phenomenon.

    • D.

      This is actually a myth.

    Correct Answer
    A. The drop in temperature causes people to spend more time in doors with each other and share germs. Viruses that cause the common cold and seasonal flu are able to survive for several hours on surfaces. In addition, during the winter the air is typically drier which causes for mucous membranes to dry out and for the lympH nodes to thicken and become inflamed.
    During the winter, people tend to spend more time indoors due to the drop in temperature. This increased proximity allows for the easier spread of germs and viruses that cause the common cold and flu. Additionally, these viruses can survive for longer periods on surfaces, increasing the chances of transmission. The winter air is also typically drier, leading to the drying out of mucous membranes and inflammation of lymph nodes, making individuals more susceptible to illnesses.

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