Gaya hidup selalu mengalami perubahan yang dinamis. Para artis Hollywood menjadi etalase kehidupan dalam perkembangan gaya hidup. Kini, banyak kalangan artis Indonesia yang seolah tidak mau ketinggalan meniru hal tersebut. Pakaian yang relatif terbuka dan kawin cerai seolah menjadi hal yang biasa. Perubahan sosial yang dilakukan artis Indonesia tersebut disebabkan faktor eksternal yaitu ... .
Correct Answer
D. D. kontak budaya
The correct answer is d. kontak budaya. The passage mentions that the changing lifestyle of Indonesian artists, such as wearing revealing clothes and divorcing, is influenced by external factors. One of these external factors is the contact with foreign cultures, particularly Hollywood. This suggests that the artists are being exposed to different cultural values and norms, which then shape their own lifestyle choices. Therefore, the influence of cultural contact is the most appropriate explanation for the social changes observed among Indonesian artists.
Perhatikan beberapa gejala perubahan sosial berikut :
1) mata pencaharian masyarakat agraris banyak bergeser ke sektor industri
2) mode busana remaja yang longgar berubah menjadi ketat dan transparan
3) pola berfikir tradisional dan boros berubah menjadi modern dan praktis
4) banyak lahan pertanian produktif dijadikan wilayah pemukiman dan industri
Di antara contoh tersebut yang tergolong intended changes (perubahan yang dikehendaki) adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. A. 1 dan 2
The correct answer is a. 1 dan 2. This is because both examples 1 and 2 involve intentional changes that are desired or planned. In example 1, the shift of the agrarian community's livelihood to the industrial sector is a deliberate change aimed at modernizing and developing the economy. In example 2, the change in fashion trends from loose to tight and transparent clothing is driven by intentional shifts in societal preferences and desires for different styles. Both of these examples demonstrate intended changes that are consciously pursued.
Dampak perubahan evolusi secara lambat biasanya tidak terlalu dirasakan oleh masyarakat karena evolusi berlangsung sedikit demi sedikit dalam waktu lama. Contoh perubahan secara evolusi tersebut antara lain ....
Correct Answer
A. Perkembangan sistem ekonomi masyarakat dari agraria ke industri
The correct answer is "perkembangan sistem ekonomi masyarakat dari agraria ke industri" because the statement describes a gradual change in the economic system of a society, which is a characteristic of slow evolutionary changes. This change involves a shift from an agrarian-based economy to an industrial-based economy, which typically occurs over a long period of time.
Pemahaman yang salah tentang makna sikap modern menyebabkan timbulnya gaya hidup meniru artis Barat dan kawin cerai menjadi bagian gaya hidup kalangan tertentu. Fenomena tersebut menunjukkan adanya kerancuan antara modernisasi dengan ...
Correct Answer
D. D. westernisasi
The incorrect understanding of the meaning of modern attitudes leads to the emergence of a lifestyle that imitates Western artists and divorce becoming part of the lifestyle of certain groups. This phenomenon indicates a confusion between modernization and Westernization. Westernization refers to the adoption of Western culture, values, and practices. In this case, the incorrect understanding of modern attitudes has led to the adoption of Western lifestyle choices, such as imitating Western artists, which is a form of Westernization. Therefore, the correct answer is d. westernisasi.
Krisis minyak bumi mendorong masyarakat Indonesia melakukan inovasi/penemuan baru. Masyarakat berhasil menemukan minyak gas yang bahan bakunya dari sisa kotoran hewan dan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengganti minyak tanah yang semakin mahal.Contoh tersebut menunjukkan perubahan sosial yang disebabkan oleh faktor ....
Correct Answer
C. C. lingkungan alam
The given example of the discovery of gas made from animal waste shows a social change that is driven by the increasing price of kerosene. This change is directly related to the natural environment, as the innovation is a response to the crisis in the oil industry. Therefore, the correct answer is c. lingkungan alam.
Perdagangan pada saat ini sudah sangat maju dan didukung dengan peralatan teknologi komunikasi. Hal itu terlihat dari adanya e-commerce yang bersifat global. Pengaruh positif globalisasi pada contoh tersebut adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. A. berkembangnya ekonomi antarnegara
The given passage states that trade has advanced and is supported by communication technology, evident in the global nature of e-commerce. This suggests that globalization has had a positive influence on the economy, specifically in terms of the development of international trade between countries. Therefore, the correct answer is a. berkembangnya ekonomi antarnegara (the development of international trade).
Untuk menjaga stabilitas produksi dan harga jual susu pada masyarakat peternak sapi, mereka membentuk Koperasi Peternak Sapi. Tujuan masyarakat membangun pranata ekonomi koperasi tersebut adalah ... .
Correct Answer
D. D. meningkatkan pendapatan
The purpose of establishing the cooperative among the cattle farmers is to increase their income. By forming a cooperative, the farmers can work together to improve the production and marketing of milk, which in turn will lead to higher profits. This cooperative allows the farmers to have better bargaining power in selling their products and accessing resources, leading to increased income for the members.
Lembaga pendidikan memberikan bekal ilmu pengetahuan kepada para peserta didik agar dapat mengembangkan IPTEK. Hal itu dimaksudkan untuk ....
Correct Answer
A. A. meningkatkan kualitas individu
The education institution provides knowledge to students in order to develop science and technology (IPTEK). This is intended to improve the quality of individuals, suggesting that the purpose of providing education is to enhance the abilities and skills of students, enabling them to become better individuals.
Rakyat Irak yang pernah makmur sekarang berubah menjadi miskin. Hal itu terjadi karena negaranya porak poranda dibom oleh Amerika Serikat dan sekutunya. Secara eksternal, perubahan sosial tersebut disebabkan oleh ....
Correct Answer
A. A. perang
The correct answer is a. perang. The given passage states that Iraq was once prosperous but has now become poor due to being bombed by the United States and its allies. The phrase "porak poranda dibom" indicates that the country has been devastated by war. Therefore, it can be inferred that the social change mentioned in the passage is caused by war.
Perubahan sosial mencakup bermacam perubahan di dalam lembaga kemasyarakatan yang mempengaruhi sistem sosialnya, termasuk nilai-nilai, sikap dan pola tingkah laku diantara kelompok-kelompok dalam masyarakat. Berdasarkan rumusan tersebut, ruang lingkup dari perubahan sosial adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. D. struktur sosial dan dinamika dalam masyarakat
The correct answer is d. struktur sosial dan dinamika dalam masyarakat. This is because the question states that social change includes various changes in social institutions that affect its social system, including values, attitudes, and behavior patterns among groups in society. The scope of social change, therefore, encompasses the structural aspects of society and the dynamics within it.