Prio Lecture - 14 - Comprehensive Development Plan (Cdp)

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| By Mpcabatan
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Quizzes Created: 2 | Total Attempts: 326
Questions: 42 | Attempts: 204

Lecture Quizzes & Trivia

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Regarded as the plan for the long-term management of the local territory, as the skeletal-circulatory framework of the territory’s physical development, it identifies areas where development can and cannot be located and directs public and private investments accordingly.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. CLUP
    The correct answer is CLUP, which stands for Comprehensive Land Use Plan. This plan is considered as the long-term management strategy for a local territory. It serves as the framework for the physical development of the area, outlining designated areas for development and areas where development is prohibited. The CLUP guides both public and private investments to ensure that they align with the overall goals and vision for the territory's development.

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  • 2. 

    On the other hand, is the action plan utilized by every local administration to develop and implement priority sectoral and cross-sectoral programs and projects in the proper locations to put flesh on the skeleton as it were, gradually and incrementally, until the desired shape or form of development is eventually attained over the long term.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. CDP
    The correct answer is CDP. The explanation for this answer is that CDP stands for Comprehensive Development Plan, which is a strategic planning document used by local administrations to guide the development and implementation of priority sectoral and cross-sectoral programs and projects. It helps in identifying the proper locations for these initiatives and ensures that development is achieved gradually and incrementally over the long term.

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  • 3. 

    The term “comprehensive” in the _ _ _ is understood in its geographical, territorial sense.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. CLUP
    The term "comprehensive" in the CLUP is understood in its geographical, territorial sense. This means that the CLUP (Comprehensive Land Use Plan) considers and covers all aspects and areas within a specific geographical region or territory. It takes into account various factors such as land availability, land use patterns, infrastructure, and environmental considerations to develop a comprehensive plan for the optimal use of land resources in that particular area.

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  • 4. 

    The term “comprehensive” in the _ _ _ has to be understood in the sense of “multi-sectoral” development.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. CDP
    The term "comprehensive" in the CDP has to be understood in the sense of "multi-sectoral" development. This means that the CDP aims to address development in multiple sectors or areas, rather than focusing on just one specific sector. It implies that the CDP takes a holistic approach to development, considering various aspects such as social, economic, and environmental factors.

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  • 5. 

    One thing that bolsters the interpretation that the CLUP and CDP are distinct and separate is the fact that the responsibility for each plan is given to separate bodies in the LGU. The CLUP is assigned to the Sanggunian as provided for in Sections 447, 458 and 468 of the Local Government Code; whereas the CDP is the responsibility of the _ _ _ as provided for under Sections 106 (Local Development Councils) and 109 (Functions of Local Development Councils) of the Code.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. LDC
    The explanation for the correct answer, LDC, is that the responsibility for the CDP is given to the Local Development Council (LDC) as provided for under Sections 106 and 109 of the Local Government Code. This suggests that the CDP is a separate plan from the CLUP, which is assigned to the Sanggunian. The mention of the LDC in relation to the CDP reinforces the idea that it is a distinct and separate plan from the CLUP.

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  • 6. 

    Is a planning document, covering a 3-year period corresponding to the term of local elective officials that is mutually developed and agreed upon by both the executive and legislative departments of an LGU.

    • A.


    • B.

      ALA E

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. ELA
    The correct answer is ELA. ELA stands for Executive-Legislative Agenda. It is a planning document that covers a 3-year period and is developed and agreed upon by both the executive and legislative departments of a Local Government Unit (LGU). It serves as a guide for the LGU's policies, programs, and projects during the term of the local elective officials.

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  • 7. 

    The _ _ _ is not meant to replace or duplicate existing planning systems in LGUs. Rather, it adds greater value to the CLUP and the CDP by moving them forward to getting implemented and monitored.

    • A.


    • B.

      ALA E

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. ELA
    The ELA (Enhanced Local Development Agenda) is not meant to replace or duplicate existing planning systems in LGUs (Local Government Units). Rather, it adds greater value to the CLUP (Comprehensive Land Use Plan) and the CDP (Comprehensive Development Plan) by moving them forward to getting implemented and monitored. The ELA enhances the effectiveness of the existing planning systems by providing a framework for implementation and monitoring of the plans, ensuring that they are not just theoretical documents but are actually put into action.

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  • 8. 

    The following are CDPs General Sectoral Planning Process, except none;

    • A.

      Sectoral development issues and concerns

    • B.

      Detailed investigations

    • C.

      Sectoral development objectives and targets

    • D.

      Sectoral strategies and policies

    • E.

      Sectoral programs and projects

    • F.

      Project ideas/project briefs

    • G.

      New local legislation

    • H.


    Correct Answer
    H. Kullu
  • 9. 

    It's a general sectoral planning process derived from the vision and goals of the CLUP; should be SMART; result of vision-reality gap analysis (how much of the indicators were already attained); General Welfare goals can be used in the absence of a vision.

    • A.

      Sectoral development objectives and targets

    • B.

      Sectoral strategies and policies

    • C.

      Sectoral programs and projects

    • D.

      Sectoral development issues and concerns

    Correct Answer
    A. Sectoral development objectives and targets
    The correct answer is sectoral development objectives and targets. This is because the given information states that the planning process should be derived from the vision and goals of the CLUP, and sectoral development objectives and targets are a key component of this planning process. Additionally, the objectives and targets should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound), which aligns with the concept of setting clear and actionable sectoral development objectives and targets.

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  • 10. 

    According to simplified planning process, the CLUP is in itself a rich source of programs, projects and ideas for legislation. The programs and projects identified in the CLUP however, invariably take a long time to carry out. On the other hand, the CDP has a relatively _ _ _ _.

    • A.

      Short Time Frame

    • B.

      Short Time Program

    • C.

      Short Time Policy

    • D.

      Short Time Interger

    Correct Answer
    A. Short Time Frame
    The correct answer is "Short Time Frame." According to the given information, the CLUP (Comprehensive Land Use Plan) is a rich source of programs, projects, and ideas for legislation, but they take a long time to carry out. In contrast, the CDP (Community Development Plan) has a relatively short time frame. This suggests that the CDP is designed to be implemented quickly, possibly addressing more immediate needs or goals compared to the CLUP.

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  • 11. 

    Under simplified planning process, should not be used as a reason for ignoring the _ _ _ _ _ of the CLUP and implementing instead other projects with shorter timeframes. Rather, the short time frame of the CDP should be used to carry out the long-term CLUP programs in phases.

    • A.

      Long Time Program

    • B.

      Long Time Frame

    • C.

      Long Time Interger

    • D.

      Overnight Frame

    Correct Answer
    A. Long Time Program
    Under the simplified planning process, the long-term program of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) should not be ignored in favor of implementing other projects with shorter timeframes. Instead, the short time frame of the Current Development Plan (CDP) should be utilized to gradually carry out the long-term CLUP programs in phases. This ensures that the long-term goals and objectives of the CLUP are not neglected and are still being worked towards, even within the shorter time constraints of the CDP.

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  • 12. 

    The following are CDPs Executive Legislative Agenda, except none;

    • A.

      Building Commitment - LDC to endorse and approved by Sanggunian

    • B.

      Securing Endorsement and Approval - adoption not only of ELA but also Appropriations Ordinance

    • C.

      Moving the ELA to Action - annual operations, work and finances resources for implementation

    • D.

      Popularizing the ELA - bring ELA closer to community

    • E.

      Managing and sustaining ELA implementation - monitoring, evaluating and reporting LGU performance

    • F.

      Kullu monjud

    Correct Answer
    F. Kullu monjud
  • 13. 

    The CLUP and the CDP may be prepared in an iterative way. For simplicity, the preparation of the CLUP and CDP can be divided into four (4) modules consistent with the capability building approach. Who designed the chart for CLUP - CDP process flow?

    • A.

      Prof. Ernesto Serote

    • B.

      Atty. Francis Dagnalan

    • C.

      Manny Pinol

    • D.

      Ar. Parokya N. Serote

    Correct Answer
    A. Prof. Ernesto Serote
  • 14. 

    According to CLUP-CDP progress flow, what module is the generation of the planning database consisting of statistics and maps and analytical tools and techniques to derive various indicators of development or underdevelopment, of problems and constraints as well as opportunities and challenges for development.

    • A.

      Module 1

    • B.

      Module 2

    • C.

      Module 3

    • D.

      Module 4

    Correct Answer
    A. Module 1
  • 15. 

    Under module 1 of CLUP-CDP progress flow, the following are the outputs of module 1, except one;

    • A.


    • B.

      Accomplished “Problem-Solution Matrix"

    • C.

      Matrix of Local Development Indicators (Statistical Compendium)

    • D.

      Updated ecological profile of the planning area

    Correct Answer
    A. Vision
    Vision – reality gap which will eventually be transformed into sectoral goals, Under module 2 of CLUP-CDP progress flow

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  • 16. 

    According to CLUP-CDP progress flow, what module is the formulation of new goals or revalidating and/or revising the existing vision statement?

    • A.

      Module 2

    • B.

      Module 1

    • C.

      Module 3

    • D.

      Module 4

    Correct Answer
    A. Module 2
    According to the CLUP-CDP progress flow, Module 2 is the formulation of new goals or revalidating and/or revising the existing vision statement. This module focuses on setting new objectives or reviewing and updating the current vision statement to align with the goals and objectives of the CLUP-CDP. It involves evaluating the existing vision statement and making necessary changes to ensure it reflects the desired outcomes and aspirations of the community.

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  • 17. 

    Under module 2 of CLUP-CDP progress flow, the following are the outputs of module 2, except one;

    • A.

      Draft Zoning Ordinance in the case of cities and municipalities

    • B.


    • C.

      Vision elements and their respective descriptors and success indicators

    • D.

      Revalidated/ revised vision statement

    Correct Answer
    A. Draft Zoning Ordinance in the case of cities and municipalities
    Draft Zoning Ordinance in the case of cities and municipalities, Under module 3 of CLUP-CDP progress flow

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  • 18. 

    According to CLUP-CDP progress flow, what module is the formulation of the Provincial Comprehensive Land Use Plan (PCLUP) in the case of the province and the CLUP in the case of cities and municipalities?

    • A.

      Module 3

    • B.

      Module 2

    • C.

      Module 1

    • D.

      Module 4

    Correct Answer
    A. Module 3
    Module 3 is the formulation of the Provincial Comprehensive Land Use Plan (PCLUP) in the case of the province and the CLUP in the case of cities and municipalities. This suggests that Module 3 is specifically designed to guide the development of land use plans at the provincial and city/municipal levels. It is likely that this module provides a framework and guidelines for conducting land use assessments, identifying land use goals and objectives, and formulating strategies and policies for land use management and development.

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  • 19. 

    Under module 3 of CLUP-CDP progress flow, the following are the outputs of module 3, except one;

    • A.

      Preparation of the capacity development program

    • B.

      Draft Zoning Ordinance in the case of cities and municipalities

    • C.

      Policy maps printed at suitable scale

    • D.

      Draft Provincial Comprehensive Land Use Plan and / or City/Municipal CLUP

    Correct Answer
    A. Preparation of the capacity development program
    Preparation of the capacity development program, Under module 4 of CLUP-CDP progress flow

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  • 20. 

    Under module 4 of CLUP-CDP progress flow, the following are the main activities of module 4, except none;

    • A.

      Formulation of sectoral goals, objectives and targets

    • B.

      Prioritization of sectoral programs, projects and activities

    • C.

      Preparation of the Local Development Investment Program (LDIP)

    • D.

      Identification of new legislations needed to carry out the sectoral plans

    • E.

      Preparation of the capacity development program

    • F.

      Kullu monjud

    Correct Answer
    F. Kullu monjud
  • 21. 

    This two planning circle are crucial step in the comprehensive development planning;

    • A.

      Monitoring and Evaluation

    • B.

      Supervision and Assessment

    • C.

      Monitoring and Assessment

    • D.

      Supervision and Evaluation

    Correct Answer
    A. Monitoring and Evaluation
    Monitoring and evaluation are crucial steps in comprehensive development planning. Monitoring involves regularly collecting data and information to track progress and identify any issues or challenges that may arise during the implementation of a development plan. Evaluation, on the other hand, involves assessing the effectiveness and impact of the plan in achieving its objectives. By combining monitoring and evaluation, planners can ensure that the development plan is on track, make necessary adjustments if needed, and ultimately improve the overall effectiveness of the plan.

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  • 22. 

    It is the link between two planning cycles. Its importance lies in generating new information based on the following;

    • A.

      Results of assessment of impacts of plans, programs and projects as implemented

    • B.

      Effects of regulatory measures as enforced

    • C.

      Outcomes of developments in the area that had not come under the control or influence of the local planning system

    • D.

      All except, none

    Correct Answer
    D. All except, none
    The given answer "All except, none" suggests that the link between two planning cycles is important in generating new information based on the results of assessment of impacts of plans, programs, and projects as implemented, effects of regulatory measures as enforced, and outcomes of developments in the area that had not come under the control or influence of the local planning system. This means that all of these factors are important in establishing the link between planning cycles, except for none of them. In other words, all of these factors are relevant and contribute to the importance of the link between planning cycles.

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  • 23. 

    What are the two comprehensive plans under Family of Plans?

    • A.

      CLUP and CDP

    • B.

      CARL and CARP

    • C.

      LDC and LDIP

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. CLUP and CDP
    The two comprehensive plans under the Family of Plans are CLUP (Comprehensive Land Use Plan) and CDP (Comprehensive Development Plan). These plans are designed to provide a framework for the development and management of land and resources in a particular area. The CLUP focuses on land use policies and regulations, while the CDP outlines the strategies and programs for the overall development of the area. Together, these plans aim to ensure sustainable and balanced growth while considering social, economic, and environmental factors.

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  • 24. 

    Pertains to the mandates and responsibilities of LGUs as defined in Sections 16 and 17 of the LDC (RA 7160).

    • A.

      Local Development

    • B.

      Local Government

    • C.

      Local Investment

    • D.

      Local Responsibilities

    Correct Answer
    A. Local Development
    The correct answer is Local Development. The question is asking about the mandates and responsibilities of LGUs as defined in Sections 16 and 17 of the LDC (RA 7160). Local development refers to the activities and initiatives undertaken by LGUs to promote economic growth, improve infrastructure, and enhance the overall well-being of their local communities. This includes planning and implementing development projects, attracting investments, and fostering partnerships with various stakeholders. Sections 16 and 17 of the LDC likely outline specific provisions and guidelines related to local development that LGUs must adhere to.

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  • 25. 

    The local development component of the LDIP, therefore, consists of the following except, none

    • A.

      Projects that are in pursuance of the LGU’s exercise of its powers and discharge of its duties and functions necessary for effective governance and essential for the promotion of the general welfare

    • B.

      Projects that are in pursuance of functions traditionally performed by national government agencies but which have already been devolved to LGUs

    • C.

      Projects that are necessary, appropriate or incidental to the effective and efficient provision of the basic services and facilities enumerated in Section 17 of RA 7150

    • D.

      All mentioned

    Correct Answer
    D. All mentioned
    The correct answer is "All mentioned." This means that all of the options mentioned in the question are included in the local development component of the LDIP. This includes projects that are in pursuance of the LGU's exercise of its powers and discharge of its duties, projects that were traditionally performed by national government agencies but are now devolved to LGUs, and projects that are necessary for the provision of basic services and facilities.

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  • 26. 

    It is a program for utilizing the investible portion of the local budget is called;

    • A.

      Investment Program

    • B.

      Budget Program

    • C.

      Investible Program

    • D.

      Utilization Program

    Correct Answer
    A. Investment Program
    An investment program refers to a strategic plan or initiative aimed at utilizing the investible portion of the local budget. This program focuses on allocating funds towards various investment opportunities or projects that can generate returns or benefits for the local community. By investing in infrastructure, education, healthcare, or other sectors, the program aims to enhance the overall development and growth of the region. Therefore, an investment program is the correct term for such a program that utilizes the investible portion of the local budget.

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  • 27. 

    The following are the scope of Comprehensive Development Plan, except?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Environment and Natural Resources

    • F.


    Correct Answer
    A. Education
    The Comprehensive Development Plan encompasses various aspects such as social, economic, infrastructure, environment and natural resources, and institutional development. However, education is not included in the scope of the plan. This suggests that the plan does not specifically address or focus on educational development.

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  • 28. 

    The planning period of time frame of the CDP may be multi-year from a minimum of three years for the short-term to medium term, how many years for the said medium term?

    • A.

      6 years

    • B.

      5 years

    • C.


    • D.

      9 years

    Correct Answer
    A. 6 years
    The medium-term planning period for the CDP is 6 years. This means that when creating the CDP, the time frame considered for planning and implementation is a minimum of 6 years. It is important to have a longer time frame for the medium-term planning to ensure that there is enough time to execute and achieve the desired goals and objectives of the CDP.

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  • 29. 

    The short-term slice equivalent to three (3) years may be taken out to coincide with the term of the elective local officials so that it can serve as the basis for their Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA). Its time frame is co- terminus with the term of the elected officials so that after their term ends there is no need for the incoming officials to _ _ _ _ a plan that had expired.

    • A.

      Throw away

    • B.

      Fly away

    • C.

      Cast away

    • D.

      Stay away

    Correct Answer
    A. Throw away
    The correct answer is "Throw away". The explanation for this answer is that "throw away" means to discard or get rid of something. In the given context, it is mentioned that there is no need for the incoming officials to _ _ _ _ a plan that had expired. Therefore, the term "throw away" fits in this context as it implies discarding or getting rid of the expired plan.

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  • 30. 

    A plan that had expired after the term of the elected officials, is the new administration can formulate its own 3-year ELA?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Not at all

    • D.

      What do you think?

    Correct Answer
    A. Yes
    All that the new administration needs to do is formulate its own 3-year ELA making sure that the successor plan is consistent with the CLUP policies and will contribute to the realization of the multi-year development plan of the area as embodied in the CDP.

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  • 31. 

    The following are the Committee of Local Finance, is charged with the setting of the level of the annual expenditures and the ceilings of spending for economic, social and general services based on the approved local development plans (Sec. 316 (c), RA 7160)” except one;

    • A.


    • B.

      Budget officer

    • C.


    • D.

      Finance officer

    Correct Answer
    A. LPDC
    The correct answer is LPDC. The explanation is that LPDC stands for Local Poverty and Development Council, which is not responsible for setting the level of annual expenditures and spending ceilings. The Committee of Local Finance, on the other hand, is charged with this responsibility, as stated in Section 316 (c) of RA 7160. The Budget officer, Treasurer, and Finance officer are also involved in financial matters but are not explicitly mentioned in the given statement.

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  • 32. 

    A continuous process of data collection and analysis to check whether a project is running according to plan and to make adjustments if required, it is an evaluative study directed to the short term is called;

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Monitoring
    Monitoring is the correct answer because it involves the continuous process of data collection and analysis to track the progress of a project and ensure that it is running according to plan. It is a evaluative study directed towards the short term, as it focuses on making adjustments and corrections in real-time to ensure the project's success. Monitoring helps in identifying any deviations or issues early on, allowing for timely interventions and adjustments to keep the project on track.

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  • 33. 

    It is the systematic process of collecting and analyzing information about activities and results of a project in order to determine the project’s relevance and/or to make decisions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a project.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Evaluation
    Evaluation is the systematic process of collecting and analyzing information about activities and results of a project in order to determine the project's relevance and/or to make decisions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a project. It involves assessing the success of a project, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and providing recommendations for improvement. Evaluation helps organizations and project managers to understand the impact of their projects, make informed decisions, and ensure that resources are used effectively.

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  • 34. 

    Project deliverables arising from the activities carried out with the use of project inputs or resources.

    • A.

      Project output

    • B.

      Project outcomes

    • C.

      Project impact

    • D.

      Development impact

    Correct Answer
    A. Project output
    Project output refers to the tangible or measurable results of the activities carried out in a project using the available resources or inputs. These deliverables can be products, services, or other outcomes that are directly related to the project's objectives. Project output is often used as a measure of the project's progress and success, as it demonstrates the completion of specific tasks or milestones. It is different from project outcomes, which refer to the broader and long-term effects or changes brought about by the project.

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  • 35. 

    Results and long-term impacts arising from the utilization of project outputs.

    • A.

      Project outcomes

    • B.

      Project output

    • C.

      Project impact

    • D.

      Development impact

    Correct Answer
    A. Project outcomes
    Project outcomes refer to the results and long-term impacts that arise from the utilization of project outputs. These outcomes can include changes in behavior, knowledge, policies, or practices that occur as a result of implementing a project. They are the tangible and measurable effects that the project has on its intended beneficiaries or target audience. Project outcomes are different from project outputs, which are the tangible products, services, or deliverables that are produced during the project. Project impact refers to the broader and more far-reaching effects that a project has on the community, society, or environment. Development impact refers to the overall contribution of a project towards achieving development goals or objectives.

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  • 36. 

    A state of change over a reference point (baseline or time period) arising from the production and utilization of project outputs, maybe short term (as project outcomes/effects) or long term (when related to the achievement of project goals).

    • A.

      Project impact

    • B.

      Development impact

    • C.

      Project output

    • D.

      Project outcomes

    Correct Answer
    A. Project impact
    Project impact refers to the state of change that occurs over a reference point as a result of the production and utilization of project outputs. This impact can be either short-term, such as project outcomes or effects, or long-term when it is related to the achievement of project goals.

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  • 37. 

    A state of change arising from the implementation of a plan (program/project) or on account of actions taken by agents outside the control or influence of the planning system or both.

    • A.

      Development impact

    • B.

      Project impact

    • C.

      Project outcomes

    • D.

      Project output

    Correct Answer
    A. Development impact
    The term "development impact" refers to the changes that occur as a result of implementing a plan or project, or due to actions taken by external agents. These changes can be positive or negative and can affect various aspects of development, such as social, economic, and environmental outcomes. Development impact is a broader concept than project impact, outcomes, or outputs, as it encompasses the overall effects of a plan or project on the larger development context.

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  • 38. 

    According to CLUP-CDP progress flow, what module is the preparation of the Multi-Year Provincial/City/Municipal CDP?

    • A.

      Module 4

    • B.

      Module 3

    • C.

      Module 2

    • D.

      Module 1

    Correct Answer
    A. Module 4
    According to the CLUP-CDP progress flow, the preparation of the Multi-Year Provincial/City/Municipal CDP is covered in Module 4.

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  • 39. 

    Local implementation and development plans such as the 3-year CDP can be reviewed and updated accordingly to reflect priorities and targets, and achieve the objectives of the plan. This may be done by the _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _.

    • A.

      Mayor and Local elected officials

    • B.

      V-Mayor and Local elected officials

    • C.

      Mayor and Barangay councilor

    • D.

      V-Mayor and Barangay tanod

    Correct Answer
    A. Mayor and Local elected officials
    Local implementation and development plans, such as the 3-year CDP, require regular review and updates to align with changing priorities and targets. This responsibility falls on the Mayor and Local elected officials, as they have the authority and accountability to ensure the objectives of the plan are achieved. By involving both the Mayor and Local elected officials in the process, the plan can be effectively adjusted to address the needs and aspirations of the community.

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  • 40. 

    Below are the valid reasons for such review of Local implementation and development plans except one:

    • A.

      None of the above

    • B.

      For appreciation and continuity of plan implementation from previous local official term

    • C.

      To provide an opportunity to harmonize the new administration’s development agenda with the approved CLUP

    • D.

      To use the CLUP as basis for budget preparation and fund sourcing initiatives

    • E.

      To align and polish inconsistencies of current CLUP with that of the adjacent LGU political boundaries

    Correct Answer
    A. None of the above
    The given correct answer is "None of the above." This means that all of the reasons listed are valid for reviewing local implementation and development plans, except for the options provided.

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  • 41. 

    Approaches to CDP Preparation: Inclusive, Participatory, and Consultative; they are the bodies that lay down policy guidelines and take decisions regarding the direction, character and objectives of local development. Together with the Congressman’s representative, they comprise the political component of the local planning structure; the two more important components of the Planning Structure are;

    • A.

      LDC & Sanggunian

    • B.

      CDP & CLUP

    • C.

      CDP & Sanggunian

    • D.

      What do you think?

    Correct Answer
    A. LDC & Sanggunian
    The correct answer is LDC & Sanggunian. LDC stands for Local Development Council, which is responsible for the planning and implementation of local development projects and programs. Sanggunian refers to the local legislative body, which is responsible for enacting local ordinances and resolutions. Together, these two components form the political aspect of the local planning structure, with LDC focusing on development planning and Sanggunian focusing on policy-making and decision-making.

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  • 42. 

    The LDC is considered the?

    • A.

      Mother of all planning bodies

    • B.

      Mother of all planning structure

    • C.

      Mother of all planning policy

    • D.

      Choose the correct answer!

    Correct Answer
    A. Mother of all planning bodies
    The correct answer is "Mother of all planning bodies" because the term "LDC" refers to a specific planning body that is considered the most important or influential in the field of planning. It is often seen as the central authority or the highest level of decision-making in terms of planning. This answer suggests that the LDC holds a significant position among all other planning bodies.

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