Wie was de eerste boodschapper?
Correct Answer
B. Nuh alayhi salam
Nuh alayhi salam is believed to be the first messenger according to Islamic tradition. He was sent by Allah to guide his people and warn them of the impending flood. Nuh alayhi salam preached monotheism and called people to worship Allah alone. He faced many challenges and opposition from his people but remained steadfast in his mission. His story is mentioned in the Quran and serves as a reminder of the importance of faith and perseverance in the face of adversity.
Welke volk wou Iesa alayhi salam doden, en ze dachten dat ze hem gekruisigd en gedood hadden.
Correct Answer
A. Banu Israiël
The correct answer is Banu Israël. Banu Israël refers to the Children of Israel, the descendants of Jacob (also known as Israel) in the Abrahamic religions. According to religious texts, there were instances where some of the Children of Israel plotted to kill the prophet Iesa (Jesus) and believed that they had succeeded in crucifying and killing him. This event is mentioned in the Quran and is a significant part of the religious narrative surrounding Jesus in Islam.
Welke Profeet werd het laatste gestuurd alleen naar banu Israël?
Correct Answer
C. Iesa alayhi salam
Iesa (Jesus) alayhi salam was the last prophet sent specifically to the Banu Israël (Children of Israel). He was sent to guide and teach the Jewish people, and his teachings are recorded in the New Testament of the Bible. After Iesa alayhi salam, there were no more prophets sent specifically to the Banu Israël.
Welke van deze veldslaggen van de Profeet Saw wordt niet aangehaald in de koran bij naam?
Correct Answer
B. Taboek
The correct answer is "Taboek". This battle is not mentioned by name in the Quran.
Alle boodschappers en profeten waren gestuurd naar hun eigen volk , profeet saw werd gestuurd naar de hele wereld.
Correct Answer
A. Klopt
The statement is correct because it states that all messengers and prophets were sent to their own people, while the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent to the entire world. This is supported by Islamic teachings, which state that previous prophets were sent to specific nations or tribes, while Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent as a mercy to all of humanity.
Alle boodschappers en profeten waren moslims.
Correct Answer
A. Klopt
This statement is true because in Islamic belief, all messengers and prophets sent by God were considered to be Muslims. Muslims believe that all of these messengers, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, submitted to the will of God and conveyed His message to humanity. Therefore, it is believed that all messengers and prophets were Muslims in the sense that they submitted to God's guidance and teachings.
Wie bevindt zich in de laagste niveau van de hellevuur?
Correct Answer
A. Moenaffiqqoen ( huichelaars)
The correct answer is Moenaffiqqoen (huichelaars). In Islamic belief, the lowest level of Hell is reserved for those who are hypocrites, or those who pretend to be believers but do not truly have faith in their hearts. These individuals are considered to be deceitful and dishonest, pretending to be righteous while harboring evil intentions. They are seen as a betrayal of both God and the true believers.
Voor welke volk werd een land (stad) voor 40 jaren verboden nadat ze deze land(stad) weigerde binnen te gaan.
Correct Answer
B. Banu Israël
Hoeveel zonen van Adam alayhi salam worden in de koran aangehaald? .
Correct Answer
C. 2
The correct answer is 2. In the Quran, two sons of Adam are mentioned by name: Cain (Qabil) and Abel (Habil). Their story is mentioned in Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:27-31).
Van welke dier leerde qabil om zijn broer Habil te begraven nadat hij hem had gedood .
Correct Answer
B. Raaf
Qabil learned from a raven to bury his brother Habil after killing him. The story of Qabil and Habil is mentioned in the Quran, where it is said that after Qabil killed his brother, he did not know what to do with the body. Then a raven appeared and showed him how to bury the body by scratching the ground. This incident teaches the importance of remorse, repentance, and seeking forgiveness for one's actions.
Wie zijn het volgens Allah de Almachtige die het meeste vijandigheid hebben tegen de gelovigen?
Correct Answer
B. De joden en de moessriqqoen ( afgodsdiennaren)
According to Allah, the Almachtige, the people who have the most hostility towards the believers are the Jews and the moessriqqoen (idolaters).
Een dode dier( kadaver) eten is haram.
Correct Answer
A. Klopt
Eating a dead animal (carcass) is considered haram in Islam. Haram refers to anything that is forbidden or prohibited according to Islamic law. Therefore, the statement "Een dode dier eten is haram" is correct, as it states that eating a dead animal is indeed forbidden.
Voor wie daalde Allah de Almachtige een tafel neer met allerlei lekkernijen op?
Correct Answer
D. Iesa alayhi salam en zijn metgezellen
According to the given options, Allah the Almighty descended a table with various delicacies for Iesa (Jesus) alayhi salam and his companions.
Allah de Almachtige zegt in de koran als hij de ongelovigen nadat ze in de hellevuur zijn , een tweede kans zou geven dan zouden ze terugkeren naar wat ze ervoor deden.
Correct Answer
A. Klopt
The given statement is true because it is based on a verse from the Quran. According to the verse, if Allah were to give the unbelievers a second chance after they have experienced the punishment of hellfire, they would return to their previous disbelief and wrongdoing. This implies that the punishment of hellfire is a consequence of their rejection of faith and disobedience to Allah's commands. Therefore, the statement "Klopt" (True) is the correct answer.
Wie zijn ook gemeenschappen en volkeren zoals de mensen dat zijn.
Correct Answer
B. Alle schepsels op aarde
The correct answer is "Alle schepsels op aarde." This is because the statement in the question suggests that communities and peoples are not limited to just humans, but also include all creatures on earth. Therefore, the answer "Alle schepsels op aarde" encompasses all living beings on earth, including birds, trees, and angels.
Welke dier komt niet voor in de koran?
Correct Answer
D. Muis
The correct answer is "Muis" because the question asks which animal does not appear in the Quran. The Quran is the holy book of Islam and contains various references to animals. While the raven, goat, and bird are mentioned in the Quran, there is no mention of a mouse. Therefore, the mouse is the animal that does not appear in the Quran.
Hoe deden de moessriqqoen (afgodsdiennaren) tawaf rond de kabaa?
Correct Answer
C. Met gefluit en geklap
Wie loopt van de veldslag in bedr weg en zegt dat hij ziet wat zij niet zien.
Correct Answer
C. Iblies shaytaan
In this question, the correct answer is "Iblies shaytaan". The question is asking who runs away from the battlefield and claims to see something that others cannot see. Among the given options, Iblies shaytaan fits this description as he is known in Islamic mythology as the devil who refused to bow down to Adam and was banished from heaven. He is believed to deceive and tempt humans, often claiming to have knowledge or abilities that others do not possess. Therefore, Iblies shaytaan is the most appropriate answer to this question.
Hoe heette de vader van profeet Ibrahim alayhi salaam ?
Correct Answer
A. Azar
The correct answer is Azar. Azar was the father of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). He is mentioned in the Quran as an idol worshipper who opposed Ibrahim's message of monotheism. Despite his father's disbelief, Ibrahim showed respect and kindness towards him. This answer is supported by Islamic teachings and historical accounts.
Als op de dag des oordeels jouw goeie daden zwaar worden op de weegschaal dan behoor je onder de ?
Correct Answer
B. De gelukkige
According to the given statement, if on the day of judgment your good deeds are weighed heavily on the scale, then you belong among the "gelukkige" (the fortunate or blessed). This implies that those who have performed numerous good deeds will be rewarded and considered fortunate on the day of judgment.
Wat stuurde Allah de Barmhartige In de nacht voor dat de veldslag van bedr ging beginnen op de metgezellen en Profeet Saw uit de hemel?
zodat ze standvastig zullen worden en ook de influisteringen van shaytaan weggaan
Correct Answer
B. Regen
Allah de Barmhartige stuurde regen naar de metgezellen en de Profeet Saw in de nacht voor de veldslag van Bedr om hen standvastig te maken en om de influisteringen van shaytaan weg te nemen. The rain symbolizes blessings and mercy from Allah, which would provide comfort and reassurance to the believers before the battle. It would also serve as a sign of Allah's support and favor towards them, boosting their morale and strengthening their resolve to face the upcoming challenge.
Welke tekenen ( straffen ) stuurde Allah de Almachtige niet op de volk van de farao af?
Correct Answer
D. Leeuwen
Allah de Almachtige stuurde wel zware regen, kikkers en sprinkhanen als straffen naar het volk van de farao, maar er zijn geen tekenen bekend waarin hij leeuwen als straf heeft gestuurd.