Gerak tubuh secara berirama yg dilakukan di tempat dan waktu tertentu untuk keperluan pergaulan, mengungkapkan persaaan, maksud dan pikiran disebut ...
Correct Answer
A. Tari
Tari adalah gerakan tubuh secara berirama yang dilakukan di tempat dan waktu tertentu untuk keperluan pergaulan, mengungkapkan perasaan, maksud, dan pikiran. Tari merupakan bentuk seni yang menggunakan gerakan tubuh sebagai bahasa ekspresi untuk menyampaikan pesan dan emosi kepada penonton. Melalui gerakan tubuh yang terkoordinasi dan diiringi oleh musik, tari dapat mengungkapkan berbagai macam makna dan cerita.
Tari Seudati berasal dari daerah ...
Correct Answer
C. Aceh
Tari Seudati berasal dari daerah Aceh.
Kelompok tari wanita pada tari Bali disebut ...
Correct Answer
B. Janger
The correct answer is "janger". In Balinese dance, the term "janger" refers to the women's dance group. This dance form is characterized by its lively and energetic movements, often accompanied by vibrant music and singing. Janger is known for its synchronized choreography and graceful gestures, making it a popular and captivating performance in Bali.
Tari persembahan dari DKI Jakarta yg digunakan utk menghormati tamu negara disebut ...
Correct Answer
C. Yapong
The correct answer is yapong. Yapong is a traditional dance from DKI Jakarta that is performed to honor and welcome foreign guests.
Tari dari Jawa Barat yg mengisahkan kehidupan burung merak yg indah dan memukau disebut tari ...
Correct Answer
D. Merak
The correct answer is "merak." Tari merak is a traditional dance from West Java that depicts the beautiful and mesmerizing life of peacocks. The dance incorporates graceful movements and vibrant costumes to portray the elegance and allure of the peacock.
Tarian dari Jawa Timur yg menunjukkan keperkasaan, kejantanan, dan kegigihan ; biasanya menggunakan topeng macan yg sangat besar dan dipentaskan bersama dengan jaran kepadang adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Reog
Reog is a traditional dance from East Java that showcases strength, masculinity, and perseverance. It is typically performed with a large tiger mask and accompanied by the jaran kepadang. The dance involves vigorous movements and displays the power and bravery of the performers.
Tarian dari daerah Kalimntan yg hidup dan berkembang di keraton Banjar dan ditarikan oleh putra putri keraton adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Baksa kembang
Baksa kembang is a dance from Kalimantan that originated and developed in the Banjar palace. It is performed by the sons and daughters of the palace.
Tarian jaipong dicetuskan oleh seniman Bandung bernama ...
Correct Answer
C. Gugum gumirah
Gugum Gumirah is the correct answer because he is a well-known artist from Bandung who played a significant role in popularizing the Jaipong dance. He is considered one of the pioneers and masters of the Jaipong dance style, which originated in West Java, Indonesia. Gugum Gumirah's contributions to the development and promotion of Jaipong have made him a respected figure in the dance community.
Tari Monong merupakan tari yg bertujuan untuk ...
Correct Answer
D. Penolak penyakit
Tari Monong is a dance that serves as a form of protection against diseases. It is believed to have the power to ward off illnesses and keep the community safe from harmful spirits or diseases. Through the movements and rituals performed in this dance, it is believed that the dancers can invoke the power to reject and repel any sickness or disease that may be present or approaching. This dance is a traditional practice that aims to promote health and well-being within the community.
Bentuk Tari yg dimainkan oleh dua orang, baik sesama jenis maupun lawan jenis disebut ...
Correct Answer
D. Berpasangan
The correct answer is "berpasangan" because it refers to the dance form that is performed by two individuals, regardless of their gender. This term specifically indicates that the dance is performed by a pair of dancers, emphasizing the concept of dancing together as a couple.
Srisig adalah gerakan ...
Correct Answer
B. Berjalan cepat dengan jinjitr
Srisig is a movement that involves walking quickly with a jinjit.
Tolehan dan lung sekar adalah macam gerakan ...
Correct Answer
A. Leher
The correct answer is "leher" because the question states that "Tolehan dan lung sekar adalah macam gerakan" which translates to "Tolehan and lung sekar are types of movements." The word "gerakan" means movement in Indonesian. Therefore, based on the given information, it can be inferred that the correct answer is "leher" which means neck in Indonesian.
Garis lengkung dapat berwujud ...
Correct Answer
B. Spiral
A curved line can take the form of a spiral, which is a type of curve that starts from a central point and gradually moves away from it while continuously getting closer to or farther from the center. Spirals can be found in various natural and man-made objects, such as seashells, tornadoes, and spiral staircases. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that a curved line can be represented by a spiral.
Gerak yg semata-mata hanya utk mendapatkan bentuk artistiknya saja disebut ...
Correct Answer
C. Gerak murni
Gerak murni refers to movement that is solely focused on achieving artistic form. It does not have any specific meaning or intention behind it, and is purely aesthetic in nature. This type of movement is not influenced by any external factors or emotions, but rather aims to create visually pleasing and harmonious shapes and patterns. It is a form of movement that is detached from any narrative or symbolism, and is solely driven by the pursuit of artistic expression.
Jingke dan gejug adalah gerakan kaki pada tari yg berasal dari daerah ...
Correct Answer
D. Betawi
The correct answer is betawi. Jingke dan gejug is a foot movement in dance that originates from the betawi region.
Ruang gerak penari tercipta melalui ...
Correct Answer
D. Pola lantai
The correct answer is "pola lantai" because the phrase "ruang gerak penari tercipta melalui" suggests that the question is asking about how the dancer's movements are created or facilitated. "Lagu" refers to music, "irama" refers to rhythm, and "desain" refers to design, none of which directly relate to the creation of the dancer's movements. However, "pola lantai" refers to the floor pattern, which can have a significant impact on the dancer's movements and the space they have to work with.
Berikut yg BUKAN merupakan unsur keindahan tari adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Waranggono
The correct answer is waranggono. Waranggono is not a term that represents an element of beauty in dance. The other options, wirupa, wirasa, and wiraga, are all Javanese terms that represent different aspects of beauty in dance. Wirupa refers to the physical appearance or form of the dance, wirasa refers to the emotional or aesthetic experience of the dance, and wiraga refers to the physical movements or gestures of the dance.
Unsur utama tari adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Gerak
The main element of dance is movement. Movement is what distinguishes dance from other art forms and is essential in conveying emotions, telling stories, and expressing ideas. Without movement, dance would not exist. While makeup, music, and dancers play important roles in dance, they are secondary to the fundamental element of movement.
Berikut adalah berakan tari Bali, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
B. Ukel
The given options are all types of traditional Balinese dances except for "ukel". It is not clear what "ukel" refers to as it is not a known term or dance in Bali. Therefore, it can be concluded that "ukel" is the correct answer because it does not belong to the list of traditional Balinese dances mentioned in the question.
Tari dari NTB yg digunakn utk menymbut Maulid Nabi Muhammad saw adalah tari ...
Correct Answer
C. Mpaa lenggogo
The correct answer is "mpaa lenggogo". This is because "mpaa lenggogo" is a traditional dance from NTB (Nusa Tenggara Barat) that is used to celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad.