Identify the the number of syllables according to the dictionary, the stressed syllable, and schwa in 'AVENUE'. Label main stressed use (''), secondary stressed use ('), and (3) schwa use (E).
Correct Answer
C. Av'' - E - nue'
The word "avenue" has three syllables, the main stressed is on the first syllable, schwa is on the second syllable, and the secondary stressed is on the third syllable.
Identify the the number of syllables according to the dictionary, the stressed syllable, and schwa in 'INNOCENT'. Label main stressed use (''), secondary stressed use ('), and (3) schwa use (E).
Correct Answer
A. In'' - E - cEnt
The word "excellent" has three syllables, the main stressed is on the first syllable, schwa is on both second and third syllables.
Identify the the number of syllables according to the dictionary, the stressed syllable, and schwa in 'AUTOBIOGRAPHY'. Label main stressed use (''), secondary stressed use ('), and (3) schwa use (E).
Correct Answer
C. Au' - to - bi - og'' - rE - pHy
The word "autobiography" has six syllables, the main stressed is on the fourth syllable, secondary stressed is on the first syllable, and schwa sound on the fifth and sixth syllables.
Identify the the number of syllables according to the dictionary, the stressed syllable, and schwa in 'COURAGEOUS'. Label main stressed use (''), secondary stressed use ('), and (3) schwa use (E).
Correct Answer
D. CE - ra'' - gEs
The word "courageous" has three syllables, the main stressed is on the second syllable, and both first and third syllable are schwa sound.
Identify the the number of syllables according to the dictionary, the stressed syllable, and schwa in 'OVERWHELMING'. Label main stressed use (''), secondary stressed use ('), and (3) schwa use (E).
Correct Answer
A. O' - vEr - whelm'' - ing
The word "overwhelming" has four syllables, the main stressed is on the third syllable, the secondary stressed is on the first syllable, and the schwa sound is in the second syllable.
Identify the the number of syllables according to the dictionary, the stressed syllable, and schwa in 'PROVOKE'. Label main stressed use (''), secondary stressed use ('), and (3) schwa use (E).
Correct Answer
C. PrE - voke''
The word "provoke" has two syllable, the main stressed is on the second syllable and schwa sound is on the first syllable.
Identify the the number of syllables according to the dictionary, the stressed syllable, and schwa in 'EXCELLENT'. Label main stressed use (''), secondary stressed use ('), and (3) schwa use (E).
Correct Answer
B. Ex'' - cE - lEnt
The word "excellent" has three syllables, the main stress is on the first syllable and the schwa sounds are in both second and third syllable.
Identify the the number of syllables according to the dictionary, the stressed syllable, and schwa in 'EXPERIMENT'. Label main stressed use (''), secondary stressed use ('), and (3) schwa use (E).
Correct Answer
D. Ex - per'' - E - mEnt
The word "experiment" has four syllables, the main stressed is on the second syllable and schwa on both third and fourth syllable.
Identify the the number of syllables according to the dictionary, the stressed syllable, and schwa in 'DICTIONARY'. Label main stressed use (''), secondary stressed use ('), and (3) schwa use (E).
Correct Answer
A. Dic'' - tEn - ar' - y
The word "dictionary" has four syllables, the main stressed is on the first syllable and schwa sound is on the second.
Identify the the number of syllables according to the dictionary, the stressed syllable, and schwa in 'PRONUNCIATION'. Label main stressed use (''), secondary stressed use ('), and (3) schwa use (E).
Correct Answer
D. PrE - nun' - ci - a'' - tEn
The word "pronunciation" has five syllables, the main stressed is on the fourth syllable and schwa sound on the first and fifth syllable.
Identify the the number of syllables according to the dictionary, the stressed syllable, and schwa in 'SYLLABLE'. Label main stressed use (''), secondary stressed use ('), and (3) schwa use (E).
Correct Answer
B. Syl'' - E - bEl
The word "syllable" has three syllables, the main stressed is on the first and schwa sound on second and third.
Identify the the number of syllables according to the dictionary, the stressed syllable, and schwa in 'AMERICAN'. Label main stressed use (''), secondary stressed use ('), and (3) schwa use (E).
Correct Answer
C. E - mer' - 'i - kEn
The word "American" has four syllables, the main stressed is on the second and schwa sound on first and fourth syllable.
Identify the the number of syllables according to the dictionary, the stressed syllable, and schwa in 'AMONG'. Label main stressed use (''), secondary stressed use ('), and (3) schwa use (E).
Correct Answer
D. E - mong''
The word "among" has two syllables, the main stressed is on the second syllable and schwa on the first.
Identify the the number of syllables according to the dictionary, the stressed syllable, and schwa in 'CONFESS'. Label main stressed use (''), secondary stressed use ('), and (3) schwa use (E).
Correct Answer
A. CEn - fess''
The word "confess" has two syllables, and the main stressed is on the second and schwa on the first syllable.
Identify the the number of syllables according to the dictionary, the stressed syllable, and schwa in 'SUCCESS'. Label main stressed use (''), secondary stressed use ('), and (3) schwa use (E).
Correct Answer
B. SEc - cess''
The word "success" has two syllables, the main stressed is on the second and schwa on the first syllable.