Sdv 100 Midterm Exam

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| By Sgoodwin
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Quizzes Created: 11 | Total Attempts: 4,249
Questions: 80 | Attempts: 484

Sdv 100 Midterm Exam - Quiz

Hello Class,

Using your textbook, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9, answer the following questions. Each test item is worth 1.25 points each.

Thank you for your participation.

Good Luck!

S. Goodwin, instructor

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    According to FOCUS, people generally attend community college

    • A.

      Because it is easier.

    • B.

      To improve their skills or gain new skills.

    • C.

      To be with friends.

    • D.

      When they don't know what they want to major in.

    Correct Answer
    B. To improve their skills or gain new skills.
    The correct answer is "to improve their skills or gain new skills." This is because community colleges often offer a wide range of courses and programs that allow individuals to enhance their existing skills or acquire new ones. Attending a community college can provide individuals with the opportunity to gain practical knowledge and develop specific skills that can be applied in various career paths. Additionally, community colleges are often more affordable and accessible, making them a popular choice for individuals looking to improve their skills or gain new ones.

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  • 2. 

    What, in particular, makes the community college classroom a rich learning environment?

    • A.

      The instructors are well prepared to teach

    • B.

      The textbooks contain important information

    • C.

      Smart students helping students who are not as smart

    • D.

      The diversity of the students gathered in one place to discuss the same ideas

    Correct Answer
    D. The diversity of the students gathered in one place to discuss the same ideas
    The diversity of the students gathered in one place to discuss the same ideas makes the community college classroom a rich learning environment. This diversity brings together individuals from various backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives, which fosters a vibrant exchange of ideas and promotes critical thinking. It allows students to gain a broader understanding of different viewpoints and encourages them to challenge their own beliefs. This diversity also promotes tolerance, empathy, and respect for others, creating an inclusive and dynamic learning environment.

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  • 3. 

    Students seeking a degree at a community college generally have two choices

    • A.

      One with a career focus and one with a transfer focus.

    • B.

      One focusing on study skills and one focusing on careers.

    • C.

      One with a career focus and one with a focus on skills.

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. One with a career focus and one with a transfer focus.
    The correct answer is one with a career focus and one with a transfer focus. This explanation is supported by the statement in the question that students seeking a degree at a community college generally have two choices. This implies that there are two different options available to students, and the two options mentioned - one with a career focus and one with a transfer focus - align with this idea. Therefore, this is the most logical and accurate answer choice.

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  • 4. 

    Which of the following is not suggested in your journey to becoming a professional student?

    • A.

      Complete your assignments

    • B.

      Reserve class time as a top priority

    • C.

      Come prepared

    • D.

      All of the above are suggested

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above are suggested
    All of the above options are suggested in your journey to becoming a professional student. Completing assignments, reserving class time as a top priority, and coming prepared are all important aspects of being a successful student.

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  • 5. 

    Engaged students are most likely to

    • A.

      Skip classes when an emergency arises.

    • B.

      Complain to the Dean when there is a problem.

    • C.

      Be tuned in and soak up everything the class has to offer.

    • D.

      Be angry when things don't go their way.

    Correct Answer
    C. Be tuned in and soak up everything the class has to offer.
    Engaged students are most likely to be tuned in and soak up everything the class has to offer. This means that when students are actively engaged in the learning process, they are more likely to pay attention, participate, and absorb the information being taught in class. They are eager to learn and make the most out of their educational experience. This behavior indicates a high level of interest and motivation, leading to better academic performance and overall success in the classroom.

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  • 6. 

    When you leave a voicemail for your advisor or instructor, which of the following should you do?

    • A.

      Leave your full name, ID number, class enrolled, telephone number, and state your brief question

    • B.

      Leave your first name and state your question

    • C.

      State your question and ask him or her to call or email you back

    • D.

      Leave your full name, ID number, class enrolled and state your question

    Correct Answer
    A. Leave your full name, ID number, class enrolled, telepHone number, and state your brief question
    When leaving a voicemail for your advisor or instructor, it is important to provide all necessary information for them to identify you and address your question. This includes leaving your full name, ID number, class enrolled, and telephone number. Additionally, stating your brief question allows them to understand the purpose of your call and provide a more efficient response.

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  • 7. 

    Which of the following examples is a better way to choose a major?

    • A.

      After talking with relatives and finding out more about the careers they have

    • B.

      After researching the career and the major requirements

    • C.

      After watching your favorite CSI show

    • D.

      After hearing what your parents or other family members tell yu to do

    Correct Answer
    B. After researching the career and the major requirements
    Researching the career and the major requirements is a better way to choose a major because it allows for a more informed decision. By conducting research, individuals can gather information about the potential career paths and the specific requirements of different majors. This helps in understanding the skills and knowledge needed for each major and how they align with personal interests and goals. This approach ensures that the decision is based on factual information rather than relying on subjective opinions or external influences.

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  • 8. 

    The formula for calculating GPA is

    • A.

      GPA = Final Grade (divided by) Total Nmber of Classes.

    • B.

      GPA = Total Number of Credits (divided by) Total Number of Classes.

    • C.

      GPA = Grade Point Value (divided by) Total Number of Credits.

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. GPA = Grade Point Value (divided by) Total Number of Credits.
    The correct answer is GPA = Grade Point Value (divided by) Total Number of Credits. This formula is used to calculate a student's Grade Point Average (GPA) by dividing the total grade point value earned in all courses by the total number of credits taken. The grade point value is typically assigned based on the letter grade earned in each course, with higher grades receiving a higher point value. This formula provides a standardized way to measure a student's academic performance and is commonly used by educational institutions for evaluation and comparison purposes.

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  • 9. 

    The syllabus can be thought of as

    • A.

      A preview of what to expect.

    • B.

      A contract between you and your instructor.

    • C.

      A summary of all the assignments.

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above
    The syllabus is a document that provides an overview of what topics will be covered in a course. It serves as a preview of what to expect in terms of content and assignments. Additionally, it can be considered a contract between the student and the instructor, as it outlines the expectations and requirements for the course. Finally, the syllabus typically includes a summary of all the assignments that will be given throughout the course. Therefore, the correct answer is "all of the above" as all three statements accurately describe the purpose and contents of a syllabus.

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  • 10. 

    In one study cited in Chapter 1, ______% of community college students required one or more remedial courses

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. 85
    In one study cited in Chapter 1, 85% of community college students required one or more remedial courses. This suggests that a significant majority of community college students needed additional support in order to meet the academic requirements of their courses. This highlights the potential gaps in preparation and readiness for college-level work among community college students.

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  • 11. 

    Which of the following are examples of avoiding the PCP Syndrome?

    • A.

      Bunching your classes together so you can get them out of the way on as few days as possible

    • B.

      Going to work right after class

    • C.

      Going to the grocery store right after class

    • D.

      Getting involved in Student Government on your campus

    Correct Answer
    D. Getting involved in Student Government on your campus
    Getting involved in Student Government on your campus is an example of avoiding the PCP Syndrome because it allows for a balanced and well-rounded college experience. By participating in Student Government, students can engage in leadership roles, gain valuable skills, and contribute to their campus community. This involvement helps to prevent the PCP Syndrome, which refers to the tendency of students to focus solely on academic responsibilities and neglect other aspects of their college experience.

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  • 12. 

    According to motivational author Robert Collier

    • A.

      Success is the sum of small efforts.

    • B.

      Success is about money.

    • C.

      Success happens suddenly.

    • D.

      Success begins when students graduate.

    Correct Answer
    A. Success is the sum of small efforts.
    This answer suggests that success is not achieved overnight or through one big effort, but rather through consistent and persistent small efforts over time. It emphasizes the importance of consistency and hard work in achieving success.

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  • 13. 

    Risk factors for college success are

    • A.

      Predictors not determiners.

    • B.

      Determiners not predictors.

    • C.

      Reality not fiction.

    • D.

      Outcomes not precursors.

    Correct Answer
    A. Predictors not determiners.
    This answer suggests that risk factors for college success can help predict the likelihood of success, but they do not guarantee or determine whether someone will be successful. In other words, while certain factors may indicate a higher risk of failure or challenges in college, they do not necessarily mean that a person will definitely fail or succeed.

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  • 14. 

    A community college classmate of yours failed his first math exam.  Which of the following recommendations would help?

    • A.

      Use the services available on your campus

    • B.

      Ask you for advice since you're good at math

    • C.

      Figure things out on his own; it will make him stronger

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. Use the services available on your campus
    Using the services available on campus would be helpful because community colleges often provide resources such as tutoring centers, study groups, or math labs. These services can offer additional support and guidance to the classmate, helping them improve their understanding of the subject and potentially perform better on future exams. Seeking help from these resources shows a proactive approach to addressing the issue and utilizing the available support system.

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  • 15. 

    "The system" used in your textbook to structure productive learning is

    • A.

      Challenge --- Insight --- Reaction.

    • B.

      Insight ---Reaction --- Challenge.

    • C.

      Challenge --- Reaction --- Insight --- Action.

    • D.

      Reaction --- Insight --- Challenge.

    Correct Answer
    C. Challenge --- Reaction --- Insight --- Action.
    The correct answer is "Challenge --- Reaction --- Insight --- Action." This sequence suggests that the first step is to present a challenge or problem to the learner, which prompts them to react and engage with the material. Through this reaction, the learner gains insight and understanding. Finally, they take action by applying their newfound knowledge or skills. This structure promotes active learning and encourages learners to think critically and problem-solve.

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  • 16. 

    According to the FOCUS system, for any goal to be effective it must be

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Concrete.
    According to the FOCUS system, for any goal to be effective, it must be concrete. Concrete goals are specific, clear, and well-defined, making them easier to understand and work towards. They provide a clear direction and allow for better planning and decision-making. Concrete goals also increase motivation and accountability as progress can be easily measured and evaluated. On the other hand, abstract, vague, or flexible goals lack clarity and specificity, making it difficult to determine progress or take appropriate actions.

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  • 17. 

    Research shows that students learn better through

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Critical thinking.

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Examples.
    Research has shown that students learn better through examples. Examples provide concrete and relatable illustrations of concepts, making them easier to understand and remember. They help students connect new information to their prior knowledge and experiences, facilitating comprehension and retention. Examples also promote active engagement and participation, as students can actively analyze and apply the information presented in the examples. By observing and analyzing examples, students develop problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and analytical reasoning. Thus, examples play a crucial role in enhancing students' learning outcomes.

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  • 18. 

    According to Rick Snyder's research, students who scored higher on a measure of ____ got higher grades.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Career outlook

    Correct Answer
    B. Hope
    Rick Snyder's research found that students who scored higher on a measure of hope got higher grades. This suggests that having a positive outlook and belief in one's abilities and future success can positively impact academic performance. Students who are hopeful may be more motivated, resilient, and determined, leading to better grades.

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  • 19. 

    Research shows that what you believe about your own intelligence can make a difference in how successful you'll be in college.  There are two basic ways to define the views on intelligence.  People are either

    • A.

      Performers or learners.

    • B.

      Achievers or losers.

    • C.

      Smart or stupid.

    • D.

      Positive or negative.

    Correct Answer
    A. Performers or learners.
    The correct answer is "performers or learners". This is because the given statement suggests that there are two ways to define views on intelligence, and these two ways are being a performer or a learner. This implies that individuals can either view intelligence as something that is fixed and performance-based (performers), or as something that can be developed and improved through learning (learners).

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  • 20. 

    People who are extrinsically motivated learn in order to

    • A.

      Get a grade.

    • B.

      Earn credits.

    • C.

      Complete a requirement.

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above
    Extrinsically motivated individuals are driven by external rewards and recognition. They engage in learning activities to achieve specific outcomes, such as getting a grade, earning credits, or fulfilling a requirement. Therefore, the correct answer is "all of the above" as all the options mentioned are examples of extrinsic motivations for learning.

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  • 21. 

    Students who are performers are often

    • A.

      Confident when tasks are easy.

    • B.

      More intelligent than learners.

    • C.

      Introverted and shy.

    • D.

      Less intelligent than learners..

    Correct Answer
    A. Confident when tasks are easy.
    Performers, such as students who excel in performing arts or sports, often gain confidence from their success in their chosen field. This confidence can transfer to other areas, including academic tasks that are relatively easy for them. This is because they have developed a belief in their abilities and have experienced positive outcomes in the past. However, it is important to note that this answer does not imply that performers are more intelligent or less intelligent than other learners, or that they are introverted and shy.

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  • 22. 

    According to the text, the FOCUS system begins by making your goal fit your

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Who you are as a person.

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above
    The FOCUS system begins by making your goal fit your values, character, and who you are as a person. This means that when setting goals, it is important to align them with your core values, your individual character traits, and your personal identity. By doing so, you ensure that your goals are meaningful and authentic to you, increasing the likelihood of success and fulfillment. Therefore, the correct answer is "all of the above."

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  • 23. 

    Your motivation level depends on

    • A.

      Your attitude.

    • B.

      Your feelings.

    • C.

      Your level of stimulation.

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above
    The correct answer is "all of the above" because one's motivation level is influenced by multiple factors. Attitude plays a crucial role in determining how motivated a person is, as having a positive mindset and a strong belief in one's abilities can drive them to achieve their goals. Feelings also impact motivation, as being passionate, enthusiastic, and emotionally invested in a task can increase one's drive to succeed. Additionally, the level of stimulation or external factors such as rewards, incentives, and challenges can influence motivation. Therefore, all of these factors collectively contribute to an individual's motivation level.

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  • 24. 

    According to the text, you can learn better if you use confusion as a

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. Motivator.
    The text suggests that using confusion as a motivator can help in learning better. This means that when faced with confusion, instead of getting discouraged or giving up, one can use it as a driving force to seek clarity and understanding. By viewing confusion as a motivator, individuals are more likely to engage in active learning strategies, such as asking questions, seeking help, and exploring different approaches, which can ultimately enhance their learning experience.

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  • 25. 

    If you learn through symbolic representations, then your learning style is

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Visual.
    The given answer is "visual" because learning through symbolic representations refers to processing information through visual aids such as graphs, charts, diagrams, and images. Visual learners prefer to see information in a visual format rather than hearing it or reading it. They understand and retain information better when it is presented visually, making visual learning their preferred learning style.

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  • 26. 

    If you decide to learn how to sew by buying a book, then your learning style is likely

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Read/write.
    If someone decides to learn how to sew by buying a book, it suggests that they prefer to learn through reading and writing. This learning style, known as read/write, involves taking in information through written text and then processing and understanding it by writing or summarizing it in their own words. This individual is likely to benefit from written instructions, note-taking, and organizing information in a written format.

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  • 27. 

    According to the Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner, people can be intelligent in at least how many ways?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. 8
    According to the Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner, people can be intelligent in eight different ways. This means that intelligence is not limited to just one type, but can manifest in various forms. Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences suggests that individuals can excel in areas such as linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic intelligence. Each of these intelligences represents a unique way in which individuals can demonstrate their intellectual abilities.

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  • 28. 

    If a class is delivered through lectures and your preferred modality is visual, you should

    • A.

      Use your visual modality as a way to understand the lecture.

    • B.

      Ask the instructor to change delivery styles.

    • C.

      Ask your friends to take notes for you.

    • D.

      Transfer to another class.

    Correct Answer
    A. Use your visual modality as a way to understand the lecture.
    If a class is delivered through lectures and your preferred modality is visual, it means that you learn best by seeing and observing. In this case, the best approach would be to use your visual modality as a way to understand the lecture. This could involve paying close attention to the visuals presented during the lecture, taking detailed notes, or using visual aids such as diagrams or charts to enhance your understanding. Asking the instructor to change delivery styles or relying on friends to take notes may not be as effective in catering to your visual learning style. Transferring to another class is not necessary if you can adapt your learning strategies to accommodate your visual modality.

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  • 29. 

    If Jack, an aural learner, has to give someone directions to find a certain office on campus, he will likely

    • A.

      Draw or give him or her a map.

    • B.

      Tell him or her the directions.

    • C.

      Write down the directions (without a map).

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. Tell him or her the directions.
    As an aural learner, Jack prefers to learn through listening and hearing information. Therefore, when giving someone directions to find a certain office on campus, he is likely to verbally tell them the directions instead of using visual aids like drawing a map or writing down the directions. This allows him to effectively communicate the information to the person by speaking it out loud, which aligns with his preferred learning style.

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  • 30. 

    We acquire most of our information through our

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Senses.
    Our senses play a crucial role in acquiring information from the world around us. They allow us to perceive and interpret the stimuli that we encounter, such as sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Through our senses, we gather information about the environment, people, objects, and events. This information forms the basis of our understanding and knowledge about the world. While emotions, thoughts, and teachers also contribute to our information acquisition, they are influenced and shaped by the sensory input we receive. Therefore, the most significant and primary source of information acquisition is through our senses.

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  • 31. 

    According to researchers, most people's learning preference is

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Multimodal.
    According to researchers, most people's learning preference is multimodal. This means that individuals prefer to learn through a combination of different sensory modalities, such as visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and read/write. This preference for multimodal learning suggests that individuals benefit from incorporating various learning styles and techniques into their learning process, rather than relying solely on one modality. By engaging multiple senses and learning methods, individuals can enhance their understanding and retention of information.

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  • 32. 

    Time management is not just about managing time, but also managing your

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Attention.
    Time management is not just about allocating time effectively, but also about being able to focus and direct one's attention towards the tasks at hand. Without proper attention management, even the most well-planned schedule can be ineffective. By managing attention, individuals can minimize distractions, maintain focus, and make the most efficient use of their time.

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  • 33. 

    According to the text, _____ of college students admit to procrastinating.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. 70%
    According to the text, 70% of college students admit to procrastinating. This means that a majority of college students acknowledge that they delay or postpone tasks. Procrastination is a common behavior among students, often caused by factors such as poor time management, lack of motivation, or feeling overwhelmed by academic demands. This high percentage suggests that procrastination is a prevalent issue among college students.

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  • 34. 

    You are least productive when you are operating with _____ energy.

    • A.

      High negative

    • B.

      High positive

    • C.

      Low negative

    • D.

      Low positive

    Correct Answer
    C. Low negative
    When operating with low negative energy, you are least productive. This means that when you have low energy and a negative mindset, your productivity levels are at their lowest. Negative energy can lead to feelings of lethargy, lack of motivation, and a pessimistic attitude, all of which hinder productivity. Therefore, when you have low negative energy, it is difficult to be productive and efficient in your tasks.

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  • 35. 

    According to the text, in the A-B-C method, "A" tasks are

    • A.

      The highest priority.

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Somewhat important.

    Correct Answer
    A. The highest priority.
    According to the text, in the A-B-C method, "A" tasks are the highest priority. This means that these tasks are considered to be the most important and should be completed before any other tasks.

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  • 36. 

    Which study habit is not linked to procrastination?

    • A.

      Writing down your excuses

    • B.

      Waiting for an adrenaline rush

    • C.

      Fearing failure

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Writing down your excuses
    Writing down your excuses is not linked to procrastination because it involves acknowledging and identifying the reasons behind procrastination. By writing down excuses, individuals can better understand their thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to procrastination. This practice can help them develop strategies to overcome procrastination and improve their study habits. On the other hand, waiting for an adrenaline rush, fearing failure, and perfectionism are all study habits that are commonly associated with procrastination.

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  • 37. 

    Which of the following statements accurately reflects the relationship of physical, mental and spritual health to academic health?

    • A.

      Physical, mental and spiritual health are not related to academic health.

    • B.

      Without spiritual health, physical health will suffer.

    • C.

      It is important to keep physical, mental and spiritual health in balance so they can complement academic health.

    • D.

      None of the above statements are accurate.

    Correct Answer
    C. It is important to keep pHysical, mental and spiritual health in balance so they can complement academic health.
    The correct answer reflects that physical, mental, and spiritual health are related to academic health. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between these three aspects of health in order to enhance academic well-being. This suggests that neglecting any one of these areas can have a negative impact on academic performance and overall health.

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  • 38. 

    Which of the following is a good tip for managing your time?

    • A.

      Turn off your cell phone

    • B.

      Learn to say no

    • C.

      Keep track of what distracts or derails you

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above
    The answer "all of the above" is correct because all three tips mentioned - turning off your cell phone, learning to say no, and keeping track of distractions - are effective strategies for managing time. Turning off your cell phone helps eliminate distractions and allows you to focus on tasks at hand. Learning to say no helps prioritize your commitments and avoid overloading your schedule. Keeping track of distractions helps identify time-wasting activities and allows you to make adjustments to stay on track. By following all of these tips, you can effectively manage your time and increase productivity.

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  • 39. 

    When your thinking produces ideas, you are engaging in

    • A.

      Critical thinking.

    • B.

      Creative thinking.

    • C.

      Active thinking.

    • D.

      Passive thinking.

    Correct Answer
    B. Creative thinking.
    Creative thinking refers to the process of generating new and innovative ideas. It involves thinking outside the box, exploring different perspectives, and coming up with unique solutions to problems. When your thinking produces ideas, it implies that you are actively engaging in the process of creative thinking, rather than simply accepting or passively consuming information. Critical thinking, on the other hand, involves analyzing and evaluating ideas and arguments, while active thinking refers to being mentally engaged and actively processing information. Passive thinking, on the other hand, implies a lack of active cognitive engagement.

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  • 40. 

    When you are thinking critically, you are

    • A.

      Not finding faults.

    • B.

      Being distracted.

    • C.

      Being discerning.

    • D.

      Disregarding evidence.

    Correct Answer
    C. Being discerning.
    When you are thinking critically, you are being discerning. Critical thinking involves evaluating information, arguments, and evidence in a careful and objective manner. It requires analyzing and assessing different perspectives, considering the validity and reliability of sources, and making reasoned judgments based on logical reasoning. Being discerning means being able to distinguish between valid and invalid arguments, reliable and unreliable evidence, and accurate and biased information. It is an essential skill for making informed decisions and solving problems effectively.

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  • 41. 

    According to the Question Pyramid, questions that can be answered with a yes or no answer are

    • A.

      Level I.

    • B.

      Level II.

    • C.

      Level III.

    • D.

      Level IV.

    Correct Answer
    A. Level I.
    According to the Question Pyramid, Level I questions are those that can be answered with a yes or no answer. These questions are typically simple and require minimal thinking or analysis. They are often used to gather basic information or to confirm a fact. In contrast, Level II questions require more thought and analysis, Level III questions require even deeper analysis and evaluation, and Level IV questions require the highest level of critical thinking and creativity. Therefore, the correct answer is Level I because questions that can be answered with a yes or no answer fall under this level.

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  • 42. 

    According to the Question Pyramid, who and what questions that can be answered by memorizing a section of a textbook are

    • A.

      Level I.

    • B.

      Level II.

    • C.

      Level III.

    • D.

      Level IV.

    Correct Answer
    B. Level II.
    Level II of the Question Pyramid refers to questions that require comprehension and understanding of the material. These questions go beyond simple memorization and require the ability to analyze and interpret the information. Therefore, the correct answer suggests that who and what questions that can be answered by memorizing a section of a textbook fall under Level II, where comprehension and understanding are necessary.

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  • 43. 

    According to the Question Pyramid, why and how questions that require evidence to be answered are

    • A.

      Level I.

    • B.

      Level II.

    • C.

      Level III.

    • D.

      Level IV.

    Correct Answer
    C. Level III.
    According to the Question Pyramid, Level III questions are those that require evidence to be answered. This means that these questions cannot be answered based solely on personal opinion or speculation. Instead, they require the use of research, data, or other forms of evidence to provide a factual and objective answer. Level III questions are typically more complex and require a deeper level of understanding and analysis compared to Level I and Level II questions.

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  • 44. 

    As speakers and writers, students use their _____ critical thinking skills.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Productive
    Students use their productive critical thinking skills as speakers and writers. This means that they are actively engaging in thinking critically and applying their thoughts and ideas in a productive manner. They are able to generate and express their own thoughts, opinions, and arguments effectively, demonstrating their ability to think critically and communicate their ideas clearly.

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  • 45. 

    As readers and listeners, students use their ______ critical thinking skills.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Receptive
    Students use their receptive critical thinking skills as readers and listeners. This means that they are actively engaged in understanding and interpreting information from various sources. They are able to analyze, evaluate, and make connections between ideas presented to them. By being receptive, students are open to new perspectives and ideas, allowing them to expand their knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of the material they encounter.

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  • 46. 

    If you react to a challenge by attacking the challenger, you are slipping into the logical fallacy of

    • A.

      False cause and effect.

    • B.

      Unwarranted assumption.

    • C.

      Personal attack.

    • D.

      Emotional appeal.

    Correct Answer
    C. Personal attack.
    If you react to a challenge by attacking the challenger, you are engaging in a personal attack. This means that instead of addressing the challenge or argument presented, you are diverting the focus by attacking the person making the challenge. This is a logical fallacy because it does not address the merits of the argument and instead tries to discredit the challenger personally.

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  • 47. 

    If you appeal to someone's feelings to gain acceptance of an argument, you are slipping into the logical fallacy of

    • A.

      False cause and effect.

    • B.

      Unwarranted assumption.

    • C.

      Personal attack.

    • D.

      Emotional appeal.

    Correct Answer
    D. Emotional appeal.
    If you appeal to someone's feelings to gain acceptance of an argument, you are slipping into the logical fallacy of emotional appeal. This means that instead of presenting logical reasoning or evidence to support your argument, you are relying on manipulating the emotions of the person you are trying to convince. This can be seen as a fallacy because it does not provide a valid and rational basis for accepting the argument.

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  • 48. 

    When you have to solve a problem, begin by

    • A.

      Defining it.

    • B.


    • C.

      Evaluating your options.

    • D.

      Choosing a solution.

    Correct Answer
    A. Defining it.
    When faced with a problem, the first step is to define it. This involves clearly understanding and identifying the issue at hand. Without a clear definition, it becomes difficult to come up with effective solutions. Defining the problem allows for a better understanding of its scope and helps in determining the appropriate approach to solving it. Brainstorming, evaluating options, and choosing a solution can only be done effectively once the problem has been defined.

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  • 49. 

    One way to improve your critical thinking skills is to

    • A.

      Ignore the opposition.

    • B.

      Trust completely.

    • C.

      Admit what you don't know.

    • D.

      Ignore your emotions.

    Correct Answer
    C. Admit what you don't know.
    Admitting what you don't know is a way to improve critical thinking skills because it encourages humility and open-mindedness. By acknowledging that there are gaps in your knowledge, you become more receptive to new information and different perspectives. This allows you to critically evaluate ideas and arguments, rather than dismissing them or relying solely on preconceived notions. It also fosters a willingness to ask questions and seek out additional information, which is essential for developing a well-rounded understanding of complex issues.

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  • 50. 

    The creative style that best describes people who concentrate on problem-solving, are systematic, and rely on data is

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Innovative.
    The creative style that best describes people who concentrate on problem-solving, are systematic, and rely on data is innovative. This is because being innovative involves finding new and original solutions to problems, which requires a systematic approach and the use of data to inform decision-making. Intuitive, imaginative, and inspirational styles may involve more abstract or subjective thinking, whereas the focus here is on practical and analytical problem-solving.

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