Penyelenggara Yang bersih dan bebas KKN sesuai dengan Undang-Undang (UU) nomor …
Correct Answer
A. 22 tahun 1998
The correct answer is 22 tahun 1998. This is because the question is asking for the specific law that regulates clean and corruption-free organizers. The law that fulfills this requirement is the UU nomor 22 tahun 1998.
Pembukaan UUD 1945 tercantum dalam Piagam Jakarta yang disahkan pada tanggal …
Correct Answer
C. 22 Juni 1945
The correct answer is 22 Juni 1945. The opening of the 1945 Constitution is stated in the Jakarta Charter, which was ratified on June 22, 1945.
Tata urutan perundang-undangan yang memegang urutan paling rendah adalah …
Correct Answer
A. Peraturan daerah
Peraturan daerah memegang urutan paling rendah dalam hierarki perundang-undangan. Ini berarti bahwa peraturan daerah berada di tingkat yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan peraturan pemerintah, keppres, UU, dan perpu. Peraturan daerah biasanya dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah daerah untuk mengatur masalah-masalah yang berkaitan dengan wilayah mereka.
Untuk mengubah pasal-pasal Undang-Undang Dasar, sidang MPR dihadiri oleh sekurang-kurangnya … dari jumlah anggota MPR.
Correct Answer
D. 2/3
To amend the articles of the Constitution, at least 2/3 of the total members of the MPR must be present at the MPR session.
Dasar Negara Indonesia, yaitu Pancasila ditetapkan oleh …
Correct Answer
BPUPKI stands for Badan Penyelidik Usaha-usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia, which translates to the Investigating Body for the Preparation of Indonesian Independence. BPUPKI was responsible for formulating the basic principles of the Indonesian state, which resulted in the establishment of Pancasila as the foundation of the country. Therefore, it is the correct answer to the question.
Soekarno menyampaikan pidato mengenai dasar Negara pada tanggal…
Correct Answer
D. 1 Juni 1945
On June 1, 1945, Soekarno delivered a speech on the basic principles of the state.
Otonomi Daerah diatur dalam Undang-Undang (UU) nomor …
Correct Answer
E. 32 tahun 2004
Sebagai norma dasar, Pancasila mengandung makna bahwa nilainya bersifat…….
Correct Answer
B. Normatif
The correct answer is "Normatif." Pancasila, as a basic norm, carries the meaning that its values are normative. This means that Pancasila serves as a standard or a guide for behavior and actions, providing a set of principles and values that should be followed by individuals and society. It emphasizes the importance of adhering to these norms and values in order to maintain social order and harmony.
Pokok ajaran sosialisme yang sejalan dengan ajaran pancasila adalah…..
Correct Answer
B. Negara harus menjamin perlindungan hak-hak kaum buruh
The correct answer is "Negara harus menjamin perlindungan hak-hak kaum buruh." This answer aligns with the principles of socialism and Pancasila, as it emphasizes the importance of the state ensuring the protection of workers' rights. Socialism aims to create a more equitable society by advocating for the welfare and fair treatment of workers, and this answer reflects that principle.
Perbuatan berikut yang mencerminkan pengamalan sila kedua pancasila adalah …
Correct Answer
B. Mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan untuk kesejahteraan manusia
The answer "Mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan untuk kesejahteraan manusia" reflects the practice of the second principle of Pancasila, which is "Kemanusiaan yang Adil dan Beradab" (Just and Civilized Humanity). Developing science and knowledge for the well-being of humanity aligns with the principle of promoting the welfare and advancement of mankind. It emphasizes the importance of using knowledge and technology to improve the quality of life and ensure the well-being of all individuals in society.
Konsepsi Pancasila tentang hubungan antara manusia dan masyarakatnya adalah terciptanya keselarasan, keserasian, dan keseimbangan yang berarti...
Correct Answer
D. Meletakkan kepentingan umum di atas kepentingan pribadi dan golongan
The correct answer is "Meletakkan kepentingan umum di atas kepentingan pribadi dan golongan." This is because Pancasila emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the common interest over personal and group interests. It promotes the idea of placing the welfare of the society as a whole above individual and factional interests. This principle is essential for maintaining harmony, harmony, and balance within society.
Pancasila yang tercantum dalam pembukaan UUD 1945 alinea keempat dilihat dari proses terjadinya perubahan…..
Correct Answer
B. Dasar filsafat negara Indonesia
The correct answer is "Dasar filsafat negara Indonesia." Pancasila is mentioned in the fourth paragraph of the opening of the 1945 Constitution, which indicates that it serves as the philosophical foundation of the Indonesian state. Pancasila embodies the fundamental principles and values that guide the nation and its people in various aspects of life, including politics, social interactions, and governance. It outlines the belief in one God, a just and civilized society, a democratic system, unity, and social justice. Therefore, "Dasar filsafat negara Indonesia" accurately describes the role of Pancasila in shaping the Indonesian state.
Masyarakat Indonesia yang sejahtera lahir dan batin adalah masyarakat yang telah terpenuhi kebutuhan dasarnya, yaitu ....
Correct Answer
B. Pakaian, rumah tinggal dan makan
The correct answer is "Pakaian, rumah tinggal, dan makan". This is because a prosperous and fulfilled society in Indonesia is one where the basic needs of its people are met, which includes clothing, housing, and food. These are essential aspects of human life and well-being, and their fulfillment contributes to a prosperous society both physically and mentally.
. Pada dasarnya UUD 1945 dapat diubah oleh MPR sesuai dengan pasal 37, dengan persyaratan ....
Correct Answer
C. Dihadiri oleh 2/3 jumlah anggota MPR dan disetujui oleh ½ yang hadir
The correct answer states that the Constitution of 1945 can be amended by the MPR (People's Consultative Assembly) with the condition that it is attended by 2/3 of the total MPR members and approved by at least half of those present. This means that for any amendment to be made, a significant number of MPR members must be present and at least half of them must agree to the proposed changes.
5. Menurut pasal 1 ayat (1) UUD 1945; negara Indonesia ialah negara kesatuan yang berbentuk ....
Correct Answer
A. Republik
The correct answer is "Republik" because according to Article 1, paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia, Indonesia is a unitary state that takes the form of a republic. This means that the country is governed by elected representatives and the head of state is a president, rather than a monarch or a parliamentary system.
Demokrasi adalah pemerintahan yang berasal dari rakyat, dilakukan oleh rakyat, dan untuk kepentingan rakyat sehingga kedaulatan berada di tangan rakyat. Kedaulatan rakyat sepenuhnya dilakukan oleh ...
Correct Answer
A. DPR dan MPR
Demokrasi adalah pemerintahan yang berasal dari rakyat, dilakukan oleh rakyat, dan untuk kepentingan rakyat sehingga kedaulatan berada di tangan rakyat. Kedaulatan rakyat sepenuhnya dilakukan oleh DPR dan MPR, yang merupakan lembaga-lembaga legislatif di Indonesia. DPR (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat) adalah lembaga perwakilan rakyat yang dipilih langsung oleh rakyat, sedangkan MPR (Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat) adalah lembaga tertinggi dalam sistem politik Indonesia yang terdiri dari anggota DPR dan anggota DPD (Dewan Perwakilan Daerah). Kedua lembaga ini memegang peran penting dalam menjalankan pemerintahan dan mengambil keputusan yang berhubungan dengan kepentingan rakyat.
Pasal 29 UUD 1945 ayat (2) menyatakan negara menjamin kemerdekaan tiap-tiap penduduk untuk memeluk agamanya masing-masing dan beribadat menurut agama dan kepercayaannya itu. Oleh karena itu, kebebasan beragama diartikan sebagai ....
Correct Answer
A. Kebebasan yang bersumber pada martabat manusia sebagai makhluk ciptaan Tuhan
The correct answer is "Kebebasan yang bersumber pada martabat manusia sebagai makhluk ciptaan Tuhan" because Pasal 29 UUD 1945 ayat (2) guarantees the freedom of every individual to practice their own religion and worship according to their beliefs. This implies that freedom of religion is derived from the inherent dignity of human beings as creations of God.
Prinsip-prinsip dasar demokrasi telah tercermin dalam kehidupan masyarakat desa, terutama pada saat mengatasi pekerjaan yang membutuhkan tenaga bersama, yaitu dengan cara seperti di bawah ini, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
B. Berdoa
The correct answer is "Berdoa". The other options listed (partisipasi, sumbangan, gotong royong, kerja bakti) are all examples of ways in which the basic principles of democracy are reflected in village life, particularly in the context of working together to accomplish tasks. However, prayer (berdoa) is not typically considered a democratic principle or a method of collective action in this context.
Mekanisme kepemimpinan nasional berlangsung secara periodik lima tahun sekali. Sirkulasi ini didasarkan pada UUD 1945 :
Correct Answer
B. Bab IV Pasal 16 ayat (2)
The correct answer is Bab IV Pasal 16 ayat (2). This article states that the national leadership mechanism occurs periodically every five years. Therefore, this provision in the UUD 1945 establishes the basis for the five-year cycle of national leadership.
. Sisi negatif yang harus dihindari dalam menyongsong kemajuan teknologi dewasa ini adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Eksklusivisme
Eksklusivisme adalah sikap atau kecenderungan untuk membatasi atau mengecualikan orang lain dalam akses atau penggunaan teknologi. Dalam konteks kemajuan teknologi dewasa ini, eksklusivisme dapat menjadi hal yang negatif karena dapat membatasi akses dan kesempatan bagi individu atau kelompok tertentu untuk menggunakan teknologi dan mendapatkan manfaatnya. Dalam era digital yang semakin terhubung, penting untuk mendorong inklusi dan kesetaraan akses terhadap teknologi bagi semua orang, sehingga tidak ada yang dikesampingkan atau terpinggirkan.
Lambang diyakini sebagai salah satu pendorong keberhasilan suatu cita-cita. Padi dan kapas pada burung Garuda melambangkan ....
Correct Answer
B. Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab
The answer "Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab" is supported by the statement that symbols, such as the padi and kapas on the Garuda bird, are believed to represent the driving force behind achieving aspirations. This suggests that the symbols represent the values and principles that Indonesia upholds, including fairness and humanity.
Dahulu Indonesia pernah diberi nama dwipantara oleh India, apakah artinya?
Correct Answer
A. Pulau Seberang
Dwipantara is a Sanskrit term that translates to "Pulau Seberang" in Indonesian. This term was given to Indonesia by India in the past. "Pulau Seberang" means "Island Across" or "Opposite Island" in English. This refers to the geographical location of Indonesia as an archipelago situated across the Indian Ocean from the Indian subcontinent.
Di bawah ini adalah contoh negara yang terbentuk dari occupatie, yaitu..
Correct Answer
D. Liberia
Liberia is the correct answer because it is a country that was formed through occupation. It was established by the American Colonization Society in the early 19th century as a colony for freed African-American slaves. The society occupied the land and established a settlement, which eventually became the independent nation of Liberia.
Di bawah ini pahlawan yang terlibat dalam perang Aceh adalah, kecuali...
Correct Answer
E. Dewi Sartika
Dewi Sartika is not considered a hero involved in the Aceh War. The other mentioned figures, Teuku Umar, Panglima Polim, Teuku Cik Ditiro, and Cut Nyak Dien, were all notable figures who played significant roles in the Aceh War. However, Dewi Sartika was a prominent Indonesian educator and women's rights activist during the colonial period, but she was not directly involved in the Aceh War.
Organisasi yang didirikan oleh Haji Samanhudi adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Sarekat Dagang Islam
The correct answer is "Sarekat Dagang Islam". Haji Samanhudi founded this organization, which was a trade union established in 1909 in Indonesia. It aimed to protect the interests of Indonesian traders and promote economic development among the Muslim community. Sarekat Dagang Islam played a significant role in the nationalist movement in Indonesia and was one of the precursors to the Indonesian independence movement.
Pendiri organisasi Partai Nasional Indonesia (PNI) adalah.
Correct Answer
A. Ir. Soekarno
Ir. Soekarno is the correct answer because he is widely recognized as the founder of the Partai Nasional Indonesia (PNI), which was established in 1927. Soekarno played a crucial role in the Indonesian independence movement and was the first President of Indonesia. His leadership and political activities were instrumental in the formation and development of the PNI, making him the most logical choice as its founder.
Pusat Tenaga Rakyat atau Putera adalah organisasi yang dibentuk pemerintah Jepang di Indonesia pada 16 April 1943 dan dipimpin oleh Empat Serangkai, kecuali...
Correct Answer
B. Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo is not one of the leaders of Pusat Tenaga Rakyat or Putera. The organization was formed by the Japanese government in Indonesia on April 16, 1943, and led by Empat Serangkai, which consists of Ir. Soekarno, M. Hatta, Ki Hajar Dewantoro, and K.H. Mas Mansyur.
Isi Perjanjian Renville adalah sebagai berikut kecuali...
Correct Answer
A. Belanda hanya mengakui Jawa sebagai wilayah RI
The Renville Agreement was signed between Indonesia and the Netherlands in 1948 to resolve conflicts and establish a temporary ceasefire. The agreement included several provisions, such as the relocation of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) to the Republic of Indonesia (RI) and the formation of a constituent assembly for the United States of Indonesia (RIS). However, it did not state that the Netherlands only recognized Java as part of RI.
Pemimpin pemberontakan DI/TII di Jawa Barat adalah...
Correct Answer
E. Kartosuwiryo
Kartosuwiryo is the correct answer because he was the leader of the DI/TII rebellion in West Java. DI/TII stands for Darul Islam/Tentara Islam Indonesia, which was a radical Islamist movement that aimed to establish an Islamic state in Indonesia. Kartosuwiryo played a significant role in leading the rebellion and was eventually captured and executed by the Indonesian government in 1962.
Suatu batas laut yang ditarik dari sebuah garis dasar dengan jarak 12 mil ke arah laut disebut batas ...
Correct Answer
C. Laut Teritorial
Laut teritorial adalah batas laut yang ditarik dari sebuah garis dasar dengan jarak 12 mil ke arah laut. Batas ini menunjukkan wilayah kedaulatan suatu negara di sekitar perairan teritorialnya. Di dalam laut teritorial, negara memiliki hak penuh untuk mengatur dan memanfaatkan sumber daya alam serta melakukan kegiatan ekonomi, seperti penangkapan ikan dan eksplorasi minyak dan gas. Selain itu, negara juga memiliki yurisdiksi untuk menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban di laut teritorialnya.
Bentuk negara Indonesia sebagai NKRI diatur pada Pasal .... UUD 1945.
Correct Answer
A. Pasal 1 ayat (1)
The correct answer is Pasal 1 ayat (1) because it states that Indonesia is a unitary state and its form of government is the Republic of Indonesia. This article establishes the fundamental principles of the Indonesian state, including its territorial integrity, sovereignty, and the principle of democracy. Therefore, this article specifically addresses the form of the state, which is the NKRI (Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia) or the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
Suatu organisasi kekuasaan yang memiliki kedaulatan disebut ....
Correct Answer
A. Pemerintahan
Suatu organisasi kekuasaan yang memiliki kedaulatan disebut pemerintahan. Pemerintahan adalah sistem atau struktur yang mengatur dan mengelola suatu negara atau wilayah dengan menggunakan kekuasaan yang dimiliki. Dalam pemerintahan, terdapat lembaga-lembaga yang bertanggung jawab dalam mengambil keputusan, membuat kebijakan, dan menjalankan fungsi-fungsi negara.
Pada umumnya setiap Konstitusi berisi ketentuan tentang….
Correct Answer
B. Dasar negara Pancasila
The correct answer is "Dasar negara Pancasila". The question asks about the content of a constitution in general, and the correct answer states that one of the contents is the foundation of the state, which in this case is Pancasila.
Terbentuknya negara melalui adanya kelebihan dan dominasi seseorang atas orang lain, pemahaman itu merupakan intisari dari ....
Correct Answer
E. Teori kekuasaan
The correct answer is "Teori kekuasaan." This is because the formation of a state through the excess and dominance of one person over others aligns with the concept of power in political theory. Power is a fundamental element in understanding how states are formed and how individuals or groups maintain control over others. The other options, such as the theory of agreement, government, politics, and the juridical theory, do not specifically address the idea of power and dominance in the formation of a state.
Teori yang menyatakan bahwa adanya negara di dunia ini adalah atas kehendak Tuhan disebut ....
Correct Answer
A. Teori teokrasi
Teori teokrasi adalah teori yang menyatakan bahwa adanya negara di dunia ini adalah atas kehendak Tuhan. Dalam teokrasi, kekuasaan dan otoritas negara berasal dari Tuhan dan dijalankan oleh pemimpin agama atau tokoh spiritual. Pemerintahan dalam teokrasi didasarkan pada hukum dan ajaran agama yang dianggap sebagai otoritas tertinggi. Dengan demikian, teori teokrasi menjelaskan bahwa negara ada karena kehendak Tuhan dan pemerintahannya harus mengikuti prinsip-prinsip agama.
Di bawah ini adalah teori-teori asal mula terjadinya negara, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
B. Teori kedaulatan
The given options are theories about the origin of the state. The theory of sovereignty is not included in the list because it is not directly related to the origin of the state. The theory of sovereignty focuses on the authority and power within the state, rather than how the state came into existence.
Berdirinya suatu negara dapat diakui apabila memiliki unsur utama, yaitu ...
Correct Answer
B. Rakyat
The correct answer is "Rakyat". The establishment of a country can be recognized when it has the main element of the people. The involvement and support of the population are crucial for the formation and recognition of a nation. The consent and participation of the people play a significant role in the establishment and functioning of a country's government and institutions. Without the support and involvement of the people, a nation cannot exist or be recognized by other countries.
Unsur-unsur adanya Negara adalah ..
Correct Answer
E. Rakyat, wilayah, pemerintahan yang berdaulat
The correct answer is "Rakyat, wilayah, pemerintahan yang berdaulat". This answer is correct because the elements mentioned are fundamental in defining a country. The "rakyat" (population) refers to the people who inhabit the country and contribute to its identity. The "wilayah" (territory) represents the physical boundaries and land that the country occupies. Lastly, "pemerintahan yang berdaulat" (sovereign government) signifies that the country has its own independent governing authority, which is a crucial aspect of a nation-state.
Untuk berdirinya suatu negara perlu adanya “pengakuan dari negara lain”, hal ini merupakan unsur ....
Correct Answer
A. Mutlak
The correct answer is "Mutlak". In order for a country to be established, it requires recognition from other countries. This recognition is an absolute and essential element for the establishment of a country.
Negara merupakan organisasi kekuasaan yang terdiri dari bermacam-macam suku bangsa, oleh karena itu harus ....
Correct Answer
E. Melestarikan kehidupan setiap suku
Negara yang terdiri dari bermacam-macam suku bangsa harus melestarikan kehidupan setiap suku agar dapat menjaga keragaman budaya dan memastikan bahwa setiap suku dapat hidup dengan aman dan sejahtera. Dengan melestarikan kehidupan setiap suku, negara dapat mencegah konflik antarsuku dan menciptakan harmoni dalam masyarakat. Hal ini juga dapat mencerminkan prinsip keadilan dan kesetaraan dalam negara yang multikultural.
Tujuan negara Republik Indonesia yang berkaitan dengan dunia internasional adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Melaksanakan ketertiban dunia
The correct answer is "Melaksanakan ketertiban dunia." This answer suggests that one of Indonesia's goals in the international community is to promote and maintain world order. This can be interpreted as Indonesia's commitment to upholding peace, stability, and cooperation among nations. By actively participating in international affairs and supporting global initiatives, Indonesia aims to contribute to the establishment and maintenance of a harmonious and orderly world.
Suatu negara merdeka dan berdaulat yang memiliki kekuasaan asli para pemerintah pusat, negara tersebut berbentuk ....
Correct Answer
E. Uni
The correct answer is "Uni". This answer is correct because it refers to a sovereign and independent country that has a centralized government with original powers. The term "Uni" is commonly used to describe a country that is formed by the union of smaller states or regions, where power is shared between the central government and the regional governments.
Kemerdekaan Indonesia diakui Belanda pada tanggal…
Correct Answer
B. 27 Desember 1949
On 27 December 1949, the Netherlands officially recognized the independence of Indonesia. This date marks a significant milestone in Indonesian history as it signifies the end of Dutch colonial rule and the establishment of Indonesia as a sovereign nation. The recognition of independence followed a long and arduous struggle for freedom, making 27 December 1949 a crucial date in the nation's journey towards self-determination.
Pada perjanjian yang dilaksanakan di atas kapal Renville pada 8 Desember 1947, delegasi Indonesia diwakili oleh….
Correct Answer
B. Mr. Amir Syarifudin
Mr. Amir Syarifudin is the correct answer because he was one of the representatives of the Indonesian delegation at the Renville ship agreement on December 8, 1947. This agreement was a peace treaty between the Dutch and the Republic of Indonesia during the Indonesian National Revolution. Mr. Amir Syarifudin was a prominent Indonesian politician and served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs at that time, making him a key figure in the negotiations and representation of Indonesia in international forums.
Komisi PBB yang membantu menyelesaikan perselisihan antara Indonesia dan Belanda atas wilayah Irian Barat adalah…
Correct Answer
The correct answer is UNTEA. UNTEA stands for United Nations Temporary Executive Authority. It was a United Nations mission established in 1962 to oversee the transfer of sovereignty of West Papua (then known as Irian Barat) from the Netherlands to Indonesia. UNTEA played a crucial role in mediating and resolving the dispute between Indonesia and the Netherlands over the territory, ultimately leading to the handover of West Papua to Indonesia in 1963.
. Hasil perundingan linggarjati menyatakan bahwa wilayah kekuasaan Indonesia menjadi…
Correct Answer
A. Sumatra, Jawa, dan Madura
The Linggarjati Agreement resulted in the recognition of Indonesia's authority over the regions of Sumatra, Java, and Madura.
Di era globalisasi ini banyak sekali sisi negative yang harus dihindari demi membangun bangsa dan menyongsong teknologi yaitu …
Correct Answer
A. Eksklusivisme
Eksklusivisme refers to the mindset or belief system that promotes exclusivity and the idea of being superior or separate from others. In the context of the question, it suggests that in the era of globalization, one must avoid the negative aspect of exclusivity in order to build the nation and embrace technology. This means that individuals should strive to be inclusive, open-minded, and collaborative rather than isolating themselves or discriminating against others based on differences.
Kujang merupakan senjata tradisional yang berasal dari …
Correct Answer
B. Jawa Barat
The correct answer is Jawa Barat because Kujang is a traditional weapon that originates from West Java. It is a symbol of Sundanese culture and is often associated with the province. The Kujang is a unique weapon with a curved blade and is traditionally used for farming and self-defense purposes. It has cultural and historical significance in West Java, making it the most appropriate answer.
Di dalam kehidupan, seorag pemimpin yang baik harus berani mendorong bawahannya untuk semangat bekerja, agar berani mengambil keputusan yang kreatif dan sanggup mempertanggung jawabkannya. Pola kepemimpinan ini dikenal dengan istilah …
Correct Answer
C. Tut Wuri Handayani
Tut Wuri Handayani is a leadership style that emphasizes the importance of guiding and nurturing subordinates. A good leader should be able to motivate their subordinates to work enthusiastically, encourage them to make creative decisions, and hold themselves accountable for those decisions. This leadership style promotes a supportive and nurturing environment where individuals can thrive and grow under the guidance of their leader.
Rumah adat Tongkonan berasal dari Provinsi …
Correct Answer
A. Sulawesi Selatan
The correct answer is Sulawesi Selatan. Tongkonan is a traditional house in Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia. It is characterized by its boat-shaped roof and intricate carvings. These houses are considered sacred and are used for various ceremonies and rituals. Sulawesi Selatan is known for its rich cultural heritage and the Tongkonan houses are an important part of that heritage.