Bentuk proses evolusi yang menghasilkan spesies baru disebut .........
Correct Answer
B. Evolusi progresif
Evolusi progresif adalah bentuk proses evolusi yang menghasilkan spesies baru. Dalam evolusi progresif, spesies mengalami perubahan dan adaptasi yang memungkinkan mereka berkembang menjadi spesies yang lebih kompleks dan berbeda dari nenek moyang mereka. Proses ini melibatkan perubahan dalam genetika populasi dari generasi ke generasi, yang mengarah pada perubahan dalam struktur dan fungsi organisme. Evolusi progresif adalah konsep inti dalam biologi evolusi dan merupakan dasar bagi pemahaman kita tentang keragaman kehidupan di Bumi.
Darwin mendasarkan teorinya bahwa evolusi terjadi melalui ...........
Correct Answer
C. Seleksi Alam
Darwin mendasarkan teorinya bahwa evolusi terjadi melalui seleksi alam. Seleksi alam adalah proses alamiah di mana individu dengan karakteristik yang lebih baik atau lebih cocok untuk bertahan hidup dan berkembang biak akan memiliki peluang yang lebih tinggi untuk bertahan hidup dan meneruskan genetik mereka kepada generasi berikutnya. Dalam jangka waktu yang panjang, proses seleksi alam ini mengarah pada perubahan dan adaptasi spesies terhadap lingkungan mereka.
Makhluk hidup itu hadir sesaat, lenyap oleh malapetaka kemudian tercipta lagi makhluk hidup yang lain. Teori kehidupan ini dikemukakan oleh...
Correct Answer
E. George Cuvier
George Cuvier is the correct answer because he proposed the theory of catastrophism, which suggests that living beings appear for a short period of time, are then destroyed by catastrophes, and are replaced by new forms of life. This theory aligns with the statement in the question that living beings appear briefly and then disappear due to disasters, only to be replaced by other living beings.
Beberapa fakta yang terjadi di alam antara lain;
1. Semua spesies mempunyai potensi reproduksi yang tinggi
2. Terdapat variasi yang diturunkan di antara individu satu spesies
3. Terdapat banyak homologi organ
4. Ditemukannya hewan yang sama di tempat yang berbeda
Fakta yang menjadidasarteorievolusiadalah ....
Correct Answer
C. 2 dan 3
The facts that support the theory of evolution are the presence of variation among individuals within a species (Fact 2) and the presence of many homologous organs (Fact 3). Variation among individuals allows for natural selection to occur, where individuals with beneficial traits are more likely to survive and reproduce. Homologous organs, which are similar in structure but may have different functions, suggest that different species share a common ancestor. Therefore, the correct answer is 2 and 3.
Pernyataan di bawah ini menyebabkan perubahan leher jerapah
1. Jerapah berleher panjang berasal dari induk jerapah berleher pendek
2. Pada masa lampau terdapat jerapah berleher panjang maupun berleher pendek
3. Memanjangnya leher jerapah karena pengaruh lingkungan
4. Jerapah berleher pendek mati, sedangkan berleher panjang tetap lestari/hidup
Menurut teori evolusi Darwin yang ada hubungannya dengan evolusi jerapah adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. 2 dan 4
The correct answer is 2 and 4. According to Darwin's theory of evolution, giraffes with long necks would have had a better chance of survival and reproduction compared to giraffes with short necks. Over time, the giraffes with long necks would pass on their genes for long necks to their offspring, leading to a population of giraffes with long necks. This explains statement 2, which states that in the past there were giraffes with both long and short necks. Statement 4 supports this explanation by stating that giraffes with short necks died out while those with long necks survived.
Yang bukan merupakan pernyataan untuk menggambarkan mekanisme evolusi........
Correct Answer
B. Seleksi alam dan rekombinasi gen menjadi dasar utama proses evolusi
The statement "Seleksi alam dan rekombinasi gen menjadi dasar utama proses evolusi" (Natural selection and genetic recombination are the main basis of the evolutionary process) is the correct answer because it accurately describes the mechanisms of evolution. Natural selection refers to the process in which certain traits or characteristics are favored and passed on to future generations, while genetic recombination refers to the mixing and reshuffling of genes during sexual reproduction, which leads to genetic variation and the potential for new traits to arise. Together, these processes drive the gradual change and adaptation of species over long periods of time.
Dasar proses evolusi menurut Darwin ialah bahwa …
Correct Answer
D. Perubahan perlahan-lahan dalam waktu yang lama
The correct answer is "perubahan perlahan-lahan dalam waktu yang lama." This is because Darwin's theory of evolution states that species change gradually over long periods of time through the process of natural selection. This means that individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on these traits to future generations. Over time, these small changes accumulate and can lead to the formation of new species.
Menurut teori evolusi Darwin makhluk hidup akan melakukan suatu usaha “struggle for life” yaitu….
Correct Answer
E. Terjadinya perjuangan untuk mempertahankan hidup
The correct answer suggests that according to Darwin's theory of evolution, living organisms will engage in a "struggle for life" to survive. This means that there is a constant competition for resources such as food and space. Only the strongest individuals will be able to survive and reproduce, while the weaker ones may not be able to compete and may die off. This struggle for survival is a driving force behind the evolution and adaptation of species over time.
Terbentuknya berbagai spesies burung Finch di kepulauan Galapagos disebabkan oleh …
Correct Answer
A. Tersedianya berbagai jenis makanan
The formation of various species of Finch birds in the Galapagos Islands is caused by the availability of various types of food. This suggests that different species of finches have adapted to different food sources, leading to the development of unique beak shapes and feeding behaviors. The availability of a variety of food options allows for natural selection to occur, favoring individuals with traits that are best suited for obtaining specific types of food. This ultimately leads to the formation of different species specialized in utilizing different food resources.
Di dunia ini tidak pernah dijumpai dua individu yang identik sama, sehingga timbul variasi. Yang dimaksud variasi adalah …
Correct Answer
B. Perbedaan antara individu organisme sejenis
The correct answer is "perbedaan antara individu organisme sejenis" because the statement "Di dunia ini tidak pernah dijumpai dua individu yang identik sama, sehingga timbul variasi" indicates that there is variation among individuals of the same species. This suggests that there are differences between individuals of the same species, which is what the answer option "perbedaan antara individu organisme sejenis" means.
Menurut Darwin kemampuan individu bertahan hidup karena …
Correct Answer
D. Dapat beradaptasi
Menurut Darwin, kemampuan individu bertahan hidup karena mereka dapat beradaptasi. Ini berarti bahwa individu yang dapat mengubah perilaku, fisik, atau sifat mereka untuk sesuai dengan lingkungan mereka memiliki peluang yang lebih baik untuk bertahan hidup dan berkembang biak. Beradaptasi memungkinkan individu untuk mengatasi tantangan dan persaingan dalam lingkungan yang berubah, sehingga meningkatkan kemungkinan bertahan hidup mereka.
Sebelum berkembangnyaindustri di Inggris, Bistonbetularia warna cerah populasinya tinggi, yang berwarna gelap jarang ditemukan. Setelah industri berkembang bistonbetularia warna gelap populasinya menjadi tinggi. Menurut hasil analisa hal ini disebabkanBistonbetularia.................
Correct Answer
D. Warna cerah mudah terlihat oleh mangsa jika hinggap pada batang yang berjelaga
The correct answer is "warna cerah mudah terlihat oleh mangsa jika hinggap pada batang yang berjelaga". This is because before the industrial revolution, the bright-colored Biston betularia population was high and the dark-colored ones were rare. After the industrial revolution, the dark-colored Biston betularia population became high. This suggests that the bright-colored individuals were more easily spotted by predators when they landed on tree trunks with lichen, leading to higher predation rates. As a result, the dark-colored individuals had a survival advantage as they were less visible to predators on the darkened tree trunks.
Proses kompleks pewarisan sifat makhluk hidup yang berubah dari generasi ke generasi dalam kurun waktu jutaan tahun disebut…..
Correct Answer
A. Evolusi
The correct answer is "Evolusi". Evolusi refers to the complex process of inheritance of traits in living organisms that change from generation to generation over millions of years. It involves the gradual development and diversification of species through genetic variations and natural selection. This process is responsible for the diversity of life on Earth and the adaptations of organisms to their environments.
Pasangan organ-organ berikut ini manakah yang menunujukkan adanya homologi?
Correct Answer
B. Kaki depan manusia dan kaki kuda
The correct answer is "Kaki depan manusia dan kaki kuda." This is because both human and horse have similar structures and functions in their front limbs, which are used for walking and running. They both have a similar bone structure, with a single long bone (the humerus in humans and the radius in horses) in the upper arm, followed by two bones (the ulna and radius in humans and the metacarpals in horses) in the forearm, and then multiple small bones (the carpals in humans and the phalanges in horses) in the hand or hoof. This similarity in structure suggests homology, indicating a common evolutionary origin.
Pada perkembangan zygot berbagai kelas hewan vertebrata, terdapat persamaan pola perkembangannya, yaitu dari fase.....
Correct Answer
B. Zygot sampai pimorula
The correct answer is "Zygot sampai pimorula". The explanation for this answer is that the question is asking for the pattern of development from zygote to a specific stage. The options provided are different stages of development, and the correct answer is the stage that occurs after the zygote stage, which is the pimorula stage.
Fosil kuda yang ditemukan oleh para ahli ialah:
Bagaimana urutan perkembangan fosil kuda pada lapisan bumi mulai dari urutan yang tertua sampai yang termuda...
Correct Answer
B. 1-4-2-3
The correct answer is 1-4-2-3. This means that the correct sequence of the development of horse fossils in the Earth's layers, from oldest to youngest, is Eohippus (1), Meryhippus (4), Mesohippus (2), and Pilohippus (3).
Di bawah ini adalah beberapa kondisi:
Populasi besar
Perkawinan terjadi secara acak
Memiliki viabilitas dan fertilitas tinggi
Terjadi mutasi gen
Terjadi migrasi
Hukum Hardy Weinberg hanya berlaku dalam keadaan
Correct Answer
A. 1-2-3
The correct answer is 1-2-3. The Hardy-Weinberg law applies in situations where there is a large population, random mating occurs, and there is no mutation. These conditions allow for genetic equilibrium to be maintained, meaning that the frequencies of alleles and genotypes in the population remain constant from generation to generation. The presence of high viability and fertility also contributes to the stability of the genetic makeup of the population.
Mutasi dibedakan menjadi mutasi somatik dan mutasi germinal. Mutasi germinal adalah.....
Correct Answer
E. Yang terjadi pada sel kelamin
Mutasi germinal adalah mutasi yang terjadi pada sel kelamin. Mutasi ini akan diturunkan kepada keturunan karena terjadi pada sel telur atau sperma. Mutasi somatik, di sisi lain, terjadi pada sel tubuh non reproduktif dan tidak akan diturunkan kepada keturunan.
Permukaanbumiterbentukmelalui proses bertahapdalamjangkawaktu yang lama dikemukanoleh ....
Correct Answer
B. Sir Charles Lyel
Padadaerahdengan 10.000 penduduk, terdapat 4 % warga yang albino. Perbandingan jumlah orang berkulit normal homozigot dan heterozigot secara berurutan adalah
Correct Answer
B. 6400 dan 3200
In a population of 10,000 people, 4% of them are albino. This means that there are 400 albino individuals in the population. The remaining 9,600 individuals are not albino. The question asks for the ratio of individuals with normal homozygous skin (not albino) to individuals with heterozygous skin (carrier of the albino gene). Since the heterozygous individuals have a 50% chance of passing on the albino gene, there would be twice as many normal homozygous individuals as heterozygous individuals. Therefore, the correct answer is 6400 normal homozygous individuals and 3200 heterozygous individuals.
Frekuensialel/gen dalam populasi dapat stabil dan tetap berada dalam kesetimbangan dari suatu generasi ke generasi merupakan bunyi hukum dari....
Correct Answer
E. Hardy -Weinberg
The Hardy-Weinberg principle states that the frequencies of alleles in a population will remain constant from generation to generation if certain conditions are met. This principle is based on the assumptions of a large population size, random mating, no mutation, no migration, and no natural selection. When these conditions are met, the frequencies of alleles and genotypes in the population will reach a stable equilibrium and remain constant over time. Therefore, the given correct answer suggests that the stability and equilibrium of allele frequencies in a population from generation to generation is a result of the Hardy-Weinberg principle.
Dalam suatu populasi terdapat kelompok perasa pahitnya kertas PTC (Phenil-thiocarbomide) sebesar 64%, sedangkan yang lainnya bukan perasa PTC. Bukan perasa PTC dikendalikan alel t dan perasa PTC dikendalikan alel T. Tentukan frekuensi alel dan genotipe populasi orang PTC dan non PTC.
Correct Answer
A. 16:48:36
The answer "16:48:36" is not related to the given question about the frequency of alleles and genotypes in a population of PTC tasters and non-tasters. Therefore, an explanation for this answer cannot be provided.
Jika diketahui persentasi laki-laki buta warna di Indonesia sebesar 4%. Carilah persentase wanita yang buta warna....
Correct Answer
C. 0,16 %
The correct answer is 0,16%. This can be calculated by subtracting the percentage of color blind men (4%) from 100% to find the percentage of men who are not color blind (96%). Since the question is asking for the percentage of color blind women, we can assume that the percentage of color blind women is the same as the percentage of color blind men, which is 4%. Therefore, the percentage of women who are not color blind is 96%. To find the percentage of color blind women, we can subtract the percentage of women who are not color blind (96%) from 100%, which gives us 4%. Therefore, the percentage of color blind women is 0,16%.
Perubahan sel tubuh karena pengaruh lingkungan tidak akan diwariskan ke generasi berikutnya adalah pendapat dari ...
Correct Answer
A. August Weisman
August Weisman is the correct answer because he proposed the theory of the germ-plasm, which states that changes in the body cells due to environmental influences are not inherited by the next generation. This theory suggests that only changes in the germ cells (sperm and egg) can be passed on to offspring. This idea contradicts the concept of Lamarckism, which suggests that acquired traits can be inherited. Weisman's theory was an important contribution to the understanding of genetics and inheritance.
”Omnevivum ex ovo, omne ovum ex vivo”, dikemukan dalam teori ....
Correct Answer
C. Biogenesis
The phrase "Omnevivum ex ovo, omne ovum ex vivo" translates to "All life comes from life, all eggs come from living matter." This statement aligns with the concept of biogenesis, which states that living organisms can only arise from pre-existing living organisms. This theory opposes the idea of generatio spontanea or abiogenesis, which suggests that living organisms can arise spontaneously from non-living matter. The phrase also does not relate to evolusi kimia or Nebula, which are not directly connected to the origin of life. Therefore, the correct answer is biogenesis.
Di bawah ini yang bukan pencetus teori asal-usul kehidupan adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Melvin Calvin
Melvin Calvin is not the creator of the theory of the origin of life. The theory of the origin of life is attributed to scientists such as Harold Urey, Stanley Miller, A.I. Oparin, and Aristoteles. Melvin Calvin, on the other hand, was a biochemist who conducted groundbreaking research on the process of photosynthesis, for which he won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1961.
Tokoh pertama yang mengemukakan teori bahwa kehidupan berasal dari reaksi gas-gas di atmosfer adalah Harold Urey. Zat yang mula-mula terbentuk adalah….
Correct Answer
D. Glukosa
Harold Urey adalah tokoh pertama yang mengemukakan teori bahwa kehidupan berasal dari reaksi gas-gas di atmosfer. Zat yang mula-mula terbentuk menurut teori ini adalah glukosa. Glukosa adalah jenis karbohidrat yang merupakan sumber utama energi bagi kehidupan. Dalam konteks ini, glukosa dianggap sebagai molekul pertama yang terbentuk melalui reaksi gas-gas di atmosfer dan menjadi dasar bagi perkembangan kehidupan.
Kondisi atmosfer yang kekurangan oksigen namun kaya uap air, ammonia, metana, CO2, danenergi, memicu terjadinya …
Correct Answer
B. Evolusi Kimia
The given answer, "Evolusi Kimia" (Chemical Evolution), is a plausible explanation for the described atmospheric conditions. Chemical evolution refers to the gradual process by which simple organic molecules formed and eventually gave rise to more complex organic compounds, leading to the development of life. In the given scenario, the atmospheric conditions lacking oxygen but rich in water vapor, ammonia, methane, CO2, and energy provide the necessary ingredients for chemical reactions to occur, leading to the formation of complex organic compounds. This process is a crucial step in the origin of life and the evolution of biological systems.
Perhatikan gambar di atas
Bagan percobaan manakah yang menentang teori biogenesis …
Correct Answer
E. III dan IV
Dalam gambar tersebut, percobaan III dan IV menentang teori biogenesis. Percobaan III menunjukkan bahwa larva dapat muncul dari daging yang terkontaminasi udara, yang bertentangan dengan teori biogenesis yang menyatakan bahwa kehidupan hanya berasal dari kehidupan sebelumnya. Sedangkan percobaan IV menunjukkan bahwa mikroorganisme dapat tumbuh dalam larutan yang terkontaminasi udara, yang juga bertentangan dengan teori biogenesis.
Sel yang pertama kali terbentuk adalah ........
Correct Answer
A. Sel Prokariotik
The correct answer is Sel Prokariotik. Prokaryotic cells are the first cells to have formed on Earth. They are simple cells that do not have a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles. They are typically smaller and more primitive compared to eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells can be found in bacteria and archaea.