Ketentuan membaca lafaz yang mengandung bacaan mad adalah dibaca....
Correct Answer
B. Panjang
The correct answer is "panjang." When reading words that contain the mad letter, they are read with a prolonged sound. Therefore, the correct way to read them is "panjang."
Lafaz di bawah ini yang mengandung bacaan mad tabi’i adalah….
Correct Answer
D. أَلْخَبِيْرُ
The correct answer is "أَلْخَبِيْرُ" because it contains the reading of mad tabi'i. The word has a sukun on the first letter "أ" and a kasrah on the second letter "ل", indicating that there is a mad tabi'i on the letter "ل".
Perhatikan lafaz di bawah ini !
شَعَآئِرَ اللهِ
Lafaz diatas mengandung bacaan mad …
Correct Answer
C. Wajib muttasil
The given phrase "شَعَآئِرَ اللهِ" contains the word "شَعَائِرَ" which is a plural form of "شَعَارَة" meaning "rituals" or "symbols". The word "اللهِ" means "of Allah". In Arabic grammar, "wajib muttasil" refers to a noun that is definite and connected to a preposition or a possessive pronoun. In this case, "شَعَائِرَ اللهِ" is a definite noun phrase connected to the preposition "of". Therefore, the correct answer is "wajib muttasil".
Huruf hijaiyah yang berharakat fathatain (tanwin) ketika dibaca waqaf (berhenti) dibaca panjang....
Correct Answer
A. Satu alif (dua harakat)
The explanation for the given correct answer is that when a fathatain (tanwin) is followed by a waqaf (a pause or stop), it is read as a long vowel. In this case, the fathatain is represented by "satu alif" which means one alif, and it has "dua harakat" which means two vowel marks. Therefore, the correct answer is "satu alif (dua harakat)".
Lafaz حُيِّيْتُمْ mengandung hukum bacaan mad ….
Correct Answer
C. Badal
The correct answer is "badal". This is because the word "حُيِّيْتُمْ" contains a mad (elongation) in its pronunciation. In the context of Arabic grammar, badal refers to the replacement of a letter with another letter that has a similar pronunciation, resulting in a mad. Therefore, the word "حُيِّيْتُمْ" follows the rules of badal and contains a mad.
Ketika kita sedang membaca al-Qur’an maka akan menemukan tanda-tanda waqaf, yang dimaksud waqaf adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Berhenti
When reading the Quran, we come across waqaf signs. Waqaf means "to stop" or "to pause". Therefore, the correct answer is "berhenti" which translates to "stop" in English.
Di bawah ini adalah rasul yang mendapatkan mu’jiyat mampu menghidupkan orang mati yaitu….
Correct Answer
A. Nabi Isa as.
Nabi Isa as. adalah rasul yang mendapatkan mu'jizat mampu menghidupkan orang mati. Ini terkenal dalam cerita-cerita dan ajaran agama bahwa Nabi Isa as. memiliki kekuatan untuk menghidupkan orang mati dengan izin Allah.
Perbedaan antara nabi dan rasul adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. Rasul wajib menyampaikan wahyu kepada umatnya, sedangkan nabi tidak wajib
The correct answer is "rasul wajib menyampaikan wahyu kepada umatnya, sedangkan nabi tidak wajib". This is because a rasul is obligated to deliver the revelations or messages from God to their people, while a nabi is not obligated to do so. A nabi may receive revelations from God, but they are not required to deliver them to others.
Para rasul mempunyai sifat wajib sidiq yang artinya adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Selalu bersikap dan berkata benar
The correct answer is "selalu bersikap dan berkata benar" because the term "sidiq" in Arabic means truthful or honest. Therefore, someone who possesses the attribute of "wajib sidiq" would always behave and speak truthfully. This implies that they are reliable and trustworthy in conveying messages or information.
Rasul yang mendapat gelar Ulul Azmi adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Nabi Nuh a.s., Nabi Ibrahim a.s., Nabi Muhammad SAW
The correct answer is Nabi Nuh a.s., Nabi Ibrahim a.s., Nabi Muhammad SAW. The term "Ulul Azmi" refers to the five prophets who possessed great determination and perseverance in spreading the message of Allah despite facing immense challenges and opposition. These prophets are Nuh (Noah), Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus), and Muhammad. However, in this question, the answer includes only three prophets, Nuh, Ibrahim, and Muhammad, who are among the Ulul Azmi.
Ketika hendak makan, doa yang diucapkan adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. اَللّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَنَا فِيْمَا رَزَقْتَنَا وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ
This answer is the correct one because it is the appropriate prayer to say before eating. It translates to "O Allah, bless what You have provided us and protect us from the punishment of the Fire." This prayer shows gratitude for the food and seeks protection from any harm or punishment.
Ketika sedang makan sebaiknya melaksanakan adab makan dan minum yang baik, diwujudkan dalam sikap…
Correct Answer
C. Tidak tergesa-gesa pada waktu makan
When eating, it is best to practice good manners and etiquette, which includes not rushing while eating. This means taking the time to enjoy and savor each bite of food, rather than eating quickly or hastily. By not rushing, one can fully appreciate the flavors and textures of the meal, and also aid in proper digestion.
Perhatikan daftar berikut
1) Menggunakan tangan kanan
2) Makan tidak terburu-buru
3) Mencuci tangan
4) Duduk dengan posisi yang baik
5) Berdoa agar makanan membawa berkah
Yang merupakan adab sebelum makan adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. 3,4,5
The correct answer is 3,4,5 because these are the adab or etiquettes that should be followed before eating. Number 3, mencuci tangan, means washing hands before eating to maintain hygiene. Number 4, duduk dengan posisi yang baik, means sitting in a proper posture while eating. Number 5, berdoa agar makanan membawa berkah, means praying to bless the food before eating. These etiquettes show respect and gratitude towards the food and promote good manners during mealtime.
Perhatikan daftar berikut!
1) Mengambil makanan yang lebih dekat
2) Menggunakan tangan kanan
3) Makan tidak terburu-buru
4) Mencuci tangan
5) Berdoa agar makanan membawa berkah
Yang merupakan adab pada saat makan adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. 1,2,3
The correct answer is 1,2,3. The given list mentions various etiquettes or adab for eating. Taking food that is closer signifies being considerate and not reaching over others. Using the right hand is a cultural norm in many societies. Eating slowly and not rushing through the meal is a sign of mindfulness and enjoying the food. Therefore, options 1,2,3 are the correct choices as they mention the appropriate etiquettes for eating.
Perhatikan daftar berikut
1) Menggunakan tangan kanan
2) Membersihkan tangan dari sisa makanan
3) Membersihkan mulut
4) Duduk dengan posisi yang baik
5) Berdoa dan mengucapkan syukur
Yang merupakan adab setelah makan adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. 2,3,5
The correct answer is 2,3,5. This is because the question asks for the adab (etiquette) after eating. Option 1,2,3 includes cleaning the hands and mouth, but does not include giving thanks or praying. Option 2,3,4 includes cleaning the hands and mouth, but does not include giving thanks or praying. Option 3,4,5 includes giving thanks and praying, but does not include cleaning the hands and mouth. Option 2,3,5 includes all of the mentioned adab, which is cleaning the hands and mouth, giving thanks, and praying.
Pada saat menghadiri sebuah jamuan tasyakuran khitanan, Madun sudah terlanjur mengambil makanan ke dalam piringnya. Setelah dirasakan ternyata makanan itu terlalu asin. Tata krama yang harus dilakukannya adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Tetap dimakan tanpa mencela makanan itu
The correct answer is "tetap dimakan tanpa mencela makanan itu". In this situation, Madun should still eat the food without criticizing it. This is considered polite and respectful towards the host and the occasion. Criticizing the food would be impolite and could potentially offend the host or other guests. Therefore, Madun should show good manners by eating the food without complaining about its taste.
Keinginan keras untuk membalas perbuatan jahat orang lain terhadap dirinya dinamakan ….
Correct Answer
B. Dendam
Dendam adalah keinginan keras untuk membalas perbuatan jahat orang lain terhadap dirinya. Ketika seseorang merasa telah diperlakukan dengan tidak adil atau disakiti, mereka mungkin merasa dendam dan ingin membalas dendam sebagai bentuk keadilan atau pemulihan. Dendam dapat melibatkan perasaan amarah, kebencian, dan keinginan untuk menyakiti orang lain sebagai balasan atas perlakuan buruk yang mereka terima.
Perhatikan daftar berikut!
1) Merasa senang bila orang yang berbuat salah kepadanya hidupnya menderita
2) Tidak senang melihat orang yang lebih sukses darinya
3) Selalu membalas kesalahan orang lain dengan cara yang berlebihan
4) Suka membicarakan kejelekan orang yang pernah berbuat buruk padanya.
5) Lepas tangan atau tidak mau bertanggung jawab atas kesalahannya
Yang merupakan ciri-ciri pendendam adalah....
Correct Answer
C. 1,3,4
The characteristics of a vengeful person include feeling happy when someone who has wronged them suffers, always responding to the mistakes of others in an excessive way, and enjoying talking about the faults of someone who has done wrong to them. These traits are reflected in options 1, 3, and 4, making them the correct answer. Option 2 does not include the characteristic of always responding excessively to the mistakes of others, so it is not the correct answer.
Akibat buruk sifat dendam dalam diri seseorang adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. Selalu dihantui perasaan tidak tenang
The negative consequence of holding grudges is that it constantly haunts a person with feelings of unease and restlessness.
Perhatikan daftar berikut ini!
1) bila dipercaya berkhianat
2) bila berbicara selalu bohong
3) bila bersikap selalu sombong
4) bila berjanji mengingkari
5) bila diejek selalu marah
Yang merupakan ciri orang munafik sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh Rasulullah adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. 1,2,4
The correct answer is 1,2,4. This is because the characteristics mentioned in options 1, 2, and 4 match the description given by Rasulullah. Rasulullah stated that a hypocrite is someone who betrays when trusted, lies when speaking, and breaks promises. Therefore, options 1, 2, and 4 are the correct choices as they include these characteristics.
Perhatikan QS An Nisa ayat 145 berikut !
إِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ فِي الدَّرْكِ اْلأَسْفَلِ مِنَ النَّارِ وَلَنْ تَجِدَ لَهُمْ نَصِيرًا
Ayat tersebut menjelaskan bahwa ....
Correct Answer
A. Munafik diancam masuk neraka
The given correct answer states that the verse in question explains that hypocrites are threatened with entering hell. This is supported by the statement in the verse that hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the fire and will not find any helper. This implies that they will face severe punishment in the afterlife.
Jenis hewan berikut ini halal karena merupakan binatang laut ….
Correct Answer
D. Cumi-cumi, kakap merah
The correct answer is cumi-cumi, kakap merah. These animals, squid and red snapper, are considered halal because they are sea creatures. In Islam, seafood is generally permissible to consume as long as it is not from a species that is explicitly prohibited.
Dinasti Abbasiyyah sangat menghargai ilmu pengetahuan sehingga mendirikan ....
Correct Answer
D. Baitul Hikmah
The correct answer is Baitul Hikmah. The Abbasid Dynasty highly valued knowledge and established the Baitul Hikmah, also known as the House of Wisdom. This institution served as a center for scholarship, research, translation, and preservation of knowledge. It played a crucial role in promoting education and intellectual advancement during the Abbasid era.
Intelektual muslim yang mendapat gelar guru besar kedua setelah Aristoteles ialah ….
Correct Answer
C. Al Farabi
Al Farabi is considered the second most prominent intellectual Muslim scholar after Aristotle. He was a philosopher, scientist, and musician who made significant contributions to various fields such as logic, philosophy, political science, and ethics. Al Farabi's works were instrumental in preserving and translating ancient Greek philosophical texts, making them accessible to the Islamic world. His ideas and teachings greatly influenced later Muslim philosophers and scholars, as well as European thinkers during the Middle Ages. Therefore, Al Farabi is the correct answer as he holds the distinction of being the second most important intellectual Muslim scholar after Aristotle.
Buku Kedokteran Ibnu Sina, yaitu ….
Correct Answer
A. Al-Qonun
The correct answer is "Al-Qonun". This is because "Buku Kedokteran Ibnu Sina" refers to a book written by Ibnu Sina, who is also known as Avicenna, a famous Persian physician and philosopher. "Al-Qonun" is one of his most well-known works, which is a comprehensive medical encyclopedia that covers various aspects of medicine and healthcare.
Belatung merupakan jenis binatang yang diharamkan karena ....
Correct Answer
A. Menjijikkan
Belatung merupakan jenis binatang yang diharamkan karena menjijikkan.
Diharamkannya katak, karena merupakan jenis binatang yang ….
Correct Answer
B. Hidup di dua alam
The correct answer is "hidup di dua alam". This means that frogs are forbidden because they live in two different realms or environments, which could be seen as unnatural or against the natural order of things.
Lawan dari sifat pendendam adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Pemaaf
Lawan dari sifat pendendam adalah pemaaf. Sifat pendendam adalah ketika seseorang tidak bisa memaafkan atau melupakan kesalahan atau penghinaan yang dialami dan cenderung ingin membalas dendam. Sebaliknya, sifat pemaaf adalah ketika seseorang mampu memaafkan orang lain dan tidak mempertahankan rasa sakit atau kebencian dalam hati.
Abu Abbas As Saffah adalah pendiri daulah Bani ….
Correct Answer
B. Abbasiyah
The correct answer is Abbasiyah. Abu Abbas As Saffah is known as the founder of the Abbasid dynasty, also known as the Abbasid Caliphate. This dynasty ruled over a vast empire that stretched from North Africa to Persia and is considered one of the most influential and prosperous Islamic dynasties in history. The Abbasid Caliphate is known for its advancements in science, literature, and art, as well as its promotion of Islamic culture and learning.
Pusat pemerintahan daulah Bani Abasiyah di kota ….
Correct Answer
C. Bagdad
The correct answer is Bagdad because Bagdad was the center of government for the Abbasid Caliphate. The Abbasid Caliphate was a Muslim dynasty that ruled a large empire from the 8th to the 13th century, and Bagdad served as its capital city. It was a center of culture, learning, and trade during this time, making it an important city in the Islamic world.